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Alis Grave Nil
03-24-10, 08:52 PM

Alis Grave Nil


Name: Alis Grave Nil
Nick: None as of yet
Race: Elf
Sub-type: Vampire
Age: unkown
Age Appearance in human standard: 24

Gender: Male
Build: slightly above an average muscle build
Hight: 1.88m
Weight: 52.4 kg
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blond
Skin: White

Gold: X



"Silence fills the empty grave,
now that I am gone.
But my mind is not at rest,
for questions linger on.
I will ask,
and you will answer,
the things left unsaid..."

Lying there his eyes where heavy and he slowly slipped into a subconscious state of mind, where his mind ran free and his head bothered them with no restriction. Knowledge was free for the taking as if given it by divine will. From where the noble prince laid there was little to be done. Empty minutes, empty hours, empty days, empty years. he found himself robbed of memories of his period of life, unable to remember anything but a name, no face to call a mother nor a father. As minutes blended into hours, hours into days, and so on, until the whole of it seemed one long and barren moment. Though among the loss of memory there was a little bit that remained of his former self. A memory that had stayed but to what end he did not know. More a sensation than a memory actually, it sent a shiver through his spine. The shocking jolt and the ensuing numbness from those armed words, biting into his heart like a snake headed whip. It’s not something that any person would forget with ease.

The words bite under your skin, sending waves of indescribable feelings and energy through your body, waves that make your muscle tense, your mind numb and words flow without selection. It is a curse, for those feelings set my heart alive. I where a fool to think that our efforts would ever come to bear fruit. We were young, we where foolish, we were in love.

Perhaps then, there was more to those years, with each other, than I now recall. Perhaps there were good times in the solitude. Maybe not. Even though I count her among the kindest of those I’ve come to know. I mean even though I count her among the kindest, her words are coated in the bile venom known as love. Whether there were indeed joys in those years, obscured in the unrelenting assault of the world’s wickedness, or whether that earliest period of my life was even more painful than the years that followed. So painful that my mind hides the memories, I cannot be certain. For all my efforts, I cannot remember them.

I find no answers looking to the past, and nothing from predicting the future. For a thousand tears did little in the ways of cheers, and yesterday’s sorrows constantly nears. He had borrowed from the past in order to invite the future for so long. It was time that he realized that though he may grieve for a thousand years, shedding a thousand tears, it would not change the fact that he was dead… Still holding tight to the ring in his hand, he never was given the chance to ask for her hand, never given the opportunity to wed his love. That was the question that lingered on, if he had asked, what would her answer be? Destined to find out, he began his journey, digging himself free from his grave.


Skill \ Magic
• Above Average marksmanship – Alis is above average in his ability to wield and use of ranged weaponry. Though he remembers not his life, the many years of practice is well drilled into his muscle memory

• Above Average ranger: – Though Alis know not of his ranger like past, the knowledge lies within him like a natural instinct and he is above average in his abilities to guide, track and in his knowledge of what is eatable. Fletch arrows and speak with animals is also within his capabilities.

• Above Average veil: – Though Alis know not of how he came to know this ability nor justify how he came to use it, his ability to lay down a veil over him self making him able to hide in plain sight. He can use this ability twice a day.


Advantages \ Disadvantages
• Disadvantage; Sun: Alis after his “resurrection” found himself hurt by the sun and cannot sustain himself in its scorching rays. A wound caused by the sun heals ever slow and leaves him damaged for day’s.

• Disadvantage; bright light!: As a creature of the night, bright light hurts Alis more than the average person and his eyes are almost unable to adjust to it.

• Disadvantage; it burns!: items used to destroy undead, seriously injures Alis.

• Disadvantage; Blood!: No longer in need of normal meals and nutrition, his only food source now is blood. Fresh blood is the only valid nutrition.

• Advantage; Speed!: Though his undead nature, Alis has become agile and can create a momentum at a much quicker rate than others. Such skills often proved worthy of avoiding the hurtful sun.




• Moonbow
A weapon he carried in life, was buried with him in the afterlife. Buried with him to help defend himself against evil spirits in the afterlife, though it serves him well in his undead state. Its quality is of oak

• Quiver with 24 arrows
Same as the bow.


• Ceremonial clothing (se picture) offers no protection though offers warmth.


• A pair of wedding rings




Gold history:
None recorded so far.

03-25-10, 02:11 AM
This looks good. Just a reminder to be careful with your veil ability; very perceptive people should have a chance to detect you at this point.

You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.