View Full Version : The Ironfist

04-09-10, 10:06 PM
Name: Vadeo Enyalios
Age: 210
Race: Drow
Hair Color:White
Eye Color: purplish black
Height: 6'10
*Occupation: Former General of The Mazzra,former Noble, and former powerful sorcerer.

Vadeo trusts no one, and he probably never will after what happen to him. He is always emotionless unless the situation calls for emotions. He has enough experience to know when he is being lied too, and he hates liers and cheaters. He is a very confident, and determined person, so if he wants something, he's going to get it.

Appearance: A very handsome drow. He has chiseled features, and he has the looks of a noble about him. He does look rough as of right now because of him living off wild. He is tall and lithe with muscles all over his body from his many years in the armed forces.

Vadeo had everything. As a child, his father rose in prominence among the aristocracy of Alerar, and made himself a powerful name. He also made himself lots and lots of money. Vadeo's mother was a gem among the dark elves. Her beauty was unsurpassed and with her powerful family, his father just had to have her. And he did have her...After killing all her other suitors. Yes, Vadeo's father was a calculating and anayltical man, and the only way he saw was to get rid of the competition. With the added support of his new wife's family, he rose through the ranks quickly. A short time later, Vadeo was born. He was cherished by his father and mother, and was given every thing that he wanted. His father made sure that he was taught by the most genius of scholars and the most epic of swordsman. Vadeo learned quickly in both aspects, and was soon the envy of every other young drow.

In his teens, Vadeo went to a private military school in Alerar which only a select few where allowed in. He surpassed the students there, for he has been training years before they even lifted up their swords. His father had big dreams for Vadeo, and he planned on making sure, without a shadow of a doubt, that they would come true. Vadeo, meanwhile, done all the hard work. He trained every day for almost half the day, and then the rest of the day he studied his books.

At this time he started dabbling in the art of Sorcery. He spent his time learning from Masters of the arcanic school. He used their knowledge to start his training in Sorcery, which he also quickly excelled at. Apparently, Vadeo was destined to surpass everyone in Alerar in skill at everything, yet he had no idea what was truly destined for him. He joined the military and he quickly rose in the ranks. He was surprised at his own abilities...The gods surely must have blessed him. He was a General, a powerful noble, and a masterful sorcerer. Nothing could stop him, he thought.

Yet, never underestimate the Drow. Some of the more powerful sorcerers, and the higher ranking generals saw him to be a threat. So, naturally, they destroyed his family with nothing short of a army of socerers and soldiers and then stripped Vadeo of his rank, his money, and his powers as a sorcerer. They also made him blind and forced him out on his own, erasing the memory of his former life. Now...He is nothing but a hunter, who can't see. Well...That seems like a predicament, but he adapted and his hearing took the place of his sight. Now, he is looking for a way to regain his sight and his powers.


Expert Swordsman: He is very well skilled in the art of swordplay. He is renowned for his skill, yet his enemies have done all they could to erase his name from the history books.

Enhanced Hearing: Since he lost his sight, he had to rely more and more on his hearing, so naturally, his brain focused on his hearing.

Enhanced Knowledge:
He kept all the knowledge he gained from his scholars, and he is very smart. Not a genius yet, but he is enjoys learning everything he can.

Equipment: He has a steel scimitar which he stole from a powerful drow. The sword may look simple, but it gives the user more strength (multiplied by 1.5) and increases the damage he inflicts. He wears leather armor that he got from a small village.

04-10-10, 03:23 AM
I usually don't allow anybody to be an expert anything at level zero. But given the fact that swordsmanship is his only combat skill, I'm going to allow it and trust you not to powergame it.

Also, I need to know how much stronger does the scimitar make him. I'd suggest 1.5 times stronger than normal.

04-10-10, 08:56 AM
Alright. Is that better? :D

04-10-10, 08:58 AM
So it is. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.