View Full Version : Perhaps four more

Haro Hailblade
03-19-10, 09:09 PM
Hey, I am looking for about three or four people to join me and some one else in a quest against the golden leaf. If you want to be part of the golden leaf then thats cool too. It would be cool to have both sides. We would just like to have more people because we are only two against The Order of the Golden Leaf.

Also, if there are going to be multiple sides then we need a moderator. I got no idea how to get one, all I know is that one would be needed for two sides, I think. either way.

if you want to join up then go ahead and post on this thread and go to Gilded leaves make poor thieves

Haro Hailblade
03-24-10, 01:19 AM
I apologize, I put it in the wrong section. If this thread could be moved I would be very appreciated.

03-24-10, 03:07 AM
Its the right place.

I think two more people would be alright, though more than that would be good. I don't think level matters too much, because we can match strength in the fight.

03-24-10, 10:08 PM
Since the Golden Leaf was my creating, I think 4 would be proper for the quest we had in mind before fella's... While the Golden Leaf's leaders aren't really tough guys, they're henchmen (NPC's) are some of the baddest fools around (I would estimate them at around level 3-4). So if anyone wants to join the side of the Golden Leaf, hopefully they are around that level.

Sorry for the wait too guys, I relocated back to my original house and its taken me a few weeks to recover from the move.

Unless you guys had another idea from the original for this quest... I don't mean to jump back in and get all Gung-Ho... Sorry about that

03-24-10, 11:41 PM
Since the Golden Leaf was my creating, I think 4 would be proper for the quest we had in mind before fella's... While the Golden Leaf's leaders aren't really tough guys, they're henchmen (NPC's) are some of the baddest fools around (I would estimate them at around level 3-4). So if anyone wants to join the side of the Golden Leaf, hopefully they are around that level.

Sorry for the wait too guys, I relocated back to my original house and its taken me a few weeks to recover from the move.

Unless you guys had another idea from the original for this quest... I don't mean to jump back in and get all Gung-Ho... Sorry about that

I think thats fine, though if we are going to take on people of that level (with all of us lvl 0s) we might need a good plan. Like set up a good ambush area or find a way to seperate them from their caravan so we can take them off one at a time.

03-25-10, 07:57 AM
If you guys need someone to act as an NPC character for the Golden Leaf members to give it more of a battle-esque feel, I could stretch to helping out, or joining in on your side if you've no objections?

03-27-10, 12:12 AM
Well, I think you're welcome to join Duffy, no one else has said anything...

Do we have a proper plan to take out the shipment?

Haro Hailblade
03-28-10, 02:50 PM
:P no idea. I was kindof expecting battlemage to have the game plan. : P woooaaaaooow

and How did we get our info anyways? That has kind of been brought up in the story line, so if I had something to tell them that would be great. I feel weird being the center of attention. And neither of you guys have been taking it.

03-28-10, 04:22 PM
I'm here to support you guys to keep this thread active; it's your story, I'm going along with whatever you throw at me!

03-29-10, 08:39 AM
It sounds like we might need to introduce an NPC to be a ring leader for our circus. I was thinking the best way would be for someone to bring us together, explain the time and place for us to attack the caravan and anything we need to do before hand. How complex do we want to go for the story line?

Like we could be split into groups and have to kill of some targets in the town before the caravan leaves, failure makes the last fight harder. Or we could be simple, and just have a time and place for the attack. We could also do something in between and have to do some preperations before we leave town... ideas?

Haro Hailblade
03-31-10, 10:13 PM
I have already made preparations in other threads by getting the ivory pen and winged dawn. But I do have an npc that we could throw in there for the other side if we really wanted it to be interesting.

So, my game plan is that we do the two groups thing since we have plenty of people (and you are still pale as a ghost Hysteria, like you weren't pale enough. :P ) and have my npc named Luscious, who is kind of like the opposite of Haro, be with the golden leaves. My group can distract them while Duffi's group takes the prize. And if one of us fails, then we have to wipe the whole group out and there should be about fifty men guarding the items of interest. we can say the the weapons are enchanted or something like that so we can make up a good selection of weapons that are a reasonable level and still awesome.

if there are any preperations to be done, then we better do them on the way to Corone. After all, that is where battle mage wanted it anyways. Battle mage please make some posts when you can, so I know if I'm on the right track. it is your story and I wouldn't like to steel it from you. That just wouldn't be cool.

04-01-10, 12:33 PM
Nah, it's cool man... We finished the other thread way back when I was in Nebraska and I've just been so stinking busy, not to mention mental blocked, since I've returned home... I have been keeping up with the stuff though. I think Hysteria's last idea sounded great actually... Maybe the NPC or whatever could have crucial information about some of the (I'm guessing Scara Brae; since that is where the thread is located) Golden Leaf members and you guys get the information, split up, and go about killing or capturing the members while they're apart... Just an Idea though

I'm doing my best to get a post up guys, I'll have one eventually up, but until then feel free to just bunny me in and I'll jump in shortly.


Haro Hailblade
04-01-10, 08:50 PM
Thats cool with me :oP