View Full Version : Battle Analysis initiated (open challenge, one person)

02-27-10, 09:44 AM
Esmerelda approached the steps to the citadel. She had heard of it in her travels, when she was in Salvar. A place where one could fight and not fear death. Such would not be the case for her, she was afraid. She was after all a machine, and nothing more. In fact, she was several machines. Millions of them, billions of them, if not trillions and zillions of them. Truth was, Esmerelda had yet to take a complete population census of the nanites that composed her swarm. Such small machines, no bigger than a human cell, they were a marvel of engineering.

Yet, despite being so many small machines, she was able to take human form, and thus interact with her environment. Currently she could only take any variety of human female form she wished, and due to the sunny weather, she wished to take the form of a tall slender human female in a nice white dress. She had her skin be white, and her hair blond. Her lips appeared to be bright red, as though she wore lipstick, and her eyes were black as coal.

Her emotions matrix fully active, Esmerelda couldn't help but wonder what others thought of her appearance. Normally she wouldn't care, but ever since she recovered her Emotions Matrix due to a spar with an organic man who named himself Hyro Izuahl, she began to think of such things.

She paused to review her file on Hyro, relishing the images she had saved of him. Six feet of raven haired manhood. The image triggered her desire response, and Esmerelda realized, with relish, that when her maker gave her a complete matrix capable of simulating the entire dynamic range of human emotions, he meant it. Yet, could she feel love, the most powerful of all emotions?

As her senses switched from internal activity to external activity, she realized several people were looking at her quizzically. She realized she had partially melted when she looked at the image of Hyro, and made a system message to investigate that at a more opportune moment. Blushing, she reformed.

“So, do we put her in a tank of water, or merely give her a private room to, ahh, recover in?” one person asked another. All were wearing identical robes, some were older, some were younger. These were surely the monks of the citadel.

“I don't know. I sense that she's alive, like we are somehow, but made of metal, like a golem. I sense no magic, but great amounts of energy running through her, equal to say, the average person's life force. If I didn't know better, I'd say when she began to melt like ice on a hot day, she was probably lusting after some man she had met once. That's certainly the emotion I felt coming from her. It was strange though, as though it were somehow different from an average person's feelings of lust. Regardless, I wonder what she's here for.” An older monk said.

“I am perfectly capable of hearing you, and for your information, I am a magical construct. I was made, not born. Having no owners worthy of possessing me, I am left to my own devices. I am damaged, but you lack the skills necessary to fully assist me. The wise men that made me possessed a unique magic not found on this world. I am however, fully self-efficient. I can repair myself completely given enough time. Therefore, since I am left to my own devices, I need to accomplish two tasks.

The first is to take complete stock of my battle skills and see what I am still capable of. The second, I hope will take place during or after battle. I recovered my Emotions Matrix, which gives me emotions equal to any human, during a battle, rather, just after. I am hoping that by battling here in the citadel, I can recover more of my lost enchantments.” Esmerelda said crisply, not appreciating being talked about as if she wasn't there.

What she said wasn't a lie, but it wasn't true either. She did need to perform a thorough analysis of her battle worthiness, and perhaps in the process, she might recover more of her lost data like she did her Emotions Matrix. Esmerelda was pleased with that recovery, the hope she now felt for her potential success was a pleasant feeling. She used the magical construct story, because a world as primitive as Althanas couldn't possibly believe anything as fantastic as the truth.

The monks seemed to buy it, and appeared to think deeply.

“Are you willing to face death, or whatever the equivalent might be for one such as you?” a monk asked.

“Knowing you do not have the ability to bring me back if I should be destroyed, yes.” Esmerelda said.

The monks broke out in smiles.

“Well then come right this way. We have many arenas to choose from. Don't like what we have currently, well we'll help you create one to your specifications.” another monk said leading Esmerelda into the citadel.

“To my specifications?” Esmerelda asked, breaking into a smile of her own, a mischievous one at that.

~ ~ ~

Esmerelda recalled with pleasure the whispered words of the monks as they left.

“Good gods that woman is demanding. Exactly this length, exactly that length, and not a picometer off. What is a picometer anyway?”

“I don't know, but it must be extravagantly small. Remember when Ahlrek simply walked away? It was because she had spent the previous hour lecturing him on the importance of propriety when working with things of a delicate nature after he missed her directions by an inch. I don't think she stopped talking long enough to take a single solitary breath once the entire time we were setting the room up.”

Esmerelda chuckled silently to herself. Her arena of choice was a replication of a Holo-simulator from back on her world. The floor, the walls, the ceiling, they were all one singe continuous grid of squares, exactly five feet each.

Simple, easy, efficient. Yet, this arena had its surprises. At a single word from her, the arena would change to one of three different surprise arenas. Esmerelda was disappointed in one thing only so far, despite her best efforts she had failed to completely break the legendary patience of the monks. Test it, yes, break it, no. Still, she had fun trying.

Esmerelda stood stock still in the center of the room, waiting for her first scheduled opponent to arrive.

02-27-10, 11:14 AM
Radasanth, Corone. The last place Alister Cain could imagine being on a warm spring afternoon, but life in the past few months had been surprising to say the least. He had trekked the beaches of Scara Brae, climbed the mighty Windlancers, and even gone as far as venturing into Brokenthorn Forest in the midst of night- but all of that was just a memory for the black robed wizard as he hobbled the bustling street leading to the citadel.

Even in his early twenties, when he had lived in Corone, the wizard had never made his way to the fabled citadel. Never stepped foot into it's ancient stone columns. The construct itself couldn't speak, despite it being rumored of magic beyond comprehension, but if it could there would be millions of tales pouring from it's relic walls. Now that he was older, wiser, and slightly more powerful, the wizard could finally enter the citadel's polished metal doors. Doors that reflected an eternity of mystery and left the wizard in a state of awe.

So this is it? This is the citadel... The wizard thought as he entered the main hall of the building. I thought it would be more, humble?

The interior of the ancient structure was a bit more lavish than he had expected. High stone walls, curving abruptly into a towering ceiling. Wooden chandeliers that dangled from rustic chains, providing visible natural light. Stained glass, that blended incoming rays from the sun, creating a angelic glow. It was a bit to take in for Alister, who was now staring open mouthed at a shelf displaying a series of artifacts.

The Grand Staff of Rumaia, used by the sorcerer Artiman Crendel. A dribble of spit feel from the wizard's mouth as he glared at the masterwork staff. Widened eyes became gaping as he saw the next artifact. A titanium cane that was somewhat similar to his own glass and emerald one. Under the cane it read:

Crendel's Cane, rumored to be imbued with the fallen sorcerer's magic.

Alister probably would've stolen the whole collection of spell caster relic's, if it weren't for-

"Ah, I see you're a man with taste." Alister turned to face the slender, robed frame of a monk. The monk was well put together, hosting a smile complete with dimples, and a set of pearly teeth. "These are just a few of our many mementos."

The wizard fought hard to return from his daydream. One that involved him breaking the glass of the display, stealing both the staff and cane, and high-tailing it out of Radasanth. Hell he was wanted for murder in Corone anyway, why not throw larceny in there, make the price on his head worth the trouble.

"So what can I help you with today mister?" The monk questioned, as if he didn't already know the answer.

Give me all this shit! Is what Alister thought, but it came out more like-

"Show me to the nearest dueling chamber."


The room around the wizard was foreign, to say the least. It reminded him of a dreamless rest, an eternal void, that was separated into a series of transparent squares. From the roof, to the floor, even the walls- all squares that gave off an unnatural glow. To the wizard's surprise the room lacked all aspects of organic life. There was no smell or taste to the air. There was neither heat or moisture.

Whose nightmare was this shit heap spat from? He questioned himself, before bearing witness to an odd looking woman.

"Well hello there." Was all he could manage to let out before tapping his glass cane on the cubic floor beneath, "seems solid enough."

Alister paused to take one last look at the environment. "What do you say we begin? I've got dinner plans for tonight, so we'll need to make this rather quick." He lied.

02-27-10, 07:02 PM
Esmerelda didn't think much of her opponent. He was a physical weakling, what sort of challenge could he present? How could she get a complete analysis of herself this way? Useless monks. Better to finish him off fast so as to not raise his hopes.

“Excellent, then let us begin. Computer, initiate Holographic simulation 3.” Esmerelda said, speaking the command words that would change the arena.

First, all they heard were the sounds of waves. Magic in the arena held them in place while it transformed. Then the walls cracked, and fell over backwards, fading away into nothing as they went, taking the door with them.

They were on a sandy stretch of beach. Waves were lapping gently at the shore. Palm trees were dotted about the landscape, and gulls cried out in the bay. This arena's purpose was to test her movement capabilities in an arena with some degree of resistance. The monks insisted on the aesthetic design.

“So romantic, let me hold a real man.” Esmerelda said, smiling.

Spikes erupted from her body at every point, and without further ado, she charged the weak looking man to impale him on her chest, and throw her arms around him to impale him from the back as well.

03-02-10, 10:19 AM
Before Alister could even start, the lady said something and the environment around the two changed. The beams from an unnatural sun blinded the wizard momentarily, but a sudden shriek alerted him as to where he was-

The damn beach. He thought as he dug his shoes into soft ivory sand. After his exploits in Neverscale the wizard made a promise to himself that he would avoid (all) beaches. He hated the humid dryness of the air. He hated having to mush through miles of feather like surfaces. He just hated the beach, period.

Above the wizard was a flock of, what his friend Ulysses had called them, seagulls. The young man from Neverscale beach was a true friend and ally, and if it weren't for him Alister would be a mound of bones, littering the beach of Neverscale. Before he could further inspect the beach the wizard noticed his opponent, who had now taken on a strange form and was charging like some sort of human wrecking ball. She now had sharp tendrils emerging from every inch of her body, ready to pierce the wizard on touch.

To Alister's favor her speedy approach was slightly hampered by the ever moving sand of the beach. That combined with the fact that Alister had removed a small napalm canister from his robe pocket, wasn't to pretty for the incoming... girl?

Without hesitation the wizard threw the canister at the beach surface several feet away. Upon impact it ignited, causing a spiral of red and yellow flames to emerge. With his opponent incoming, the flames several feet away from her, the mage used his pyromancy to alter the fire. Causing it to grow in size, vertically and horizontally.

Now which way will you dodge. He questioned, while watching the lady and preparing his next spell

03-03-10, 06:47 AM
Esmerelda stopped as flames erupted from the canister, momentarily surprised. She could neither go left nor right. She theorized that because the flames could spread well beyond their point of origin, despite a visible lack of fuel or means, their reach was practically indefinite.

Melee diagnostics not possible. Opponent uses energy attacks. Local term: Magic. Chance of winning high if close quarters can be established, environment likely not necessary. Terminate quickly and proceed to second phase of testing.

Esmerelda was disappointed, and excited to finally be fighting an arcane opponent. She hadn't experienced magic before, but had heard of it, and wanted a chance to try and see it in action.

Yet, how to proceed? Her opponent seemed to be waiting on her. She looked left, and looked right. He was probably expecting her to go around. She didn't have time to try and go through the sand, so that left her one surprising action, through the fire. She quickly released the connections in her left arm, and ripped it out of its socket. Morphing it into a spiked mace as she swung, she threw it at her opponent. Then she followed it, leaping through the flames to get at her opponent.

Apart of her felt one unpleasant emotion, fear. The fear that she would be destroyed her. After all, magic couldn't work on machines, could it?