View Full Version : Getting Started

02-14-10, 03:26 PM
So I was thinking my first thread would be a battle with another Low Level Mage.

For a first quest I was thinking Alister and a small party (Consisting to two or less) could be employed to to settle a small towns quarrel with a barbarian enemy. It would likely be over a land dispute(The barbarians want the land and the townsfolk want to keep it), which would likely be linked to the lands lush fields and the lake it rests on. I'm open to the location and to any other ideas people might have. I just want to introduce my character in a quest, working along side others.

I'm also working on a solo with him that introduces the struggle he has with the dark force that lives within his head. His familiar is the spirit of a demon that is trapped in his mind, altering his opinions and making him do things he normally wouldn't.

02-14-10, 04:07 PM
Barbarians, most likely North Salvar, since I can't really think of where other Barbarian's might be. If you'd like a massive mofo, who's a big teddy bear, I'll thrown Lugh into the mix for that quest.

02-14-10, 04:40 PM
Sure that sounds great! Is this the proper link to his profile?
Profile (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=43&highlight=Lugh)

Just so I can brush up on the character before going on with planning the quest.

Maybe instead of Barbarian's they could be just tribal people, but in any case Salvar would work perfectly. I'll go brush up on the history also

02-14-10, 05:15 PM
Yep yep, that's the guy.

02-14-10, 05:24 PM
Cool dude, I'm writing out a quest right now. Maybe something having to deal with the orcs in that area... I'm sure it's been done, but we can put a new spin on an old cliche.

02-15-10, 05:52 PM
I don't remember a whole lot of ork conflicts in Salvar, though it would be an interesting concept. I'll bash in some orks heads. :p

02-15-10, 06:18 PM
I have a barbarian/elemental type character inbound from Salvar too, should you need an extra pair of hands on deck; time is sketchy, mind, as I'm somewhat pedantic when writing biographies!

02-15-10, 08:05 PM
Oh I thought I read something about Ork bands that were up by Berevar, but I'll go check over the regional FAQ again to be sure. Yeah Duff, you can tag along too... I'm trying to plan out the quest as much as I can before we begin though, but hopefully I'll have a post up tonight for you guys to check out!