View Full Version : Scara Brae Recruitment

02-16-10, 03:45 AM
So this is open to any new, or even older, characters that lie between the low levels of 0-2. I want to get things poppin' in Scara Brae with the hopes to raise the number of active players. I also hope to build long lasting relationships with other improving writers, with hopes of someday being as good as the site vet's.

There is no updated mission board in Scara Brae, but thanks to a recent post it has been brought to my attention that there is one in the works, oddly in a different location.

This is it. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20111)

If anyone can take from that and suggest any quests we (lower level folks) could jump into I'm sure things could start running smooth again, not to mention a jump in experience for us all!

I've got a string of ideas running through my head after checking out Duffy's mission board, so hopefully it can help the rest of you new comer's like it did for me.

If anyone is down to do some Scara Brae quests just throw it up here and we can exchange ideas!

02-16-10, 04:57 AM
Good to see people interested in this, and that makes me want to go back to the drawing board and keep up with the revamp project. I intend to get a very basic skeleton outline of all the factions and the new dynamic economy up as soon as it is formed well enough to present.

Over time, the mission boards for each faction couple will expand, so feel free to respond to information already present in the board to initiate your own quests. If you submit them, request 'Scara Brae Impact' as a spoil, and I'll consider it in the starting state of the factions, and the overall initial presentation of the new and improved Funky Diva town!

Edit: I will help out in any quests as they appear, although it might be a fleeting appearance as current posting commitments and academic work are rather heavy on my time. Will post when I can though! :D

02-16-10, 05:19 PM
Yeah I've got a handful of quests I plan to do! Once I work out the rough details of all of them, I'll be sure to post them up so maybe other people can take part in the action! Most of them revolve around crime, one even taken off the old mission boards but slightly altered, but I have about 6 planned out so far if anyones interested.

02-18-10, 12:29 AM
Alright so the first quest I will be working on is as follows:

-With plans to test himself, see if he can survive in a foreign environment, Alister sets off into Brokenthorn forest in the depths of night. He plans to just venture around the woods for two days, until his caravan returns to pick him up. While in the forest he encounters a small group of bandits who have taken refuge there. After dispatching the bandits he also runs into an over-sized spider... All within the course of the two days.

Alister needs another characters assistance in this because he's just a club footed mage, with no combat skills besides his magic.

Any takers?!

Darion Ragnar
02-18-10, 01:40 AM
Darion would most definately be interested in such an endeavor - however, we'll have to communicate on a reason and such.



02-18-10, 02:05 AM
Haha, yeah I'll have the post up for the battle here shortly dude!

If you want in on the quest I'm sure you can find some reason to be in Brokenthorn... Hunting spiders, bounties on bandits, maybe your searching for someone whose gone missing... Anything can be incorperated really. I originally was going to make this a solo quest, but figured it would be much more fun to bring other people into it, so yeah! You know your character better than me, find his reasons for going to the woods.

We don't have to meet up first post either... Maybe one of us is captured or being robbed by the small group of bandits, and the other just comes across it... Maybe your character was robbed by one of the bandits back in Scara Brae, so he's come hunting for what is rightfully his...

The quest doesn't have any guidelines, just whatever we can come up with really! I just want Alister to have some type of scuffle in the woods, you know? This is really for him to prove that despite his handicap, he can still survive in a dangerous environment.

Darion Ragnar
02-18-10, 02:26 AM
Oh, I have the absolute best idea for Darion to be there - don't worry. I've got my reasons, and I'll have a post up here soonly. It'll be fun. I'm really looking forward to it!

02-18-10, 02:36 AM
Also I'd like, after much debate, to say we should hold out on the battle. I don't want my crippled wizard entering Corone without finishing his solo first... Because currently he has a bounty on his head there and I can't help but running into a wall when trying to put him in Corone.

Sorry dude!
Not to mention Darion would own Alister.

Could we maybe hold out till I finish up my questing in Scara Brae and Alister returns to Corone to recieve his pardon... I kind of like writing everything in somewhat of an organized fashion so I don't get to scatter brained, like I have with past characters. It leads to serious motivation loss!

If you can't wait just throw someone else in the battle!

Darion Ragnar
02-18-10, 02:40 AM
Pfft, it's fine - we can wait a bit. Just dont' leave me hanging!

02-18-10, 02:57 AM
Don't worry about that! Ha the intro alone is enough for me to want to throw myself into the battle, I mean who wouldn't want to fight amongst a sea of slime-ball orcs, with the ultimate goal of killing a single target! Let's get this quest done and by that time I'll have my solo complete explaining Alister's return to Corone, and all will be well!

02-18-10, 12:10 PM
Do you have room for one more?

Archanex Jotham
02-18-10, 03:07 PM
I hereby declare that I want in on these quests as well.

02-18-10, 04:33 PM
Well as a matter of fact originally I was going to put that post into Rev's Facade the masks we wear, but I figured it was a solo... So you're in and of course your always welcome to tag along Jotham :) Look forward to reading what you guys can put up!

Until then Imaaaaa Goooo Eatttt!!

02-18-10, 07:57 PM
Alister, i'll join your brae stuff if you'll have me. and i'll fight Darion if he wants.

02-18-10, 08:07 PM
Well before you jump into any of my quests, finish the battle we already have going (BattleMage and Cade).

02-18-10, 08:12 PM
i'm posting in it now.

02-18-10, 10:36 PM
Alright well the quest will be closed to whoever has posted in it at noon (central time) tomorrow. So those of you who want in get to posting, because I'm ready to get the show on the road... Once my next post goes up tomorrow it's closed, just a forewarning

02-19-10, 11:41 AM
Posted, you damned slave-driver. :D

02-19-10, 01:31 PM
Ha ha, yepppp! Nice posts Pav and Rev, this quest will be a good one for sure.

Archanex Jotham
02-19-10, 03:04 PM
Yeah I'm gonna get separated from the rest of the group I'm with in my next post and up near Alistair. I have a plan I'm gonna execute. Hopefully it ties in well with the rest of the story :) . But we'll see. Keep in touch you guys both rock.

03-01-10, 10:38 AM
Sorry for the wait on it guys, been a bit busy, but I'll have something today. I wanted to know two things

-Is Jothem going to listen to William and stop the summon of his spell?
-What should happen? Should we try to seek out Jothem's group? Try to sneak into the woods further? Any ideas?

I know how I'm going to reply (With alister responding to William's warning to turn back... Stating that he's there with the intention of seeing if he can live in the woods for two days. But should we throw anything in there?)

03-01-10, 10:47 AM
How Jotham replies is up to him and here is what I would propose:

1) He ignores me and something attacks us.
2) He listens to me and we get out of the area before something shows up, probably heading towards where Jotham's group was last seen.

Just an idea and like I pm'd feel free to bunny my character as you need for meaningful interaction.

03-02-10, 01:15 AM
Okay I posted, notes at bottom... Discused with Pav on AIM so just lemme' know your thoughts on everything. If anything needs to be changed, I'll do it guys, just lemme know

03-02-10, 12:26 PM
Hah, looks good to me.