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03-10-10, 06:14 PM
I am interested in another thread of two. Izzy is pretty much willing to do anything in neutral-good territory. I'm also interested in battles, if anyone's up for that.

So please, if you have any ideas for a quest together, tell me about it. Izvilvin is searching for a new purpose in life, and he's traveling free for the first time. It's the perfect opportunity for him to make new friends and reacquaint with old ones.

You can hire him as an escort or mercenary, randomly run into him, he can save you from something dangerous, you can hunt him down for some reason... Anything you can think of is open. Let us discuss.

03-10-10, 08:26 PM

It's a bit different. I'm not sure if you do army battles, but it could be fun (and I'm not sure if I'd ever find another opponent, lol). Izzy could have been hired on as a mercenary for the other army or something like that, or you could just leave Izzy out and have some fun with NPCs. Either way would be cool. What do you think?

03-12-10, 09:02 AM
Sup bub. I can't say I've ever been a fan of army battles (I even skip the Gisela, usually), and it's not something I want to jump into until I'm a bit more into the groove... Thanks for the interest though :o

03-12-10, 09:29 AM
I assume you've no interest in continuing our battle from a while back? I'm not professing to be the best of writers now I know who you are, but just thought I'd ask ;)

03-12-10, 10:35 PM
I don't even remember which battle that was... I'm probably up for continuing it though.

03-13-10, 01:32 AM
The Long Thaw ;)

03-14-10, 08:52 AM
Eh, I'm not really feeling anything from my previous era of posting :p

But me still wants more threads.

03-14-10, 08:53 AM
I wantz ma XP!

03-14-10, 09:15 AM
Hey, I'd certainly be interested in a thread with you, monsieur. Nayeli isn't a big fan of elves (to say the least!) but that could make it interesting. :p PM me if you feel like working something out ^^

03-14-10, 09:18 AM
Neat character! Izzy is going to start working on, how do I say this... Not killing things quite so much, so it's good timing.

I'm sort of up for a social thread with limited combat and such. PMs are for suckers! Let's come up with an idea. Iz can pretty much be anywhere at this point in time so I'm pretty open. Your character's new so you can set the tone/location of the thread. PITCH ME AN IDEARRR.

03-14-10, 09:27 AM
Haha, that sounds like a good life-goal. I'm thinking that if we do a thread and they end up being friends, that could reduce Nayeli's dislike of elves a bit, or at least she might not think they're all bad. I wonder if she'd ever have seen a Drow before? Probably not.

I agree with you about that, a social thread sounds fun to me. And lol! Fine, we're too hardcore for PMs I guess. Nayeli is pretty much stuck on the island of Scara Brae, so it'd pretty much have to be there.

As for ideas...I, um, well...gah! The pressure! I can't think of anything.

Okay, well, we have to think of a way for them to not try and kill each other on first sight. Maybe they're both questing after a similar goal? Forced to work together? *vagueness* Maybe they're both hunting some kind of creature or enemy in the forest, but that would make them competitors, not allies.

I'm thinking about it!

03-14-10, 09:42 AM
Eh Iz wouldn't try to kill her on sight. He'll go back to Scara Brae to basically retrace his steps and re-experience the place as a free man, so he'll head for town early. Drow aren't common on Scara Brae, if memory serves, so he might be a bit ostracized. Methinks your character would be also, which gives them a bit of a reason to communicate, at least.

03-14-10, 10:02 AM
True. Do you think you'd rather have them meet in the city, then, or the forest? Forest might make more sense for Nayeli, I dunno if it'd make any sense for Izzy to be there.

03-14-10, 10:31 AM
He's always in the bloody forest for one reason or another. I'll have him in there on his way to the city, or something.

You need to make the thread, though. Izzy's level 9 so I have to be the 'guest' in your thread, since Scara Brae is a new character area. :o

03-14-10, 10:34 AM
Oh I see! I'll make the thread, then, although I'm not feeling very inspired at the moment. I'll think of something, though! Heck, maybe she just runs into him.

I have AIM and MSN, btw, if it might be easier to talk over those :p but yeah, I'll work on a post ^^

03-14-10, 10:44 AM
I'll PM you my msn.

03-14-10, 12:42 PM
Yo, I made a thread, if you didn't see