View Full Version : Is it possible?

04-09-10, 09:12 PM
Would it be possible to get a quest going with a bazaar mod instead of just a normal bazaar thread? I know this is a strange idea, but I was hoping to start this character out by having them go to the bazaar, and a certain item they find in there would give them a clue about the past that they would follow, and I was sort of hoping a bazaar mod could work together with me on a bazaar thread turned quest thread of this nature. If there are any questions, PM me. I shall reveal full details to the mods there. I don't want to give too much away here, but I would appreciate the help of any bazaar mods with the time to quest as well as do the bazaar. Sorry if I am a bit specific on who I want to RP with on my recruitment on this username, and if the answer to RPing with a bazaar mod is no, I do have a back-up plan, but anyway, that is who I want to recruit, and sorry again about being specific. oh. and if anyone has any other ideas for my character, or any other quests that she might fit in, I am open to hearing about them

04-11-10, 04:42 PM
While I am not holding my breath, I have not given up on getting a bazaar mod to help with this but.... I will reveal more information and ask for others to join now.

Here is my idea for a quest, and I am now willing to recruit anyone that will stick it out to the end.

Ivana goes to a shop and sees a very expensive looking staff in it that has the same infinite symbol as on her hand at the tip. unfortunately it costs too much to purchase, so she asks where it was found, confidant that the place it was found would hold some clue to her past. after getting everything together, she heads there and.... well, I've learned not to give away too much of a story or make a story too structured. so I will just leave it at that for now. anyone interested in questing with me?

04-11-10, 04:52 PM
I actually would not mind joining up (this sounds like it could be rather interesting) though I'd suggest PMing Tshael about this, as she is the active bazaar mod at this juncture. She might be a bit busy right now, but it's worth a try.

04-11-10, 09:11 PM
Does it really need a bazzar mod? Seems like it could be done with a normal thread.

04-12-10, 07:10 AM
while it doesn't NEED a bazaar mod, I think it would be able to be done better if a Bazaar mod helped, if even just a tiny bit. It's a desirable for this quest, nothing more.

04-12-10, 10:52 PM
I'm game. :)

04-14-10, 07:52 PM
i should be starting it within the week, i'll post a link here once it is up. anyone got any preferences on the region?

Artur Al'Rand
04-15-10, 09:54 AM
Would it be that I could join? I'm looking for some fun, and I want some practice on this character.

04-21-10, 09:10 PM
not too late nor impossible that you could join. was just about to get this quest up, when I decided to check my quest recruitment thread one last time

04-27-10, 12:03 AM
I have not forgotten about this, but something urgent came up in real life. am back now. will get on this tomorrow hopefully

05-01-10, 02:05 AM
There we go. After taking a week off due to hearing that one of my roleplaying buddies on a different site attempted to kill herself, and after accidentally falling asleep midpost, and somehow turning off my computer midpost while in my sleep, and after firefox crashed midpost, it is FINALLY up. sorry it took so long.


Edit: Yes, everything I mentioned ACTUALLY happened.

Enigmatic Immortal
05-01-10, 03:14 AM
I'd be interested in giving you a hand, but I would like some more details on what exactly is going on, and I try not to post in a thread with multiple players...they just tend to die off. AIM is Botfan if you got one.

05-01-10, 03:29 AM
sure thing. I'll contact you over AIM so we can discuss details. actually I already have, but thought I'd post I was doing it anyway.:D

05-03-10, 05:41 PM
if anyone has any questions about the quest, feel free to pm me.

Enigmatic Immortal
05-03-10, 05:45 PM
I will most likely post with the plan we came up with after your quest gets underway. Assuming you want me that is.

05-03-10, 05:54 PM
yup. i still want you in it