View Full Version : Wanna drink?

02-10-10, 07:31 PM
For my next thread, I'd like to write with someone familiar with the tavern, that one person who knows what a night of drinking will accomplish.

Such a person would surely be familiar with the rumors and stories of The Drunken Master, a rare variety of martial artist who fights better drunk, than they do sober. A person for whom, inebriation does not hinder, but help their fighting skills. It is that person I'm looking for, and along the way, familiarize Calbrena with two vices she'll come to have control over. Drinking, and smoking.

Silence Sei
02-10-10, 08:00 PM
Sei has spent some time in bars over his various herorics. And Anita actually -is- a drunken master. As long as it's not an actual fight (since you can't fight NPCs, if memory serves), Anita could teach you a thing or two about getting hammered and then bringing the hammer down.

02-10-10, 08:25 PM
Does she know of an NPC I could have for future purposes?

Other than that, getting started on the path of The drunken master with you sounds great. I gotta go to work, but I was thinking of starting off in a bar.

Silence Sei
02-10-10, 11:35 PM
I've already got a name for an NPC for you so you can have it. :D

02-12-10, 09:26 AM
Sorry I haven't put up the thread yet. I had the Op thought out, then I lost it. Then I remembered it, got to where I could write it out, then forgot it. Then I had it again, but I was at work, and forgot it before I got home. Monday night, my night off, I'll concentrate and write it out.

Silence Sei
02-12-10, 09:27 AM
Take your time, I am not going anywhere.

02-16-10, 07:34 AM
I remember seeing somewhere that you said your out of town during the week from mondays until thursdays sometime, so I don't really think I'll see a post until saturday, considering all your other commitments, but here it is.


I also PM'ed it to you, as you already know.

Silence Sei
02-19-10, 12:42 AM
Sorry Aiko, but given the rather vulgar nature of the thread, I can't bring myself to (a) Take it seriously, and (b) Use Anita to the fullest extent.

I apologize for thinking I could do that thread, but my intitial post, it was just... not good, and I don't think I can continue in it. Sorry, but I just can't do it.

02-19-10, 07:37 AM
I'm sorry if the double entendres were a bit much, they were primarily a first post thing.

Ah well, guess I'll just solo it then.