View Full Version : A short break

02-20-10, 06:05 PM
Jack entered the bar like any average person would; shit eating grin on his face and a lightness to his step. He'd been having a fairly good day up until that point, having made good time since his late start that morning and he felt like taking a short break. What better way than at a local bar, eh? Besides, what could go wrong? The thought brought out a chuckle, and he continued the low, throaty laugh until he had taken his seat in front of the polished teak counter.

"Oiy new boy," the burly man bald man standing behind the counter said. "What'll it be?"

"Ahhh," Jack said, his eyes bright and a smile cracking his face nearly in two. "I don't know, surprise me?" The bald man smiled equally large and reached under the counter to retrieve a glass. Jack took the brief span of time between his drink being made to glance around the bar and take in the surrounding locals.

The bar wasn't a large one, not that he would know as this was only the third bar he had ever set foot in, but a tingling in the back of his head told him that this wasn't of the larger sorts. As such, there were only about two or so dozen people in the bar, and even with that small number, the bar seemed to be packed. Not uncomfortably so, as there was still plenty of room to walk, but it was still full enough that it was literally impossible to have a moments time to oneself. Which was quite all right with Jack, as he was in a good mood and being in such a good mood, he felt the need to socialize. He picked out a small group of rough dressed men standing off to one extreme of the bar and decided that they would be his first target. But first, drink!

A slight tink announced the arrival of said drink and Jack turned to grab it and - stopped dead, eyes popping and mouth agape. His drink, the one in which he had asked the bartender to surprise him, was a tall crystal clear glass of some kind of milky tan substance that had small white chunks floating in it. The sweet aroma of cinnamon and pine needles wafted from the rim of the glass and the crystal was cool to the touch.

"What the...?" He asked, his voice screaming confusion and just a little apprehension. The bartender merely smiled and held out his hand.

"That'll be two gold newbie."

"Uh-huh," Jack said slowly as he reached into his pocket to produce the requested amount, his eyes still locked on the strange drink sitting before him. The bartender took the gold from his slowly extending hand, chuckled, pocketed the gold and then moved off to one side of the bar, leaving Jack to stare at his drink.

"What the fuck do you suppose..." Jack reached out and twisted the drink slowly around, using his fingertips against the gleaming rim while he squinted into the milky substance. He continued the strange motions until, after staring at the drink for a good five seconds, effectively determined that he could not magically ascertain as to what was in the mystery drink. The only thing left for it was to drink it and see how it went.

He grasped the glass firmly in his left hand, letting the cool of the glass soak into the flesh of his hand, and raised it slowly to his lips. He paused for a moment, inhaling sharply through his nose, trying again to determine what was in the drink, but again, nothing but cinnamon and pine needles answered his noses' siren cries. "Meh," he grunted and settled the glass against his lips, tilting it back just enough to take a decent sip.

It was like a flavor explosion in his mouth and Jack literally took a step back, lifting the glass up away from his mouth and just slightly above eye level. "Wooow," he said slowly, softly. Suddenly he giggled and like a small child that had just found a new shiny object to play with, he tucked the glass close to his body and pushed his way quickly through the crowd toward the group of men he had spotted earlier.

"Hiya fellas," he said cheerfully as he approached the group. "What's the story today?"


02-22-10, 10:09 AM
Story for the day. It was a typical warm, humid, Coronian day. The sky was bright, the clouds were light, and the birds were cawing in their typical song that made nearly everyone have some sort of reminiscent memory pull them back to a better time. There was always a better time, nothing was as bad as the present, of course until tomorrow came and the present became the past. That was the only time the present would be better. The story of yesterday was always something that would be more enjoyable than the story of the day. Memories often served their master in that way though. It was habit, probably sub-consciously more than intentional, that dwelling on the cheerier side of life was more acceptable for the sociably inclined.

Cade, like many of the patrons, was enjoying the finer side of the tavern experience, what people define as fine experiences was and always would be determined by those enjoying them. For the young sorcerer, barely an adult much less a worldly experienced man, anything was a fine point to dwell on in a tavern. His interests lied in anything from stories of grand proportion, most of which he doubted but would never voice his disbelief in, to the simple tales of a man in the throes of depression. Alcohol, a warm environment, and a listening ear seemed be all that was required to loosen tongues. The sorcerer was greeted with smiles, hugs as if he was an old friend, and in some cases a chuckle. It was not his fault though; he was willing to be the open ear to any. Plus, ales and mugs of the barkeeps special brews was enough to make anyone, especially an eighteen year old, apt to play the fool from now and then.

It was only his fifth time in the Peaceful Promenade, but he was already quickly becoming enamored with its simplicity and the fact that the name indeed kept true to the establishment. He could come in, wander the open room with his eyes and thoughts, and become engrossed in anything that presented itself. That day, it happened to be an elderly gentleman with the refinement of a horse’s ass that caught his interest. Like others around him, they were all waiting for what came next in the ludicrous story of one man, his horse, and a sword as he confronted Letho Ravenheart in the heart of Concordia. “Then, as if by the Thayne’s hands, I was suddenly surrounded by Empire soldiers. Imagine my surprise. Stood eye to eye, nay toe-to-fucking-toe with the Legend himself and came out unscathed. Why, I’d dare say I’d stand him down any day.”

The group, including Cade, could not help but laugh at the overweight man. “If he had seen Letho,” one man choked out between heavy chuckles, “he would have shit himself and run like a dog with his tail between his legs.” It was the opinion of all of the men laughing and pointing fingers, much to the dismay of the red-faced buffoon on the other side of the humiliation.

Instead of staying to continue to attack the man with words and cruel jokes, the young sorcerer moved away and found himself a table that was unoccupied. He tapped a bar-girl as she passed by and put a gold coin in her hand, “Two more of the house brew.” The girl, obviously young but old enough to recognize anyone childlike and tipsy, gave him a wink and walked away. Just as she passed, a man cupping a large mug of the gods knew what suddenly arrived to the festivities. Cade could not tell if he was from around Underwood, passing through, or simply had been away in the past week and a half and had not met him yet. Whatever the case was, he looked jovial enough and the boy spread an arm in his direction with a friendly smile on his face.

“Well,” he responded just before he tipped the last of his ale into his mouth and put the empty mug on the table. “If you missed the story about all powerful, never scared of nothing, Jack over here standing up to Letho Ravenheart, that is about the only story worth hearing so far today. My name is Cade Smith, you’re welcome to sit here and waste the day away at my table if you’d like.”

((i dont kno if i can write bout somone else, like Letho, but i saw his info in th Corone guide an figured i could use it. right?))

02-23-10, 07:21 AM
Someone said his name and Jack whirled, eyes darting through the shifting crowd. Who would know his name here? All around him people were chatting, laughing, poking, pointing, smoking, punching and arguing. No one glanced in his direction for more than an instant and Jack recognized none of them, although he did see a few faces that looked vaguely familiar. He blinked a few times and turned his attention to a seemingly unoccupied table he had spied to his right.

A jovial young looking fellow, obviously feeling the beginning effects of a few drinks, occupied the said table and had his hand upraised toward Jack. Jack was instantly dismayed but noticed quickly that the young mans mouth was moving in very similar manner to the motions usually associated with words. "Funny," Jack mumbled as he squinted, an ever so slight narrowing of his eyes, studying the young man. "Can't hear him." Quickly replaying the motions in his mind, picking the words from his memory, Jack realized it was an invitation to join the table and waste life! Hot damn! A bolt of lightning striking a retard holding a metal stick in the air would have seemed slower than Jack had in returning the smile and advancing on the table.

"Oiy," he cried loudly, echoing the jovial mood of the surrounding area. "A table, just for me!" Practically flinging a chair away from the table, Jack caught it just before it tipped completely over and flopped himself heavily into the seat with a loud crash as all four legs came to rest at the same time. He laughed at his own fortune and after scooting the chair forward, leaned across the table toward the young man who had invited him to sit. "Whoo," he cried. "Luck, wouldn't you agree?" He laughed, slapped the table and pointed with the same hand while the other busied itself with burying his face in the glass it held.

The second explosion of flavor from the mystery drink was just as good, if not better than the first and Jack took a moment to sigh loudly in admiration of the strange concoction. "Damn," he whispered heavily to himself. "Damn if this doesn't get me fucked up tonight." His eyes flickered to the young man seated across from him and he flashed a toothy grin. "But no worries to you friend, for you seem to be well on your way toward that unfortunate bliss." Jack chuckled and tipped his glass toward the young man. "Don't let me slow you down!"

He then took a small sip and set his glass carefully down on the table, a seriousness settling over his jovial features. "Now, for something a bit more serious. You be saying your name was Cade Smith and I be callin' it fair to give you my own, even though we only just met." Jack chuckled and thumbed the rim of his glass free of a piece of plaque that had stuck to it. "Most people call me Jack, and you can do the same. Last names are of no importance, unless of course you feel it necessary to call me mister, Mister. And I can tell you this, if you start calling me Mister, I'll clock you one hard in the face." Jack tilted his head slightly forward and down, glaring through his eyebrows toward the young man. "We have an understanding?"

He held the glare for a few moments longer before relaxing completely, sprawling back in his chair and laughing. "Aww I'm kiddin' lad, call me Jack." Suddenly his face blanked and he took a quick study of his knuckles. "But really..." Another moment then he flashed another toothy grin and leaned forward. "So, what stories you have for today? Or, are we just going to drink our drinks and stare blankly into oblivion, waiting for something to happen?"

To punctuate his question Jack lifted his drink to his lips and took a large gulp, pausing to stare in wonder a third time. "It only gets better," he whispered to no one in particular, a wide, toothy grin splitting his face in two.

02-26-10, 04:42 AM
Cade was astounded at how upbeat, talkative, and robust the character was. He quick to call everything how he saw it, spoke a mile a minute, and danced around his works so quickly that the younger man hardly had the time of day to get a word in. Instead, he soaked it all up like a sponge. Jack, from what little Cade could catch between words, seemed a man with a singular purpose. Alcohol. The brew in his hands was one of the house specials, cost a pretty penny to those that were regular drinkers. Cade had tried it once, only to be quickly reminded he was a mere amateur at drinking. It had ‘torn him a new one’, as one person had said later, the next day, after a very peaceful sleep.

“Good to meet you Jack,” odd how that name seemed so popular. He looked over at the older, fatter, and just as boisterous Jack at the other table. The balding man was taking his turn at hawking insults and harrying the current storyteller about his own adventures in some place called Raiaera. It was a place, from what the young man could gather through broken spurts of heightened tones, completely distraught by magical armies and necromancers. A storybook tale gone wrong.

“Oh, well…” the sheepish youth smiled as he turned his head, trying to think of anything but how silly the world of Althanas seemed to be. “I’d prefer not to stare at the others, listen to their conversations, and have none of my own. I love to meet new people, especially those that are intriguing. And you seem to fit that persona perfectly.”

The barmaid, cute and far too old for Cade, smiled a cheery grin as she placed two frothy mugs before him. He could not remember if he had given her the coin for the two for one special. She looked at him with a cute grin, and even if he had he did not want to appear ungrateful for her service. He dug out another golden coin and placed it in her hand. Already, it was the forth piece of gold he had spent that night, his hands free and his purse open. He made a mental note that he would for sure have to find a job, even if it was just sweeping up the floors of the Promenade and cleaning up after drunks the next morning. That would be a job that would never go out of demand, though never be in style.

Cade took a big, thick gulp of the watered down brew and smiled like a small child in a candy shop. The house brew was weaker than anything else; two of them were barely comparable to normal ale. It was why, he assumed, they came in two’s. “Tell me about yourself, Jack. It seems that stories are on the table for the afternoon, and everyone is welcome to get their own out. We might not have a crowd waiting to gawk at our exploits, but I’m sure that there is something of interest in our tales that can take up the time and make it pass?”

02-26-10, 05:52 AM
"Huh," Jack said, pinching his chin between his forefinger and thumb. His eyes flickered first to the youth across from him, then to his drink, back to the youth, then to a man standing behind the youth, then back again. He stalled by reaching, suddenly, to grasp a hold of the departing serving womans apron and tug gently. "'Scuse me miss, you mind gettin' me another one of these here fine, uh," he quickly lofted his nearly empty drink. "Things?" He flashed a wide grin and the serving woman giggled and pushed down on his hand, dislodging it.

"Certainly, if you'll give me a few moments." Then she whirled and disappeared behind a small crowd of laughing people. Jack couldn't help but chuckle as he lifted his glass to his lips and tilted it until he had a mouth full. He then set his glass down onto the table with a clink, as it was now quite empty, bleched and returned his attention to the youth across from him.

"Stories about myself?" He asked, spinning his glass quickly from one hand to the other. "Well, not much to tell really. Abandoned at the age of twelve, lived with my aunt until I was eighteen, quite a woman she was. God she used to piss me off sometimes. You know how you'll get those old fluff and puff woman, that all they seem to think about is how much makeup shit they put on their faces, which frilly dress is best or which outrageous hair getup is going in or out of style? Ever meet one of those? If you haven't, count yourself lucky. God I hated her for that sometimes..."

He was just about to rail into his absent aunt when someone coughed gently beside him and tapped his shoulder. "Huh?" He grunted, twisting to face the interruption. It was the serving woman, preferring his drink and a rather empty looking palm. "Two gold please," she said sweetly.

"Sure," Jack said with equal kindness, palming the money into her hand even as he removed the glass from her other. He then pressed the empty one toward her and sipped at the new one. "Thanks lass," he said with a slight bow of his head. She returned the bow with an equally slight curtsy and then twirled around and left. Jack once again returned his attention to the youth. "Is there a tip rate in this place?" He sipped the drink. "I can't remember seeing a sign..." He sipped again.

"Now, where was I..." He sipped his drink a fourth time, thinking. "Oh, right, I remember!" With a mad chuckle Jack leaned into the center of the table and proceeded to tell the story of how his aunt had gotten drunk while hosting a rather extravagant dinner party, with wild gestures and shouting included, pausing only to sip steadily at his drink.

03-02-10, 08:28 AM
Wohe could not wait to begin her mission in the outside world. To her dismay, however, that she hadn't a clue of how to begin!

After a few hours of exploration in Scara Brae, Wohe was found in the less favourable areas of the city. As evening begins, she thought, I had better find somewhere to stay for the night, and entered the nearest tavern.

Her senses overloaded. The stale stench of overworked men rested heavily in her nostrils. The coal fire sizzled to the right, cackling at Wohe's inexperience in a rambunctious setting. A common muttering in the tavern stalked, there was no way to distinguish one voice from another. Ungroomed, wild, feral men roamed the small room which Wohe had made herself central off. The sight of overweight, careless, unswept men produced a nervous feeling in the back of her throat.

"We're not in Fallien anymore."

Wohe calmed and looked around, two youthful and decently clean, brown haired men were sitting having a very friendly chat. What was there to lose? Walking up to them, Wohe extended her hand, "Hello, I'm new here. Can I join you two?"

03-02-10, 09:00 AM
Cade was surprised about how easily and quickly Jack seemed to skip over the fact that his parents had abandoned him. He was nonchalant, noted it about his past like a warrior of repute would have noted a skinned knee. The sorcerer gulped down the mouthful of ale all at once. It felt like a solid lump that he was forcing down like a snake, an apple that he did not even bother to chew first before swallowing. Instead of pondering what it would have been like to have his parents abandon him, the young man who had instead abandoned his family looked at Jack while he continued. What is a fluff and puff woman? He thought while he listened, but nodded politely anyway so as not to disturb his new friend. Sounds something like one of the noble women that came in the carriages to the Outpost… but they were always polite and sweet. Never someone I would’ve never wanted to meet though.

The barmaid returned, with the man’s drink, and took her coin. The sorcerer wanted to speak and say that he did not know if there was a tip rate. However, the man kept talking. Cade was not able to get his words out. Shrugging, he took a sip of his ale and let Jack continue talking. He forgot what he was going to say about tipping, minutes later, but remembered he wanted to say something. Guess if it’s not important enough to remember, wasn’t important enough to say to begin with.

Laughing in spurts, just long enough to steady himself, Cade followed along with the story of Jack’s aunt. She sounded like a wild woman, trapped in a dress and high society. He was not sure, but it seemed that the story about his aunt was amazingly engaging more so because of his way of telling it than what the truth probably was. Or, perhaps Jack had gained much of his charisma from the woman that he did not care for sometimes.

“Hey,” Cade said between laughing and sipping at his ale. He patted the man’s arm with his free hand and nodded towards the newcomer. A woman, blonde hair and blue eyed, had wandered to the table. How the young sorcerer had not seen her come in, he was not sure. She would have been bound to turn more than a few heads, but it seemed that stories were far more engaging than a woman in a tavern. “Welcome to the Promenade! The greatest tavern in all the world!” The slightly intoxicated boy, wiping tears from laughter from his eyes, waved his hand at the seat next to Jack. “I hope you don’t mind if she takes a seat with us, next to you, Jack?”

03-06-10, 08:07 PM
"Hope I don't mind?" Jack said as he twisted around in his chair, narrowing his eyes at the newcomer. His mouth twisted back into a small grin and he made a sweeping gesture toward the table. "I most certainly do not," he said loudly, rising from his chair to pull an empty one from beneath the table. "Please ma'am, have a seat." He patted the chair once and then hefted his empty glass. "If you will forgive me for a moment, I haven't seen the barmaid wander by in a bit and I seem to have run dry." His small smile twitched and he bowed slightly before whirling around and vanishing into the surrounding crowd.

Picking his way quickly through the press of bodies Jack eventually found his way back to the bar counter and leaned heavily against the counter. Whatever was in those drinks was indeed potent stuff; it'd been a long time since his head had felt this light after two drinks. He coughed and clinked his glass against the counter, grabbing the attention of the bartender.

"Another one newbie?" The man asked, an amused smile splitting his face as he made his way toward Jack. Jack blinked in response and pushed the empty glass toward the man.

"No, water this time. A full glass." Jack hummed while he waited and a moment later retrieved his full glass. "Will this cost me?" The bartender shook his head, chuckling.

"No, intelligence doesn't cost you newbie." Jack chuckled back and after taking a sip of the water, nodded and wove his way back into the crowd and toward his table. He got back without incident and after seating himself, turned toward the newest of the small group and cleared his throat.

"I'm Jack, by the way." He extended his hand in greeting and smiled. "Seeing as I just finished a story of my life, and Cade seems smart enough to weasel his way out of telling one, you can tell one."

03-20-10, 01:02 PM
((i was waitin for Wohe to respond but since she didnt i figure i'll just go ahead n post. sorry for the wait.))

“Weasel my way out of telling a story? No, I’d never!” Cade laughed as he tipped the mug and finished the last bit of his ale. The other one was sitting next to the first of the buy one get one pair. The glass was a little murky, but the head of the ale was still frothy and fresh. The young sorcerer smirked as he picked up the second and sipped it. Froth covered his upper lip when he pulled it away. With a wipe of his long sleeve he cleaned his upper lip. “I thought it would just be more… umm… kind to welcome to the new person to the table.”

Cade shifted as he looked at the standing woman, wondering whether she’d ever sit or not. Instead of pushing the matter, since she looked like she was not native to Corone, the boy looked back to Jack. “My story isn’t as interesting as yours. I grew up with my parents, though they were not as exciting as your aunt. We lived here in Corone as long as I can remember. Somewhere out in the east side of the countryside we had an outpost for travelers to stop in and get what they needed as they traveled. It was a good place for Akashima merchants to trade wares from their society with the ones from Radasanth, and vice versa. It made it so that people didn’t have to travel all the way across the country just to get their goods sold, or trade for goods that they would have gotten if they had traveled.”

A sigh passed the lips of the boy. He took another heavy gulp of the ale and remembered why he had started drinking to begin with. It was not because it was something that was fun, or something to pass the time. It was a new habit being born from despair. With his eyes downcast, he continued on. “I woke up about a month ago, it was late at night but it looked like the middle of the day. My room was on fire, but the rest of the house was worse. I tore out of bed and grabbed a handful of clothes and found a walking staff, which is what I carry now, on my way out. Grabbed it to pry open the front door and charged out.”

“I watched my house burn. Never heard my parents yelling; never saw them get out. But I spent the night watching the outpost burn to the ground. The entire time I didn’t see them leave, so I assume they died. If I hadn’t burnt the place to the ground on accident with my magic it would have soon been an inn. My dad had saved up enough lumber and money to buy supplies to add onto the building. It would have been a great business, and I’d be taking over it in a few years.” Cade quietly sipped at the ale and shook his head. “Not that great a story. Not that great a life so far. Sorry to be the buzzkill.”

04-10-10, 04:05 PM
The drow was at a lost to where he was. He left Alerar, without a clue to why he was there in the first place. He had been living on the wild, fighting monsters that were predators looking for a easy meal. He proved to be no easy meal. Vadeo also noticed he was blind, and he would have to live off of his hearing instead of his sight. He adapted quickly and efficiently like he always did. He had everything...Yet, he lost it all. The powerful men that struck him down from his place of power thought him to be dieing of starvation right now, but they didn't know the ingenuity of Vadeo. He was taught by the smartest drow, and he was trained under the strongest of sword fighters. They would not put Vadeo down by such means. But, Vadeo was at a lost for he had no idea what happened to him. All he knew was the knowledge he was taught, his swordfighting abilities, and his name. He also knew he use to be a powerful individual who was highly trained in magic, but the latter is vague and he has a hard time understanding what it means.

So, Vadeo is at a lost. He is a wanderer now, looking for work anywhere he can get it. In his wandering, he enters this tavern. He knew he had no gold to buy him anything, but it would be nice to sit down and relax. He did not want to converse with anyone, and he knew now that he would look like a ruffian, so maybe no one will pay him mind. He didn't want the chance to like a person, because if you like a person, you trust them.

He entered the place with a emotionless expression. He made his way to the closest empty table, and relaxed. His sword was covered by its sheath, but he kept it close in case anyone tried anything. He let out a long, drawn out breath and stretched his aching arms. He was dieing to have a pint of brew, but he knew he had no way to pay for it...Maybe he could get a job here or something...
The bartender, somehow, noticed him. "Aye! Dark Elf! Are you going to get something, or did you make this your new hang out?!"

Vadeo ignored him and focused on a point in the wall, valuing every minute of the time around people. He didn't want to admit it, but he liked being around people after being alone for such a long time. It reminds himself that he is human, and not a monster looking for his prey in the woods. Vadeo sat there...Emotionless.