View Full Version : The Prince

The Prince
04-08-10, 05:14 PM
Hey, I'm sort of new to Althanas, but I've done my research. This is sort of a concept character, but I'm going to need some help to finish him up (if he's even allowed by your rules). Basically, I want to insert him into existing canon as a noble (and heir to the throne) of Salvar. I've left a lot of parts of his name and history blank because I've been unable to find information about certain things in the Althanas Almanac and elsewhere. Hopefully we can work through this together and get this character ready.

Name: Prince Coel Dragomir Travin
Linage: Son of Zaria Dragomir, daughter of Petros Dragomir II, and rightful heir to the Kingdom of Salvar
Patron Thayne God: Jomil
Age: 20
Race: Human (Salvic)
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 6 ft 2 in
Weight: 190 lbs
Personality: Hardened, but fearful of his destiny
Appearance: Coel is handsome with well defined cheeks and a chiseled chin. His muscles are well toned. His hair is ear length and combed back into a wave. He has a perfect smile and a deep voice. In short, there is an air of royalty above him.

History: Nearly 25 years ago, Prince Coel’s family was overthrown by the evil Anrekva Rathaxea, father of current King Iorlan I Rathaxea. His mother, Zaria, the youngest daughter of the rightful King Petros Dragomir II, was sent to Raiaera to escape the massacre. In Raiaera, she met a handsome young Coronian soldier named Dane Travin that was stationed in Eluriand and fell in love. The two were married and soon Zaria gave birth to Coel. Coel was blessed by the patron Goddess Jomil and raised as a Thayne. Due to his father’s position with the Corone Military, Coel was schooled at the famous Istien University where he learned the arts and sciences. He studied with the likes of [name] and [name], who he often looked to for guidance at the university. When he was 18, his father was sent to battle the necromancer Xem’zund, who was gaining power in Raiaera at the time. Dane Travin was killed in battle. Devastated by the news of her husband’s death, Zaria fell into disarray. With nowhere else to turn, she was forced to lead Coel back to Salvar when Xem’zund seized Eluriand.

Salvar was similarly in a time of turmoil, stuck in a civil war between King Iorlan I Rathaxea and the Church of the Ethereal Sway. Zaria had not yet told her son of his true lineage and she took great pains to conceal their identities while traveling as refugees in their home country. They traveled the Tundra, with Zaria leading them to her father’s original fiefdom, Petrov. They arrived to a wasteland. Petrov had long been destroyed. In its wake was a town full of vice, akin to ghettos of Radasanth. Coel and his mother took shelter at an inn, agreeing to pay 100 GP per week to stay. In order to pay, Coel was forced to accept a job ferrying moonshine across the fiefdom to fuel its vices. One day, Coel returned to the town to find it surrounded by soldiers. At the center of the commotion were King Iorland I Rathaxea and his mother. Coel watched in horror as the King beat his mother and accused her of treason. The King then tied her to a stake and burned her as a conspirator for the Church of the Ethereal Sway. Similarly, the vice town was once again burned to the ground. In the following confusion, Coel was knocked unconscious by a guard as he charged to rescue his mother.

He was then visited in a dream by his patron goddess Jomil, who told him he was a child of destiny. Without elaborating the vision of Jomil disappeared and Coel was woken by Andre Moltovo. Moltovo was a warrior in King Dragomir II’s court that had been assigned to protect Zaria. After she escaped to Raiaera, Moltovo went into exile as a fisherman, concealing his past from the House of Rathaxea. Moltovo told Coel of his true heritage and promised to help him fulfill his revenge against Xem’zung and King Iorlan I Rathaxea. Coel was given a spear, a helmet and a shield and was trained as a warrior of Salvar. However Coel was angry and brash. His training took far longer than expected, nearly two years, and during that time Xem’zung was defeated and King Iorlan I Rathaxea was exiled. The disappointment of his inability to enact revenge against those who had wronged his family morphed into a desire to restore order and his family name to the crown of Salvar. Combined with anger, disappointment, a desire for justice, and a sense of destiny, this is where Coel's interactive story begins.

Skills: Coel is educated in the arts and science. He has a working knowledge of basic technology and melee combat. His only formal combat experience is in spars with Moltovo. He is agile for a man of his size. He has no knowledge of magic or other arcane arts at this time.

Equipment: Coel currently owns (1) iron spear, (1) iron helmet, and (1) iron shield. He wears a light cloak around his normal underclothing that his held together by a family brooch, but currently has nothing else to his name.

So you know, I hope to change my login name once I figure out what Coel's proper last name should be.

04-09-10, 05:55 PM
You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.