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03-11-10, 01:20 AM
Closed to Death's Nephew.

Marcus Book found that walking through the streets of Radasanth was not at all unlike gaining sea legs: a rhythm is discovered, and then it becomes second nature to move with it. In Radasanth’s case, it was a matter of stepping two or three times and then twisting one’s torso to the left or right so as not to collide with other pedestrians.

“I think I hate cities,” he said, lifting his eyes to thin, unadorned spires that towered over the nearest building to his right.

“Oh, I love them,” Anya said. Anya was a Vindicator – a kind of senior knight in The Brotherhood – and Marcus’ mentor and traveling companion. “You must learn to love people, Marcus. Without an anchor, a reason to fight, it will become all too easy to lose your way. Seeing all these people, all this life! It reminds me what I’m fighting for.”

Marcus nodded, but his inward response was a great deal more complex. He wasn’t concerned about losing his way, and he didn’t need people to remind him why he was fighting. He knew better than to argue, however – Anya wouldn’t understand. For her, the ends were motivation. For Marcus, the means gave him pleasure enough.

The paladins rounded a corner, and lifted their chins in unison to behold the towering structure before them.

“The Citadel,” Marcus said. “Why are we here, Sister?”

“To test your mettle,” she said. “It is one thing to spar, it is quite another to have another living thing trying to take your life from you. This is the only environment where I can prepare you for live combat without worrying about your wellbeing.”

“I remember reading about this place and its monks, and their healing abilities. What do you think they get out of it?”

Anya shrugged, causing the metal plates of her pauldrons to click and rattle quietly against one another. “The Brotherhood doesn’t know. I always imagined they worship some sort of god that feeds off the battles they host. We’ve investigated them many times, but there doesn’t seem to be anything infernal about it.”

“Perhaps they’re just good at hiding it,” Marcus said dryly. “Either way, let’s get on with it.”


Marcus was shown to his arena – that’s what the Ai’Brone monk called it, his arena. Anya was right; Marcus sensed nothing evil in the Citadel or from its monks. In fact, the monks themselves seemed almost boring. There was nothing distinct marking them as monks, much less as Ai’Brone monks.

The monk that had guided Marcus this far was, as far as he could tell, no different from any other citizen of Corone. The monk spoke Trade with a native accent and wore commoner’s garb, and had a chaotic shock of blonde hair. “Your arena and its challenge are beyond this door,” the monk had said, and then he just continued down the cavernous hall and out of sight.

The squire reached high and removed his sword from its threadbare sheath, which was fixed to his back by thin leather straps. The blade whispered as it was drawn across its scabbard, which was so infirm that the sword did not sing with freedom. Marcus was silently glad that he had the opportunity to draw now, and not in the presence of his opponent, and then he grasped the door’s handle and pushed.

The door was heavy and wooden and ancient, and resisted at first because it sagged on its hinges and its lower edge rested on the stone floor. After the first few inches the resistance was no more, and Marcus stepped forward. He was immediately blinded, and he used his left hand to shield his eyes while raising his sword high with the right. No attack came, and his eyes adjusted.

What he saw surprised and confused him. The arena was large and alien, and featured architecture wholly dissimilar from anything he saw in the rest of the Citadel. In fact, the air itself felt different – warmer, more humid. If it were possible, Marcus might have thought he were no longer in Corone at all, but somewhere farther south, somewhere with jungles and moss-claimed ruins.

The “room” was almost a hall and formed a square, with perhaps fifty yards between parallel walls. It was entirely constructed from large blocks of smooth stone, with patches of wet algae on the walls and on the floor. These patches looked to be very slippery, and Marcus made a quick note of those closest to him.

The arena, however, was not interesting because of its strange building materials or its seemingly incongruous atmosphere. It was strange in that it was divided in half in a most unique manner. The young paladin raised his eyes and found that half the room had no ceiling over it by design, allowing blazing sunlight to illuminate one half of the room while the rest was blanketed in deep shadow. Marcus stood in the lighted half of the arena, and opposite him was the dark half.

The knight was amused, and crossed the room until he stood right at the edge of the light, facing the looming darkness. He might have stared into the shadow forever if not for the sudden clatter of chains and a soft, pained moan coming from behind. The squire was further baffled when he whirled around to behold a man chained upright to the wall, dressed in the garb of a priest of the Ethereal Sway. His frock was torn open at the chest, revealing a painful wound: the priest had been branded with a letter of the Salvic alphabet, a tradition meant to advertise a lawbreaker’s sin. It would seem that he had been convicted a murderer, and the ugly welts around his throat suggested that he was very recently rescued from the hangman’s noose.

Marcus was duly puzzled – the priest was affixed to the wall just to the left of the door through which the paladin had entered, and there was little chance that Marcus had overlooked a chained prisoner when considering the arena. Before he could question this sudden appearance, however, he spun around again and held his sword at the ready. He felt the unmistakable presence of demon kind in the shadow, and sure enough there was a second figure chained to the wall where there was nothing previously.

The second prisoner was a young woman of pale complexion, who was otherwise lovely. Her lips and fingernails and her utterly straight hair were black as death, and her eyes were large and red-tinged. She wore the outsized white dress of a bride, except that her garb was torn and stained with blood and dirt, and her cheeks and arms were red with bloody scratches. She might have passed for a strange but attractive girl to anyone else, but Marcus saw her for what she was: a tiefling, a being with demonic ancestry. She whimpered at the sight of him and pulled at her chains feebly, for she knew his kind instinctively and rightfully feared for her life.

She might have been helpless, but at that moment the door immediately to her right opened, and at last relinquished Marcus’ opponent into the shadowed side of the room.

Death's Nephew
03-11-10, 11:45 PM
"Hurry your ass up!"

For a second, Tommy considered throwing the dagger into the nearest river. It would be easy. Quick. No one would ever come looking for it, and he'd be rid of its damn nagging.

"That doesn't work for married men and it won't work for your sorry excuse for a half-fuck-wannabe Demon!"

Tommy sighed as he squinted against the harsh glare of the sun. It taunted him. One of the few things literally out of his blade's reach. The protective canopy of foliage had long been but memories and nothing stood between him and that damn yellow ball in the sky. For miles he hadn't even seen a tall bush. A wayward cloud. Even a bird! He'd chase it's shadow as long it was headed in the direction of the Citadel. Oh how he'd pursue that succulent, dark shade...

"How about we pursue me some damn blood!"

Keep it up and I'm gonna toss you into the first smithy's forge I find. Test me. I dare you.

A quiet he'd longed for suddenly came from the whiny dagger. He still wanted to know who the hell was in that instrument of death, but so far it had been only teasing in its information. Teasing enough that was forcing him to deal with the increasingly vulgar thing.

He drew the back of his hand across his forehead and sighed. It was humid. The sun was vicious in its attack, taking advantage of this rare opportunity to strike Tommy in his most vulnerable state. Sweat dropped in torrents as he trudged on, wearing his leather jacket like some hobo's makeshift umbrella. The shade it provided was hardly an improvement, but he figured things could be worse. The dagger could be bitching for blood and Tommy's speedy retrieval of it.

Why does it want more blood?


He had died here on more than one occasion and killed just as often. Words had been traded. Allies made. Foes created. It was a place that conjured mixed feelings in Tommy.

At the moment that feeling was lust. He'd have his way with this dark, cool shady place if he could. Turn every hallway into a corridor of romantic, disgusting, and passionate love. Alas, even this place could not accommodate Tommy in such a way. But he could dream.

"You're next, asshole." A largely disfigured minotaur grunted.

Snapping out of his trace and realizing he should invest in looser pants, he stepped up awkwardly to the front counter. His sexual desire was turning into something more perverse.

"I want...something challenging." He said with a shyness unknown to him.

"Very well," the young monk began. He had a crop of orange hair that distracted the young specter the way string hypnotizes a cat. "We have some veterans from various wars awaiting battles, if that'll suit you."

"Huh? Oh, actually," he shifted, the feeling of shame and excitement filling his very soul. "I want something...I could hardly beat. Probably even lose. Like a fight against someone who is a priest."

The monk eyed him curiously, as did his little bushel of mandarin fibers. "Uh well, I suppose we do have a knight here on training who could use a good punching bag then..."

"Yes! That'll work! Knights are good natured, charming, fighting for the meek and shit, right?" Tommy asked with unbridled passion.

"Yes. Sure. Whatever you say. Follow that man with the blond hair. He'll take you to...your pleasure." The monk said in a flat tone.

Tommy could barely contain his eagerness. He didn't know why he felt this way. He'd never felt this way before. Ever...


The blade was behind all this! Pleasures of the body were rarely a concern of his. He only made use of his good lucks to get things he wanted from older women on the "prowl". He was mostly sure they were called jaguars. Or panthers. One of the two.

As he twisted with needs of the flesh, they arrived at the door to his unnatural desires. The monk bade him farewell with all the muster of a dust bunny racing a turtle. Blinking into a semi-clear state of awareness, his trembling hand grasped the dull, brass handle with such intensity, Tommy wondered if he thought somewhere in the back of his mind he was in danger of being sucked away from his arena.

Get a grip damnit! You need this fight for yourself! Not for the piece of shit dagger!

"How could you call the only link to your mother a 'piece of shit'?" The dagger hummed mockingly. "I own your ass now, boy. The sooner you come to terms with that, the sooner we can move on to bigger and better things!"

Breathing steadily, fighting his primeval needs, he pushed the door open and gritted his teeth against the sudden, but brief flare of light. Although he stood in darkness, the intensity of the bright side of the arena roared at his eyes. Tore as his corneas. He squinted and took a quick observation of the playground.

Large. Old, moss covering the walls and parts of the floor; a musty air clung to the humidity. He'd just gotten his ass out of the thick air! He was about to complain to the man with the sword when he saw another man chained to the wall behind him. A priest of some sorts. Or a monk. Someone in a robe style clothing.

Then he heard chains rattle to his side. He peered over and saw her. She was pathetic looking. Weak. Unable to defend herself from his lust. The chains could keep her from even putting up a decent fight. All he'd need to do...

Ha! Nice try. Tommy thought triumphantly as he ripped his gaze off the girl. He was his own man. No dagger would dictate to him any duties.

"Hey!" Tommy declared to his opponent. Smoothly unsheathing Hexfire, his specially crafted rune sword, he cracked his neck with a sharp jerk from side to side and inhaled a good, hearty breath. His obsidian ring glinted against the sunlight. That relentless beast that hunted the poor specter to the ends of Althanas.

"I'm Tommy and I'll be killing you today!" He bellowed with bravado and confidence. The echo of his voice sounded like music to his ears. Not that he was narcissistic, he just loved the sound of echoes. He was known to stand at the edge of chasms in the Underworld and just holler for hours.

He was sure however, that the knight before him would not be so patient as to let Tommy indulge in any old pleasures.

03-13-10, 11:05 PM
Marcus felt a certain and familiar calm wash over him. It had the effect of focusing him, and he knew he should pretend it was a lifetime of training coming to the surface. It wasn’t. It was anticipation and darkness and nothing a good man should feel when confronted with violence and impending bloodshed.

Tommy’s threat and bravado eliminated the need for pretense, and death’s nephew was in a position to watch the change wash over the squire’s face. His chin dropped, and shadows stretched over his countenance. Golden sparks shone in his eyes, as if they reflected some nearby fire. Marcus didn’t know it, couldn’t feel it, but a slow and small and mirthless smile was creeping over his lips.

The paladin’s gifts allowed him to see Tommy’s nature in vague terms. A miasmic tinge surrounded him, a haze suggesting the lower planes and death, but not necessarily evil. A similar effect surrounded his sword, wafting and swirling in the air as the blade was drawn. There was something else in his possession as well, Marcus guessed, something cruel and closer to iniquity, but elusive – what it was, the squire could not guess, but he was sure it would be unpleasant if revealed. And then there was the untoward look in Tommy’s eyes, especially when they fell on the imprisoned girl.

Tommy was tainted, and Marcus would find it satisfying to destroy him – more satisfying than was proper.

The young paladin strode into the dark half of the arena, and the tattoos on his left arm began to glow with a dull golden burn. He transitioned into a combat stance mid-step not far from Tommy, raising his sword overhead with both hands, legs evenly spaced. “Well,” he said, still smiling. “Whenever you’re going to kill me, you’ll need to be a bit closer.”

Death's Nephew
03-16-10, 01:44 AM
Perfect. Tommy thought with a small grin.

Few things in the world pleased Tommy like fishing. In the land between realms, fishing had only been stories he'd get to hear from the souls passing through to Hell. How they'd been "minding their own business" just fishing and suddenly a boning knife was in their throat. Clearly they had pissed off the wrong people.

Oh but the sport of trying to trick that little critter sounded like so much fun! The first time he'd come to a body of water, he grabbed a stick, some string and a piece of metal. With a crude fishing pole, he waited for hours for something to happen. The anticipation of catching it and hauling it out of its comfort zone was reward enough, besides the sizeable meal one could get from the bounty.

Tommy had to admit though, he'd felt pretty stupid when a stranger asked "What are you doing with the puddle?" In retrospect, asking what kind of body of water to fish in would've been profoundly useful. After a quick Judgement and realizing that the stranger was a murderer of innocent children, he was soon hauling in fish like nobody's business at a nearby lake with the man's entrails.

Oh how he loved fishing.

Just like now. The burning gaze of the sun limited Tommy's best strategy to the shadows, and although darkness was plenty thick from where he stood with the maiden in distress, it was still diluted near the edge where the two worlds clashed. But the nephew of death was never simply limited to Althanas' simple physics of light and dark.

With his taunt cast and the fish hungry, he reeled in that big one so fast he barely had time to chuckle. As his catch glided right into the shadows with burning eyes of passion, Tommy jerked on the line with expert timing.

"My eyes can change too, buddy." Tommy said as they turned a shade deeper than an unused well.

Darkness consumed his side of the arena. An unnatural, horrible black so thick, a torch would be snuffed out like a match from someone's cough. It spread out in a twenty five foot radius with all the ease of ink expelling from a squid in the murky depths of the oceans. Tommy was the focal point of this technique and he could keep it sustained like this without any effort.

With his trophy on the line and his home away from home now here, he could get back to enjoying Judging people, killing the scum, and living life to its fullest. Like tearing off her clothes and slicing that throat. Watching her blood drip down so slowly...

Ahhh, not gonna be that easy, asshole dagger. He thought as he bit his lower lip. I've got a much bigger fish to fry.

03-20-10, 04:44 PM
Marcus was not surprised when he was ensconced by the inky blackness. He felt a thrill, which might have blossomed into panic in a normal man. Marcus had long known that he would probably die in shadows like these, and perhaps part of him came to accept it. He expected the cold bite of steel coming from somewhere unseen – but he would not wait for it.

Many demons preferred the dark, and many possessed the means to manipulate it. It was their domain, after all. A hunter of demons who could not willingly enter the black could not hope for success any more than a normal hunter could eat if he remained at the edge of the forest but never went in. So Marcus went in, apprehensive but bold, sword ready, and he sighed with the slightest shiver when the trap sprung and he was rendered blind.

His first task was to pierce the dark. Summoning up the Light was not a matter of calling on something within himself, or even requesting power from without. It was more like relinquishing some of his body, as if he were telling the Source that it was allowed to use him, but only to a degree. Paladins that called on the Light carelessly were driven insane by it, or consumed in a conflagration of glorious hellfire too quickly to scream.

Marcus’ will was strong, however. He felt the Light creeping through him, as if following his veins. He felt it in his eyes, and he felt it filling the tattoos on his left arm as if they were trenches carved in his skin and molten steel was seeping into them. He lowered his arms slightly, turning his left side toward where he had last seen Tommy, and held his sword vertical with the guard not far from his chest. The Light burned in his tattoos, and its illumination struggled to dispel the unnatural dark.

Book began inching into the gloom, turning his torso deliberately from side to side to test the inky walls of the trap. Tommy was powerful, the paladin determined, and his command over the dark was slightly greater than Marcus’ command over the Light. Still, the Light was strong enough to push against the supernatural shadow. It did not take long for Marcus to see that the obscurity was more stubborn in one direction, and weaker in every other.

Now was the moment of truth, a deliberation that happened in a fraction of a second. Marcus believed Tommy’s spell worked in one of two ways: either the obfuscation originated from him and he remained its center, or the spell had a focal point that was summoned and remained in one spot, independent from the caster.

The squire hoped for the former. He narrowed his burning eyes in the direction where the shadows would not shrink from the light of his tattoos, and then he struck. In one smooth motion, the point of Marcus’ sword came down until the blade was horizontal, and he stabbed fiercely into the unknown.

Death's Nephew
04-05-10, 10:46 PM
When Tommy saw his opponent waddle deeper into his territory, a small nagging voice tickled his subconscious with worry and fear. It wasn't the frustrating rant of the blade, but the instinctual device known as survival that raised its voice this time. Arrogance however, had a much more robust vocal range and loved to hear itself talk over anything, be it doubts, fear, or worries.

He watched the young man test his surroundings in a curious manner as his skin literally began to glow. Like fire burning through his arm. He had to admit, he'd never seen a glow in the dark tattoo before, but it was kind of neat. All to late though, did he realize the true nature of that ink. With a sudden burst of accuracy and confidence, a single strike was carved through his bubble of blackness, aiming straight for Tommy's chest.

As arrogant as he knew he was (he was a pretty handsome sonofabitch, it couldn't be helped), he wasn't cocky. Some might say, "Those two go hand in hand!" Tommy would disagree as he kicked their ignorant teeth in, with a rebuttal so fluent and awe inspiring, people would loathe to be the next to question his definitions. Or maybe it was the fear of eating mashed up food for the rest of their lives. He never really bothered to ask.

With a sidestep, he narrowly avoided being able to see his own heart, but however instantly knew why and what had happened. Since he was the center of all this dense darkness, everything fades with distance. To the naked eye, it all appeared to be a solid dome of hatred, sitting, oddly enough, inside...another run down dome. But to this man, he could see it for how it really expanded, how the darkness faded the farther it was from the young half-specter. He could see a deeper void inside the void, which told him logically something was there, either the center of this little dome or his enemy.

Quite frankly, Tommy was annoyed with his ability to pierce the darkness. He prided himself on the manipulation of the bleak world, both physically and metaphorically. Was this a result of a man who was on the other end of the spectrum? Or was it his own waning abilities?

"I'd say you're having trouble getting it up, boy."

Without responding to the insult, knowing all to well he was in the middle of having his chest cavity eviscerated, he kept his momentum moving towards the girl that was chained to the wall. Bound so tightly in that poor excuse of a dress...so tattered and soiled. Even though she was in turmoil, with just a glance, Tommy could see that the breeze that drifted through the ruins was exciting her in a way that excited him.


"You can keep trying all you want. You're gonna need my help sooner or later. Just give in. Taste her flesh. Her blood. Her spirit."

If there had been light, the twitching of his eye would've been a very obvious tell to his crumbling conscious. But he had a plan and sticking to it would keep him alive just a little longer than his opponent.

She's already a murderer...an execution will be a fitting, humane ending.

And he was fairly certain this man of "light" would only be too happy to banish any wicked stain from Althanas in a heartbeat.

04-10-10, 05:30 PM
Marcus’ stab met nothing but empty shadows. He withdrew his blade quickly and recovered to a ready stance, but it was soon apparent to him that he had not been mistaken: the shadows were thinning around him, until their supernatural quality began to wane. There was no question that his opponent was retreating toward…

The paladin did not hesitate. He charged boldly into the darkness, teeth clenched, his eyes blazing golden.


Her name was Lenna, and from her earliest memory she knew there was something wrong with her. Even as a child, she’d struggled to conceal it from those who cared for her but somehow…somehow they knew enough to be cautious around her, as if they could sense that she was not quite like them.

She never knew her parents. Her mother had died in childbirth, a young woman unspoken for, and nobody knew who or where her father was. She was taken in by a kindly old couple and, despite her concerns about herself and the unease she inspired in others, she had a life that was good enough.

She even fell in love, a year and a half ago, and he proposed to her. The day of the wedding was the happiest of her life. He bought a beautiful white dress for her all the way from Radasanth, and she was the most wondrous bride the village had ever seen. He wanted nothing but the best for her, and he was smart and determined and had the means to make things happen the way he wanted them to. Her life should have been so good.

Her groom met a man in Radasanth once, a priest from Salvar, who wished to perform the ceremony. For weeks the village was atwitter for the wedding, which was sure to be the most exciting thing to ever happen there. And, in a way, it was.

The bride walked the aisle smiling, but stood next to her groom in tears. The Salvar-priest recoiled from her and called her anathema, and threw holy water on her skin. She screamed because it burned, and then everyone ran from her. She couldn’t understand why, couldn’t fathom what had happened. She was hurt and terrified, looking out over the faces of everyone she’d ever known, all twisted in shock and hate and dread.

She could not see her own face, her own blazing red eyes, or her own scaly red-flecked cheek.

Her fiancé tried to kill her there, in front of the altar, so she ran and ran, deep into the forest, and there she hid for what seemed like weeks, though it was only hours. The men of the village came into the forest to hunt her, to end her. The day of the wedding was the worst of her life – but not the last day of her life.

She found the priest alone in the forest, near sunset. Before he could alert the others she fell on him biting and scratching and shrieking, and by the end of it he was dead. She recoiled from what she’d done, and knew then that he had been right about her. She was anathema, and though he was guilty only of exposing the truth about her she found pleasure in his death.

What happened next, she didn’t understand. She was asleep for a long time, she knew, and then she woke, chained to a wall. She saw a man, and it was as if her blood itself tried to move away from him. She feared him more than anything.

Now it was dark, so dark that she couldn’t see anything and all she could hear was her own shivery breath. She was too afraid to whimper, too terrified of allowing the chains that bound her to shift and draw attention to herself.

Then a light glimmered in the dark, and then two, and she screamed full-throated when she realized that they were eyes, but not eyes, they were twin sparks hovering in empty eye sockets. The man she feared was coming out of the dark, running at her with fury in those terrible eyes.

He reached for her…


Marcus saw her white skin in the black, though she was hardly more than a hazy smudge in the supernatural shadows. The shadows were growing thicker around her, so he knew his opponent was not far, and he didn’t have much time.

She screamed when she saw him, but she had no hope of escape. He slid across the stones, carried forward by his momentum though he struggled to stop, and he reached out and grasped her shoulder. Her dress was torn there, and the warm skin of his palm met the cool of her flesh.

The paladin once again allowed the Source-light to flow through him, but this time he pushed it forward: out of himself and into the pale girl and her piercing scream filled the arena. Her body ignited as if doused in turpentine, golden flames rising to the ceiling and spilling out into the arena in an explosion of holy light and heavenly heat. It was blinding, crushing, a solar flare in miniature, and despite it all she was not burnt or even physically harmed – when the flames subsided she breathed, though she was unconscious.

The flames had not yet subsided when Marcus emerged from them however, hoisting his sword on high and bringing it murderously down on Tommy’s silhouette, which he could now discern within the mystic shadows.

Death's Nephew
04-11-10, 02:29 AM
It's rare when a fish bites a hook. To say that a shiny, metal object looks appetizing to anything else besides a goat would be a tough story to sell. The hook is only as effective as the lure that's been skewered with it, which in this case, just went up in a giant ball of flaming glory.

"Wow. Aren't you the clever one? You used him..."

That's right. Can't tempt me now asshole. Tommy thought with a thin smile. The smile came in part from the girl's scream. It was reminiscent of the kinds he'd hear down in the Underworld, when dealing with souls to stubborn to make their descent to whatever Hell awaited them.

Without that taint on her soul, there was no way for the dagger to draw Tommy's desires from him to her or visa versa. At least, that was the theory. Aware of his opponent's grip on his sword, Tommy brought up Hexfire, meeting blade with blade, just above his snowy, parted hair. The explosion rocked his arms with such intensity, his teeth chattered like dice in a cup. Yet he stood firm and enjoyed the thrill of adrenaline that coursed through his body.

"You sure are a smart one..." he chuckled into the darkness. On the trail of that sentence, he sent a full forced kick towards the paladin's sternum.

Only one more black soul sat in the arena. Although chained to the other side of the wall, he knew the dagger would try its best to twist his thoughts to some dark desire. Being vigilant was something he'd never tried before; to be quite honest the idea of resisting revolted him. Quite literally, his only reason for not indulging in them was because of his stubbornness against authority. Why should he listen to the dagger? Who was he to him? He'd kill when he wanted to, not at the demands of some stupid piece of metal.

And he wanted to kill this man who dared to see through his curtain of shadows. He was another one. Another type to demand things. Demanding to abolish the void he'd created with light and purity. Tommy would bet big money that this guy was the type to knock on a person's door at the crack of dawn, asking if they had found "the light". Just the thought of having to answer the door that early frustrated him beyond imagination.

I'll show him where he can put all that light...

04-11-10, 05:05 PM
Marcus clenched his teeth as his sword met Tommy’s with a clang of metallic thunder, but Hexfire did not yield. The paladin’s arms and back strained against the fabric of his shirt to no avail: death’s nephew apparently met the squire for strength. Frustration teased the edges of panic as the holy light began to fade, and the shadows once again closed in around the sword-locked combatants. With the blackness came damnable helplessness and Marcus doubted that his foe would allow him to ignite the tiefling again, assuming she would survive it. It wasn’t that Marcus cared if she lived or died – she had demonic blood, after all, and would have to die regardless – but hellfire would not course through a corpse.

“You sure are a smart one,” said a voice in the gloom, and it seemed to the paladin that his opponent was confirming his thoughts.

Of the two, Tommy was the taller by a significant degree, and their swords were locked over his head. Thus, when he shifted to kick one of his comparatively long legs out at Marcus, the paladin could feel it in the way their interlocked swords moved. He reacted mechanically, though he could only discern the vaguest impression of Tommy’s figure through the dark. The squire’s blade slid along Hexfire as he withdrew it back toward himself, spitting sparks into the unnatural dark, but he did not stop applying downward force. At the same time, Marcus threw himself backward and bent forward at the waist to avoid the kick. As such, once the tip of his bastard sword left Tommy’s weapon, the bastard sword fell with enough space between the warriors that Marcus’ blade came down in a vicious chop toward Tommy’s outstretched, leather-clad leg.

Death's Nephew
04-12-10, 01:27 AM
Somewhere between the thoughts of "Oh" and "Shit", biting, searing pain soared through Tommy's left thigh. It was one thing to fight an opponent based on his actions and your own experience. It was an entirely different realm of fighting that reacting instantly became your greatest weapon.

The cut wasn't too deep, but it still hurt in ways that rage could barely describe. First of all...he loved these pants. How he looked was second place only to his ability to kill. If he had a choice between the most pristine painting by the most admired painter in all of Althanas, versus a pair of bad ass looking boots...well, the painting wasn't going to get him laid.

The time for games was clearly at an end. Toying with this man in the darkness had run its course, and that course featured a pair of leather pants that were now ruined for the duration of this fight. He'd show this man of light what pain was...what he should fear in people. The umbrella of nightshade was no longer needed.

"Fine then," Tommy growled, "Looks like you have to be a dick and fuck up my fun."

The dome of ink vanished, revealing the young specter and his shallow wound. It definitely hurt, but he'd been in much worse situations, like surviving the intestinal tract of a demon the size of a small stadium. The Underworld didn't discriminate between species. It just shuffled them through.

He had only used this ability once so far, and that one time it had almost sent him flying off the edge of a cliff. Luckily, he'd only be so unlucky as to slam face first into a wall, but he was sure he'd be able to pull it off this time. He had too. The honor of his black, leather pants depended on it.

Shadow Stalk time...

Within a second of the darkness fading, he silently activated his newest ability. On the next second, he was off like a spring, crushing the few feet gap between them. He carried Hexfire low, keeping his strength reserved for the swing. The classic strike from this position was to draw the sword from the bottom to the top, in one clean slice. Tommy however, felt that left him open to attack if he missed.

As his speed was doubled, his strike carried the momentum of a man possessed. He swung at his midsection, a dangerous strike aimed for the kidney and liver.

"...Using the power I gave you huh? Pathetic boy can't even fight his own battles..." The dagger snickered.

04-13-10, 02:01 AM
Marcus’ eyes went wide as Tommy charged, and even before it happened the paladin knew he didn’t have much of a chance. Panic raced in him, and for once it would have been better if he hadn’t been trained: he might have danced away, might have cowered, might have simply leapt into the air with a little screech, there were plenty of awkward and unmanly reactions that could thwart a skilled attack.

Unfortunately, the paladin was a skilled, trained soldier, and thus it was no longer in his nature to react in animal fashion to panic. Death’s nephew came at him in an inhumanly swift charge, his wicked sword held low. The average plan of attack for such a charge was to swing hard and wide from below, a long sweep from groin to throat, and it was natural for the paladin to counter by swinging his blade down to intercept.

Of course, Tommy was not an average warrior. Book inhaled sharply when he realized, too late, the attack was coming from low and across. His own sword was coming down at the wrong angle, and it was hard to say in such close quarters and with so little time to react what might happen. It was all the squire could do but put his strength behind the swing and focus.

The pain came as a shock to him. He’d never broken a bone, and his cuts had always been superficial, insofar as he could remember: the results of accidents during training exercises. This was new, biting, crippling, and his legs very nearly buckled. When he looked back on the fight in retrospect, Marcus would always wonder how it was he managed to hold his opponent’s blade off as well as he did – his arms felt so feeble in the face of such excruciation.

Tommy’s attack had been unexpected, and Marcus had been ill prepared for it. The paladin’s sword was at a sharp angle, which slowed but could not entirely stop Hexfire’s advance on his person. The runic blade bit a quarter-inch into Book’s side with a sickening wet slap and the song of steel on steel, well beneath his ribs. It would have cut deeper if not for the paladin’s own blade, which rested along Hexfire vertically with the tip pointed downward.

This was a serious blow on its own, but it was not the last of the damage done. Tommy’s unchecked forward motion caused his rune sword to slide forward along Marcus’ blade and, subsequently, along the cut already drawn across the victim’s side. The wound wasn’t any deeper, but the pain was unbelievable, and Marcus could feel the sticky heat of blood all the way down to his thigh.

He felt the drunkenness of blood-loss already, eating at the corners of his vision. Coupled with the pain, pain he could have scarcely imagined before now, he was sure to collapse. There was no fear of death in Marcus Book, though in the fury of combat he had forgotten entirely about the Citadel and the mysterious monks and their promise of safety even in bloodshed. The paladin knew he would die in combat against the iniquitous, and he accepted it even now.

But he refused to go alone.

With a final shout, full of agony and wrath, Marcus shoved the tip of his sword downward. It slid along Hexfire in its glimmering descent, reflecting the sunlight on the far side of the arena as the supernatural shadows faded, aimed true at the center of Tommy’s already-injured thigh.

If there it found purchase, the paladin would not immediately know – unconsciousness was upon him now, and he felt his knees failing him, and the cold of oblivion was beneath the clammy moisture of his spilt blood.

Silence Sei
05-30-10, 09:49 PM
Lets do this so Amen can move on.


Story (15/30)

Character (15/30)

Mechanics (25/30)

Wildcard (8/10)

Total: 63/100


Story (15/30)

Character (20/30)

Mechanics (15/30)

Wildcard (1/10)

Total: 51/100

Amen receives 825 exp, and 100 GP

DN gets 150 exp, and 10 GP

05-31-10, 04:27 AM
EXP and GP added.