View Full Version : What kind of heat is Althanas packing?

Caden Law
02-17-10, 12:04 AM
So, yeah. Althanas is a website where your average character has at least ten different ways to kill someone on the street. More often than not, this boils down to carrying a weapon.

So what kind of weapon does your character wield? Is it a sword? Gun? Staff? Innocent bystanders? Inquiring minds want to know!

02-17-10, 12:21 AM
After pulling my characters aside and asking them, I received the following responses:

My own claws, grown out of my hands. ~ Calbrena.

My own two fists. Weapons are for weaklings. ~ Destrudo.

Magic, physical combat is too dangerous. ~ Xos.

The powers of Nature. ~ Valanthe.

A giant Hulking minotaur! And soon, a giant massive undead swarm of every kind of pest and vermin! ~ Irene.

Whatever's closest at hand. A truly deadly shinnobi could kill with just about anything availible. ~ Nightstalker.

Fists, and speed. ~ Ailnea.

A trusty longsword. I do not however, find anything wrong with other forms of weaponry, and would use them if I had to, but I've always preferred the longsword, and a shield. Maybe someday I'll get full plate armor to go with it, and a steed. Yes, something to ride. ~ Rahegalhoff.

Requiem of Insanity
02-17-10, 12:29 AM
Mostly unconvetional. I use small kitchen tools to do the real killing, while using poisons to improve upon the experience of the torture.

02-17-10, 01:08 AM
Amara uses axes, because if there's one thing I enjoy in life it's cleavage.

Zook Murnig
02-17-10, 01:30 AM

My weapon of choice isn't on the list! Where's the magic?

02-17-10, 01:47 AM
Amara uses axes, because if there's one thing I enjoy in life it's cleavage.

This. Is the single most ingenious thing. I have EVER heard! :eek:

02-17-10, 01:58 AM
I'd have said daggers and knives, but really... adding chains and ropes makes any weapon more awesome, and this is going to happen with everything on that list. Yeah, I'll go there. Rope assault rifle.

I'm guessing a rope-rope is just a really long rope, though...

This also needs a Gears of War poll option: mounted chainsaw or no?

Slayer of the Rot
02-17-10, 08:44 AM
Dan has used seriously one of every single thing in every category. I miss the AK-47.

02-17-10, 09:06 AM
How about fists?

02-17-10, 10:14 AM
No kidding... where is magic?

02-17-10, 12:16 PM
And no natural weapons... :(

02-17-10, 06:07 PM
Guns. Big ones. Two of 'em.

I like to call them Red Tape and Bueracracy.

02-17-10, 06:15 PM
Guns. Big ones. Two of 'em.

I like to call them Red Tape and Bueracracy.

Those are some big guns.

Caden Law
02-17-10, 07:10 PM
re: Magic, Fists:

Dude. It's a poll about weapons. Magic spells are, by their nature, immaterial bursts of energy, give or take your fluff preferences. If you really want, count it under unconventional. If you fight with fists, you fight unarmed and therefore have no excuse to be included anyway.

Hell, Caden fights with everything and the kitchen sink, especially magic, but I still picked Staff because it's the hand-held weapon he'll be using the most from now on. :p

...and you're only allowed 10 options. >_> Sheesh.

Corvus MacCallum
02-17-10, 09:23 PM
Already use two of the categories in a sizable quantity and when I can work out suitable bits of kit and placement upon his frame, shall be expanding Cors equipment range quite a bit. After all, he's taking on solo what monster hunting groups handle, needs the options handy.

02-17-10, 09:43 PM
This. Is the single most ingenious thing. I have EVER heard! :eek:

Quoted and sigged for posterity.

Where is the magic? There's a joke in there somewhere, but I can't find it.

Slayer of the Rot
02-17-10, 10:43 PM
Oh, but to clarify things, Dan's weapon of choice is MURDERCOCK, which is not an option such as magic, which is largely utilized as a weapon by pederasts and -- fuck, there's no other option to put you people in.

02-18-10, 08:16 AM
Immaterial bursts of energy, or otherwise fluffed types of magic, that impale your ass, literally, on a giant shard of ice, then set you on fire from the inside out, are not weapons?

Being unarmed doesn't count as packing heat? Weren't fists the first weapons? This place has gone all haywire!

02-18-10, 08:02 PM
magic! though i chose a staff because i use that the same as what caden said.

02-19-10, 04:52 AM
Well, my future plan will be to make my own weapons out of magic when I fight, but untill then I am using swords. I think though the best weapons to use in an RP fight are things like staffs or chain weapons. The added possabilities make them pretty amazing.

Haro Hailblade
02-20-10, 03:10 PM
I use specialized swords and a pen and paper. Any other weapon wouldn't feel right to me, and besides, I already know how to use it in the real world as a martial artist. So why not use what you already know?. And I chose the pen and paper for a unique weapon and skill. I love writing so I put that into my character. The weapons are reflections of my self and what I love. That is the best weapon you can ever use

02-20-10, 05:20 PM
Big. Soggy. Stick.

Yes I am ashamed.

Caden Law
02-23-10, 03:40 PM
So we've got 11 swordsmen as the largest single group, but the non-swordsmen have a majority (16).


Haro Hailblade
03-03-10, 10:18 PM
:P geeesh, that's not fair! LOL like lifes fair. I still stick with what I said. If it fits, use it. I just so happen to like using a part of who I am to kill stuff.

But the best chain weapon to use is the meteor hammers. You could have them attached at the end of your weapon, or cairy them as your primary and / or secondary.

Cyrus the virus
03-09-10, 06:53 PM
Luc's weapon is magic, though he has a sword and has some skill with it. I guess magic is filed under an unconventional weapon, then.

Alydia Ettermire
03-09-10, 07:45 PM
This should really be a multi-option poll.

But since it isn't... the character that fights the most has a spear as her main weapon, but she's also armed with daggers and has been known to bite.

The other character has a whip and a dagger... but she's really more prone to dropping random stuff on an opponent's head if she has to fight.

03-09-10, 07:48 PM
Interesting that swords make up the biggest group. I guess that's just the standard fantasy hero kinda deal? I always wondered why that was. I mean, swords aren't that much cooler than any other weapon...easier to write though, maybe.

Well, my guy uses a sword as well. I feel so unoriginal now... :(

03-09-10, 08:18 PM
I use a mace. Soon enough, I'll use a ball and chain.

03-10-10, 08:15 AM
Interesting that swords make up the biggest group. I guess that's just the standard fantasy hero kinda deal? I always wondered why that was. I mean, swords aren't that much cooler than any other weapon...easier to write though, maybe.

Well, my guy uses a sword as well. I feel so unoriginal now... :(

I think that it probably just a vertalise character weapon. If you have a light weight fighter they get a rapier, if you have a heavier massive warrior they get a huge bastard sword. By changing the type of sword you can make it fit any character type. Other weapons are much more dependent on the character if they are to be used well. You wouldn't give a small woman a big mace in most cases, and a thief can't be climbing through windows with a staff or spear.

All in all that is probably why there are more swords than other weapons. I know when I was making my character I was thinking about what would suit him and he simply wouldn't work with more complex weapons, although because of his inexperience weapons don't suit him yet much at all.

03-19-10, 07:19 AM
Would turning yourself into a large porcupine and hurling yourself at enemies count as other?

03-19-10, 07:45 AM
Would turning yourself into a large porcupine and hurling yourself at enemies count as other?

That is fairly "unconventional."

On a sidenote, there aren't any bows or ranged weapons on this poll?

Haro Hailblade
03-19-10, 08:29 PM
Wow, well thats a new one on me. I must applaud your originality.

You know, even a popular weapon, like a sword, has its variations and no two swords are the same unless they are a set. The sword is just as origional as any other weapon. Just like people, we are all humans in the real world, but we are all individual. just like people swords are only unique as you want them to be.

and for a comic relief

: P hahahahaha raspberry imodicon ; D

03-20-10, 07:48 AM
Would turning yourself into a large porcupine and hurling yourself at enemies count as other?

It sure would, that's what I do, in concept.

03-20-10, 08:09 AM
Wit and innuendo isn't on here either, and that's clearly the only way Duffy is still alive vs. all the gribblies!

03-20-10, 12:47 PM
It sure would, that's what I do, in concept.

I'll do that as soon as they let me raise my power enough.

03-24-10, 04:21 AM
I'm guessing a syringe full of air goes into Unconventional. (Gas Embolism)