View Full Version : Well, this is rather hard

Requiem of Insanity
02-19-10, 07:03 PM
I just got my latest score in on this account and needless to say I was displeased. The judgment was fair, and this isn't a gripe about the reasons, but it did force me to think about Cassandra and the way things are.

So needless to say, Cassandra is in need of help.

She's gotten repetitive and stale and needs new life pumped into her. I got her nearly five levels on her own, but the idea fountain has been well past dry and I still am demanding blood from those hollowed stones.

So who is up for playing with Cassandra? When you reply to this I'd also appreciate any ideas you have to work with her, be you with her or against her. I am open to really anything.

02-19-10, 07:38 PM
While yes, I am interested in playing with her, with any of my accounts, I'm not certain what we would do together at the moment, mostly because my mind is half asleep.

Requiem of Insanity
02-19-10, 07:41 PM
well when it wakes up let me know what ideas you got.

02-19-10, 07:58 PM
Well, after getting a drink from The Elixir of Life, (AKA Coffee), I had an idea, and its one in which you could very well benefit either side of the situation.

This could very well take place in any small town in Althanas, the rundown is as follows.

Xos, traveling about to learn more about how Althanas works, stumbles across a small town where the residents seem stricken by a mysterious plague that's rotting their flesh off, slowly killing them. By the time he arrives of course, the town is beyond saving and so he goes around the town, and a few days later, arrives at another with what appears to be the same disease, only this one's just starting.

A short investigation turns up a Half-Alerarian scientist named Dr. Yamato Nasagori (He was named after his father, an Akashiman) who is appearently also studying the disease out of "Professional Interest".

Over the course of trying to combat the disease, its discovered Dr. Nasagori is the one responsible for the disease, creating it for an experiment the purposes of which remain Nasagori's secret, for now.

Xos finds experimenting on sentient creatures without their consent to be horrific and immoral, and decides to stop Nasagori and his experiment.

Cassandra, with her knowledge of poisons, and alchemy, could be of great help to either side, either helping Nasagori in his experiments, or helping Xos to end them in the name of humane scientific practices.

It would be a great way to start off an ongoing rivalry between Xos and Nasagori that is of a similar nature to that between Sherlock Holmes and Professor James Moriarty.

Requiem of Insanity
02-19-10, 08:59 PM
sure. I have ideas for this, as well. I'll PM when IO work out all my thoughts. Consider this one on.

Any other takers?

02-20-10, 12:11 AM
I've been wanting to play with that sick chick for a while now. If you don't mind the fact that I won't be able to post every day, I'd be up for it. I'd most likely be using my The Cinderella Man account, though, as I find it hard to fit Letho into anything these days.

As for ideas... I don't know. This is the first that pops in my head. Let's say that there's someone killing people the same way your sick chicky does, a copycat of sorts. Victor is hired to put a stop to this since he's good with a gun and needs the dough. He sniffs around, runs into Cassandra, thinks she's the one doing this, they have a fight, they both end up bloodied, they both realize they're actually looking for the same thing (since Cassandra would probably want to stop this someone as well, giving her bad rep or something), and wind up working together in dealing with the mystery. Also, they should have sex. ;) Seriously, though, it's probably not a very good storyline, but it's 7am and I'm at work and sleepy and tired and it's Saturday, but I'm really up for anything.

Requiem of Insanity
02-20-10, 11:58 AM
we should definetly expand upon that idea, Letho. All but the sex. You have to have aids now with the number of woman you have sleapt with. :D

I like the idea of the copy cat, seems to be the most logical reasoning for Cassandra to help you out. Any other ideas we can flush out later, but consider this quest ON. (Like donkey kong)


I think I would have Cassandra help you out to find the cure, stop the bad guy yada yada yada, but her motives are very, very different from yours. She can lie with the best of them though. Let me know what you think about how to start it.

I would like to have one more thread going, since Letho can't post regularly, so if anyone else would like to help get my creative juices going with Cassandra please do.

02-20-10, 06:42 PM
It'll take a few days, because I am EXAUSTED!

Corvus MacCallum
02-20-10, 09:37 PM
Ruined village, still smouldering edges of thatched roofs falling in upon themselves. The steady hateful chant of figures in white robes, some with markings upon the left arm, others on the right. The towns defenders stripped of armour, clothing, flesh, their exposed tissues left hanging from the settlements fractured gates. Still a few lingering screams of the farmers and families being put to death or thrown into the caged wagons. Stench of death hovering upon the warriors among the cloaked ones, scraps of beast flesh and hide strapped hap-hazardly to their weather-beaten forms.

Anything of that grab you?... hell freel free to pass the starter to someone else.

Requiem of Insanity
02-21-10, 11:34 AM
I was thinking more along the lines of ideas for how they wanted to meet, which region this would be in, who would start it off and that jazz. Not how to write the thread.

But hey, whatever.

Corvus MacCallum
02-21-10, 12:33 PM
Actually was proposing a possible starting point if you were up for doing a thread with me. See if it appealed. If not, oh well.

Requiem of Insanity
02-21-10, 06:59 PM
Ah, I see. Sorry I got that very confused, as XOS does have many accounts.

Well, let's elaborate on that, as it does pique a certain curiosity. I'm intrigued to see where that can go. What you thinking?

02-21-10, 07:47 PM
Well, now that I've gotten some decent rest and can think properly...

(I'm not Corvus, just for clarity, though his idea sounds awesome and I totally think you should jump on it as it could be a great adventure.)

The region can't be Alerar, as Nasagori would never do anything to an Alerarian. Anywhere else though is totally open. Infact, if your in a certain region at the moment, it could be there. (Like if your recent adventures have been in Corone or something.)

If you don't care where, then I'll place it in Corone anyway. I'll post the OP either Monday night/Tuesday morning, or Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. How to meet, well, sheer chance is always an option. But beyond that, it gets hazy and uncertain.

Requiem of Insanity
02-21-10, 08:30 PM
go ahead and choose whatever region works for you. Cassandra is always on the move. Based on your OP I'll have Cassandra weave her way towards you.

02-22-10, 01:51 AM
we should definetly expand upon that idea, Letho. All but the sex.You can't blame a guy for trying. ;)

Should I hit us off or will you? I can probably have something up by this time tomorrow.

Requiem of Insanity
02-22-10, 01:35 PM
You start, please.

The Cinderella Man
02-24-10, 01:48 PM
Started. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=160658#post160658) Hopefully it's alright. Let me know if I need to make any changes. Nobody was saying anything, so I placed the whole thing in Gisela, Corone.

Requiem of Insanity
02-24-10, 02:51 PM
I'll take next post then. If any changes needed to be made one of the two of you just let me know.

02-24-10, 09:57 PM
Sorry its late, and not my best opener, but here it is:


Requiem of Insanity
02-25-10, 12:21 AM
Thanks Xos, i'll get to this in time. No more than a day or two.