View Full Version : Rham Es-Hestos

03-26-10, 08:30 PM
OCC- I'm guessing this is where I can get my character approved?

Name: Rham Es-Hestos
Race: Minotaur
Age: 137
Gender: Male
Skin Color: Not visible
Hair Color: Grey with streaks of black
Eye Color: Grey/blue
Height/Weight: 7'8"/274lbs
Languages: Common, Kothian (Minotaur language), Corsair (French)
Occupation: Blacksmith

Rham is a quiet individual. He keeps to himself and much of his personal life stays hidden. He is brutish for his kind and is not the most agile either. When Rham does open up, he is a bright character and loves to laugh with his best of friends.


Rham is of average height for his race. Grey fur covers his entire body, sometimes reaching lengths of up to seven inches long during the cold seasons. During the summer, his fur shortens to a much cooler four to five inches. It is streaked with black and Rham does not bother to keep it very clean. The occasional grooming with a small horsehair brush is the extent of his cleanliness unless he finds a river clean enough to bathe in. His horns are one of his greatest pride. They begin by curving up and then begin to curve forward. They are black at the base, fading to pure white at the tips. Rham is VERY traditional, keeping to the every custom of his own race, including linguistics. Unless absolutely required, Rham uses his own language for the most part.


Rham was born into a family of four children. His parents kept themselves busy for the most part. His father was almost continuously drunk, his mother was busy sewing or making some sort of food for her ever-growing family.
At the age of fourteen, a tribe of demons attacked his village of Faelmirth. The demons killed his younger and oldest brother. Rham assumed that his father, who was at a tavern at the time, of course, was dead, though, he could have cared less. Rham fled to the nearest town with his brother. His brother, Ekaleth, placed him on a ship as a stowaway. Rham could only watch as the demons invaded the city and destroyed it all. To this day, Rham is still unsure of whether or not his mother or brother survived.
Rham's presence on the ship was soon discovered and he was forced to work aboard the ship. He stayed there, learning the language of the Corsairs. Eighty years later, Rham left the ship to return home, searching for any remnant of his past life.
When he finally arrived in what once was a thriving town, he discovered that there was nothing left but a few small huts. The lands had turned into a bog. The jungle had began to invade now that the demons had rescinded their attack. Rham pushed his way thought the undergrowth, trying to keep from getting himself hopelessly stuck in the mire that was his home now. When he arrived at the site of his old home, he found that it was nothing but a pile of ashes. He fell to his knees, sobbing.
Rham stayed there for nearly ten hours, weeping, thinking, reminiscing. Finally, he left, trying to find something to make of his life now. For the past eighty years, his only life had been the ship he had illegally boarded. Rham headed east, closer to the center of jungle in hopes of making his home there.
He built hiself a shelter, which over the course of five years, tuned into a work of great magnitude. He lived int he jungle for nearly fourty years by himself. Keeping his company with the animals around him.
Rham was forced to leave when complications of, wild, proportions unfolded and his only chance of survival was to leave the jungle.
Rham moved to Megroth, where he spent his life up until the present point working as a blacksmith.


Rham can smith most anything from small decorative trinkets to weapons and small bits of armor such as bracers, greaves, and even at one point, scalemaile. He smiths with mainly steel. He has used iron before but prefers steel becuase of its strength. His work is average, though he does not construct 'average' items so to speak. Rham like to be creative with what he makes, so, while his work isn't the best, there is always something interesting about his work, be it just details of a different way of crafting the item.

After almost fourty years living in a jungle, Rham has much experience in hunting many kinds of animals. Though he is worthless when it comes to fishing. Archery not included here. Rham hates fighting from a distance and thinks it cowardly.

Rham can identify many types of plants and their medicinal uses.

Your average fighter, though has more tendency to weild heavier weapons.

Rham can build many things using wood and is very skilled in shelter-making


Leather harness with matching greaves, bracers, and a belt. Rham wears no other armor.
He carries a large sword, six feet in length. Practice with it makes him able to weild many other weapons (though he doesn't practice regularly with them) because of his abillity to fight with such a heavy sword. Rham is not sure what the weapon is made of. It is some type of black metal, one might notice that it seems to warp the light around it as well as while Rham seems to become more skilled in swordplay, the strength of the blade grows as well. As of now, it has the strength of steel.
Small steel dagger inlaid with vine detailing on the hilt.
Pack with a few rations in it


None yet, but Rham hopes to find some sort of animal companion to befriend at some point.

NOTE: Rham is a firm disbeliever in magic and thinks its nothing but light and smoke. He has been effected by it before and knows subconciously that it exists, but he refuses to have anything to do with it.

OOC- Hope this is alright :)

03-26-10, 09:44 PM
You are in the right place, sir!

On your blacksmithing ability, can you please put in there the metals that you have the ability to smith with? At level zero, you should stick to first tier metals, such as iron or steel. Also, state the quality of the work. I would suggest keeping it to simple - average for now, working up to masterwork with future level ups.

In your hunting skill, does this pertain to archery? If so, please specify.

It may be easier to call your swordsmanship "average". Not average vs. a peasant, but average vs. other swordsman in skill. The intimidation doesn't need to be said. ;) You're a freaking minotaur! :P

Please state what materials your sword and dagger are made with.

Once you modify your post with that information, post here again. :)

03-26-10, 09:51 PM
Fixed, hope thats better

03-26-10, 09:56 PM
Almost! Everything looks good here except for your sword. If you want it to be made of a special (this seems to have a bit of magical flavor to it?) material, it needs to have a balancing act. While there may not be a name for this metal, yet, you still have to describe how strong it is. You can give it an equivalent to iron or steel in strength, and say that. If the metal is fixated to your character in some way and when you level up, you want to level up the equivalent as well, that is perfectly allowable. I hope that I'm being clear! Once you've put that piece of information in your post, we're good!

03-26-10, 10:14 PM
Alright. See what you think there.

03-26-10, 10:19 PM
It looks perfect, hon! :) Go out there and tear some crap up!