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Silence Sei
02-12-10, 08:46 AM
Ok, so after a few quests, I plan on doing an homage to Samurai 7 with Sei.

Now, I don't know if I can find 6 other people who will patiently wait their turn in order for Sei to find them , or if I just need to use 6 of my many NPCs in order to run the show.

Either way, it will be a multi series quests simply to recruit all of The Seven. Probably three or four quests total.

That will be followed up by a big quest to save Radasanth from some sort of evil, I haven't hammered out those details yet.

If I can get a few people who I know will be garunteed to post in most, if not all the threads, I'll probably do a mostly PC Seven. Otherwise, I'll fill the gap or use all six other characters as NPCs.

So, anyone interested in being one of The Seven?

Edit! I also forgot to mention that this will also lead to The Seven being a loose knit PG eventually.

Member Edit:
Current Nine
Silence Sei
Corvus MacCallum
Tainted Bushido
Amber Eyes
Duffy Bracken
Requiem of Insanity

On The Bench*

*Note: Those that are On The Bench will have first pick of whatever teams they wish to join if they do not initially make it into the Nine.

Nine Sub-divisions

Main Team: Leader- Silence Sei
The main group, compromised of only the nine original members. If an Althanas-centric emergency comes up, this is the first team to respond. The public is unaware that these nine members have anything to do with one another other than occasionally interacting to help one another out. They hold meetings at least once a month, if not more, to report on each teams progress and to receieve the next set of missions from Sei. Think of it like the Scara Brae job board, only I assign the jobs for the teams.

Wetworks Team: Leader- Requiem of Insanity
This is an assassination team, that answers only to their leader, and Sei Orlouge himself. Created because there are some things a noble hero can't do to a truly corrupt individual, especially those that cover their tracks well. Team members should be stealthy and efficient in deaths that look like 'accidents' to the public eye, or the work of another corrupt and evil person.

Information Team: Open
This is a spy team. They do missions that are supposed to involve no conflict whatsoever. The team should be made up of characters that are good at hiding and getting jobs done quickly. Their missions will mostly comprise of sneaking into well known buildings without being seen and attaining information (IE The Citadel, or Dajas Pagoda)

Investigations Team: Leader- Amber Eyes
Lead by Kyla, this team can be hired by the public to complete missions as well. They thoroughly investigate situations publicly and try to solve some of Althanas biggest riddles. Team should be made up of smart people with a knack for detail.

Mercenary Team: Tainted Bushido
Another group that takes missions from the public. The mercenary team charges a fee to do whatever job it is they are hired to do. Team should be made up of people who enjoy money, and who are good at a variety of abilities.

Public Face Team: Corvus MacCallum
The Public Face team is the Althanas version of The Justice League or The Avengers. They stand in the limlight doing noble deeds for all to see. They are supposed to let the world know that no matter what evil comes, they will be there to stop it. Members should be people with a lot of sway, and can get the public on their side.

Entertainment Team: Duffy Bracken
This team entertains the masses. They travel wherever they are assigned to put on whatever show is needed. They do this to collect gold for the group, as well as hear tell of what is going on around the world. Members should be able to keep people happy and be trained in some variety of entertainment.

Monster Hunting Team: Revenant
Whenever there's a beast to slay, they are there. Whenever a dragon is terrorizing a neighborhood, they are there. This team slays monsters, and brings back the spoils of its skin, teeth, or whatever other things they get that they don't need. Team should have strong characters that can help slay giant monsters and well as medium sized, powerful ones.

Labor Team: Open
This team is made for the labors of the group. When the monster team returns spoils to the Nine, this team gets them enchanted or turns them into items. Whenever some excess money spills over, it goes directly to this team for their hard work. They enchant and make items, go collect materials for the forging of weapons, recruit people to the teams and most importantly, help raise a standing army of capable generals. Team should be made up of characters who can do this and that of various natures.

Zodiac Weapons
Duffy - Aries
Sei - Gemini
Corvus - Taurus
Tainted - Sagittarius
Anita - Aquarius
Amber Eyes - Leo
Revenant - Libra
Requiem - Cancer

Open Signs : Pisces, Scorpio, Capricorn, Virgo, (and if needed) Ophiuchus

Corvus MacCallum
02-12-10, 08:50 AM

02-12-10, 11:17 AM
Given the interaction that Sei has already had with William, I could see myself joining with you.

Silence Sei
02-12-10, 11:23 AM
I actually had you in mind for one of the seven. Like you said, Given Sei's involvement with William, we wouldn't even have to start a quest, just have Sei ship William a letter or something.

Corvus, you're in.

Silence Sei
02-13-10, 10:14 PM
So anybody else wanna piece of this action?

Rayse Valentino
02-13-10, 10:31 PM
You got my alt Neville Longinus if you want. That's my preferred choice but if you can think of something cool then Kylin Rouge could be game.

02-13-10, 10:52 PM
Somehow I just know I'm supposed to be involved with this. =P Hells...yeah...

Ivory Evil
02-13-10, 11:05 PM
I'd like in if you'll allow it, with Van of course. Maybe this could be the quest I participate in that I've been promising Rayse also :)

I know we have our quest going already in Concordia, maybe the land plot purchased can eventually be an HQ for the 7?!

02-13-10, 11:38 PM
Unless someone else really wants in, I'll throw her name into the pot.

Tainted Bushido
02-14-10, 02:11 AM
Sei, we talked about this already, just let me know when you want to get this ball rolling ;)

Silence Sei
02-14-10, 07:24 AM
Well, that's eight people total, and not seven, but perhaps we can change it to The Eight.

I didn't expect it to spark this much interest. The Eight it is. Now, who wants the first quest/battle to be recruited?

02-14-10, 07:36 AM
Is it too late to make it "The Nine?"


Silence Sei
02-14-10, 08:08 AM
I actually did want an odd number, all things considered, so I guess The Nine work, but no more than that, dangit.

You want in the group, you can wait til it's PG established.

I didn't expect to garner so much attention.

02-14-10, 08:34 AM
That's fine with me, *cackles madly.*

Silence Sei
02-14-10, 09:10 AM
Just to confirm so everybody is using the account they have posted in this thread with.

All of the people signed up for this are going to be the characters used, right?

02-14-10, 01:18 PM
I hope you all know that to be true to the spirit of the original story a lot of you are going to have to die.

02-14-10, 01:34 PM
Then it's a good thing death is a revolving door on Althanas. I wouldn't be surprised if half the people here have or will come back from the dead in one way or another.

Still... I call the 'Shichiroji' analogue. He survives!

And yeah, this is the account I will be using.

02-14-10, 01:48 PM
Me = Tainted Bushido.

Me is to be having your samurai seven?

02-14-10, 02:32 PM
Sei, you do know PG's are killed off for right now, right? Lol.

In all seriousness...whenever you're ready bud.

Ivory Evil
02-14-10, 02:52 PM
Yeah I'll be using this character for this... If you want just throw the idea out there in our current thread Sei.

Neville Longinus
02-14-10, 03:09 PM
Posting with character I'll be using. Ivory Evil, we'll do your BattleMage/Neville thing in a different thread from this.

02-14-10, 03:14 PM
Sounds good brotha' man

Silence Sei
02-14-10, 04:53 PM
Logan buddy, while I'm aware of that, I can still keep them a loose knit group of friends and compatriots until the PGs are back alive and kicking.

Then The Nine will destroy them all XD

Godhand, I'm perfectly aware how the story plays out but as stated, death is a revolving door on Althanas. Not to mention the fact that I said 'Homage' and not 'directly ripping from the story' :P

It's also a good thing that Sei's role in this would be like that of Kambei XD

Aw, only one more survivor slot. Lol.

NAh, I have no intention of killing anyone off unless they want to be temporarily for story purposes.

Silence Sei
02-14-10, 06:22 PM
Threads up.http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=159886#post159886 (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=159886#post159886)

Any of you want to guess which number you are from the descriptions? Lol.

Neville, you did -not- give me much to work with, but I tried.

And I say this very rarely, so drink it up.

You may control Anita how you like for your intial post.

Also, if two people post around the same time to fill that second slot, I -will- allow both people to join, it just has to be within 15 minutes or so of each others posts. No cheating :P

02-14-10, 08:25 PM
Sei, have you been reading my mind again?

I actually have a plot planned on an alt that revolves around someone trying to take over corone by uniting all the other countries. (There's more than that of course, but that's the first major action in the story arc)

I find it amazing that despite never having discussed this with you, we could both come up with a similar take over plot. *except mine doesn't involve nine people, just one.*

Ivory Evil
02-14-10, 08:49 PM
Van is the guy who has the foundation (Stinks like death and uses fire magic), which we need to finish... To my knowledge sunkiller hasn't posted yet, so I think I might pull out of that quest and start a new with just you Sei... Same first post and what not, maybe an altered second post... But same basic concept...

We gotta get that finished asap so hopefully we can get on it despite you working on all of this, if not I can make it into a solo and work it out while you finish the first thread of The 9 Saga, lemme' know!

02-14-10, 10:08 PM
This is so cryptic, I can 't figure out which she is!

Oh, wait.

Rather than make this a race, is anyone intending to post tonight, and if not, tomorrow?

Ivory Evil
02-14-10, 10:15 PM
Yeah I think yours had to be the hardest to figure out! I don't intend on posting in this one though.

02-14-10, 10:21 PM
Ata, I am hoping yours and Logan's will go at the same time...so if nobody else is going to grab this one, you and I can. In fact, we can stake our claim now if we like =P

02-15-10, 01:14 AM
I've IMed you my suggestions on how to proceed, but until we figure it out, I'm guessing the two slots are still open.

Silence Sei
02-15-10, 07:51 AM
Right, for now they are unless you two actually say yall are taking the spots now.

Ivory, doing that with your quest is fine. I warn you though, my job takes me out of town Tuesday through Thurssay, and I leave Monday afternoon typically. Therefore, it may take me several days to get you a new response every now and then.

02-15-10, 12:51 PM
We're taking those spots! :P We're just working out the details (yes, we actually do that now :P)

Silence Sei
02-15-10, 10:18 PM
Ok. Logan, A-tem. You two got it, but I'm also going to allow Revenant in as well. Now we just have to actually get the ball rolling with this thing.

Silence Sei
02-21-10, 07:20 AM
So, A-Game posted in the thread, are Logan and/or Revenant ever going to? Come on guys. I'm bored.

02-21-10, 09:59 AM
Sorry, I'll get one up this afternoon/evening. I was tied up Wednesday through Friday and most of the day yesterday. Yeesh!

02-22-10, 05:13 PM
Ack! Posted mine up. Sorry for the delay.

02-22-10, 11:59 PM
And ended up tied up all day today. I'm taking tomorrow off, so you can bet a post will be up tomorrow. Sorry for the delay...

Silence Sei
02-25-10, 07:32 AM
Damn you logan, post already! I want to get this damn thing started!

02-25-10, 09:20 AM
Just like old times, eh? =P

Silence Sei
02-25-10, 11:57 AM
Yes, we all know, I posted almost immediately and you take 3 years.

Stop diddling around here, and get to being In Character.

02-25-10, 06:49 PM
Maybe if you got on AIM more often, we could discuss and collaborate so I can post then. =P Kidding. Posting now.

Silence Sei
02-25-10, 06:56 PM
If you would just PM me, we could collaborate the same. :P

Silence Sei
02-27-10, 06:33 PM
Ok, Logan just let me know that due to certain circumstances, he would be delayed in posting, so I'm going to ask Revenant and A-town.

Should we just do the quest without him, or shall we wait for him to post.

Also, Battle Mage/Ivory Evil/ Whoever Else, I need to know if you still want to do your quest for the farm? I have a suitable third person, if you read my PM.

02-28-10, 03:43 AM
Cool dude, I'll scope your pm out now!

Ivory Evil
02-28-10, 04:16 AM
Here man (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=160847#post160847)

I used the same first post, cheesy, but feel free to use your same one also.

03-01-10, 12:52 PM
I don't mind moving on with the thread if you don't mind.

Looking forward to it, actually. :)

Corvus MacCallum
03-01-10, 02:09 PM
Ah the headache that a thread with all nine could wind up being.

Silence Sei
03-01-10, 02:15 PM
Ah the headache that a thread with all nine could wind up being.

Actually, the only threads I have in mind with all nine characters at the same time is if they're having a group meeting, or we're addressing IC issues.

As far as the actual quest with the nine, I plan to split it up into different 'teams' of two or three groups so the mods won't have such a headache.

Revenant, due to the fact that A-Rod's post relies heavily on Logans, I think we're going to just let the man post when he can.

and I'll just busily recruit the others in other threads :P

Anybody I don't have a quest with that's in the nine, you got any decent ideas as for what we should do as a quest for Sei to meet you, shoot me a PM, otherwise I'll prolly send yall one within the next few days.

03-01-10, 02:21 PM
Curses, foiled again!

Nah, that's fine with me. Post when its possible.

Tainted Bushido
03-02-10, 01:09 AM
I'm thinking we'd have to wing it as a happenstance Sei. Just know Taka would probably interject in something huge going on, but not something minor. So, really what I'm saying is, if an arguement is going on, he'd walk by. An unfair fight, he'd get his ass in there...

Other than that, tell me if you got something specific you'd like to do.

03-21-10, 04:48 PM
Hey Sei. I am willing to participate in this project as well. Let me know what is good, sorry I'm coming into this late, but you only contacted me yesterday about it. Let me know what role I can be in the story, and when you want to quest or whatever.

Silence Sei
04-05-10, 07:13 AM
Ok, Corvus, Bushido, and everybody else that hasn't got a thread with me in it yet, shoot me a PM ASAP so I can arrange something.

04-06-10, 10:07 AM
Yeah bro, just let me know whose group I will fall under and I will work with that person in this project. I definitely want to be a part of this.

04-09-10, 04:21 PM
Gak! Took long enough but I'm back on this.

The Trap Master
04-09-10, 06:32 PM
Welcome back Rev.

I plan on posting in everything tonight, so eveyone be ready.

Corvus, you want to start the thread we discussed or should I?

Corvus MacCallum
04-09-10, 09:18 PM
You go for it.

04-11-10, 03:01 AM
Sorry for the delay, replied now. If possible, I'd like to seize control of the Octane NPC for now, meaning nobody would need to write as him in the ensuing posts, since he'll be having a bit of a showdown with Lillian at this juncture.

Silence Sei
04-11-10, 08:27 AM
That's fine, I only ask that you do not kill him.

I'm trying to establish these NPCs as who will be your rivals in the main quest. So far we have three I know of and a couple of theories for the others. So controlling Octane is fine, so long as he doesn't die.

04-11-10, 09:19 AM
Yeah, I presumed as much, so it wasn't my intention to kill him off or anything. Although, I also assume you want him to escape, rather than being captured?

Silence Sei
04-11-10, 10:10 AM
Indeed I do. Or hell, he could be captured and escape later on. Whichever would be more fun to write for you.

04-11-10, 11:58 AM
In that case, capture seems good. I've actually already got my post written out, so I'll put it up once you and Rev finish the first (and possibly last) round against Aquath.

Silence Sei
04-15-10, 12:20 PM
Corvus, here's our thread.

Sorry about the lackluster intro, I just didn'tknow if I could do much without your character first being introduced.


Silence Sei
04-15-10, 01:06 PM
Ok, well just informed that The Nine has now dropped down to The Eight.

I'm going to talk with Amber Eyes tonight and see if she wants to have one of her characters replacing our lost character. Otherwise I may have an open audition again :P

Silence Sei
04-15-10, 06:23 PM
Ok, just got a hold of AM, and Neville is now officially replaced with Sapphire Eyes.

04-19-10, 05:38 PM
Next post is up. Sorry for the delay but with the newborn around, time has been precious.

Silence Sei
04-20-10, 07:34 PM
Totally understand dude, I have two children at home.

Corvus, I'd appreciate a post when you can think one up. IF we need to scrap the dragon thing and make a new thread, I'm cool with that too.

Mage/Evil/whatever, I haven't heard from you in a bit. If I continue to see you're idle without so much as telling me why, I'll edit the prophecy a bit and find another fire-mage.

I just found three in the cell, after all.

04-20-10, 08:20 PM
Aaaand I posted too. Hope the content works out.

Silence Sei
04-20-10, 08:23 PM
I couldn't have played Octane any better if I was still using him as a PC.

Well, maybe in that case. If I didn't know better, I would say you actually found his old profiles and whatnot XD.

04-20-10, 08:34 PM
I went off what you PMed me, although maybe I should have looked through the way-back-machine for those profiles, now that you mention it. Still, very glad it fit!

Now that this part is done, though, what's next?

Silence Sei
04-20-10, 08:37 PM
Well, I guess we can show Lillian and William the tablet, and then they can 'feel' that they're right for the job, or whatever.

Sign up and we have or first two members

Oh, and Sei will probably learn the spell 'Octopus' Garden' in order to fix the fissure in his home. So if those two want to read through books to find the text describing what it is, feel free to do that as well.

Oh, and since I want Sei to either learn an ability or gain an item with each member of the Nine, Ata, we might wanna do something after The Cell is finished.

04-20-10, 08:42 PM
Sure, I'll have her do that, if only to have her read something written by an Althanian Ringo Starr. In that case though, a basic idea of OG and its mechanics as a spell would help me write out a blurb from said book.

And you mean individually? That sounds fine. Is there any over-arcing story to the gained abilities and/or items, or is it purely circumstantial in each thread with members of the Nine? Also, do the members of the Nine also gain something, if there's a plot behind this?

Silence Sei
04-20-10, 08:55 PM
I hope my PM answered all questions, Ata, just shoot me a PM back with what you'd like your ZW to be just so I can glimpse at the awesomeness of it all XD.

04-20-10, 09:05 PM
Haha, alright. I'll think up something nice.

04-20-10, 09:15 PM
Hey Sei, if you need anyone else to fill any spots or whatnot, I would be interested.

04-22-10, 06:23 PM
As would I.

04-22-10, 06:34 PM
I'd love to sit bench on this one, soundsl ike a good story. PM if you need me.

04-22-10, 06:34 PM
What could Sei possibly have to learn from Duffy?

Dancing Samurai are so 1990 after all!

The Trap Master
04-22-10, 07:43 PM
As far as Duffy goes, I already have something in mind.

And wow, looks like a lot of people are hoping others will be expendable. Very well, if need be I will replace people in order starting from Hysteria if it becomes needed.

Ata, you need to know that Gemini, Aquarius, and Leo are off the table. The others are still up for grabs.

04-22-10, 07:48 PM
Indulge me Sei, PM if need be :p

Silence Sei
04-23-10, 07:22 AM
I guess it's time for the big reveal on what everyone's getting by joining the Nine.

Each member will obtain a zodiac weapon via their questing to join the nine.

The Zodiac weapons are God-like weapons that grow in power as the user does (they essentially level up with you). Sei's Gemin blades, which make an exact copy of the mute, are an example. Obviously, they also possess some sort of extra unique ability as well.

You guys can think over what you want your weapons to be, but remember a few things.

While it does have to have something to do with the zodiac in its name, any zodiac will do. I'm currently in talks with Bushido to name his after a rat, the Sagittarius equivilant on the Chinese Zodiac. Just make sure it has to do with one of the twelve (or if need be, thirteen) zodiac signs.

Also, five signs are already claimed. Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Leo, and Aquarius are all off the table.

While the weapons ability doesn't have to do anything involving its namesake, I think trying to do so makes them seem cooler.

Example, Gemini are twins, and with the Gemini Blades, Sei can create a twin.

Anyways, PM me yalls ideas, Duff I'll PM you my little thing.

The Trap Master
04-23-10, 10:47 AM
While I'm on the topic, like I said, I plan on making this thing a loose-knit power group in the end.

Essentially, each member of The Nine is going to be the leader of their own division. Each member will be able to hand select from the entire Althanas roster who they want on their team (Sei will place at least 1 member on each team though) and I plan on making the list for who gets what first come first serve, for the most part. The list for the teams are as follow

Main Team: Leader- Silence Sei
The main group, compromised of only the nine original members. If an Althanas-centric emergency comes up, this is the first team to respond. The public is unaware that these nine members have anything to do with one another other than occasionally interacting to help one another out. They hold meetings at least once a month, if not more, to report on each teams progress and to receieve the next set of missions from Sei. Think of it like the Scara Brae job board, only I assign the jobs for the teams.

Wetworks Team: Open
This is an assassination team, that answers only to their leader, and Sei Orlouge himself. Created because there are some things a noble hero can't do to a truly corrupt individual, especially those that cover their tracks well. Team members should be stealthy and efficient in deaths that look like 'accidents' to the public eye, or the work of another corrupt and evil person.

Information Team: Open
This is a spy team. They do missions that are supposed to involve no conflict whatsoever. The team should be made up of characters that are good at hiding and getting jobs done quickly. Their missions will mostly comprise of sneaking into well known buildings without being seen and attaining information (IE The Citadel, or Dajas Pagoda)

Investigations Team: Leader- Sapphire Eyes
Lead by Jaxx, this team can be hired by the public to complete missions as well. They thoroughly investigate situations publicly and try to solve some of Althanas biggest riddles. Team should be made up of smart people with a knack for detail.

Mercenary Team: Open
Another group that takes missions from the public. The mercenary team charges a fee to do whatever job it is they are hired to do. Team should be made up of people who enjoy money, and who are good at a variety of abilities.

Public Face Team: Open
The Public Face team is the Althanas version of The Justice League or The Avengers. They stand in the limlight doing noble deeds for all to see. They are supposed to let the world know that no matter what evil comes, they will be there to stop it. Members should be people with a lot of sway, and can get the public on their side.

Entertainment Team: Duffy Bracken
This team entertains the masses. They travel wherever they are assigned to put on whatever show is needed. They do this to collect gold for the group, as well as hear tell of what is going on around the world. Members should be able to keep people happy and be trained in some variety of entertainment.

Monster Hunting Team: Revenant
Whenever there's a beast to slay, they are there. Whenever a dragon is terrorizing a neighborhood, they are there. This team slays monsters, and brings back the spoils of its skin, teeth, or whatever other things they get that they don't need. Team should have strong characters that can help slay giant monsters and well as medium sized, powerful ones.

Labor Team: Open
This team is made for the labors of the group. When the monster team returns spoils to the Nine, this team gets them enchanted or turns them into items. Whenever some excess money spills over, it goes directly to this team for their hard work. They enchant and make items, go collect materials for the forging of weapons, recruit people to the teams and most importantly, help raise a standing army of capable generals. Team should be made up of characters who can do this and that of various natures.

Essentially, Sei's tomb is going to evolve like the bases in Suikoden (For those of you who have played the games). As such, I want a -lot- of characters to join these teams. Also, just because you're the leader of one group does not mean you can't be in another. You are more than welcome to be on as many teams as you like, so long as you know you take orders from the leader of said group. This includes Sei, who may be joining one or two of these other groups himself, but not as leader.

Questions, comments, praise, flaming, anything?

Silence Sei
04-23-10, 10:49 AM
Oh, and Aries, Sagittarius, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini, and Virgo are all gone now.

Only six more options left!

The Trap Master
04-23-10, 11:02 AM
First open slots been claimed.

BattleMage has until 5 PM today to contact me or post in our thread, otherwise the prophecy gets edited and Hysteria, you're in.

04-23-10, 11:14 AM
I'll be a part of the entertainment team, sure, but on the basis that it doesn't draw him away from Scara Brae too much.

Silence Sei
04-23-10, 11:16 AM
Of course not. I wouldn't want Sei to constantly be away from his beloved Radasanth, I won't do the same to Duffy and Scara Brae.

04-23-10, 11:22 AM
If I could get a teleport ability approved on the other hand!

Silence Sei
04-23-10, 11:26 AM
After the Cell, I planned on having Sei learn -kind of- a teleport ability.

If Duffy's willing to try a go at learning light magic, they can share Hello Goodbye.

04-23-10, 01:22 PM
You sayyyyyy yes, I sayyyyyy noooooooooo!

(Duffy is magically inept).

Silence Sei
04-23-10, 01:43 PM
Luckily Duffy doesn't have to be able to actually 'cast' it, so long as either (a) one of his peeps in the tant can cast it on him or (b) Sei shifts the magic of the spell into an item.

If it still sounds good, PM me and I'll give you the details of Hello Goodbye.

04-23-10, 02:19 PM
I'm good, ta, I'm sure I can work something out; although now I want to name all my abilities after Beatles songs too :(

Tainted Bushido
04-23-10, 02:53 PM
I'll probably take over the mercenary Corp. Having been a Wave Man so long he has a good understanding of how to price things, and furthermore would keep them from tainting the groups reputation.

04-23-10, 03:00 PM
Rawr! Me kill big monsters! William SMASH!

And on a better note, my post in Beginning is up.

04-23-10, 03:06 PM
You guys post so much in this thread and it always pops up under "new posts"!!!


Tainted Bushido
04-23-10, 03:07 PM
You guys post so much in this thread and it always pops up under "new posts"!!!


Join us and see ;)

04-23-10, 03:10 PM
Join us and see ;)

Huhwhat, there's still room in your quest thing? :O I assumed you already had seven people.


Tainted Bushido
04-23-10, 03:16 PM
We got a queue for people interested when a member of the nine hasn't been seen in forever.

04-23-10, 03:20 PM
Ah cool, add me to the waiting list, then! I'd probably join with Ulysses--makes more sense with him--but yup, seems like cool beans. I've been curious after I see this thread being updated so frequently. o_o

Tainted Bushido
04-23-10, 03:21 PM
That's cause we're active and working toward the creation of a Powergroup.

Activity is scary, but that's a GOOD THING! (TM)

04-23-10, 03:29 PM
Well, we need something to do waiting for Max to finish judging :D

Silence Sei
04-23-10, 03:29 PM
That's cause we're active and working toward the creation of a Powergroup.

Activity is scary, but that's a GOOD THING! (TM)

Yeah, I have a knack for stirring up a crap load of activity.

So like the Facade did on Olde Althanas, so will the Nine cause a lot of ruckus here.

And yes, there is a waiting list, but even if you don't make it into the Nine, we still have open slots for members in our sub-divisions.

And Duffy, only two spells are named after Beatles songs so far. I have a tendency with Sei to name his spells after songs in general, aside from his Mystic Protection.

If you didn't realize Would? is a song by Alice in Chains.

Tainted Bushido
04-23-10, 04:36 PM
God damnit, that JUST clicked when you said it!

Silence Sei
04-23-10, 05:16 PM
I have edited my first post to include teams, weapons, members, and those waiting.

Ivory, you're out. Hysteria, welcome to the Nine. Would you like to start a thread or should I?

04-23-10, 09:40 PM
If you could that would be great.

Silence Sei
04-25-10, 10:04 PM
Paragon, Nayeli, knave.

Amber Eyes is probably going to get with the three of you soon for a quest so your connection to Sei is at least established a bit. I'm going to have to talk to her about how it's going to go down.

Hysteria, I'll make our thread after Sei's out of The Cell officially. Same to you Duffy and Ata.

All Members of the Nine. I have decided for continuity sake (and just in case one member is in an entirely other country) that each member of our group will either learn the spell Hello Goodbye, or have the spell infused in some sort of item so they can get to the meetings no matter what they're currently doing.

Lastly, unless someone else contacts me for a want to do this with me, I am about to start some solos with Sei. He's gathering his nine warriors for the war but nine people can't be around the entirety of Corone the whole time.

Thus, Sei is about to start a solo to (a) raise a small army of villiagers, another quest to (b) start storing up rations for his makeshift army, and start a solo to (c) start supplying weapons to his minute men.

Although I might get with somebody with a ton of gold on the latter one...

Anyone who hasn't expressed interest in this thread, now is your chance to be on board as part of the Peoples Republic On Universal Diplomacy.

That's right, be PROUD!

Man that's so lame. Can anyone think of a better name for an overnight army that's not 'Radasanth Liberation Front' or something?

04-25-10, 10:45 PM
Lillian is capable of two methods of transcontinental teleportation, and as such will not require the Hello Goodbye spell or enchanted trinket. Just a heads up.

Organizations with an acronym are usually gimmicky in fantasy settings, so we might want to favor a meaningful word. The obvious first name that crops up is Hydra, but I've never heard it used by allegedly good organizations before. Some could see it as campy, too.

We could always look for constellations with nine stars in them and name the group after that (Lorion, for example), or center it around mythical groups, beings, objects or worlds related to the number nine (such as the Nine Worlds of Yggdrasil).

Food for thought.

04-25-10, 11:15 PM
Can I suggest creating an entirely new word? I find the use of words that have no real reason for being in a sentence kind of annoying. Like using "LOL" or "ROFLCOPTOR" in a non-personal setting. This includes words that have beautiful meanings in Korea, but are being chosen for a group in America.

If we create a new word, we can give it meaning ourselves with whatever poetic/historic references we choose.

04-26-10, 02:45 PM
Man, I kinda liked just "The Nine" as a name but I guess it doesn't really cover all of the forces at our disposal. *sigh*

Anyways, my last post in Beginnings tied Sei's resources to William's overall story keeping me in the group for more than just returning a favor. Go team!

edit: And I would totally be down for calling our group ROFLCOPTER.

04-26-10, 02:51 PM
The Strata of the Seven Suns?

I just realized that I naturally abuse alliteration for no good reason.

04-26-10, 02:58 PM
The Strata of the Seven Suns?

I just realized that I naturally abuse alliteration for no good reason.

Silent Sei's Super Squad: Strata of Seven Suns?

04-26-10, 03:03 PM
Sons of Skaði and Sisters of Suffering - Silent Sei's Super Squad: Strata of Seven Suns?

edit: also known as the S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.

04-26-10, 03:17 PM
Sons of SkaĆ°i and Sisters of Suffering - Silent Sei's Super Squad: Strata of Seven Suns?

edit: also known as the S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.

"5.5 times worse than the Schutzstaffel!"

I want this on our propaganda posters.

Tainted Bushido
04-26-10, 03:26 PM
Hey Grif how about chupathingy? I like it got a nice RING to it....

04-26-10, 03:30 PM
I dunno, looks kinda like a puma.

Silence Sei
04-26-10, 03:34 PM
Stop making up words!

Hm.... I think the S-Infinites was a good suggestion for Sei's LCC team this year.

If anyone can think of another cool way to say 'Nine', I may consider using something involving nine as the name of the army.

Silence Sei
04-26-10, 03:58 PM
Diss, would you like me to bunny some of Taka's moves, or would you rather do Taka yourself for the majority of the fight?

Tainted Bushido
04-26-10, 04:02 PM
I got no problem either way. I prefer my fights more cinematic, so cuts and scrapes here, with big endings being worked out is good.

EDIT: That is to say, feel free to bunny Taka, he'd probably start with an Iajutsu strike then go to Kenjutsu following that.

04-26-10, 04:04 PM
The Roman Numeral for 9 is IX, so maybe we could be the Servants of Ix or something like that.

Tainted Bushido
04-26-10, 04:05 PM
And suddenly we're transported to a planet covered in sand.


awww forgeddaboudit!

EDIT: Sorry, in a snarky mood, been carried over from yesterday.

04-26-10, 04:08 PM
EDIT: Sorry, in a snarky mood, been carried over from yesterday.

You? Never!

Tainted Bushido
04-26-10, 04:10 PM
We could be the Ixian Knights. It would be sort of interesting and gives the Honorable feel we're going for.

04-26-10, 04:12 PM
If we're going for an honorable feel then why did we recruit you?

Oh, burned you honorless dog! :D

edit: But seriously, I like Ixian Knights

Tainted Bushido
04-26-10, 04:14 PM
If we're going for an honorable feel then why did we recruit you?

Oh, burned you honorless dog! :D

edit: But seriously, I like Ixian Knights

Said the Demon to the Possessed.

Silence Sei
04-26-10, 04:18 PM
Kinda Diggin Ixian Knights...

Any other suggestions, cuz that's the top one right now.

04-26-10, 05:39 PM
I like Ixian Knights as well! As much as I think my opinion is valued on this (not much XD).

04-26-10, 05:43 PM
I must have missed something... did we jump from seven samurai to nine? As in full time samurai chums?

Silence Sei
04-26-10, 05:44 PM
We did that bvy page 2, knave :P

Get with the times :P

04-26-10, 05:51 PM
We did that by page 2, knave :P

Get with the times :P

The thread title is a bit confusing/ironic.

And pfff, I prefer to call him Spades.

04-26-10, 06:13 PM
We did that bvy page 2, knave :P

Get with the times :P

Forgive me, there are 26 pages!

04-26-10, 06:21 PM
Forgive me, there are 26 pages!

There are no excuses and no forginvess if you want to join The Seve.... The Nine!

04-26-10, 09:21 PM
Conclusion time, or are they going to actually discuss this plan?

Silence Sei
04-26-10, 09:28 PM
I figured the plan will be discussed later. But it's cool if the two of you want to do it now.

Damnit, Ata. Now I have to add another Beatles song to Sei's up and coming spell repitoire.

I just might as well name every spell after Beatles songs.

I wonder how 'Dig a Pony' or 'She Came In Through The Bathroom Window' would work...hm...

04-26-10, 09:41 PM
1. How is that my fault?
2. How is that a fault?

Also okay with concluding here.

Put Rocky Raccoon somewhere in there, for obvious reasons. Other suggestions: Nowhere Man for invisibility, I Am the Walrus for psychedelic bad trips, Yellow Submarine for underwater travel, and Here Comes the Sun for, well... flaming death. Also, to fix that crack in the floor, wouldn't Fixing a Hole have worked pretty splendidly instead of Octopus Garden? Just sayin'.

Silence Sei
04-26-10, 09:48 PM
It's not a fault, the Beatles are great, but I always want Sei to learn those spells first due to my Beatles Bias.

Sei doesn't support death, so 'Here Comes The Sun' would just power him up by increasing his light magic.

Fixin a Hole would have been good for...fixing my hole. I actually thought of editing my post and having Anita point out that there was a spell called that before Octane quieted her because OG looked cooler.

and now in addition to OG for attack, Hello, Goodbye for teleportation, and HCTS for a power boost, I have to add 'Come Together' to teleport people -to- Sei rather than teleport Sei to them.

I was also thinking 'With a Little Help From My Friends' would power Sei up in direct response to how many people he's questing with/allied with in battle.

04-27-10, 09:22 AM
Branching out couldn't hurt. Quincy Jones isn't bad... especially soul bossa nova, which warrants its own kind of awesome.

While pumping Sei up would a good way to make him a good point man in battle, can I suggest that Sei's mere presence pumps others up instead. One god, or eight supermen/superwomen.

04-27-10, 11:08 AM
You could get crap loads of good skill names from Radiohead.

15 Step (Super Speed)
Bodysnatchers (nuff said)
Creep (camoflague or boost)
The Trickster
Karma Police
High and Dry
2+2=5 (Boost or creation skill)
We suck young blood
I Am a Wicked Child
House of Cards

Muse would also be good:
Super Massive Blackhole
Apocalypse Please (ka-booom)
Time is Running Out
Hysteria (:P)
Knights of Cydonia
Undisclosed Desires
Guiding Light
Unnatural Selection
I Belong to You
Feeling Good

Anyway, looks like I have time to try and finish my solo before the nine quest with Sei.

Silence Sei
04-27-10, 12:15 PM
Thing about me using Sei's spells as songs is that I actually have to hear the songs and like them before I agree to making them.

I'll look up some of the ones you guys suggested, but Creep is the only Radiohead I know.

04-27-10, 12:17 PM
Radiohead and Muse are both awesome. I would recommend a healthy dosage of Franz Ferdinand as well. :P

But honestly there's a lot of bands that would work for skill names. I like the Beatles theme the best...maybe some Rolling Stones thrown in there would be nice?

edit: But hold up, no using Knights of Cydonia! That's MY (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20802) shtick!

Silence Sei
04-27-10, 12:28 PM
If I was using Stones, I'd probably find a way to skill out Sympathy For The Devil or She's So Cold.

So keep your knights. :P

Anyways Nayeli, after the Cell, I don't suppose it's be overstepping my boundaries to ask for a Sei-Uly quest, huh?

04-27-10, 12:32 PM
Anyways Nayeli, after the Cell, I don't suppose it's be overstepping my boundaries to ask for a Sei-Uly quest, huh?

That sounds great! Yeah I don't want to start anything until after the Cell is done...I'm actually going to put all my other threads on hold until it is. But after that? Sounds awesome. :)

Also both of those songs are awesome. :P

Silence Sei
04-27-10, 12:45 PM
Given Sei's 'no try to kill' nature, I figured SFTD will probably be a healing spell on his opponent, but only after Sei's finished with him. Kinda like a Ai'Bron monk so battles can happen out of the citadel (which Sei hates going to, and will only do so under extreme conditions).

She's so cold will have to somehow involve ice, but that 'She's' is going to be the problem. I guess I could make an ice replica of Anita that acts as a temporary fighter as well?

04-27-10, 02:45 PM
*Epic stealing.*


Want to plan something out long-term now we know Cell results Sei?

Silence Sei
04-27-10, 03:13 PM
I'm actually still trying to wait and see how Sei does during round 2 of the Cell.

While I know I could start threads with you and Hysteria, if by some random event I happen to win the damn thing, I want to reflect that in my post. Likewise, if Ata wins, I'd like to also reflect that in my post.

04-27-10, 03:54 PM
There's this little button called 'Edit' right under a post you know?

Hehe, well, let's at least bat ideas about - you know how to get a hold of me sir!

04-27-10, 04:06 PM
Yeah I agree with Sei, it seems to me that it'd be better to know the results of the Cell before starting threads with people in it, just 'cause that might change character interaction a lot.

Silence Sei
04-27-10, 07:29 PM
Just a heads-up guys.

Be sure when you list the Zodiac Weapons as your arsenal, to state that they grow in level with your character.

I suffered from a little bit of controversy with LEtho because I did not originally put that when I re-registered. Don't want him to question all of you guys.

Duffy, any particular quest sound good to you?

04-28-10, 12:19 AM
Radiohead are a hard band to listen to fully because have been around for so long their sound is very different for each album. Karma Police and Talk Show Host are both slow, or Body Snatchers and 15 Step are quite 'chaotic'. Just is just generally good, you should also watch the video clip on Youtube its interesting, its the one with people talking with subtitles in case there are lots of fan ones.

I was thinking about swords and Ophiuchus stood out straight away. Have any of you seen the Bound Arc of Bleach with the guy who can make snakes? Straight away I thought of that ability for the blade. You would walk into an area and with a couple swings of the sword send a torrent of snakes at the enemy. I would take a while to upgrade, but in the end it could be pretty fun to use.

04-28-10, 01:00 AM
The way you're organizing The Seven... or The Nine or whatever... doesn't it remind you more of 108 The Stars of Destiny? Especially with the base you proposed.

Silence Sei
04-28-10, 01:08 AM
I thought the same thing. Like I said, the main quest is an homage to Samurai 7.

Seeing as there couldn't really be a sequel to said show, I'm going to probably take it in the direction of Suikoden when I make it a PG.

Tainted Bushido
04-28-10, 01:10 AM
SO yeah, how badass is that...

Guy dies, gets brought back and the first words out of his mouth is "Sorry I lost."

The Trap Master
04-28-10, 01:13 AM
Very Epic, Diss.

I'll post a conclusion or near conclusion tommorrow.

Tainted Bushido
04-28-10, 01:14 AM
Have any of you seen the Bound Arc of Bleach with the guy who can make snakes?

Great idea, lackluster execution.

Same thing goes for the Zanpaktou Rebellion.

04-28-10, 02:56 AM
I thought the same thing. Like I said, the main quest is an homage to Samurai 7.

I've been meaning to watch the movie that the anime was based on, but haven't gotten around to it. The scene where Gorobei enters and Katsushiro is stading about to hit him is taken from the movie exactly, although the samurai Gorobei is based off deflects the attack rather than senses it before entering.

Its interesting how much the original movie has affected movies since. Like for example Battle Beyond the Stars which might as well have been called 'Samurai 7: Now with spaceships'.

Great idea, lackluster execution.

Same thing goes for the Zanpaktou Rebellion.

Yep, though there were some good parts to both....

04-28-10, 06:41 AM
I never saw the show Samurai 7, but the movie Seven Samurai is awesome. I like the Magnificent Seven better (Western version), just because I like westerns better than samurais, but yeah, same story. Oh, and Stephen King does a homage in Wolves of the Calla, which was also great.

04-28-10, 07:42 AM
Seen it, loved it, but The Hakkenden was more recent. Now that was a samurai show that showed you what evil looked like. Creepy as hell, especially in later episodes. It also explains why people are afraid of ghosts.

Beyond being a homage, what is it we do? What great thing are we trying to accomplish? What evil are we trying to murder in its bed? My recollection of the S7 involved fighting for rice farmers against skyscraper mechas... I am not opposed to that. There are simply a lot of ways this has been taken.

I also loved the Rebellion ark. It was interesting to note that under Byakuya's serine expression there is a powerful lunatic with ADD.

04-28-10, 08:11 AM
I'm wondering if I might rather have Nayeli join this than Ulysses...might be trickier, but I do prefer her character.

The Trap Master
04-28-10, 08:14 AM
Beyond being a homage, what is it we do? What great thing are we trying to accomplish? What evil are we trying to murder in its bed? My recollection of the S7 involved fighting for rice farmers against skyscraper mechas... I am not opposed to that. There are simply a lot of ways this has been taken.

Think of Corone as the rice farmers. I am establishing foes for each of the main Nine (AKA Revenant has Aquath, Ataraxis has Andrew Octane, Tainted has Shiryko Benimaru) to act as the primary antagonists when the main quest gets underway. That'll probably be once all nine characters are officially 'gathered'.

As far as after that storyline, the PG itself is going to act...let's compare it to Norman Osborn's 'Dark Reign' in marvel continuity in the sense that there are a lot of teams that will be under Sei's thumb, helping people out however they can. I plan on having several missions lined up for each team by the time we start.

Of course, after the main Nine quest, unless the precautions are already taken, each leader is going to have to gather their team members before the actual missions can begin.

The Trap Master
04-28-10, 08:16 AM
I'm wondering if I might rather have Nayeli join this than Ulysses...might be trickier, but I do prefer her character.

I thought you were joining as Nayeli. XD

Either one's fine by me. If PG rules have changed, I would say, why not both? :P

04-28-10, 08:32 AM
I thought you were joining as Nayeli. XD

Either one's fine by me. If PG rules have changed, I would say, why not both? :P

Oh okay! I was thinking Ulysses but I changed my mind, Nayeli would be better. She's got more of a connection to Corone, as well.

And ha well we'll see. One is good enough for now. XD

04-30-10, 01:13 AM
Wetworks Team: Open
This is an assassination team, that answers only to their leader, and Sei Orlouge himself. Created because there are some things a noble hero can't do to a truly corrupt individual, especially those that cover their tracks well. Team members should be stealthy and efficient in deaths that look like 'accidents' to the public eye, or the work of another corrupt and evil person.

Just wondering, the nine seem quite virtuous, would this be killing 'bad' people discretely, or killing anyone that gets in the way?

Also, is there a canon threat to Corone? If not... can we make one?

Tainted Bushido
04-30-10, 02:07 AM
Just wondering, the nine seem quite virtuous, would this be killing 'bad' people discretely, or killing anyone that gets in the way?

Also, is there a canon threat to Corone? If not... can we make one?

That is what the big get together thread is about. That canon threat we've made. After that I'm not sure if we'll create another one, or if we'll just try to maintain status quo.

Silence Sei
04-30-10, 10:40 AM
To answer you questions Hys.

The Nine is chalked full of virtue. But the world is not. The wetworks team will silence anyone who gets in the way of making Althanas a better place. If you're asking for the position, I will give you an example of what your teams first mission will be once the canon threat is over.

Also, either every three months or every time the eight other teams have completed one mission, I will throw in another major nine storyline that will involve every team.

Ask Diss, Lorenor, or anyone who's been around here forever enough to know me. I come up with new ideas on a daily basis.

Tainted Bushido
04-30-10, 02:45 PM
I swear Sei, you've SNEEZED up more ideas than I've come up with and fleshed out...

Silence Sei
04-30-10, 06:38 PM
Indeed I have, Diss.

This is a way for me to move some Althanas stuff out of my head to make room for more logical stuff. Lol XD

05-01-10, 03:49 AM
To answer you questions Hys.

The Nine is chalked full of virtue. But the world is not. The wetworks team will silence anyone who gets in the way of making Althanas a better place. If you're asking for the position, I will give you an example of what your teams first mission will be once the canon threat is over.

Well yeah, I am wondering if Talen is right for the position. If he has to, for example, kill a noblemen who is killing peasants, he'll do it. If he has to kill the noblemen, his wife and children, that might be a stretch.

I imagined it would involve taking out powerfull men without raising the ire of either the normal folk or other powerfull men. Such as sneaking into a camp of theives who have been pretending to be a bunch of robin hoods and killing the commander, sneaking into an army base and taking out a general who is planing a coup, taking out the local crime boss if he/she gets to violent and so on.

Ask Diss, Lorenor, or anyone who's been around here forever enough to know me. I come up with new ideas on a daily basis.

I never doubted for a moment :P

05-01-10, 03:59 AM
I could do wetwork, maybe, if I stick around after the Cell.

Silence Sei
05-01-10, 06:52 AM
Well yeah, I am wondering if Talen is right for the position. If he has to, for example, kill a noblemen who is killing peasants, he'll do it. If he has to kill the noblemen, his wife and children, that might be a stretch.

I imagined it would involve taking out powerfull men without raising the ire of either the normal folk or other powerfull men. Such as sneaking into a camp of theives who have been pretending to be a bunch of robin hoods and killing the commander, sneaking into an army base and taking out a general who is planing a coup, taking out the local crime boss if he/she gets to violent and so on.

Oh no, you wouldn't be killing any family unless said wife and kids were doing something bad too. It's mostly just 'assassinate this bad person'. If they're on the hit list, they deserve what's coming.

If said bad nobleman has a family, you just kill him in the middle o the night without the family taking notice

Silence Sei
05-12-10, 04:50 PM
OK, Ata's out, we need a female, and Nayeli is currently MIA. As a result, everyone please welcome Requiem of Insanity to our prestegious Nine.

05-12-10, 08:17 PM
The Nine is chalked full of virtue.

everyone please welcome Requiem of Insanity to our prestegious Nine.

Because when I think of goodness and virtue, I think Cassandra Remi.


Requiem of Insanity
05-12-10, 08:20 PM
I look forward to destroying and torturing...

I mean helping save the world...


Tainted Bushido
05-12-10, 11:05 PM
Why do I suddenly feel as if I'm being watched....

Requiem of Insanity
05-12-10, 11:34 PM
It is because you are, Taka-Sama

Requiem of Insanity
05-13-10, 12:34 AM
May I request the Cancer Gemeni Weapon? I have ideas for it if you do not, but I much prefer the cancer weapon.

Silence Sei
05-13-10, 08:17 AM
Cancer's yours. I'm also assuming you'd like to lead the Wetworks team, which would take care of Hysteria's qualms with it?

And Rev, what part of 'Sei has a small assassination squad' don't you get? Lol XD

Nobility and virtue is all well and good, but when it comes down to it, sometimes you have to do things you aren't proud of.

05-16-10, 05:17 AM
Ugh, Sei. If a spot ever opens up on this project I'd be happy to jump back in... I have more than anough time to stay active... Not sure if our current quest entitles me to anything really. Just looking for something to keep me occupied and you're the "idea-master." Thought I'd throw that out there

05-16-10, 05:24 AM
I am now thinking about posts, although I cant' guarantee it'll be today or for that matter, tomorrow. I have to respond to Visla, Aiko, two posts for Jennifer and so on and so forth, and do two judgements. So the thought process has started, it's all go go go from here!

05-16-10, 12:20 PM
Duffy Bracken, man of a thousand duties!

05-16-10, 12:31 PM

I am sat at my pc, eated, tennis'd and full of a rather dubious amount of gin.

Speed post evening COMMENCE!

05-18-10, 01:31 AM
I'm back baby [/bender]

Sei, do you have free time to start our thread? No worries if you are busy with other ones.

On another note, what format do the initiation threads normally take?

Requiem of Insanity
05-18-10, 01:36 AM
I want initiation too! Do it or I'll torture your very soul...you got kids...don't make me use them!

*Prepares to train the kids on how to annoy the EVER LIVING SHIT out of their father*

Tainted Bushido
05-18-10, 01:39 AM
I'm back baby [/bender]

Sei, do you have free time to start our thread? No worries if you are busy with other ones.

On another note, what format do the initiation threads normally take?

Usually it'll involve you meeting your counterpart, and possibly the zodiac weapon you have. Taka got the Rat's Tail Nodachi (Sagittarius), and met his rival in his initiation. (he died too, but that's beside the point)

EDIT: And Paul, I'll initiate you, with a boot up your ASS!

Requiem of Insanity
05-18-10, 01:47 AM
Nope, you'd move to slow. Then I'll poison you. :D

Silence Sei
05-18-10, 01:47 AM
I'll get to yalls initiation soon, I promise.

Just been judging threads and then trying to play catch up while taking care of a one year old with HFMD. Sorry.

Silence Sei
05-25-10, 06:11 PM
Little update. Screw the Cell results, lets get some threads up. Hys, lemme know if you wanna start it up or me.

Sapphire Eyes is being replaced by Amber Eyes. This frees up a zodiac weapon.

That's all for now, I think.

05-27-10, 10:26 PM
Can you start it? I'm a bit shady on what form the thread normally takes.

Silence Sei
05-28-10, 06:59 PM
Alright, I'll come up with something good.

07-18-10, 04:01 AM
Alright this thread has been in the works for about a month. I’ve been thinking through the Idea so here it is in a nutshell. Seth is going to be crashing into the Ixian Knight’s tomb, for a bowl of soup, and other reasons. Obviously this would mean he’s interacting with the Ixian Knights on some level. That means, yes you guys are allowed to and encouraged to get involved in this thread to create a more organic feel.

Seth Dahlios has business with Sei, until that business is concluded, the thread continues. Every weak on roughly Saturday (night owl so sue me) I will post again taking into account any and all posts made as possible. What this means in short, is that while I can account for one or two people doing a long drawn out conversation, it’s unrealistic to do so in my weekly posts. PM me with the idea of the conversation and I can give you a rough idea of how Seth would reply. So long as it isn’t blatantly out of character, it should fly and I’ll allow you to bunny Seth’s responses.

This also means that I can’t possibly handle several in depth posts that are one sided. I obviously have to continue my thing with Sei, so it would also be more beneficial to the thread to keep interactions to a couple of posts before we cycle you out. This will help the thread flow better. I’m also not asking everyone to post, in fact I would say it would probably cause a few more headaches than it’s worth. While I’m not trying to exclude anyone, I am saying to think long and hard about if you really need to interact with Seth about something, before you jump in head first. I would prefer it if Sei is the first to post, then we can open the thread up to the rest of you guys.

That said. Thread is here... (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21287)

Enigmatic Immortal
07-18-10, 04:53 PM
What exactly did you want to do in this thread? I'm not really understanding it. You want us to interact with you for a post, then vanish, then reappear later as Cameos?

07-19-10, 01:01 AM
Essentially this is mainly a thread between me and Sei. However, because its in the tomb, I'm opening it up to you guys, if you want to partake. You guys would essentially be writing cameos in the thread. Feel free to yell/hate/grudge at Seth. It's a chance to interact with the dude if you so choose.

Silence Sei
08-07-10, 11:23 PM
Okay, so officially, we have Roi, Rev, TB, and Hysteria (As far as finished threads)

I've currently got Kyla's intro into the Nine working out in one of our quests

Corvus, we need a post from you whenever you can get to it.

That Leaves Logan and Duffy. I'll try and talk Logan into coming back, but if I finish with the others before he does, I may have to replace him as well.

Just ya know, a quick status update.

Also, the Ixian Knights are still taking all apps :P

08-07-10, 11:45 PM
Sure, why not.

Whenever you get the time, Sei. I'd really appreciate it if you would send me a quick PM or something just explaining exactly what the kind of positions would be available in the Ixian Knights. There has to be something there that would suit Zerith.

Wolfman 20
08-08-10, 12:09 AM
If possible would it be okay if say, a werewolf jumps into the fray?

Silence Sei
08-08-10, 12:34 AM
Just be aware that by joining the knights, Sei has a complete arsenal of anti-werewolf gear if you go psycho.

Zerith, I'm sure we can find something for you, even if it's training the army in using halberds :P

08-08-10, 12:38 AM
Pft, I don't know if Damien Shargoth (or whatever his name is) is still around. But if not, then Z would have to be the obvious choice for that. :P

Wolfman 20
08-08-10, 12:59 AM
It's okay with me. It's in the skills for Luscious to control his inner wolf. So no going loco or death crazy.

Silence Sei
08-17-10, 01:23 AM
Paragon? You still want in on this? I don't think Logan will be returning any time soon and I need a slot filled, if you are interested.

Unfortunately, you'll be stuck as Labor Team Leader, as Hysteria claimed Info team tonight.

Edits for those things will be made later.

Wolfman 20
08-17-10, 01:30 AM
Paragon? You still want in on this? I don't think Logan will be returning any time soon and I need a slot filled, if you are interested.

Unfortunately, you'll be stuck as Labor Team Leader, as Hysteria claimed Info team tonight.

Edits for those things will be made later.

Paragon? Not seen that name around here before. But if they don't step up, would it be okay if I step into the fray?

Sweet Polly Oliver
08-17-10, 01:33 AM
hey guys what's going on in this thread

:D can i join can i join can i join can i join

08-17-10, 01:38 AM
hey guys what's going on in this thread

:D can i join can i join can i join can i join



Sei, I'd like to join you at some point, though I don't think my character is "ready" yet.

Enigmatic Immortal
08-17-10, 01:38 AM
NOOO, No girls allowed.... >.>


08-17-10, 01:39 AM
Paragon? Not seen that name around here before. But if they don't step up, would it be okay if I step into the fray?

I'm sure he's around somewhere. But I do believe there is a lineup a couple of us are in for the position. So you may have to wait your turn. Could always get added to the list though.

Then again, why am I even answering this? I probably should have left it for Sei to answer. :)

Wolfman 20
08-17-10, 01:43 AM
I'm sure he's around somewhere. But I do believe there is a lineup a couple of us are in for the position. So you may have to wait your turn. Could always get added to the list though.

Then again, why am I even answering this? I probably should have left it for Sei to answer. :)

Tis okay Zerith. I was just being hyper. I can wait my turn or till next time. Which ever happens first.

08-17-10, 01:45 AM
Dude, it's cool. I'm fairly sure Sei could find a good place for you to work with the knights.

That is of course, if they're still hiring. I pretty sure they are.

Enigmatic Immortal
08-17-10, 01:47 AM
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, We stopped hiring for you people weeks ago! Now get out, out! Off my lawn! Don't make me get a broom!

Seriously, I don't know. I doubt there is any reason not to join up, but Wolfman aren't you joining the Ruby Queen powergroup?

08-17-10, 01:49 AM
I smell a double agent!! Or maybe it's just wet dog :P

Wolfman 20
08-17-10, 01:51 AM
I smell a double agent!! Or maybe it's just wet dog :P

HA funny. You're the first person to call me a wet dog since I've made this account. I give you guts. Just you wait. I'll find a way to seek my vengeance. But as for your remark EI, yes I am. As I said in an earlier post. I am hyper off sugar and I'm trying to knock myself out. It's not working no matter what I do T_T

08-17-10, 01:54 AM
Bring it on, I'll take the pup for a walk anytime.

Though I really hope I'm not insulting you in any way. I thought we were just playing around, aren't we?

*sigh* My 3 year old must have tired me out more than I thought if I can't think straight.

Wolfman 20
08-17-10, 01:56 AM
Bring it on, I'll take the pup for a walk anytime.

Though I really hope I'm not insulting you in any way. I thought we were just playing around, aren't we?

*sigh* My 3 year old must have tired me out more than I thought if I can't think straight.

Of course we're only playing. But be warned, you will have a new werewolf stalker. Just be on guard. -cue evil music and then evil laughter-

08-17-10, 01:58 AM
I'll just consider it the beginning of the exclusive Z-Man fan club.

Though once I finish a thread or two, I'd be willing on taking you on in a battle or something anytime.

Sweet Polly Oliver
08-17-10, 01:59 AM
NOOO, No girls allowed.... >.>

Excuse-moi, monsieur!

*makes her best indignant face*

I am not a girl...I AM A WOMAN!! D:<

Wolfman 20
08-17-10, 01:59 AM
I'll just consider it the beginning of the exclusive Z-Man fan club.

Though once I finish a thread or two, I'd be willing on taking you on in a battle or something anytime.

Sure. I can do that. If you don't want Wolfy here, I have a link in my signature that takes you to a site that has all my Althanas characters and stats.

08-17-10, 02:02 AM
Excuse-moi, monsieur!

*makes her best indignant face*

I am not a girl...I AM A WOMAN!! D:<

Well effing said. I'm proud of you. You are a woman, HEAR YOU ROAR!

(hate the boy/girl thing... spent too much time studying sexism)

Sweet Polly Oliver
08-17-10, 02:04 AM
Well effing said. I'm proud of you. You are a woman, HEAR YOU ROAR!

(hate the boy/girl thing... spent too much time studying sexism)

RAWR!! I'm a dinosaur :3

and pffff, boys. who needs 'em?

08-17-10, 02:05 AM
RAWR!! I'm a dinosaur :3

and pffff, boys. who needs 'em?

We're men! that's the point!

Argh... she missed it... /sigh

Sweet Polly Oliver
08-17-10, 02:06 AM
I was making a different point XD

08-17-10, 02:09 AM
I was making a different point XD

I'm sure I agree with you on most of them.

Wolfman 20
08-17-10, 02:12 AM
We're men! that's the point!

Argh... she missed it... /sigh

Yes, we are men, but boys at heart. Get it right.

But if you're a man and a women, then act like it instead of little school kids.

Sweet Polly Oliver
08-17-10, 02:13 AM
This thread has 215 replies. Holy cow. O.O

Wolfman 20
08-17-10, 02:14 AM
This thread has 215 replies. Holy cow. O.O

Wow is right, who pays attention to that stuff? I mean really.

Sweet Polly Oliver
08-17-10, 02:16 AM
Wow is right, who pays attention to that stuff? I mean really.

I know, seriously, it's like all these complicated numbers and stuff! THREE OF THEM! Pretty tricky to read all of them. I mean really.

08-17-10, 02:16 AM
I'm a capybara, fuck you all.


Sweet Polly Oliver
08-17-10, 02:18 AM
I'm a capybara, fuck you all.


This rodent speaks the truth, guys. That's it, everyone go home!

Wolfman 20
08-17-10, 02:19 AM

Polly, this just shows us how much of a nerd you CAN be at times. No offense to other nerds on this site, I'm just stating my opinion. But alas, I was only kidding with you. You're cool in my book. Hell everyone on this site AND is active is cool in my book.

Sweet Polly Oliver
08-17-10, 02:23 AM
Hey dude not cool, the only person allowed to call me a nerd is my girlfriend :I

from now on I'm just gonna post capybaras


Wolfman 20
08-17-10, 02:24 AM
Hey dude not cool, the only person allowed to call me a nerd is my girlfriend :I

from now on I'm just gonna post capybaras


yet again, MR FACE MEETS MRS. PALM. ouch, that hurt. I blame you Polly for my nose bleed

08-17-10, 02:25 AM

What's this I hear about people calling people nerds???

Sweet Polly Oliver
08-17-10, 02:28 AM

08-17-10, 02:34 AM
Rofl, great, this is all I'm going to be picturing at work today - and no-one else will know what the heck I'm giggling at!

Sweet Polly Oliver
08-17-10, 02:36 AM


Tainted Bushido
08-17-10, 02:37 AM
Hey now, lets not cause an OD on capybara!

08-17-10, 02:39 AM

What? You gotta problem with me???

Wolfman 20
08-17-10, 02:39 AM
Hey now, lets not cause an OD on capybara!

It's too late. It's an epidemic. Get everyone out of here. This place is now under a strict quarantine.

08-17-10, 02:45 AM
Hey dude not cool, the only person allowed to call me a nerd is my girlfriend :I

Am I the only one that picked up on this?

Anyway, I am pretty sure we are still hiring team members for each of the Nine's areas.

Wolfman 20
08-17-10, 03:02 AM
Am I the only one that picked up on this?

Anyway, I am pretty sure we are still hiring team members for each of the Nine's areas.

No you're not. I just chose to be quiet about it cause it could be taken many ways.

Silence Sei
08-17-10, 08:03 AM
So much capybara.

Anyways folks, yeah Wolfie and Polly are welcome, I should really sit down and make an official members list soon.

Might make a new thread in the PG forums about that.

Sweet Polly Oliver
08-17-10, 10:45 AM
Am I the only one that picked up on this?

No you're not. I just chose to be quiet about it cause it could be taken many ways.

Uh, hm. Thought that was common knowledge but not the place to discuss this anyway. /topicclosed

Anyway, on topic to the thread (please) thanks Sei, I don't want to miss out on all the fun, heh. I'm not sure which area Polly would be best suited to though, hmmmm. Probably the monster hunting team I think?

Enigmatic Immortal
08-17-10, 05:46 PM
Or Jensen's personal secretary. I'm very important so you'll need to keep up with all my antics as well as helping do laundry, cooking meals, and possible baby sitting for my daughter.

Inquire within.

black knight
08-18-10, 08:34 PM
Bah, forget my post in the Thayne hunt. I'd rather be involved in this. This is more my style anyway. Besides, I [ being this character] could use a lot of experience. I've let him fall way behind.

The Thirtenth Sons.
08-18-10, 09:02 PM
Well I just started this account so I think a good powergroup standing behind me would be nice. I consist of two characters. Vladimir (who might be a match made in heaven for cass) and Stefan, a half giant. I might want to inquire, how tall are the halls in Sei's tomb? if needed could arrangements be made to suit a roughly ten foot tall man? If not I might need to have him crouch, but that raises the questions on how wide the doors are. feel free to get back to me on the specs of the base so I can make arrangements for places for Stefan to stay if need be.

Silence Sei
08-18-10, 11:14 PM
Most of the halls are over at least twelve feet tall. Sei's brother is over 7 feet tall, so I had to make his home accomodate giants as well. Though keep in mind that some of the areas will be smaller, and some will be bigger. Most doors are pretty average, standing around seven feet, so he will have to duck to get through entries, though I imagine they can have find a room with a door to suit your needs.

Course, points pretty mute after me and Rev finish 'A House is not a Home'm where we will all be rooted up and moved into a castle.

black knight
08-18-10, 11:17 PM
Hey Sei, can I join in on this? I could use the experience and the workout. If I can't, I can always wait my turn in line.

Silence Sei
08-18-10, 11:20 PM
While you can't be one of The Nine, we can surely fit you in on one of our sub divisions. I can even try to start thread with you guys Friday at the latest.

black knight
08-18-10, 11:32 PM
That's fine with me. I will do my best. I can wait till Friday or whenever you get it up. I'm in no hurry.

Sweet Polly Oliver
08-18-10, 11:33 PM
While you can't be one of The Nine, we can surely fit you in on one of our sub divisions. I can even try to start thread with you guys Friday at the latest.

That'd be cool by me. :3

Lavinian Ambition
08-18-10, 11:34 PM
By Technicality Sweet Polly = Nayeli, so he's on the list to be considered if Logan drops, just depends on if the others aren't active yet...

Sweet Polly Oliver
08-18-10, 11:45 PM
By Technicality Sweet Polly = Nayeli, so he's on the list to be considered if Logan drops, just depends on if the others aren't active yet...

excuse me, 'he'? :I

But yeah, that's true isn't it?

Lavinian Ambition
08-18-10, 11:52 PM
Sorry, I was following rules of the interwebs. I forgot there are a few woman who exist on the interwebs and not in a porn either...

Sweet Polly Oliver
08-18-10, 11:55 PM
Sorry, I was following rules of the interwebs. I forgot there are a few woman who exist on the interwebs and not in a porn either...

...*sigh* Seriously. I assume you've probably never spoken to a girl in real life, either.

Who says she won't be trying the same thing? She is a master in MMA and seducing, but other then that, she's as good as a newborn. No offense to any parents/to be parents around here.

No idea what the heck this person is talking about.

Lady's Touch
08-18-10, 11:56 PM
wrong thread. I signed into account and took me to new thread.

Lavinian Ambition
08-18-10, 11:56 PM
I apologize if I offended you Polly, just way to many guys on this board posing as girls. It's almost a Pavlovian reaction to assume male on this site. I honestly forgot you be girl....

Sweet Polly Oliver
08-19-10, 12:06 AM
I apologize if I offended you Polly, just way to many guys on this board posing as girls. It's almost a Pavlovian reaction to assume male on this site. I honestly forgot you be girl....

It's fine, I get what you mean. I'm not the only girl on the site though by any means, although maybe the most active one at the moment...it seems like there were more when I was here before. O.o