View Full Version : The Sky Is Falling! (Scara Brae Open Challenge)

02-23-10, 07:13 AM
So, to get creative juices flowing and to try out some new ideas for the forthcoming Scara Brae changes, I set you ALL a challenge. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=160514#post160514) That's right, each and every one of you, regardless of level, character and allegiance.

There are a few rules, and a simple synopsis;

No limit on the number of participants.
One character per person, no alts.
If you are level 3 or above, XP earned is halved, gold increased.
The thread will automatically be closed once it reaches 60 replies, or when two weeks elapses.
The thread will be judged as a battle, but with full rubric and focus on continuity, pacing and how the thread flows with everyone surprising each other with ideas.
Highest scoring participant receives a special prize, awarded from my own coffers, and one faction point for their chosen faction in Scara Brae (details forthcoming).

I will periodically put up small guiding updates which are responsive to your posts, mostly over views of the City Guard, University movements and the Prophet's latest ramblings. But will not receive Xp for doing so.

02-23-10, 07:38 AM

02-23-10, 07:44 AM
Sounds fun. >:3 Count me in?

We're allowed to just join, right...?

02-23-10, 09:54 AM
Pile in, literally.

Start where you like, do what you like, bounce of one another's ideas, be creative. But remember to go with the flow!

(And don't kill the prophet...yet.)

Visla Eraclaire
02-23-10, 10:18 AM
The link in the main thread you posted links to the "create a new topic" page for the Recruitment forum rather than this thread.

02-23-10, 10:51 AM
I posted! ^^ I hope it's alright?

Archanex Jotham
02-23-10, 11:01 AM
You're ze Devil sir. I mean the man. Yeah that's the ticket. Count me in broskie.

02-23-10, 11:17 AM
The link in the main thread you posted links to the "create a new topic" page for the Recruitment forum rather than this thread.

Oops, thanks Visla - corrected.

02-23-10, 11:52 AM
Now it links to the post you just made. Like, here ^.

02-23-10, 12:11 PM
It links to this thread which is good enough for me :p

03-02-10, 06:40 AM
Should I just post again in this thread? Since it doesn't seem like someone else is going to reply...unless someone wants to?

03-02-10, 09:38 AM
Go for it... DUffy said when two weeks is up, so let's just do it- You, Pav, and I.

03-02-10, 09:42 AM
Alrighty, cool beans. I'll work on a post, then. HOWEVER:

Anyone who wants to join can (SHOULD) go ahead and do so!

We probably ought to think about some sort of a plot, in that case.

03-02-10, 10:05 AM
Well one thing is Alister knows Jothem and Ulysses ICly, even though our quests aren't complete yet (I figure end of the world comes post Brokenthorn forest and Neverscale beach for Alister at least). So that could work in our favor!

03-02-10, 11:08 AM
Given lack of activity I may prolong this, after the next post or two, I'll post an advance/summary of the current state in the city and give you something more productive to work with.

03-02-10, 11:14 AM
I'mma join. Novice Medic coming your way.

03-02-10, 11:23 AM
NOOOO Not Duffy's roommate, or somethingggg

03-02-10, 11:34 AM
Hm okay Duffy! Same goes for Wohe. Sounds good. ^^

Um I'd like to post tonight, but I have a game theory midterm tomorrow that I've got to study for. So Wohe should just go ahead, and Duffy too if he wants to post more info or something, don't wait for me.

03-02-10, 11:39 AM
NOOOO Not Duffy's roommate, or somethingggg

Wohe approached Alister with the sweetess of intentions, easy eyes and the most carefree smile. About to say something that seemingingly would have been as satisfying as a long warm shower after an even longer cold shift, she picked up her glass rod and stuck it up YOUR ASS.
Yeah I'm coming, but I live two floors down from Duffy. ;D You need to need some assistance anyway, you have ten guys after you. Every woman's fantasy.

And thanks, Ulysses. :)

03-02-10, 12:06 PM
i want to join to, i can post somthing later this afternoon when i catch up on other stuff. :p

03-02-10, 12:16 PM
Ha ha, it all sounds good! Was just joshin' you Wohe

And lookie' here... Alister is now a wanted man!

Archanex Jotham
03-02-10, 09:45 PM
Hey Alister, I left you an opening to assist the Mage's Guild as we discussed on AIM or whatever. Feel free to help out if you want dude. By the way, great job everybody! Revenant, IM me if you can I want to plan some stuff with you if you feel like doing something really awesome.

03-03-10, 09:37 AM
If anybody needs help (I assume after the Queen has had her lesbionic way with me) with battles, just holla. <3

03-03-10, 09:56 AM
I feel like for some reason I'm not involved with the main plot of this...but y'know, it's cool, I can do my own thing I guess. XD if anyone wants to talk to me on AIM about this, feel free.

03-03-10, 11:42 AM
Sorry Ulysses, I completely overlooked you - I promise to rein you into the update posts and give you something to work with - I'm a bit lethargic at the minute!

03-03-10, 11:43 AM
That's alright! I'll wait to post again until I have something more to work with, though, if that's alright. I don't really want to just be off on a tangent somewhere...

03-03-10, 11:54 AM
That's fine, I'm going to wait roughly every 3-4 posts between updates, so shouldn't be too long a wait!

03-03-10, 12:05 PM
Okie dokie! That's fine!

I hope what I posted was alright though?

03-03-10, 12:37 PM
Ulysses, I liked it and have been thinking of ways to meaningfully interact with the 'Friends of Scara Brae' without being swarmed by a horde of angry peasants.

Jotham, feel free to PM me with your idea and I will do what I can to incorporate.

03-03-10, 01:41 PM
I did indeed, I will incorporate your notion into the majority of the next update. I intend to post one update on the streets, so to speak, as an NPC Rebel leader, and then the next in the Queen's company, to show both sides of the disaster.

03-03-10, 01:44 PM
Duffy you sure do know how to shake things up ;)

03-03-10, 02:08 PM
Heh, regardless of my position here or my 'professional glamour,' I am first and foremost a writer, and love encouraging others to do the same.

I'm in this for the fun, and I hope you all are too :D

03-05-10, 04:32 PM
Ulysses, my last post should leave you open to run into me in some fashion. Yay!

03-09-10, 12:27 PM
Any forward momentum on this thread?

03-09-10, 01:39 PM
I'm working on the update in the reserved post, it'll be OOC comments only in favour of prolonging the wait any longer.

Sorry to hold us up, anyone seen Alister?

03-09-10, 02:13 PM
Okay, I've been waiting for Duffy's update before I post again.

Um no, I haven't seen Alister a week or so now. He hasn't posted in the other thread I have with him either.

03-10-10, 02:06 PM
Hey sorry about that, just barely got all situated back at my house after my two month long voyage (through the American Mid-west... Cheesy). So I'll be ready to post again here fairly soon

03-10-10, 04:03 PM
Excellent! Alister's back and Duffy posted his update. Let's get this wagon train a-rollin'.

03-15-10, 05:33 PM
Duffy, are you pausing for an update or is has the thread reached its time limit and is being finished?

03-15-10, 05:44 PM
I paused it so I could get a chance to write a proper, worthwhile update for you all before it progressed too much for me to do so effectively.

If you'll all hold out for just a day or so, you'll see why ;)

03-15-10, 06:03 PM
No problem. I just remembered that we had an initial 2 week time frame for the thread, which I believe has passed us by, and was just curious.

Thanks for the update. Keep on keepin' on.

03-15-10, 06:05 PM
Oh, this is so much fun and you guys are bringing it, the time limit is revoked - I'd say I've got another big update, then a mini one, then my concluding post and then your guys reactions/conclusions.

But let's see how it goes, the end of the world should be fun :D

(I'm kidding, no-one will die, for shizzle).

03-15-10, 06:06 PM
(I'm kidding, no-one will die, for shizzle).

Bah, take all the fun out of it will you. Jeesh.

03-15-10, 06:08 PM
I said no-one, which doesn't exclude everyone ;)

04-01-10, 04:33 AM
Sorry about the delay guys and girls, we're good to go now though. Crafting you all slightly, but find your way to the top of the tower of the castle and we can bring this to it's audience with the Queen awesomeness conclusion!

04-01-10, 06:58 AM
Hooray! I was wondering what was going on with this thread. Um, I think it's my turn to post but I doubt I'll get a post up today :P Soon, though! And I think if Jotham or Revenant wanted to post first that would be okay.

Anyway, yay, glad this thread is making a return!

04-09-10, 04:13 PM
Jeesh, ok took me long enough but my post is up and it's someone else's turn to be the one to wait on.

*Casts Time Stop*
*Casts Permanency*
Now we wait.

04-09-10, 04:27 PM
Whose turn is next, mine or Duffy's?

04-09-10, 04:28 PM
Considering that we both just headed into the palace, I would assume that Duffy had something planned.

04-09-10, 05:37 PM
Since you're the only ones to have made it to the finale, it is indeed my turn to make you wait (again!)

I will try and get this wrapped up before The Cell begins, otherwise it'll get lost in obscurity again. I have several posts owed both on here and Warseer, so I shall do my best to wrap it up and post sometime over the weekend; nice work guys!

04-21-10, 01:58 PM
Ball is back in Duffy's court.

04-21-10, 02:08 PM

Yeah sorry guys, I kinda...er, forgot about this thread. XD oops. But I posted eventually!

04-21-10, 02:19 PM
Well done the both of you for making it this far! I'll have a post up in a day or two, although given the closeness to deadlines, it might be longer. We're all but finished, mind, a post or two more and we can review/submit, and all's well that ends well!

04-29-10, 05:50 PM
Duffy's mastery of time and space is amazing enough that he can turn 'a day or two' into a week with little to no effort. :D

Just kidding and using this as a reminder that this thread is still kicking and sooooo close to finishing.

04-29-10, 05:51 PM
Gah, second in line is this thread. Thanks for reminding me, I'll try and make it special, too.

05-02-10, 01:36 AM
William's reply is up.

Its up to Ulysses now.