View Full Version : Oden Steel

04-11-10, 01:36 AM
Oden Steel

Age: Twenty
Race: Human (Caucasian Scarabrian)
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 195 lbs
Occupation: Sorcerer and student of the arcane arts


Steelholm is a town on the border of the Valeena and Entadaa baronies and, traditionally, switches loyalty between them from decade to decade as the political landscape shifts. Its horizon is dominated in one direction by the Brokenthorn forest and in the opposite by the looming Windlacer Mountain, and the town rests comfortably alongside the Whisperbank River which is said to meet the Valeena somewhere deep in the forest, though it has never been fully mapped.

Duke Edgar Steel oversees Steelholm, as his father did before him, and is largely considered to be a good leader and businessman. He lives with his extended family in a vast manor house which rests on a broad-topped hill, and around which the town is built. His sister is Lady Diana Steel, whose husband is Master Tobias Girard, a second cousin to the duke of Sess-Teria and a good man. It is agreed that, despite his family name, Girard married up, and gracefully acquiesced when his wife demanded the right to keep her family name so that it might be passed on to her children.

Together, Diana and Tobias have six children, the oldest of which is Oden Steel. Since early childhood, Oden proved himself to be quiet, private, and deviously intelligent. He delighted in philosophical debates with visiting nobles, and it was no secret that he took joy in outsmarting the servants and townspeople, though never to anyone’s detriment. He poured over books and took a special interest in foreign lands and stories about monsters and alien gods and exotic beasts.

Though his siblings grew out of their childhood habits, each seeking to improve their station through marriage or knighthood or mercantilism, Oden only grew more aloof, until he socialized only with housemaids, visiting scholars, and his mother, with whom he was very close. This concerned Master Tobias, who began to pressure his son both directly and indirectly toward pursuits outside of his private chambers. Oden proved to be stubborn, which might have been his downfall had his mother not betrayed a well-kept secret in order to protect her son.

Oden had shown himself to be an adept at magic.

This created a stir in the Steel household, and the ripples of this announcement are still playing out to this day: Oden is a sorcerer, a being to whom magic comes naturally as an act of will, and a sorcerer is always the descendant of some magical being. Since there are no recorded beings of a magical nature in the Steel line, Oden is an anomaly, and his abilities called his nobility and parentage into question, as well as that of everyone related to him. The mystery of how he became a sorcerer is still yet to be solved.

In any case, Oden’s talents served as a constant reminder of this mystery. Tobias enrolled his son in the university in the city of Scara Brae under the pretense of fostering Oden’s powers. In fact, he was sending the boy away in the hopes that the controversy would die down, and the smear on the Steel legacy might be forgotten.

And so Oden studies magic amongst wizards and scholars, among them but not truly one of them.



Oden is a sorcerer, a being of magical nature to whom the arcane arts comes naturally. Unlike wizards, sorcerers need not rely on tools, runes, gestures, or words to manipulate magical powers – simple willpower is enough. The more Oden experiments with his will-based power, the greater his command over magic will become, and the better he will understand the forces he manipulates.

Knowledge of the Arcane:

Oden has been studying magic for most of his life, and has spent the last three years at a school for wizards and their ilk studying the arcane properly. As such, he can usually recognize and understand magic and magical effects produced by beings up to two levels above his own. He understands the basic requirements of thaumaturgical ritual.

The Practical Application of Alchemical Chemistry:

As part of his studies, Oden has been permitted to take a series of classes detailing the practical application of alchemy. As such, he is familiar with ingredients and reagents and the necessary processes to create useful chemicals, or counteract the effects of other alchemical creations, including some types of poison.


Oden was raised as the son of a noble family, and basically understands the proper and polite way to act amongst people of high station. He is recognized as nobility throughout Scara Brae and it is considered socially proper to treat him as a nobleman, even if students at the University are meant to be equal. It might be a stretch to call Oden charming, but the knowledge of nobility has fostered an unshakable self-confidence in him, which is invaluable in social situations - people tend to listen to him, trust him, even care about him, simply because of his highborn presence.

Though the Steels are not fabulously wealthy, Oden is a man of some means and can write promissory notes that his uncle will honor to a reasonable limit.

A Dubious Ancestry:

Oden is aware that there is a secret somewhere in his family, and his existence is the only outward proof of it. Because the trait of being a sorcerer is hereditary, and because no Steel before him has ever claimed familiarity with anything resembling magic, Oden’s nature points to some deception that has not otherwise been hinted at. As Oden grows older, it becomes more apparent that the mystery (and advantages) of his parentage is not limited to him being a sorcerer.

For example: Oden’s teachers alerted him to the fact that he cannot be magically sensed, detected, tracked, sought, or targeted. The power he wields can, of course, be detected, but it is as if Oden himself is a non-entity: any magical means of seeking out or targeting him without directly seeing, smelling, hearing, or touching him simply fail as if the effect is being cast upon a person who does not exist. Ghosts and spirits and other incorporeal beings are utterly unaware of his presence, and he has no means of communicating with them nor they with him.



Perhaps as a result of his unknown lineage, Oden is naturally a strong and physically fit man, despite an easy life. He can lift and carry 1.5 times his weight, but he is unaccustomed to and disinclined toward hard labor and will tire quickly, if he chooses to exert himself at all.

Oden’s threshold for pain is exceptionally high for a human being, and he can endure a great deal of punishment before succumbing to pain, exhaustion, or unconsciousness.


Natural Spells

Pop-Clap: Named for the distinct noise it makes, this effect is achieved by displacing the fabric of reality in a small area in a variety of ways, which results in explosive force that Oden can “aim.” This spell can only push with 100 pounds of force for an instant, but cannot itself do harm: it is equivalent to a very strong gust of wind, without the movement of air. It takes a moment to properly shape the distortion, and so Oden cannot cast the spell instantly or constantly, and he cannot cast it more than twice without recovery time (1 post).

Arcane Spark: The spark is achieved by forcing latent magic in an area to coalesce, and then by charging said energy until the normally-nebulous particles of energy begin to adhere to one another, which forms a sort of cloud. The spark glows brightly but is vaporous and has no effect on the physical plane. Enough energy can be drawn from the cloud to power two spells before the spark dissipates. Only a sorcerer can maneuver the spark but any magic user can, in theory, use the energy stored therein to power his or her spells. Though it takes little effort, only one spark can be created with the latent magical energy in an area – to create another, Oden must seek out more latent energy, which can be up to two hundred yards away from where the first spark was created.

Freeze: It is common for wizards to create “bolts” of supernatural cold and then launch them at their victims. Oden has learned to mimic the effect in his own unique way: he forcefully draws essential energy out of a small patch of existence, chilling it, and then launches the affected mass at a target. On impact the mass will immediately attempt to return to its previous temperature by drawing heat out of whatever it meets. It has an effect similar to being splashed with some liquid chilled to well below the freezing point of water, and the effect generally covers a three-foot area. The consumption of heat is natural, not magic, and so sufficiently thick clothing or any obstruction can absorb or reduce the effectiveness of the “cold spot.”

Oden can only cast this spell once in a fair while (once every seven posts or once every twelve hours), as it is exhausting and complicated. The energy stolen to create this spell can be used to create an arcane spark.

Arcane Missile: There is little difference between the arcane missile created by sorcerers and those created by wizards or mages. Arcane energy is gathered in an unstable state and then launched forward. Upon impact with a person or object, the arcane energy is released. Oden is currently powerful enough that his arcane missiles can set clothing on fire or heat normal metal so that it is scalding to the touch. If the missile collides with a living being directly, the area of impact is numbed to the point of uselessness for up to two minutes before sensation slowly returns. As a sorcerer, Oden can direct the missile with his will, but the cost of conjuring it is substantial – he may only cast it once in awhile or risk falling unconscious (once every seven posts or once every twelve hours). An arcane spark can be quickly changed into an arcane missile, but the spark is consumed in the process.


Oden is tall, physically fit, and attractive. He is wide-shouldered and his limbs are thick with muscle of the softer sort, giving him the look and bearing of a soldier. His hair is sandy blonde and straight, thick, and long, reaching slightly beyond his shoulders. He carries himself with aloof and unaffected confidence, seeming both attuned to his surroundings but coolly indifferent.

Noble heritage is evident in Oden’s face: his nose is thin and stately, his cheekbones high, his jaw wide. His eyes are clear and large and attentive, betraying the intelligence behind them. Despite his private nature, Oden’s countenance suggests empathy and good humor, quick to smile or wink, and more prone to amusement than consternation.

He is a fastidious man, but his love of his studies takes its toll. He is rarely seen without at least a slight five o’clock shadow, and his hair is often tied away from his face in some manner so as not to disturb him while he leans over some tome or another.


Oden is not a social creature, and he has known it since he was a child. Social interactions exhaust him and, more often than not, he takes little joy from them. He is studious and focused, and largely keeps to himself, but when drawn into social interaction he is surprisingly capable. He has a strong sense of humor and the devious glimmer in his eye when he’s amused is indisputable. No one can claim to have seen Oden angry or otherwise emotional, and he has thus far managed to avoid any real confrontation. He approaches minor arguments with soothing calm, and while he will engage in friendly debate he seems deft at avoiding real disagreements.


Oden has almost no material possessions to his name. In fact, all he can truly claim to own is a few sets of robes and various articles of clothing granted by the University. Any magical instruments, books, or other tools at his limited disposal are the property of the University, and as such never leave the school’s grounds.



The Steel family is not well-loved, largely because its historical loyalties were fluid. The Vitola and Entadaa families would be happy to see the Steels hurt for a relatively recent betrayal, which makes Oden a target for kidnap or, possibly, assassination. There is a small standing price on Oden’s head. (Whatever gold I have on this character will go to anyone that can kill Oden, or kidnap him and deliver him to an enemy estate or to disgruntled members of the Steel family).

In a more general sense, plenty of commoners hate nobles, and Oden is comparatively defenseless, as far as nobles go.

A Stain on the Family Name

Oden’s nature as a sorcerer brings his entire pedigree into question, along with his own claim to nobility. There are members of the Steel and Girard families that would love to see that question go away forever. Duke Edgar still supports his nephew, but Oden will not test the limits of that support. The sorcerer thus lives modestly, eschewing all but the most basic possessions. He owns no weapons or armor of any kind.

A Charmed Life

Oden has never even seen an honest fight, and could not possibly hold his own in a physical confrontation against even a moderately skilled enemy. He has never had to resort to physical labor, either, and has little patience or endurance for it.

04-11-10, 04:04 AM
Looks good all around. You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.