View Full Version : Round 2 For Duffy, And I Want An Airship!

03-31-10, 06:17 AM
Simple question really. What is the probability of an airship in Althanas, do they exist elsewhere, and what sort of time, input and effort are we talking to build one myself?

I'm slightly (majorette) inspired by the Tantalus from FF9, obviously, so would want something archaic with the mind to take the Prima Vista and put it on a ship - a big, floating, awesome theatre in the sky, only with bigger breasted women.

So, 5 threads, or 10,000 gold, or pure luck, is it plausible?

Zook Murnig
03-31-10, 06:56 AM
I know Alerar has airships in their navy, but not much more than that.

03-31-10, 07:56 AM
I can't particularly imagine them being cheap to build, and stealing one from Alerar's government or military would be highly dangerous for any character...

I think there might be a quest idea that could be built around obtaining one from within Alerar. I'd be interested to help you with that, if you'd like. PM me or catch me on Yahoo (I sent you a friend request on your MSN already. My screen name is kokuei_gyoukou, so catch me on there when I'm online), or you could just send me a PM. I'd be more than happy to discuss possible ideas with you. It'd be an interesting break from MD's current story arc.

It might not be possible in one thread, as you said, but I think if you forgo any spoils from other threads involved in getting it that it could be possible, or it could be possible to do it with just one really well done thread.

03-31-10, 08:02 AM
I could help you build one. I'm going to build one for Xos, a special one, that can only be used once. Mine will require much experimentation. Some parts won't be, acceptable for my purposes, yet will be perfect for an awesome Prima-Vista style airship.

However, there is a fee involved, nothing is free after all.

03-31-10, 08:22 AM
I think I'll go with Metaldrago on this, purely for aesthetics and stealing an airship to convert is much more Duffy's style :D

Thanks to all anyway!

03-31-10, 09:55 AM
Alright, but I'm still having Xos build his own. Alerar CAN'T come up with what I need for my purposes anyway.

03-31-10, 12:17 PM
Alerar has airships, but I haven't fleshed out exactly what they are, how many they have, or any of the specifics yet. When Slavegirl gets a chance we're going to tackle Alerar, and that will all be in the Almanac.

03-31-10, 01:02 PM
That's cool, it's not something I'd planned on acquiring until I hit level four at least; which at my rate, won't be too long hopefully.

Amaril Torrun
04-01-10, 01:32 PM
If I remember correctly, someone once got the plans or blueprints to build an airship before, if that means anything or jogs your creativity at all.

The International
04-06-10, 11:33 AM
Alerar has airships, but I haven't fleshed out exactly what they are, how many they have, or any of the specifics yet. When Slavegirl gets a chance we're going to tackle Alerar, and that will all be in the Almanac.

Do you by any chance have a timeline on that and other Alerar details? I'm not trying to rush you at all. It's just that Ataraxis and I are conjuring up another quest there and it has a lot to do with airships, and there's an old solo that I plan on finishing that has a lot to do with Alchemy. I don't think either quest will be dealt with any time soon, but I kind of pride myself on canon accuracy. I wouldn't want to start a quest saying airships are one thing, and then an almanac entry comes out saying they're another. And if a situation like that does come up would my score go down?

04-14-10, 02:21 AM
Man, now I want to do a quest with airships.

So Marcus can fall off one. While punching a dragon.

The gospel speaks
06-01-10, 05:08 PM
If you start the quest send me a pm, I would love that to be my first real quest.