View Full Version : Anoa Galestien (Not approved)

02-11-10, 09:30 PM
Name: Anoa Galestien
Age: 23
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Green
Hieght: 6ft 2inches
Wieght: 210
Occupation: Knight

Personality: Anoa is a very chivalrous person due to begin a knight his whole life. Mercy, courage, valor, fairness, protection of the weak and the poor and he his willing to give his life for any being a poor man or royalty are the morals etched in his heart. He is also a ladies man and very kind and gentle to all women even if he is not attracted or obligated to them. He isn’t judgmental and believes there is good and evil in everyone but the ability to control the sides and act as so is what makes a person good.

Appearance: A tall and built man in his early 20's whose vary handsome in many eyes. His snow white hair brings out the sea of green that is his eyes. He wears a brilliant sky blue armor that is tempered steel made to be as durable but lighter then average knight armor for better movement. He has a helm but rarely uses it because he believes a opponent deserves to know there defeater. When not in his armor which is a rare site to see (beside women =]) he wears a white silk shirt with black wool pants and black boots.

History: Born in Rome to a French mother and German father Anoa Galestein past is filled with blank spots and grey areas. When he was 3 his parents were on there way to France when looters attacked them. His father was killed and his mother was badly injured. Anoa with no other option took up his father’s sword and battled the looters. It was his first time with a blade and he had a natural feel with it as if it was his destiny to wield the weapon. He battled the looters until the local authority showed up and drove them off. From there his mother was rushed to the hospital for her wounds. There in her dying words she told Anoa of why they were headed to France. To see if Anoa would be able to become a knight of the order. Anoa soon traveled to France by hitchhiking from Rome to which is now Paris, France. From here on the blanks start to fill in the story. Some say he was trained by the very best of knights in France before traveling to England while others say he was trained by bounty hunters and thieves. Either way he has become a knight and lives by the code and has vowed to die for it. He doesn’t like to speak on his past and focuses on the future.

Skills: Very effective with his special made Zweihänder. Has a mass knowledge of weapons, war, and combat. Stronger then the average man so he able He also has heighten sense just a little sharper then the average human and has almost dangerous fighting spirit and willpower. Is able to speak almost all f European Languages and can hold his own in hand to hand combat.

Equipment: Dragon's Nightmare(Zweihänder)- Made from the finest of steel this 5ft long 6inch wide blade was a truly a nightmare. Weighting 10 pound with a hilt of 2 1/2 ft with a dragonhead at the end of it. ,the blade was constructed over a period of six weeks to make sure it would be very durable and fitting for Anoa fighting style. When not used in combat it rest on his back. It is able to spit into two swords for versatile separated at the hilt. There is a special spot on the blade if hit at the right angle with enough strength will completely shatter.

Dragon's Life (Armor)-Made from the same steel as his Sword this special armor was made to fit Anoa and Anoa only. A direct fit to his body Anoa is able to move very freely in it as if wasn’t on and gives him more freedom then the average armor would. The armor is coated in a fine oil made to repel low level spells and is built to braze the elements of the natural world. It is hard on the outside but hollow to allow extra speed. If hit in the chest plate directly where the heart is at then the armor will be broken.

Familiars: None

Fears: A huge fear of drowning and being held under water.

02-11-10, 09:59 PM
Hey there, welcome to Althanas. There are a few things to go over first before I continue on with the profile editing. The first and foremost is that this site is on a planet called Althanas, there is no Earth anywhere close, and as such there isn't a country such as France, England, or anything else that's named after a place in the real world.

There are characters that come to Althanas by odd means of all sorts that are possibly from Earth, but they come here from there... There is no Earth though. So, before we continue, could you please edit out the parts of the history and other sections that refer to France, England, Rome and the other stuff?

02-11-10, 10:08 PM
then I ask you remove the thread and let start over because if there is no earth there is no point in bein a knight based of Earth culture

02-11-10, 10:16 PM
You can have a reason for coming to Althanas... like something sent you here or some magic accident or whatever you'd like. If you still don't want to, just respond that you'd like to close this and I'll close it and move it for you.

02-12-10, 02:07 PM
yes please close it for me I have come up with a better charater design and concept