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02-27-10, 11:37 AM
The Administratrix

Under construction.

Across the city, in small tidy offices with trestle tables stacked high with papers and scrolls, Innari, academics and cut-throat merchants proffer the daily wares of bounty hunters and lazy hands to those willing to invest their time and coin.

It is in these offices that an adventurer or do gooder can find work of all types. From simple escort assignments to rescue, ravage and 'acquisitions' of items of high demand. All that is required is a suitable collection of skills, an eagerness to invest, and charm.

The central office, a large and spacious building resembling a University library stands overlooking Market Square in the busy merchant district of Scara Brae, and there are similar offices all across the city and the island. There are nine in Scara Brae, and five total in the surrounding towns.

The Provost Lancaster is the current regent of the expansive operation, a wiry dwarf with a tanned complexion, heavily adorned waistcoat and stoic stance against haggling. He is a ruthless but highly moral individual who has turned the ramshackle empire around and has bridged the gap between vigilantism and extortion for the bettering of all (especially himself).

10-21-13, 04:12 PM
The University of Molyneux

New Semester, New Beginning

Brief: Enrolment for the academic year has begun, and you are to attend an open day to explore and witness the glory of the university first hand. There are countless tutorials and speeches to sleep through, and plenty of free food to consume. You may wish to detail the first few days, or weeks, of your chosen course of study. However, the life of a new student is not always exciting.

Reward: Enrolment in the University, access to its resources, and additional missions.

Discovering the Firmament

Brief: As magical theory develops, students become aware of risks involved in the practice of magic. A theorist, Callus Maxis, has written a paper on the development of magical indoctrination in western societies. The paper has yet to arrive at the University Academic Registry, for assessment, critique, and publication. Certain parties within the Templarite have requested it never reach its destination. Callus is a prominent figure in so his death would draw far too much suspicion. Subtler methods may be required.

Reward: 250 gold.

A Lesson in Semantics

Brief: A magical lesson requires magical teaching, and often, with such a practical subject, it requires a demonstration. It is midday, and classes of final year destructionists have gathered in a sparse and somewhat charred lecture hall by the docklands for their pre-exam. Regardless of which school you study at, fate has decided that there will be fire, bloodshed, and educational mischief.

Reward: You may use the thread to augment his understanding of a magical school during the next Realm of Greeting update.

10-21-13, 04:21 PM
The City Guard

Keeping the Peace

Requirements: Applicants must be of sound body, mind, and political clarity. A criminal background check is part of the interview process.

Brief: Recent rioting in Scara Brae has led to constant disturbances across the city. The Guard are recruiting enmasse for men-at-arms to help quell the looting and to put out the fires. In essence, they have admitted they are unable to curtail the chaos. You may help as you wish, be it healing, re-building, knocking in skulls or apprehending villains, interpret the call, as you like, in the vein of your character's interests in the city itself.

Rewards: Private Rank in the City guard, uniform, and monthly stipend.

How Long Is A Spider's Thread?

Brief: Recently, the giant spiders in the forests have become so big, sated on man flesh, that they can crush a caravan with ease. The Captain of the City Watch has put a respectable bounty on their cull. Anyone guard whom dares venture into the woods may find fame, fortune, or a quick death. It would be wise not to travel alone, and perhaps seek outside help.

Reward: 10 gold per spider, 25 per egg brought back alive, and service merit.

A Cut above the Rest

Requirement: 200 gold to 'deal in' to the game.

Brief: The nobles meet under the cover of darkness around cellar tables to indulge in illegal high stakes poker. Such a game and such a proximity to alcohol make for opportunistic card shark and gambler heaven! You are to infiltrate a poker game, discover the organiser, and uncover the corruption. Tact, subterfuge, and a strong ability to lie are worthy assets.

Reward: You should declare all gold acquired to the Custody Office. Should…

The Long-ship Falcon (Invite Only)

Brief: Your fame and progress has bestowed an audience upon you of Provost Knight Captain Ingram, the head of the Knightly division of the Navy. He has requested your presence on the flagship Falcon, to speak with you regarding such deeds. What he wants is anybody's business.

Reward: An offer of recruitment to the Knight's Regent, and an additional quest aboard the Falcon to raid the Goblin Cove.