View Full Version : Scara Brae Recruitment Part II

02-22-10, 03:39 AM
So the first recruitment thread was such a success, I thought I'd do another. This time I have an idea brewing that'll effect the overall good of the island. So without further unimportant banter, here it goes.

Alister and a small group (whoever joins, also includes several NPCs) of rag-tag new recruits are sent out to the Arask Pass (if you have questions what that is, look it up...) to kill and collect a wagon full of goblin heads. The quest will involve a short period of training, under the watch of a general named __________ (Haven't quite worked out that detail, I suck with names sometimes). Followed by the trip to the Arask Pass and the setting up of their camp. Each day they will split into two seperate platoons and go hunting for goblins. The quest will end when they kill and gather, like I said earlier, enough goblins (heads) to fill a wagon. The knights of Scara Brae plan to post the heads atop pikes that surround the cities walls, to provide a warning to goblins who plan on attacking the city, because it seems they're gathering their forces for a vicious assualt on the city.

Any ideas you guys can contribute would be great, because thats just a brief outline of my thoughts so far. It doesn't include what I plan to happen to Alister ICly or anything, but if enough interest comes this way I'll start my opening post.

02-22-10, 03:59 AM
I spoke with you earlier and I wouldn't mind joining the quest for the Wagonload of Goblin Head. =3

02-22-10, 04:05 AM
Ha, yep! I was just about to barrage you with PMs containing the link to this thread, check and see if you wanted to join! I'm writing the OP now, so yeaahhh, let you know when I'm finished!

02-22-10, 04:59 AM
i'm interestd, none of my other threads r really goin anywhere fast

02-22-10, 05:20 AM
Cool Cade, sounds good man! I want a couple people for this one, maybe four (including myself) if we're lucky enough. I wanted to ask if you guys would rather me end my first post in the recruiting office or during the actual training. I want to include the training so we can get suited up with some Scara Brae Guard goodies... Well, really just lame crap, but whatever... Alister's poor!

02-22-10, 05:24 AM
doesnt matter to me. lolz

Cade is on a goblin huntin kick, gotta get his fix. i dont mind startin at the trainin cause then we dont have like alot o posts bout meetin n stuff and like dont have to slow down the thread with it. its up to u tho, doesnt matter here. :)

02-22-10, 05:28 AM
Alright, well if we go to the training it'll take place a few weeks after they all join. Which means everyone has already been introduced to each other, so just write it out like that when your doing your posts! I'll finish mine out soon here to give you guys a rough idea of the thread and what not. Bunnying of my character in the thread is approved (just make a note of it when you post) which includes sparring during training and whatever. Just don't forget he's got a gimp leg

02-22-10, 05:32 AM
Jack'll be drunk half the time... soooooo, he doesn't care. =)

02-22-10, 05:51 AM
Bah-Bam (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=160421#post160421)

Hopefully it'll do!

Feel free to hop it along to the training!

Still have room for one more person if anyone wants in!

02-22-10, 07:36 AM
Nice post Jack! Nice post indeed... Two slots still open, on a first come first serve basis... Just read over what was discussed in here and let us know if you're going to jump in! If someone beats Cade to the punch in posting, then by all means the slot is yours!

02-22-10, 08:13 AM
thats not nice, specially since i'm more active than anyon else. but i guess i'll jus have to post befor anyone so i can keep my place.

02-22-10, 08:57 AM
Ha I wouldn't quite say more active than anyone... Seeing how our join date is almost the same (u joined before me) and I already have one completed thread... But I just want people to post so we aren't waiting an eternity to get this started.

02-22-10, 09:08 AM
posted :p

its tru, u post alot too. haha. i like it though, gives me somthing to look up to and try and keep pace wit.

Darion Ragnar
02-22-10, 12:22 PM
Well, since my weekend plans excluded me from the last, I'll be down for this. Expect something tonight.

02-22-10, 12:35 PM
Cool brotha' man... Quest is now closed to Cade, Darion, and Jack!

Darion Ragnar
02-22-10, 04:02 PM
Done and done.

Darion Ragnar
02-23-10, 10:00 PM
Waiting for a reply, you actively posting gents.

02-23-10, 10:49 PM
Yeah, sorry dudeskis I got a little caught up the last two days... But I'll have one out here in a bit

Edit: Posted, despite it being a kind of crap post :/. I'll go through and edit more details in later, but it's enough to get Jack going on his. My next post will be of the sargeant from The Knights of Scara Brae trying to recruit a few people for the mission (Goblin killing). Hopefully it's cool if I bunny you guys stepping forward to take the quest... If theres any other ideas post them here

Darion Ragnar
02-24-10, 01:06 AM
Looks good to me! I didn't mean to seem rude in my other post, either - just trying to keep this thing going. I appreciate it. Now, on to Cade!

02-24-10, 07:14 AM
Found me an NPC! =3 Cade is up!