View Full Version : The Trap Master

Silence Sei
03-19-10, 05:45 PM
I'm contemplating a new character, one that doesn't actually do battle himself, but puts people in ....bad situations.

Basically, anyone who has seen a Saw movie, or played Heavy Rain, you'll have an idea of what this character is like.

He 'punishes the wicked', and 'offers salvation' to those he deems unjust and unworthy.

Like I said, this is only contemplation right now.

I just want to know how many people would be interested in being 'victims'. Just to see if I could actually get away with this character.

03-19-10, 06:49 PM
I'm always up for being brutally mutilated.

Of course I should probably post in our other thread first...

Silence Sei
03-19-10, 09:24 PM
That would be preferabble, yes.

You lazy old goat you.

03-19-10, 10:22 PM
Ooooh that sounds like fun. Don't know how I could work my character into it, though...

Silence Sei
03-20-10, 09:24 PM
That's the best part about this character.

Regardless of race, region, or alignment, the other person doesn't have to think up what to do. My character just outright kidnaps them and throws them in a trap.

Makes it very easy for the other party to get straight to the action. :D

03-21-10, 07:51 AM
I've got two characters I could throw into this, provided you can promise no permanent disfigurement or loss of limbs/body parts. Otherwise I can only submit Esmerelda, and challenge you to figure out a way to trap a swarm of Nanites.

Silence Sei
03-21-10, 12:39 PM
Just by saying that, I've already come up with a way to trap you. :P

Also, -most- of the traps are going to be in the citadel, unless someone needs some character development of losing a limb or such.

Seeing as even if it is in the citadel, going through being kidnapped and borderlined tortured as a test would be traumatizing for most.

So, I think I'll come up with my profile today :P

03-21-10, 04:42 PM
Yo Sei. I'd be willing to be a victim for your Trap Master as any of my alt's but -especially- Lorenor. Such a character would help me out with one of my storylines I have. But yeah, I'd also be willing to be a victim for you here. Just name the time and the place and I'll be there.

03-21-10, 06:16 PM
being kidnapped and borderlined tortured as a test...

Being the other character I was mentioning, that of course is Master Hokkaido's entire discipline of training. (the man's psychotic, good, but psychotic).

Even still, this entire experience will be the basis for 'stalker's escape artist skill.

The Trap Master
04-06-10, 08:19 AM
Well, I'm in the process of being registered. I already have one person lined up for the first trap.

Who's up for some trapping, eh?

04-06-10, 10:06 AM
Dude I'm totally game for this. Let's go nuts bro. I can set up a thread today if you want me too! Contact me on AIM if you can.

Silence Sei
04-06-10, 02:31 PM
I don't do AIM too often anymore, you're going to have to shoot me a PM if you wanna contact me. But yeah, you wanna set up a thread today, we can do it.

04-06-10, 04:51 PM
Okay yeah man. I'll set up a thread A.S.A.P. Keep in mind Lorenor can Regenerate now, but I'll keep that to a minimum for this thread. So we'll see how this goes. Do you want me to set it up where Lorenor wakes up in The Citadel already, or do you want to do a scene -before- we end up in The Citadel? I'm willing to have everybody's favorite Priest of N'Jal get kidnapped at some point if we can play it off right.

04-06-10, 05:39 PM
Sorry for the double-post my good man. But here is the linky (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=162624#post162624) hit me up as soon as you can my good man. I look forward to this. Feel free to put my character in whatever situation you wish. We'll plan things out step by step!

04-09-10, 08:06 PM
I think its time 'stalker learned why Escape Artistry is such a valuable skill to learn.

Silence Sei
04-09-10, 08:12 PM
Well Stalker, either you could set up the thread (just starting off with the stalker being nabbed and waking up in darkness would work) or you can wait several days until I come up with a good post.

It makes more sense to start the 'scene' off with you waking up though.

04-09-10, 08:23 PM
Well, it'll take a day or two for me as well, but, I'll start it.

The Trap Master
05-01-10, 07:01 AM
Longest day or two ever.

You sure you don't want me to set it up, Em?

05-01-10, 07:30 AM
Longest day or two ever.

You sure you don't want me to set it up, Em?

Erm, you weren't going by Earth days, were you? I was going by the standard Venus day, which is equal to one earth year.

*Whew, totally talked my way out of forgetting to post*

EDIT: Do you need dirt on 'stalker, or are you all good to go on that part? Remember, it is 'stalker we're doing, and not Esmerelda, though she might come along later, once she isn't prone to blowing up when damaged in certain areas.

Artamos Alcor
05-04-10, 02:53 AM
I read the other case subject quests you created so far and am just astonished, and awestruck... I really want to have a go at this but afraid my ability does not meet the expectation and I don’t want to drag down the quality of it either... but if you don’t mind, I want to give it a shot.

My initial idea for why you trap him is because of his personality...
His not evil or psychotic, or anything, he just find others to be a resource to gain immortality, but not where he just sacrifice them at his own whim, more he wish to rid them of their flaws, and that might just kill them, and he think it’s okay, because he learned something off it so he might get it right next time.
As well as his thingy on his back could make him an alien to mankind.
Or you could all together be the very source that kidnapped him to begin within the history... that be awesome as well.

Silence Sei
05-04-10, 08:28 AM
Erm, you weren't going by Earth days, were you? I was going by the standard Venus day, which is equal to one earth year.

*Whew, totally talked my way out of forgetting to post*

EDIT: Do you need dirt on 'stalker, or are you all good to go on that part? Remember, it is 'stalker we're doing, and not Esmerelda, though she might come along later, once she isn't prone to blowing up when damaged in certain areas.

Yeah, PM me some Stalker info. From your posts I thought you wanted both. Lol.

Hm... Art, I think I can work with you. I like the idea of having TM create a portal that sends you here, only to kidnap and trap you later.

I figured with your character, he's be trying to teach your experiment 'how to feel'. OF course, given TM's area of expertise, the thing you would be feeling is pain.

XD Sound good?

Artamos Alcor
05-04-10, 11:07 AM
Yes it sounds good to me hehehe
cause we know that there is a lesson to be learned.
That to use others to fins way to improve him self is not okay

Silence Sei
05-11-10, 11:08 AM
Indeed. Also, I have posted up our quest for Khal'Jaren's library in The Black Desert. Check it out and get back to me if it's not okay.

05-11-10, 06:13 PM
Yeah, PM me some Stalker info. From your posts I thought you wanted both. Lol.

I do. But due to Esmerelda's current condition, and upon seeing some of your traps, it occurs to me, that Esmerelda would be destroyed by a good portion of them. Significant damage to her head or heart will destroy her, because both will cause her engine to overload and blow her up. So, I'm waiting a few levels on Esmerelda, until she gets a few layers of protection, and emotions, so that trapping her will be entertaining and worthwhile.

05-11-10, 07:03 PM
And William's run-in with the Trap Master has begun.


Silence Sei
05-11-10, 07:27 PM
Good post Rev, I'll get on it when I can. If I can muster up something while I'm cleaning the house tonight, I'll post it.

05-11-10, 08:25 PM
I will wait until your done torturing Revenant, before sending in Nightstalker.

Silence Sei
06-04-10, 08:29 AM
Rev and TM are done, and TM also did a good juob at getting to EI as well.

Stalker, you ready for this? *Cue lame Basketball entrance music*

06-04-10, 09:59 AM
Not this morning, no. I have to go to bed for work tonight. But tonight before I go to work, I'll certainly whip out the Intro post.

Not knowing specifically what the first trap is, I'll simply end it with him being knocked out, and allow you to take it from there.

06-04-10, 06:49 PM
Longest day or two ever.



Silence Sei
06-05-10, 06:45 AM
Problem with your post there, Stalker.

Nobody is supposed to know John Shelby is the Trap Master. Part of his whole character is the whole mystery behind it ICly. The only people who would even suspect are the citadel monks, but I plan a future story soon to explain why they don't even know.

Silence Sei
06-07-10, 06:11 PM
Artamos, still haven't forgotten about you. Let me know when you wanna do this thing and we will. Also, post in my quest : P

06-07-10, 07:36 PM
Problem with your post there, Stalker.

Nobody is supposed to know John Shelby is the Trap Master. Part of his whole character is the whole mystery behind it ICly. The only people who would even suspect are the citadel monks, but I plan a future story soon to explain why they don't even know.

I have thought long and hard, and reached the conclusion that I need to, in some way, tell him about 'stalker, as anything else is too illogical. Nightstalker's too small time, too unknown to be of interest on his own, he needs someone decrying his sins.

Could I at least, have Magesha know of his network of informants and tell him that way?

Silence Sei
06-08-10, 07:15 AM
Once again, the problem with that is not even Shelby's informants know Shelby's the Trap Master. I planned to reveal how Shelby gets such detailed information in a quest eventually, but the only other people there would be would be citadel monks, who never go into the full broad scale of all of Shelby's rooms for fear of the first one they enter.

Shelby could easily find out the Stalker's sins all his own without needing someone to cry out his wrong deeds, thanks to the way he gathered his information and background.

Silence Sei
08-17-10, 08:06 AM
Since I know nobpody goes to the third page to look for active quests, Trap Master is not dead.

And he's willing to take more victims for his sick lessons.

Slayer of the Rot
08-18-10, 07:20 PM
Ohh, so this is where you're signing people up. I was reading the Artemis thread, and the Kyla thread, and I was kind of wondering just what John would come up with for Dan.

Mage Hunter
08-18-10, 07:47 PM
I am actually interested in trapmaster getting his hands of Dru...

Silence Sei
08-18-10, 11:18 PM
I'm sure I can find some way to fit you two into some devious device. :P