View Full Version : Alister Cain (0)

02-14-10, 02:43 PM
Name: Alister Cain
Alias: Doctor Cain
Age: 37
Race: Human (Mortal)
Gender: Male
Occupation: Problem Solver
Alignment: Evil

Hair Color: Black, Grey (spots)
Eye Color: Emerald
Height: 6'
Weight: 160 lbs.
Skin Tone: Pale
Clothing: Alister wears a ebony robe that covers most of his body; excluding his hands, neck, and face. Most times he pulls up his hood to hide his face also. He also wears a pair of black framed glasses that assist him in seeing.
Facial Features: His face is chiseled and grumpy, often wearing either an inquisitive scowl or a menacing grin.

- Arrogant
- Headstrong
- Smart Ass


Born to a noble Salvar family, Alister began developing magic traits at the age of 12. At 14 his parents sent him away to live with a hermit in Concordia where he learned to control his abilities. For years the hermit, Cecil, and him lived in harmony, but all good things eventually come to an end. On his 20th birthday Alister was reading through a book on Necromancy and a dark aura jumped from the books page into his mind. At first he didn't know what it was, but as time went on he began hearing a foreign voice in his head. The voice had named itself Necronith and always seemed to play a small part in Alister's actions. Several months after Alister killed his teacher and fled Concordia, with Necronith still in his head.

Three years ago Alister received a knee injury in his right leg. To this day he still lacks the strength to use it properly and it sure has an effect on his fighting style.


Concentration: (Above Average) Due to years of magic casting Alister has a great sense of concentration. It helps him when casting spells under duress or even with minor things like listening to a strangers conversation.

Speed/Strength/Agility: (Below Average) Alister sustained an injury three years ago that renders his right leg almost completely useless. He can walk or stand, but lacks the ability to dodge or run. Needless to say the mage doesn't plan on getting into any melee brawls in the near future.

Cane Fighting: (Poor) Alister can swing his staff in times of great need, but that is about it.
(Mod note: I have made him practically useless at melee attacks so please take that into consideration when browsing through his spells.)

-Elemental Skills-

(Requires earth materials for most spells)

Geo Grip: Alister has the ability to control earth based materials ( Excludes metals and organics.)
-The material can only weigh 8 pounds or less.
-Can only maintain control of the object if he is within 20 yards or less of it.
-Can only create simple shapes. (Circles or Cubes)

[I]Sands of Time: Alister can use this spell to alter the speed of target. When casted it picks up sand and surrounds the target for a couple of seconds.
-Only effects targets weighing 25 pounds of less.
-Only slows target by at most 25%.
-Lasts for total of 5 seconds.
-Possible momentary blinding effects with permission of opponent.

-Has the ability to learn and progress in this area, but hasn't yet learned any spells.

(Requires water for most spells)

Aquatic Tendril: Alister can summon a tendril from a body of water and use it to attack enemies.
-Can only summon one tendril at a time.
-The tendril has the strength of oak.
-Can only cause minor ammounts on blunt damage.
-Tendril has a maximum of 15' in length and Alister can only keep control of it from a distance of 10 yards.


Pyromaniac: Alister is capable of altering fire in several ways, from size to shapes.
-Can only use on an area equal to or less than 1 square foot.
-Can alter by either decreasing the flame in size by 50% or increasing it size by 50%.
-Can only create basic shapes. (Balls or Cubic Shapes)

Fireball: Alister is able to cast a ball of flames.
-Can only create a ball with a diameter of 8" or less.
-Can only cast the ball 15 yards from himself, after that it begins to fizzle away eventually vanishing.
-Ball bursts on impact, can cause minor blunt damage and minor fire damage.

-Dark Magic-

~Necromancy~-Hasn't yet learned any necromancy spells but once he dies and the demon, Necronith, takes over his body he might learn a few.


Glass Cane: (Cannot be sold) This cane was given to Alister by his teacher Cecil. It was made in Fallien and has the strength of iron, despite being glass. He can use it to funnel his projectile magic, which increases their accuracy by 25%. On the top of the cane is a flawless emerald that rings elegance.

Napalm Canister: (2; Cannot be sold) Alister uses these to start a fire when times are desperate. They flames caused by these can burn for 10 minutes, but the area that actually catches on fire from these is 8 square inches.


Cannot take physical shape but it is a foreign voice within his head. He received it while reading a book on necromancy, since then the voice comes and goes attempting to sway Alister's opinion on certain matters. Necronith is a menacing evil, who only wishes harm to those around Alister.

02-14-10, 03:13 PM
I'm going to approve this after a lot of thought with a warning. Be very careful not to power-game the earth shape spell, or the water tendril use. They should be kinda wearing if used too much.
