View Full Version : Hook-ups

Jolie Fairchild
07-26-06, 03:00 PM
We talk about them jokingly in the Weird IC Dealy thread, but we don't do anything about the good ideas. This thread is for discussing actual char hook-ups, noting availability, etc. Also, if your char is taken, feel free to post who they're with so we can keep tabs. ^_^


Jolie is available for pretty much anything, though her charisma is easy to fall for, and she's, well, hot. IM me at urukpixie if you want to talk it over.

07-26-06, 04:28 PM
This one is mainly for fun. If any lady finds this appealing, I have nothing but sympathy for them.

Molotov is mangy and unkempt. Unlike 99% of Althanas' adventurers, he is pretty ugly. However, he makes up for his poor physical looks by ostentatious jewelry, inexplicable fashion choices and artificially colored hair. His last girlfriend died because of him, and Molotov was too busy murdering someone to pay his last respects. Also, he doesn't care much for when you tell him what to do.

In otherwords, he's perfect for you ladies that like a rebel.

07-26-06, 04:34 PM
Looking for that prim, clean, and slightly egotistical type? Looking for someone who's not only gifted with the sword, but with gorgeous looks? Well Osato's the man... well... person for you! With a perfect body, long silky violet hair, and eyes that people can be lost in (void-like) what's not to love? ;)

Though the strict inability to have sex is his only downfall...

Jolie, I'll be seeing you soon. lol.

07-26-06, 04:45 PM
I'll do anything, and pirate sex is better than mutant and asexual sex put together!

Looking for that real rebel who'd only make love to you for a day? Someone who'd probably steal your clothes after he's done? Looking for a man who can't read poems to you because he can't read? If you are, there's something wrong with you, but hey,

The Bard
07-26-06, 05:07 PM
Unlike Raphael I can sing you poems cause I can read, do I really have to explain my self I think this pretty much says everything

The fact that he's an elven bard makes him hot enough to cook with.

Some one said that in the IC dealy thing.

aside that Amoroth is a very funny guy who loves a good time with a few drinks, plus the good looks rap up everything. Blonde hair and green eyes he is pretty much a prince who knows how to hold how to hold his own in a fight and values nothing greater then the strength of friendship. But he has a secrect badass side that no one knows about and only shows during a fight.

Storm Veritas
07-26-06, 05:58 PM
Storm is NOT a ladies' man, even though he is technically heterosexual. He's always looking to screw, but he's pretty much a woman hater. Some big time damage in there. If a girl wants to try to "save" him, knock yourself out. I don't see it happening.

07-26-06, 09:12 PM
Meh why not?

Zerith's available almost anything. He knows how to hold his own in a fight and he'd be quick to fight for a woman. His dedicated and loyal, and good-looking when he's not covered in dirt and blood. Unless your into that kind of thing.

He likes to have a good time. Even if it means just getting away from the world and just hanging out. He's a kind, easygoing guy and very easy to get along with.

Those that wish to hook up with the so called "halberdier extrodinaire" need only to apply. He'll do his best to please you.

07-26-06, 09:24 PM
For the grins.

Blank is basically a young, innocent kid. He's been a little desensitized to sexual situations, due to being stuck travelling with Alan, a slightly perverted old man. He's willing to go along the normal romantic route, though he'll probably bumble a little at first. I like to think that women would see his innocence as something very cute.

Alan, on the other hand, will hit on anything that moves and has a nice enough rack. He gets the hints quick enough though, and will change quarries quickly. Expect lots of double entrendes and butt pinching.

If interested, please PM Lighthawk76 about these two eligible bachelors.

For someone with a one-night stand in mind, please go with Kyle Delaney (Darkhawk76). The man is troubled and a little morally lost. He'll go for any girl willing to offer some comfort, though don't expect anything in return.

Edit: Is it just me or is this becoming a "singles thread?"

07-26-06, 10:34 PM
for me, its become a snarky personals thread...

without further ado, I bring you Kedx Fieldeth

Tired of men who don't care? How about a man who cares too much? Someone who might kill you if you were to even do a single thing against his will. He'll treat you with the fragility of a porcelain doll, and also assume you have equal intelligence.

07-26-06, 10:38 PM
Considering how many males are in here, I will give this one a shot.

If you are looking for a ageless, fun loving, moraless beast from realms beyond that can take absolutely any shape you want, you have your creature! Want to know when you die, or possibly have a strange fetish that involves your soul being ripped from your body, then the Shinigami way is the way for you! Whether you like males, females, animals, monsters, or rodents, anything can be accomodated.

However, you might have to fight over her with Jannin, who knows, that little squirt might get attached.

Chidori Draconid
07-26-06, 10:43 PM
Haha. Chidori Draconid is taken, and he's a damn good boyfriend at that. Don't believe me, ladies? Look in the signature and click on the link to Ettermire Nights.

You'll wish you had a man like Chidori. :cool:

07-26-06, 11:50 PM
I'm going to do the three of my characters that are available.

The Cinderella Man - Looking for a washed out prizefighter who can't fight for shit, doesn't have a home and is generaly a loser in every sense of the word? Contact Victor "Padre" Callahan, and if you scrape just deep enough, you might reach the soft core that was burried within for years. And if you don't want to, you can just hire him to do your lawn, because he needs the money.

Rheawien - 36 year old half-elf with a body of a 20 year old is looking for a Mistress to dominate her, treat her rather harshly and beat her senseless every once in a while. Rhea is into bondage, she's very submissive once you break her, and she can fulfill your nastiest kinkiest wishes. Men need not apply.

Malagen - Need a break from the everyday hero bullshit? Why not try a murdering barbarian with no conscience, no regrets and oftentimes no emotions whatsoever? Somebody once said that there is an actual sentimental human being within Malagen, but that someone never lived to see another day.

07-27-06, 12:23 AM
Here we go...

Seth Dahlios and Liliana Ambria are taken, as they are together finally. DOn't even think about it.

Sarah Dahlios - Looking for a girl who is a love em and leave em type? Does the idea of a romantic relationship revolt you? Are you looking for a good time but afraid of commitment, then Sarah is the gal for you. [Authors Note: Warning, potential relationshipees may become subject to gold, item, or blood loss.]

Taviri Ambria - Looking for someone who can see right through you, and always knows what you've done, but doesn't care? Taviri is your man, he can see the stains upon yoru soul, and he doesn't care. Only intrepid outgoing women need apply.

Christopher Allen Torin - White 21 Male, Seeking fun loving thrill seeking young woman. Race non-issue, must like vodka. Those with an aversion to assassins need not apply.

Father SNew is also taken, as hes a catholic priest and does not seek relationships.

07-27-06, 12:43 AM
This thread seems awfully familar...haha

okay here we go all my gals:

Jasmine: 21 year old elf-human hybrid. She has long black hair and the bluest eyes you'll ever see. She's a sucker for romantical type gestures and is currently taken by Prince Raelyse, but she could be wooed away if the right man can prove to her what a jerk Raelyse really is

Cassandra: though this 24 year old considers herself taken, she has not seen her love in quite some time and is beginning to wonder if he's even alive anymore. She has brown hair and green eyes, loves to flirt and play silly games, but can be deadly serious when the situation calls for it.

Poison: If all you're looking for is a sex partner, then Poison's your girl. 22 years old, this former half-angel is now a vampire, though she hates it. Side effects of a night with her may include blood loss, but not enough to be harmful. She has silver hair, is slim and absolutely gorgeous

Beauty: Called Slave by her current owner, this young girl is very innocent mentally. If you are looking for someone without much education and willing to do whatever you asked when you asked, then this brown-haird, brown-eyes girl is for you. Good luck getting past her master Lord Carth though.

Lord Carth is a handsome elf from Salvar, seeking only to screw around (literally and figuratively speaking) and enjoy his young life before his dad dies and he has to take over the family affairs.

Kaeruen: (coming chara) Poison's older half-sister, she looks almost like she could be Poison's twin. She's not into relationships either and would love to meet someone, anyone that can take her mind off her problems of getting back to her home planet.

07-27-06, 12:48 AM


Chidori Draconid
07-27-06, 01:37 AM
currently taken by Prince Raelyse, but she could be wooed away if the right man can prove to her what a jerk Raelyse really is

lol She said... OMG she's serious. Oh, honey I'm sorry.

Cyrus the virus
07-27-06, 01:47 AM
Pff, that bitch Rheawien is so woo'd by the super cool Izvilvin :D:D

That being said...

Luc: He can make stuff out of wind. Like, you know, clothes and shit. Girls like that.

Izvilvin's noble, trustworthy, strong, loyal, good looking and rather fucking skilled. In fact, I'd go into greater detail if I didn't fear the overwhelming womanly response.

07-27-06, 02:05 AM
Haha, yes, I'm serious. I said that she was a sucker for romantical gestures....

Chidori Draconid
07-27-06, 02:16 AM
Like I said... I am so so sorry. If Avakra weren't so great (seeing as I'm controling her) and if she weren't a critical part of Chidori's story line, I would have him make a b-line for Jasmine. Alas you're going to have to settle for Raelyse. lol

07-27-06, 02:57 AM
lol this looks entertaining

pardon the similarities in there names, there is a reason for it.

Kaiserin: Although she is good looking, she is a tomboy, and a fighter at heart. Easily aggrivated, annoyed and pissed off will cause loss of limbs. threats will result in the loss of a cherished item. Warning approach with caution, keep a 6 foot god between yourself and her, her combat range is five feet when standing.

Kaiser: is Single and is already a father. Young looking and clean shaven, all that lets him down is the countless scars around his body. other than that, his sense of humour can lighten even apoclypse situations, and he has great listening skills (I think). But when your in danger he will be there to protect ya ... warning, do not hug the tail ... infact don't even attempt to hug him, results may include broken ribs

erm, ya

07-27-06, 03:27 AM
tis okay Chidori...i'm sure someone will come along eventually...

07-27-06, 06:08 AM
I'm Raelyse. Full Stop. Period.

Vampiric Angel
07-27-06, 06:11 AM
Anenfel is young and naive. The prime subject for being taken slightly against his will. Has a stout heart, and will fight to the death to protect you....if, by the time the 'sex' stuff happens, you mean something to him. But yea...line up ladies! Some fresh Half-elven meat coming through!

Jolie Fairchild
07-27-06, 06:22 AM
Taviri Ambria - Looking for someone who can see right through you, and always knows what you've done, but doesn't care? Taviri is your man, he can see the stains upon yoru soul, and he doesn't care. Only intrepid outgoing women need apply.

Christopher Allen Torin - White 21 Male, Seeking fun loving thrill seeking young woman. Race non-issue, must like vodka. Those with an aversion to assassins need not apply.
Taviri sounds alright, but Christopher sounds like one hell of a match for Jolie... Rayne, you may have competition, if Pat's up for it.

Abbie is flirtatious, cute, and lost in this world. Her inability to tell the truth is detrimental to relationships. She needs someone who is willing to take the time to dig under that surface and find out what she is and love her anyway. I thought Cinderella Man was the one, but he seems taken with Asuka :p

Schai is meant for Valentine, though her tender heart may be up for grabs if he doesn't act on it.

Ren Maear is VERY taken, and will remain so.

Vampiric Angel
07-27-06, 06:25 AM
Taviri sounds alright, but Christopher sounds like one hell of a match for Jolie... Rayne, you may have competition, if Pat's up for it.

Abbie is flirtatious, cute, and lost in this world. Her inability to tell the truth is detrimental to relationships. She needs someone who is willing to take the time to dig under that surface and find out what she is and love her anyway. I thought Cinderella Man was the one, but he seems taken with Asuka :p

Schai is meant for Valentine, though her tender heart may be up for grabs if he doesn't act on it.

Ren Maear is VERY taken, and will remain so.

Aww, I'm left out of the group Abbie? You're gonna make me cry. XD

Jolie Fairchild
07-27-06, 06:32 AM
Well, if the group gets much bigger, the thread will take a year to complete!

Damion Shargath
07-27-06, 06:38 AM
Damion is as good as taken...sorry to say it, but all the ladies are now missing out on the textbook badass :p

I must be pretty bored :)

07-27-06, 06:57 AM
Abbie is flirtatious, cute, and lost in this world. Her inability to tell the truth is detrimental to relationships. She needs someone who is willing to take the time to dig under that surface and find out what she is and love her anyway. I thought Cinderella Man was the one, but he seems taken with Asuka :pOh god! I feel... Yes, something between my shoulder blades... Must be a knife. I thought we had things planned for Victor and Abbie?!?! You are murdering my inner child. I'll go cry in the corner now. Asuka seems more prone to kicking Victor in the nuts then being his hook-up. I had to do something though since Deceits & Deviations was on a pause. You are mean. :eek:

07-27-06, 07:26 AM
Schai is meant for Valentine, though her tender heart may be up for grabs if he doesn't act on it.

Who's not acting?

Christina Bredith
07-27-06, 07:54 AM
Christina: Pretty, and she knows it. She'll seduce the hell out of you, but I'd be surprised if she actually went for anything serious. She's grown a little cold from losing people in battle, and considering she lost her ex-boyfriend in that battle, she's kind of built up a barrier around herself. Good luck.

Elrundir: You'll need even more luck. How much do you like bursting into flame?

07-27-06, 08:30 AM
Tarry: Ladies, are you looking for a mostly insane, blind vampire whose racists against anybody thats not him? Well then if you like being ignored, insulted, and generally treated like shit then this is the guy for you. On the plus side if he somehow becomes wooed by you he will go out of his way to protect you. Also ladies if you the jealous type he will happily help you get back at your friends, family and naighbors by sticking various sharp objects into various parts of their body. Could kick Luc's ass. Perfect for girls who really like a fixer upper.

Casha: Young out going female spy from another planet looking for a male. Playfull yet willing to be serious at the same time. Dwarf's, drows, and well known criminals need not apply. People who will ask too many questions about her involvement with Step also need not apply.

07-27-06, 09:26 AM
Do you enjoy the romantic candle-lit dinners? Do you love making love on a beach and atch the sun rise? Well, that sucks for you, because Vorin doesn't do either.

However, if you enjoy going to the opera and local theaters, spending long hours reading, and serving to the point of slavery, than Vorin's your man-pire. Well read and sophisticated, he enjoys the finer things in life. Never one to ingore good business, he'd sooner whore you off than look at you. He can't have sex, he can't eat, and you're lower on the foodchain to him. But atleast he's one of the few well dressed people on Althanas.

So if it pleases you to see a man with dreams of glory and power, who's prepared to slaughter an entire race, try Vorin. He's like diet Letho, without the after taste.

Max Dirks
07-27-06, 09:53 AM
Dirks is with Starlynn Sonar!

Rayne of Fire
07-27-06, 10:29 AM
That woman is such a plan changer. The plans were good. Then you invited Raph and Falcon into that shit. And I said ok. But Pat too? I can't fucking compete with that. That's just cold woman. Stone cold. And so....

Are you looking for a strong, handsome man, fully capable of defending you and yet not just as likely to slit your throat. Someone who's charming. Witty. Sophisticated. And was the first to wield the coolest fucking weapon on Althanas. Then Rayne Lunitari is the man for you. Sure he's from a distant planet and will always have a longing to return home... but maybe if you give him a good enough home here he'll stop looking for a way to leave.

Falcon Darkflight
07-27-06, 10:30 AM
Canen - Tall, dark and handsome. 127 years young. Enjoys espionage, swordfighting and watersports. Dislikes near extinction at the hands of a brutal underworld regime, all forms of colour and especially fluff. May appear moody at first but will cheer up when presented with food. (Warning: Intercourse may cause vomiting, sickness and blurred vision due to excessive blood toxins)

07-27-06, 10:58 AM
Kit: Beautiful workingwoman who enjoys the simple things in life and is a hard worker, excellent with a sword and stunning beauty other than the occasional scars. She doesn’t mind having more than one boyfriend though if you call her a slut then prepare to lose a limb.

Inari: A fun loving girl who is often quite happy and playful. She is inexperienced in the ways of love but is often very eager to please. Though people trying to take advantage of her better beware her mother.

Feru: A cute and energetic cat girl who enjoys all things magic. She loves to be around people but doesn’t understand them very well though she would like a relationship, her boyfriends will have to deal with her instinct’s view on love, which doesn’t really think about monogamy.

07-27-06, 01:56 PM
Rayne, I'm on AIM. Letho, you too. And yes, Victor and Abbie are still a go, I was just picking on you. :p

Falcon: As interesting as it would be, I don't think blood toxins are going to work for Jolie :p

Mistress Lida
07-27-06, 05:26 PM
My pet has been chosen.

07-27-06, 06:07 PM
Hana - You've got to have a good ear and an ability to withstand an argument to handle this girl. Hana is a dark-skinned Fallien woman who's not afraid to have real curves and a violent temper, and any man who can stay awake through her prattle and keep her happy deserves a shot.

Sanoƫ - If you are a follower and don't mind getting the cold shoulder, Sanoƫ is the woman for you! She's looking for a gentleman, which by her definition is someone who bend to her will and stay out of the way. If you can melt this icy woman, you might have a chance. Of course, if you even mention sex, she'll probably say no.

07-27-06, 07:09 PM
Miles Leaf/Steam/Song/Snow/Fields/Sand/Firestone : Good looking, rletivly mysterious man who always seems to remind those of the unfortunate third son in a cliche story. Assuming one does not mind him being hunted down by some of the most powerful creatures on Althanas, while at the same time doing everything to piss them off, he will be a loyal match for anyone. For about a week or until he gets bored. Whichever comes first.

Last name also changes often, if you haven't noticed ^^

Cyrus the virus
07-28-06, 12:18 AM
My pet has been chosen.

Okay, my job is way too damn boring if I get home and get turned on by this.

07-28-06, 02:26 AM
Dude, then when the quest starts today, you'll get a heart attack. :P

Damion Shargath
07-28-06, 05:25 AM
Hardcore Lesbo Bondage...you two are too obvious :p

Mistress Lida
07-28-06, 05:39 AM
Okay, my job is way too damn boring if I get home and get turned on by this.
No, you're simply human. The idea of Lida dominating Rheawian and making her a cherished pet is a vivid and erotic image.

Oh, and Letho, you underestimate us. ^_~

07-28-06, 05:41 AM
Okay, my job is way too damn boring if I get home and get turned on by this.

You get turned on by everything.

Damion Shargath
07-28-06, 05:49 AM
You get turned on by everything.


at least in my book...

07-28-06, 05:54 AM
As hot as this convo is, this thread is meant for people to hook up. I know we aren't far from topic, but it's straying more than it should. :p

Note: Abbie is probably going to end up with Cinderella Man.

Jolie... well, I have my ideas. ;)

07-28-06, 06:04 AM
This thread is about halfway through the fifth page. I'll be surprised if we don't start talking about raping Ewoks in about a day or two.

Cyrus the virus
07-28-06, 08:50 AM
Hey now, this isn't off topic in the slightest bit. We're talking about people hooking up.

Notably, I'm about to talk about how Izvilvin is upset Rheawien is such a slut. He wants her to be traditional and tie herself down to him ;) So much so he should slay this mistress bitch. Grrrrr!!

I could never think up a good match for Luc. I guess it'd need to be someone who can keep him grounded.

The Bard
07-28-06, 09:16 AM
lol This is so funny I mean how can you not read all these and not laugh. Dont get me wrong I like the idea its just the concept of it. Also I've had a few ideas in mind of who gets to be with Amoroth but still I need to know whats final. HUZZAH!

07-28-06, 12:43 PM
Personally, I don't really care much about the lovelives of Althanas characters. If you guys aren't careful enough, it'll spawn into some board-obsessed addiction where you believe everyone's a celebrity or pornstar, depending on how you judge relationships.

As far as the explicit lesbo thread idea goes.. Never underestimate the fundamentals of bondage.

Now.. seeing as how this is a thread for hook-ups and what not, I did consider throwing some dark gothic sorta thread for Lisean to belong in. You see, I had the idea once of having some vampire lady coming in a quest to embrace him and make him his slave and eventually work his way out of his line of duty to pursue his studies. However.. that idea kinda died. I don't really care so much for where Lisean goes from here. I'm basically handing over the wheel to the random events, and having him turn himself into whatever, based on the quests and friendships he makes and yada yada yada..

But hey, for the sake of advertising on the thread..
He's single. :p

There is the occasional RPer that will only specify working in threads that revolve around romance. The ones that are not neccessarily desperate for love, but rather have a knack or simply get kicks out of it. If anyone is like that and needs a dark, neutral but leaning towards evil kinda guy, I'm around.

08-28-06, 11:26 AM

Anyone with a penis. That simple folks, I'm just looking for that with Lucien. Any race, any size, any color, any magic, don't care.

Torin Reahkari
08-28-06, 07:04 PM
I'm too cool to write a description.

Sighter Tnailog
10-14-09, 12:14 AM
Any size, Lucien? Sure you're ready for some of the mastiffs out there?

Max Dirks
10-14-09, 12:21 AM
3 years later?

10-14-09, 01:16 AM
Someone finally came along for Poison, does that count?

The International
10-14-09, 01:34 AM
What in the Blue Hell is this? Y'all have got to be kiddi...

Screw it. I'll bite (kinky).

I've come to accept that Vespasian may be my main character, but his family is extremely important, so I'm going to go down the list.

Vespasian's no James Bond, but he can be a charmer. However, he's all around the world with his job so temporary flings and one night stands are what he's all about right now. That doesn't mean he's the type to hit it and quit it. He's a very gracious fellow so he may leave you a tip before he leaves.

Esme & Alix, Vespasian's parents, are, as far as I know so far, monogamous and happy. They consider adventure foreplay since they've been together for so long. However, if one needs sex tips, the two of them are more than willing to give advice. They're more experienced in that field than they let on.

Maelle is probably the most emotionally available of the family. Why? Because she's the most emotional... Period... Good luck.

Ludivine... Hehehe... Oh, Ludivine. By far the most promiscuous of the Villeneuves, but you may want to make a list.
-Pros: She's hot, she won't get attached, she's quite experienced, she's insatiable, she'll try anything thrice, she's what I like to call omnisexual.
-Cons: She will fuck you up literally. If she feels like being the man you better loosen up because there's no stopping this woman from getting what she wants from you.

10-19-09, 01:01 AM
3 years? really? wow... i suppose an update or two is order then...

Poison *is* going to hook-up with Nightstalker... she just doesn't know it yet

Jasmine is now engaged to Zerith Dracosius and is preggo with their first child.

Cassy is still searching for Luther (and will find him soonish if i can ever find the time to write it)

Jessi isn't currently "officially" hooked up with anyone on the forum.. though that's likely to change very soon. soon as Edward Judorne and I get around to having the charas meet ;)

Romis is still single, and he's even open to relationships now that he's found Jasmine and realizes that she's very happy with Zerith. (this is pending an overhaul of the character a bit). He's around 6' tall, handsome, he tends to go for romantic gestures and will fight to his last breath to defend those weaker than him or that he loves very much. He is a full-blooded dragon, so he has a VERY long life-span, but is currently stuck in a humanoid form with large wings.

oh and Slave is going to be free soon, but who she'll end up with remains to be seen...

Lord Anglekos
10-19-09, 02:24 PM
For the sake of conformity.

Well, Eric is single, but isn't looking. No matter who he's with, he still manages to compare the woman to his dead lover. Just a little screwed in the head.

Like Eric, Vincent is single. Not only that, but he's dead; and even were he to be revived, bloodlust reigns over his emotions, and he has a horrible time of separating the two. So I don't see him hooking up with anybody soon.

Strickland's single, but he's mainly all business.

And Beleos is single as well. For those who don't know Strickland and Beleos, one's half angel and the other's a guy who works like a phoenix. I don't use them, really; they're just there just in case I get the urge to once again.

Well, that's that.

Corvus MacCallum
10-19-09, 06:19 PM
Okay Corvus is a wandering vagabond that throws himself at big nasties for the sake of fighting them. So he's not really been looking for a girl due to the fact that he'd get the urge to wander off sooner or later.

Enjoys natural girls who like Long Walks across... anything really.

Goji is about six inches tall which limits a few things, though his mecha did get cosey with one girl.

Reiko Valour is single but fully interested in tracking down a fun and energetic lass to continue his adventures in pretty much anything funky. Course not everyone is accepting of a lizardman.

Jack Frost
08-18-10, 01:08 PM
Just for the hell of it.
Musica: A more...fluffy cute adorable pet than anything else. unfortunately he is in love with tacos.

Jack: Currently with Aušra

Chroma: A rather tall lean and handsome type of man. Too bad he can't really reproduce, he can fake it, but nothing else really.

Dark: is in love with gold and crime, do-gooders need not apply.

Grimm: Every necrophiliacs dream...

Venn: He'll treat you like a whore in public, and then be the most fantastic man when nobody is watching.

Leroy: One shy and socially awkward young man. Dark can tell you your beautiful 1,000 different ways and in every language.

Wolfman 20
08-18-10, 09:55 PM
Okay, if you're looking for a walking, talking, leg humping werewolf, then look no further. Luscious could be your ''knight in black armor''

If you're looking for a woman who will always find a way to take control in the bedroom, then Mary is the girl for you. She ain't afraid to hit a man and fight back, as long as he lasts long enough to satisfy her, he's okay with her.

If you're looking for your knight in SHINING armor, don't look here. Issac is one evil mamajama. His armor is just as evil as he is. So if dark people turn you on, then i guess Issac is for you.

Now if you're looking for a one of a kind guy who'd fight to the death for his love/family, do what he can to make her happy, then Eric is your man.

If you're turned on by power, then Sefirosu is the man for you. All he wants is power, and the occasional one night stand, but mainly power.

08-18-10, 10:36 PM
Chroma: A rather tall lean and handsome type of man. Too bad he can't really reproduce, he can fake it, but nothing else really.

Actually, since Chroma is a machine like Esmerelda, just of a different make and model, he CAN reproduce, but with her alone, and only after the software for Drone production is recovered.

It would also require bridging their respective OS's, and transferring files back and forth, until the complete model is approved.

Actually, it'd be pretty interesting to see what sort of a relationship two machines could have.

Lavinian Ambition
08-18-10, 10:52 PM
If you're looking for a woman who will always find a way to take control in the bedroom, then Mary is the girl for you. She ain't afraid to hit a man and fight back, as long as he lasts long enough to satisfy her, he's okay with her.

I would love to see her TRY to beat up Jared...that would be one hell of a thread...

PROTIP: Roughhousing is foreplay...

Chroma the lost
08-18-10, 11:03 PM
Actually, since Chroma is a machine like Esmerelda, just of a different make and model, he CAN reproduce, but with her alone, and only after the software for Drone production is recovered.

It would also require bridging their respective OS's, and transferring files back and forth, until the complete model is approved.

Actually, it'd be pretty interesting to see what sort of a relationship two machines could have.
That sounds like fun. Perhaps we should organize a thread in which the two could meet? Perhaps when you're on shore leave? Then maybe Esme can bring Chroma and Dark into the Ruby queen?

08-18-10, 11:11 PM
That sounds like fun. Perhaps we should organize a thread in which the two could meet? Perhaps when you're on shore leave? Then maybe Esme can bring Chroma and Dark into the Ruby queen?

We could indeed. The power of liquid time, and liquid machines, are incredible.

Lavinian Ambition
08-18-10, 11:13 PM
If you want to see her do that, then call her out. She'll kick anyone's ass in hand to hand combat.

I believe I just did...

Lady's Touch
08-18-10, 11:15 PM
I believe I just did...

Give me a time and a place and I[her] will be there.

Lavinian Ambition
08-18-10, 11:35 PM
Just to warn you, he WILL be seducing her...


there ya go...

Lady's Touch
08-18-10, 11:58 PM
Just to warn you, he WILL be seducing her...


there ya go...

damn you work fast. I'll try to have a post up soon. I have a job interview in the morning so it should be up sometime tomorrow afternoon, give or take some time. How goes the 'bunny rule'?

Lavinian Ambition
08-19-10, 12:03 AM
You can bunny a bit, I'll help you correct anything blatantly out of character...

Lady's Touch
08-19-10, 12:05 AM
You can bunny a bit, I'll help you correct anything blatantly out of character...

Thanks. So I know, is this a battle of the sex's or a raunchy fuck session?

If you need to get a hold of me, you can aim me, I'll put my aim on my page okay?

Enigmatic Immortal
08-21-10, 04:51 PM
Lady try to kick Jensen's ass? Int he words of Dante,

"Ouuu I love a fast lady!"

If you show me what you got I may be up for kicking her ass.

Lady's Touch
08-21-10, 04:56 PM
Lady try to kick Jensen's ass? Int he words of Dante,

"Ouuu I love a fast lady!"

If you show me what you got I may be up for kicking her ass.

Patience. For now redhead above gets a shot. Once that is done, you can see how fast she is for yourself.

Enigmatic Immortal
08-21-10, 05:08 PM
from your first post I can see her character now...

you will be missed.

Lady's Touch
08-21-10, 05:13 PM
from your first post I can see her character now...

you will be missed.

Give me time. I have to get in the mood for this. It's how I am. If I'm not in the mood for it, then I suck ass. If I am into it, I'll do my damn best to make it my hopefully my best with this character.

Slayer of the Rot
08-21-10, 08:28 PM
Widowed single parent looking for a plump, stupid girl. Bring your own spices and a dipping sauce of your own choice.

08-21-10, 08:37 PM
Widowed single parent looking for a plump, stupid girl. Bring your own spices and a dipping sauce of your own choice.

I lol'd.


Single, white sociopath with a batman complex. Looking for a woman of the same type. For one night stands, bring kevlar for the male.