View Full Version : A Little Vacation

Alydia Ettermire
03-10-10, 02:40 AM
Coming to Dheathain was always a welcome breath of fresh air. The nation was far enough away from the rest of Althanas that news was slow to get there, and the natives were straight out of legend, which made it seem not quite real.

It was a slow-paced, friendly little nation (if one didn't cross the Draconians), and that always helped Alydia rest and get back to herself when she felt stressed out. It helped that it was a nation of many ancient ruins that had yet to be fully explored. While there was plenty to steal, there was more to discover.

On very rare occasions, it was good for her to take a step back from the image she was trying to build for herself, that of the rakish rogue, and just delve into something for the sheer joy of discovery. Dheathain, more than any other nation, offered that.

Of course, there was a significant amount of danger involved in going to discover anything in the lost jungle ruins. If the carnivorous beasts didn't nearly eat an adventurer as they wandered the jungle, the treacherous terrain would either claim them or get them lost. In the rare event someone made it to their target intact, crumbling structures and booby traps were the next lethal barriers between a scholar and her artifact.

Of course, that was what made the whole thing worthwhile. It just wouldn't be any fun to walk into a place, find a shard of pottery, and say it showed anything. There was a little bit of a thrill involved in finding a little piece of ancient history (she still had the ancient bone charm she'd found in a cave as a child, while out on a hike with the Chief), but having to work for something really good was almost as fulfilling as a long, hard-fought chase.

She stepped off the boat and into Talmhaidh, only to be greeted by a short man whose blue eyes sparkled with fun and whose wings fluttered with joy at seeing his old friend again - and at the prospect of adventure she always brought with her.

"Aly, me lovely!" he called out upon seeing her, brushing some nut-brown hair from his face. "'Tis been too long. Y' make us think we'll ne'er see ye again, some times."

A grin crossed the Alerian's painted-red lips. "Indeed it has, Deag."

He fluttered up to her and put a hand on her arm. "Bron and Sintta sent me word of what happened, lass. An' I am..."

Aly shook her head. "There has been plenty of time for that. And it is hard, Deag. So very, very hard. But I came here for a vacation, not a memorial. Once things have settled down in other parts of the world... then. Then we'll all find the time. But not now."

At a nod from Deag, she walked along with him. "Are Daingean Laghairt and Maith Fear well?"

"Ay, me lass. We're all well, and they're savin' a table fer us a' th' pub. We've heard tale of a grand wee place deep i' th' woods, jus' like y' asked. An' they're more than happy t' accompany y' in."

The thief flicked a thick lock of black hair over her shoulder and gave the lithe Fae a satisfied smirk.


Within a few minutes, the two were seated with a green Draconian man and a slender human with an open face and hair nearly as dark as Aly's skin. The place was clean and airy, not dark, dingy, and musky like she'd be forced to hole up in if she were in a different nation. They were served food and drinks, and instead of getting right to business, spent some time laughing and joking.

Aly couldn't remember the last time she'd just been able to relax. That, truly, was the best part of her job: spending time with her people.

03-10-10, 03:22 AM
Never had the smell of moist leaves and soft dirt smelled as sweet as it did on this day. On this day, Izvilvin arrived on Dheathain a free drow, haunted no more by the looming hand and eyes of Step, the assassination/espionage branch of Corone's government. He'd been their slave since his arrival in Scara Brae many years ago, molding his impressionable mind and offering protection for his services. If his first experience in that island city had been more positive, perhaps he'd have said no - where would he be now, in that alternate reality?

Certainly he wouldn't hold such appreciation for freedom, in that case, even though Izvilvin's youth was one drowned in death and isolation. He was remarkably good-natured for a dark elf who had few friends, limited Common vocabulary and little to no hesitation to kill. Good people - the Jya of Fallien's Keep, Ira Shinkara, Alydia Ettermire, Rheawien... had kept a good portion of him warm, even on the cold days when he was forced to hide in trees, in the rain, in the mud and the snow, ever vigilant for the assassins of Step.

His was a long story spanning over a century, and one that he'd gone through in his head many, many times, but one that was over.

Dheathain had been one of his many retreats. He'd come to a swamp to hide when Fallien was no longer safe. Leaving the desert continent was difficult, as the warrior considered it to be his first real home after his parents'. He'd gone to Jya's Keep to gather information on her and her people, their defenses and culture. He was found and embraced, rather than turned away; somehow the Jya had seen into his heart.

In this swamp he'd found a band of mercenaries who made it their home, setting up camp in the skeleton of an ancient serpentine creature whose bones held up a massive tarp which protected them from the elements. He thought he could reunite with them there and pass some time as he tried to find a new purpose. Perhaps, his true one.

With newfound freedom came the ability to eat publicly, which meant Izvilvin wouldn't necessarily have to hunt for critters to dine (though he'd developed a palate for such creatures). Silent steps brought him to the heavy oaken door of a tavern near the docks, beyond which he found a warm, wide room with red-wood walls and thick furry tapestries draping from them. Round, orange lamps strategically shed light on the dining room, though the afternoon sun, preparing to descend, still helped.

The clientele ranged from plump and well-fed humans to slender elves to shorter and wider creatures Izvilvin didn't know very much about, though he assumed they were native.

He sat and ate a light meal, his mind utterly void of thought and focused entirely on his food. Until he spotted Alydia Ettermire sauntering in, her trademark hat resting naturally on her head, friends at her side. Images of their past filled his mind: their long road to Ettermire, the eventful train trip, Shynt Aubrey... It hadn't been quite that long since she'd helped him get the information he needed to destroy the Step organization for good.

One of her friends was a Draconian, and Draconians did not seem to take a particular liking to Izvilvin. He'd only encountered the people twice, and each time, he was almost killed. The drow wasn't focusing on that, remembering just how much Alydia had done for him. She didn't always have something to gain from aiding him, after all.

He watched and considered for a few moments before he rose, approaching the group. Armed to the teeth with all manner of steel and damascus, Izvilvin might have been assumed dangerous by Alydia's allies if he wasn't grinning stupidly.

"Long time," he mused aloud, in words that carried more energy than any others he'd ever spoken to her.

Alydia Ettermire
03-10-10, 03:46 AM
In a normal situation, Aly would have noticed Izvilvin the instant she walked into the tavern. The life she led meant she had to be wary at every instant, aware of everyone around her, what they were doing, and a thousand other things. However, she wasn't wanted for anything serious in Talmhaidh, and she was surrounded by three of the people she was closest to in the world. If there was any trouble, her boys would notice and take care of her.

It was a wonderful feeling, to be safe. It was even more wonderful to know that there were people looking out for her in a place lit only by a fire at one end and a few lanterns scattered about. It was a situation where her vision was poor, when there was too much light to make out the world by heat, but not so much that the warped shades of warmth didn't try to come through.

Daingean had just grunted out a wry observation, and Maith had made a quick quip in response that had made the whole thing a joke. Aly doubled over laughing, nearly choking on her drink - oh, it was good to be able to laugh - but when the Draconian tensed, she turned to look at what had him spooked.

On a normal day, the sight of a man approaching her, armed to the teeth, would make her nervous...and once upon a time, aboard a ship to Alerar, the approach of this very man hadvery nearly scared her to death. Since then, however, he'd become an ally, almost a friend.

If not for the fact that she had to be incredibly careful of who she called friend, the lavender-eyed warrior would be among her circle. If she knew him better, she might just offer...except her teams were all full, save for the Raiaeran one. Izvilvin wasn't exactly qualified to join that group.

"Izvilvin! Ol zhah bwael ulu kyorl dos 'sohna!" It is good to see you again!

She looked at her people and a little tilt of her head told her men to relax, and both the Draconian and the human released their holds on blades hidden under the rough wooden table. If this was an associate of Aly's, he was more than welcome at their table, stupid grin and all.

"Guys, Izvilvin Kazizzrym. He kept Shynt Aubrey off me when I-"

"When y' went an' did what we all toldja t' not do, miss Ettermire. That foolish thing that shoulda hadja killed." Deag gave her a disapproving look that she'd seen several times over by now. All her information-gatherers scolded her more than was necessary when she went out and did something that they deemed unnecessarily dangerous.

Aly rolled her eyes beneath the brim of her fedora, then motioned for Izvilvin to take a seat and join them. "Doer, doer, doer. S'tharl xuil udossa. S'tharl! Izvilvin, this is Deag Uair, Maith Fear, and Deangain Laighairt. My boys."

03-10-10, 04:00 AM
Izvilvin took the seat at her beckoning, giving a cursory glance to each member of her party as they were introduced.

"Foolish yes," he mused, "but I would be forever a slave, if she did not help me."

The admission was perhaps a bit too earnest, considering the level of sobriety in the group and the drow's strangeness. Social graces were not yet Izvilvin's strongest point; he did know a thing or two about winning people over, however, and lifted a hand to order a round of drinks for the table.

He continued before Alydia had a chance to inquire. "What we did in Ettermire did not finish the job, but it led me to the end of it all. I sit with you today, free for the first time!"

Drinks had arrived by them, and Izvilvin took the opportunity to take a drink in toast of himself. Catching himself in the moment, he lifted his glass of clear amber liquid, "Alydia Ettermire! Xal dos zuch ragar plak'la, abbilen lu' lilbh'iahin wun jal k'laren!"

Maith let his gaze linger on the warrior for a moment, then looked at Alydia, then back at Izvilvin. Shaking his head in response to the toast, he took a deep sip from his ale.

"Why are you here?" the drow asked, leaning back to let the flavor of his drink sit on his tongue for a moment.

((May you always find gold, friends and joy in all places))

Alydia Ettermire
03-10-10, 04:33 AM
Aly looked down into the ale that had been placed before her, but she did not drink with the toast, firmly believing it to be in poor manners to toast her own well-being. The question wasn't a comfortable one; she had come here to get away from a very deep personal loss.

The brim of her hat kept the sorrow on her face hidden from the others at the table, and Deag looked over at Izvilvin, but before he could say anything in rebuke to the warrior, Aly looked back up, wearing a grin like always.

"I came to Dheathain because there is all sorts of trouble to get into and fun to be had. Deag, why don't you show us what you have?"

The Fae looked at Aly and shook his head, but set out a rough map of Luthmor, one that had notes and circles drawn on it.

"Milass, we have word that there's a previously unexplored temple, right about in this area here. Not a nice wee area, mind, but it's what I've got. I've ne'er heard anything about something in this place, so it probably hasn't been explored in hundreds an' hundreds of years. Almost sure t' have somethin' good in there fer ya. Probably hard t' get in, and plenty of beasties ready t' eat you, but that's what we have Deangain fer, is't nae?"

"Aye," Aly answered with a grin at the Draconian. "Sounds like fun! It's getting too late to head out, though, so we can head out in the morning. Are you coming, Deag?"

The Fae scoffed. "Me?! Out in all'a that? Oh no, missy, I think nae. E'er. Y've two big strong lads a'ready, y' don't need me. I'll be waitin' right here when y' get back t' tell ya whatcha got."

Aly's smirk told the rest of the table that she thought that would be his answer. Deag wasn't the adventure sort.

03-10-10, 04:57 AM
It was quickly clear to the warrior, despite his occasional obliviousness, that he'd asked a sensitive question. The table was quick to move on, however, the none including Izvilvin seemed to dwell.

When the Fae exposed the map to those gathered around, Izvilvin committed as much of it as he could to memory. He hadn't been in Dheathain long enough to know the area, but he'd always been a natural with directions. He couldn't understand Deag's dialect, but it was easy to see what was going on. Alydia, after all, did enough dungeon-diving to rival Izvilvin's decades-long life in the Kachuck Mines.

"I owe you a favor," Izvilvin proclaimed. "My business here can wait a few days, my ilindith will wait. It has been too long since we have traveled together."

His lavender eyes scanned Alydia's allies, all of whom were looking at him. He was still smiling, but understood potential concerns. He looked back to Alydia, trying to catch her exposed eye beneath the brim of that hat, rising from his chair at the same time. "In the morning, I'll be outside. Sleep well."

He was gone then, getting a key from the barkeep to one of the upstairs bedrooms. The stairs were silent as he climbed them, and he entered his room like a ghost, undressing quickly and sliding into a cool, clean bed in a snug room.

He'd just gotten off a boat that he'd bought a ticket for, eaten openly in a pub, and spoken happily with people he was confident were not assassins sent to kill him. The experience was overwhelming, filling him with a strange excitement he'd rarely experienced in life. Fear wouldn't be the feeling keeping him awake for most of the night, for once.


Alydia Ettermire
03-10-10, 05:12 AM
The three men at the table turned to look at Alydia, and then Deangain reached over and took her untouched ale to drink himself. Izvilvin obviously didn't know Aly well enough to know that ale was not to her taste, and he was going to take advantage of it.

"Strange man," he muttered. "Coming with us?"

"Like they get much stranger than us, Dean? C'mon, a Dark Elf, a Human and a Draconian walk into Luthmor sounds like a bad joke." Maith looked over at Aly. "What does he mean, owes you a favor?"

Aly shook her head. "That is a very long story, tied to Shynt Aubrey and..." even now, even Alydia didn't dare state the name of the organization, so she simply traced a circle within a circle. At the wide eyed stares she got from her boys, she shrugged. "That's what he meant by being a free man."

She leaned back and looked around the tavern for a moment. "He'll be good to have. Tough, alert. And he took on Shynt Aubrey on top of a speeding train! If we're expecting big bad monsters, we can't ask for much better than him, can we?"

The boys had to agree with that...

Maith and Deangain went to their own homes to pack and sleep, and Alydia stayed with Deag. She liked being in town with her people; they had comfortable couches in safe places. In their homes she could afford to sleep soundly. Always on the run for something or the other, deep sleep was a luxury.

03-10-10, 05:30 AM
Morning arrived with a crash and a bang, as bright lightning filled Izvilvin's room via the tiny rectangular window. He was already awake, sitting straight up in his bed, pulling on a soft black linen shirt, contemplating the day ahead. He did owe Alydia, certainly, and he was craving adventure, but more than anything, the warrior was seeking to find some kind of purpose in this new existence he found himself in.

Years of being a slave to Step hadn't taught him very much about thinking and living for himself. It was an existence of stages, of waiting for new orders, of executing said orders, of reporting back, and waiting some more. It was not a life that gave Izvilvin a chance to develop anything but a skilled sword-arm. Now was his chance to finally begin life properly, to develop himself as a person and not a weapon.

And as he sat there, his back warmed by the rising sun, he found that he had no idea how to do so.


Izvilvin was outside the tavern shortly after dawn, standing by the side of the door beneath an old awning, watching the rain splatter the mud by the docks.

He'd often associated rain with battle, ever since a fateful encounter in his youth. His first night in Scara Brae, he was attacked. The attackers screamed at him, struck him with rocks and sticks, demanded he leave and go back to Alerar. It was easy to assume most humans were hateful after that, but it was only the next day that he'd met a young human named Khalxaen, a mere teenaged girl, who was the complete opposite.

He wondered how his life might have been different if he hadn't met her. He wondered where she was now, what she was doing, and if he had impacted her in some similar way. Did she ever think of him, too?

Today, the rain was serene.

Alydia Ettermire
03-10-10, 06:07 AM
Aly woke up to a rumble of thunder and the smell of fresh, hot tea. She let out a grumble and opened her eyes to the warm glow of the inside of her hat. The powerful whsssssshhhhhh of raindrops on the roof told her that one of Dheathain's storms had whipped up overnight. While her coat and hat were water-resistant and it would probably die by afternoon, it was always a little demoralizing to start out an expedition in pouring rain.

"Y' didn't choose such a good day t' head off, didja?" Deag brought over a cup of tea and a piece of toast with an egg on it for Alydia to at least start her day with something hot in her system, and he chuckled warmly when the thief just grumbled again.

"Th' lads'll be here in jus' a wee bit, so y' better wake up, me lass. I know y' hate to let 'em see y' with yer mornin' face on."

Aly tilted her hat up a little to glare at the Fae scholar. "I hate you morning people with a passion."

Deag just laughed cheerily and let her eat her breakfast.


It was only a short time later that she, Maith, and Deangain were on their way to the tavern to pick up Izvilvin, if he still wanted to come. The rain ran in rivulets at the side of the streets and streamed down Alydia's back and sides. She'd made sure to close her pockets particularly tight so that her chalk and other such items didn't get wet, and everything that was made of paper was relegated to the INSIDE of her coat.

Deangain, the stoic reptilian beast that he was, just let the rain fall on him, not perturbed by it other than, as he put it, "mud. Sticky."

Maith huddled under his cloak. He didn't like being wet; so much so that he didn't have a wry quip about the situation. He'd grumbled a bit about wanting to wait for a clear day, but there was no holding back Aly, not even the weather.

The scarlet-enshrouded thief waved at Izvilvin when she caught sight of him. "Gu'e!" She called. "Phuul dos xuil udossa?" She pointed toward the north, where the jungles loomed ahead in the far distance. "Udos ph' aluin nindel i'dol!"

((Hey! Still coming? We're going that way!))

03-10-10, 06:33 AM
Izvilvin was staring down at a piece of dried meat dangling from his mouth when Alydia called out to him. He stepped out to join her group and they began their journey together. The drow liked to lead, but as he didn't know the way, he dropped back into a rear guard position, a place where his enhanced senses would be most beneficial.

Unlike the others Izvilvin loved the rain, possibly due to the fact that the drow was immune to sickness. He wore no cloak to keep himself warm, but tied his hair back into a low ponytail to keep it out of his face and eyes. This was, after all, freedom rain - it didn't feel so heavy anymore.

Thunder seemed to rumble in the sky with every few steps they took, and every once in a while the rain grew heavier and thicker. The warrior's pleasant demeanor faded with time, and soon he joined the others in miserably trudging through the mud. If 'fun and adventure' were Alydia's reasons for being here, she must have been sorely disappointed.

The rain hit thick, leathery leaves above and around them, the muffled slaps sounding like the distant charge of cavalry. The sun had given up trying to overcome the blocking clouds, blanketing the group with a bright grey sky which made seeing and avoiding the jungle's thick roots all the more bothersome for those in front.

This place was feeling more and more familiar to Izvilvin, who had been here only a year and a half prior. He recognized only a few landmarks, but as the group veered away from his familiar territory, he found himself paying more attention to his surroundings. Peculiar trees and rocks stood out to him and he committed them to memory. Despite the complexity and depth of the jungle, he had to wonder how a temple could exist so long here without being fully explored and looted.

But he knew better than to doubt the allies of Alydia Ettermire.

Alydia Ettermire
03-10-10, 11:45 PM
They weren't actually into the jungles until the late afternoon, and although the rain hadn't stopped, the thick foliage of the ancient trees that stretched up to the sky kept most of it from reaching the travel party. After hours of slogging through pouring rain, of pulling their boots out of mud and muck, and general misery, it was nice to get to an area that was merely damp.

Deangain was the first one to shrug off the rain, shaking himself off roughly and sending water splashing every which way. A complaint from Maith was cut short when he flicked his large wings as well, relieving himself of the burden of the extra water.

"We're all right here! We don't need the extra rain!"

The Draconian snorted. "If you are already a drenched rat, a little extra water will not harm you."

Maith just grumbled, removing his cloak to wring it out as much as he could. He was slightly brawny, for a human, and the muscles in his arms bunched beneath a few intricate tattoos as he tried to give himself some small amount of physical comfort. "Never been out on such a day as today. Don't think there could be a worse day t' travel," he muttered. "And it's darker than a basement at midnight in 'ere."

Up ahead, Alydia had taken her hat off just long enough to fling the water off of it, and then her coat to shake it out. "Watch your footing then, Maith. And at night in Raiaera is a much worse time to travel, unless things have wound down in the last month."

The human's expression softened, and then he looked chagrined. "Aly, y' know I didn't - "

"I know. It's been a long time since we've been out at all, and never in rain like that. Get used to being damp, though. This sort of terrain and the distance to our target...we'll be out here for days."

Deangain gave a soft growl of amusement. "Time. Effort. Danger. Legal."

The Alerian ahead turned around after climbing up onto a root that sprouted up from a nearby tree. The part that had managed to push up was almost as tall as she was and as wide as Aly's two associates put together...and only one of many thousands in this boggy jungle. A smirk etched across her face as she regarded her monosyllabic man.

"I know...it's not normal. But we'll probably find something good. And if not...I still get to spend time with my boys."

03-13-10, 12:04 AM
Izvilvin said not a word throughout their morning trek, his eyes and ears focused on their surroundings. Through the harsh pounding of the rain, so loud in his sensitive ears, the drow could hear the movements through the trees - through the decades he had trained his senses so thoroughly that he could focus them in such a way.

Thankfully for the group, no danger came their way but for the looming threat of catching colds.

When it came time to take a break beneath the canopy of thick, leathery leaves above, Izvilvin's boots had been repeatedly swallowed by sudden holes packed with extra soft mud. He peered above and about the party, seeing hopeful rays of sunlight sneaking through the thick overhang, overcoming cloud and tree alike to shed light on the jungle.

The scents of the jungle took him back, reminded him of the brief time he'd spent in Dheathain. If it weren't for the fear that had always haunted him, the drow would have enjoyed his time here, among the dangerous creatures, the abundant flora. It was both similar and different from the Kachuck Mines, where he'd spent so many years pretending to be dead, hiding from the Ettermire military branch headed by general Vortudin. It was dark here, sometimes dank, always dangerous, but offered an airy freedom that being in hiding never could.

He longed to rejoin that band of mercenaries and make a home here, for a time. When he'd had his fill of the lifestyle, he would leave, perhaps travel back to Fallien and experience life there once more, this time as a free drow. Being free gave him the opportunity to make such decisions.

And it was time to visit the graves of Laix and Palmer once more, the first real friends he had ever made. Laix had been the owner of Icicle, Izvilvin's most trusted and reliable blade, qualities which so truly mirrored those of his murdered friend. It was the sword that ended the life of Laix's murderer, a vicious wizard by the name of Sasarai. Izvilvin longed to return to that hot and dangerous land, to see if he could still brave the heat and extended patrol sessions.

A drop of rain hit him on the nose, and Izvilvin was snapped from his contemplation. A quick look at his traveling companions told him that they were preparing to make camp, so the warrior set down the heaviest of his weapons against a nearby trunk and prepared a pit for their fire. The dirt was firm due to the leaves above, so it was quick work. A search of the immediate area bequeathed little dry wood, but a dagger and some work on a tree trunk supplied him with enough to at least get a fire going - a process that took only a few short minutes.

He was sitting by it, hands outstretched to protect the flames until it got going, when another crack of thunder filled his ears.

Quentin Boone
11-10-14, 12:53 PM
Where in the World? receives:

660 EXP
66 [b]GP]

Izvilvin receives:

924 EXP
66 GP


11-17-14, 10:02 AM
EXP & GP Added!