View Full Version : Some help with activity

02-12-10, 02:22 AM
I have a thread in the Peaceful Promenade that is open for anyne to join. i also have a battle thread if anyone is interested in joining that as well. Other than that, I want to join some more things, and have a few ideas.

First idea. i was thinking about doing something in Scara Brae, in the mountains fighting goblins from goblin cove and exploring a little bit.

Second idea. i also want to maybe do some Scourge stuff, since there doesn't seem to be a lot of bad guys on Althanas and i think i'd be a good bad guy. Maybe joining the group, or starting something like it if anyone is interested.

Third idea. Someon fights me! i think i'm going to like fighting, but i need more people that are interested in fighting me in the Citadel or something.

02-12-10, 03:08 AM
Posted in "Starting Somewhere." Hopefully it will suffice dude

02-18-10, 09:37 PM
anyone else want to fight? or help me with some Scara stuff?

02-19-10, 01:43 AM
I have an Egyptian character, Inpu, that I've been wanting to test out. To make a long story short, the character is Anubis - Inpu is an alternate spelling of the name - and he was tricked into coming to Althanas. Now that he's here, he has no powers because nobody believes in him as a God.

I'm not really sure how he'll work out as a character, but I'm up for some goblin-killing if you feel like being a guinea pig.

02-19-10, 04:08 AM
hehe sounds like fun! i love egypts gods and stuff, though my character wouldnt believe in them or anything. i will start the post now, and since i am going to be doing something with the Milieus Cordeaux in scara brae studying magic in a school it would be cool to have that somehow tie in with the story... like i was sent out to test my magic or something.

i'll think of something.

ooohhh, i just made an msn thingy too so people can chat with me.


02-19-10, 04:53 AM

that is what i jus started. i hope u can find a way to join easy enough. i made it a religious holiday jus cause ur guy is religious and stuff, thought it would be funny. haha

02-19-10, 06:17 AM
I might hop into one of them, but you're in four threads at once so not sure how it'll work out... Hopefully you stick it through and what not... Just don't get sloppy or whatever once you have to post serveral times a day because that'll make me lose motivation for the quest. I dislike when people I'm questing with start losing their edge mid thread... Good start though, I liked both opening posts.

02-19-10, 08:17 AM
try and keep up then! Lolz. dont worry about me, i would rather have too much to do then log on long enough to see that nobodys posted in my threads and just log out again... as ive been doing lately.

02-19-10, 08:49 AM
Ha I can do better than keep up... It's just when people rush their posts or don't have their thoughts together during a quest you risk ruining the score for your whole party... I'll just jump in the Goblin one though...

02-19-10, 11:39 AM
I'm always up for a battle if you still need someone to kick around.

Archanex Jotham
02-19-10, 03:05 PM
I am also available to rp Cade. Thank you for taking up my new battle so quickly. I look forward to rping with you. Contact me and let me know what you wanna to do in the battle thread. Also, I am up for questing.

02-19-10, 05:32 PM
revenant you are challenged, would u like to start the fight?

jotham i am goin to be posting as much as i can. i like the citadel

Archanex Jotham
02-19-10, 05:56 PM
Yeah its pretty fun dude. Oh by the way Cade, I added you on MSN so we can plan quests and what not on there.

02-19-10, 06:35 PM
I'm sure I can come up with something. :)

02-20-10, 04:02 AM

that is what i jus started. i hope u can find a way to join easy enough. i made it a religious holiday jus cause ur guy is religious and stuff, thought it would be funny. haha

Alright, I posted. I'll try to post within a day or so of each of yours. If I take awhile longer over this next week, though, don't panic - I've got some exams coming up near the end of the week and I may not have enough time to be as active here as I'd like. I'll do my best to keep things moving at a good pace, though.

As for the details, if you want to discuss the quest, you can post in here or PM me - either this account or my Atzar Kellon account is fine by me. Or just post here. Your choice.

This should be fun.

02-20-10, 10:59 AM
i'm not worried about how fast you post, just here to have fun anyway. quality is great, but i just want to write and get used to althanas.

oh and if u are goin to join in that goblin thread go ahead. i am goin to wait another day before responding unless you write something today. i was planning on jus meetin at the main gate out of town so we can group up an start.

02-28-10, 03:35 AM
battlemage, the battle in the citadel has been waitin a while now... r u gonna post in it?