View Full Version : Recruitment Call...

Sabatykos Maelstrom
03-09-10, 05:52 AM
This is call to Althanas for some help. I've been neglecting this alt for a time now and I have a couple of projects I need to finish. I am looking for two solid posters (Preferably level 0's but any level will do) to help me complete two threads that were abandoned either by my own neglect or players leaving me hanging. I just want to finish these threads so my character can get closer to level 1!!! In any event, here are the links:

The Festival of Light (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=19360)

Book 3 (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20005)

Note: I am willing to completely restart these two quests with new questing partners. Also I am going to write up a battle thread in a bit, and maybe another quest. I am just in the mood to get things done!!! Contact me here or through PM's if you're interested.

Sabatykos Maelstrom
03-09-10, 07:24 AM
Sorry for the double-post. I am adding a link to my battle (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20585)!!! It is open to any and all who want to join it. I prefer people within the level 0-2 range thank you one and all.

03-10-10, 02:01 PM
Hey Pav, finish the one with Derrick... Sorry I haven't been on, just got done with a long bus ride and have just been stuff back together at home... Let's do this dude

Sabatykos Maelstrom
03-10-10, 04:32 PM
Okay dude. You and I can finish Book 3 together. Its a deal. I can wait for you to post. I still need someone to help me finish up the other Quest though, any takers out there?! So yeah Alister, I believe its my post anyway in Clockwork unless you want to restart from scratch. Let me know which you prefer.