View Full Version : Random Chance: A day in the life of Silmeria (Semi-Open. PM First.)

04-11-10, 10:42 AM
The road ahead was a long and unending one for Silmeria which was just the way she liked it. Taking a road that had an end would mean that sooner or later traveling down that road she would reach a dead end and have to do something she would dread that being… back track. This was more then just a philosophy as it was also a safety measure. Her con was all well and good most of the time – but other times she stepped on peoples toes people she would rather not see again for what they may do to her.

The course she was currently on was bringing her up on a small township which had potential for work and fun both of which where requirements for her travels. If someone asked her… the real her why she did all this the only answer she would have been able to give was she was in it for the Adventure. The potential to meet strange and new people and places run into strange things and instead of fear them just take them in and examine them with great interest. Naturally this often got her into trouble which most people would shy away from: Silmeria reveled in it and just such a day was about to unfold.

The road itself was well dug out and had actually been risen up around the surrounding forests, plains and swamps which kept it from flooding but the road had a good ten foot drop off either side into trees, bushes and swampy water. Even so she found herself walking by the side of the road as the best way to avoid any fast riders who might zip by. But the main reason usually was she could dip off the path and conceal herself if need be. Not on this road though it would mean a quick drop and probably a very wet day until she could dry off.

A good soft leather boot kicked something and a quick glance down revealed a rather unsymmetrical crystal about the size of a fist, all the edges however where rather dull and picking it up and upon examination the stone held a twirling mass of threads or what looked like threads on the inside. About to give it a proper once over she came to a stop when a loud yell suddenly broke the silence of the day.
“There it is! Get her! Get it! Go quickly!”

An almost lazy glance up is what brought her out of her little day dreaming state as three rather large men – adventures by the look of them each one dressed differently, carrying different weapons. Adventures was her only guess and they seemed to be interested in her latest find. In fact they seemed more then interested… almost obsessed they ran straight for her leaping out in an attempt at a take down anyone could see coming from miles off. Naturally she stepped to the side with a brisk, quick motion one might not expect from the quiet almost dazed looking girl and she had to turn and peer down. The short fall of the side of the road was what awaited them as all three men went down like a giant snow ball… a short roll and crashed into the swampy water.

She could only smile…

Oh this is going to be fun.

04-12-10, 10:50 AM
Broken bones seemed unlikely but she could hear a bit of groaning and whimpering from the pile of twisted limbs and torso’s. In truth it took an effort of will not to burst out laughing while replaying the events in her head. Three well armed adventures making a dash to take down a priestess, who steps to the side and boom down they go straight into a tree.

Oh how priceless! Thankfully she managed to resist and gather herself and tucking the crystal away just in case they had ideas on trying to make another run at her. Still if they tried to get back up a good conk on the head would correct them from trying anything stupid. They where gathering their wits… and since they hadn’t actually tried to hurt her – she’d stay for now.

“Hello there Travelers – is there something I can help you with? You certainly seemed interested enough in me to try and get up close and personal.”

She cringed inwardly at the tone in her voice it was so sickeningly sweat she swore if it started to rain she would have melted on the spot. One step at a time… wait and see how they react and go from there. Several more groans and some struggling and they seemed to have righted themselves she got a better look at them now, they seemed an almost ordinary little group. Swordsman, archer… shields man… the last was quite a bit rarer. She started slighty at the sudden yell having been lost in her own thoughts.

“Give us the crystal! We’ve been after that thing for weeks, come on we’ll pay you for it!”

“Pay me for it?” She could almost hear her voice change as she continued. “How much exactly would you pay for it?”

The answer was rushed he just wasn’t thinking very clearly… “Two hundred gold pieces – that should be plenty here I have it right here!” and up came the bag he was dangling it in the air. She drew the crystal out.. lips twitching as she held it out.

“Sounds fair to me – toss it up and I’ll send this down.”

A few seconds later the bag came flying up and a deft hand reached up and snatched it out of the air. She fingered the bag slowly, pulling a few strings to check its contents and satisfied... the bag and the gem found their way into her robes she was up and moving off with in seconds.

“H-hey wait come back here! We had a deal! You’re a priestess!”

It would only be a short walk to the next town and she decided a bit of running would certainly help put some distance between her and them.

“Really! I never remember saying I was! I sure I’ll see you guys in town... we’ll talk then once I get this appraised and see how much its really worth. Consider this collateral – like a ransom to make sure you guys stay interested. I’m sure you’ll see me at one of taverns just pick one with the name horse in it – most towns have one with a horse name!”