View Full Version : Matthew Night

04-16-10, 09:54 PM
Name: Matthew Night, aka D-Ji krul
Age: 45
Race: Demonic Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Red
Height: 6’5”
Weight: 250lbs (200lb without his left arm.)
Occupation: Mercenary


Cold and easily tempered. Normally he is just very cold to people but still friendly enough that he don’t alienate everybody. Outside of battle he tends to be a loner. He is smart but not super intelligent.
Appearance: He’s a big guy, very intimidating to look at. Even though he is well muscled, it’s more built like a football player then a bodybuilder. His black hair is kept in a short rough cut style. Looking into his eyes would make a normal man’s blood run cold. His face is rough and weathered through the years of sword training he has gone through. His left arm is his most notable feature though. It is a corrupt form of a dragon claw. It is quite similar to this right arm. ( http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y81/Millinium/NightmareConcept02SC3.jpg) (though there is another finger like the others on the other side of the hand.


Matt was born to a human woman and the demon Nox. Nox took on a human guise in order to be with the woman, Savana, he loved. After Matt was born he saw the demonic arm and took his leave not wanting to walk about what he was hiding from her. Knowing her son would be persecuted for his demonic arm. So Savana moved everything of her life for him to Salvar, the frozen wastelands. There Savana tried to care for him. After 2 years and many broken bones she decided to give him up. Luckily there was a monstary close. St. Denebriel's Monstary is where he would be raised. As he grew up he was trained in several fighting techniques in preparation for war. During his time there his life was pretty harsh because of his lineage which hardened his heart. After 30 years of training in there he left to travel in search of his parents.


Empowered Darkness: Allows him to empower other limbs with his full demon energy doubling their physical abilities for a short time. (Legs: 1.5 speed. Right arm: 1.5 strength)
Demon arm: The permanent power of his left arm. This arm is 1.5X as strong as a normal human. Covered with a Demon skin that is as strong as steal armor (to non light or physical attacks.)
Dark Light: Empowers his Left arm with demon energy to generate a Dark Light. It has multiple uses depending on how he focuses the light. If he focuses it into his hand in the form of a ball he can crush it in his claw causing it to generate an Unholy light to allow him to see in caves or other dark areas. He can also throw the ball sending a chaotic ball of energy at the target. Focusing the light into his claw lets him attack with a chaos element to his claw and so on.


Dragon Fang: A sword forged of the Dragon King Bahamut’s fang by the monks of the Zi-Quang Temple. Has the ability to slash through the elements themselves. (Limited by the wielder’s power. Meaning at level 1 I can’t slash through a volcano or Planetary death bomb.) (It is designed like InuYasha’s Tessaiga but without the fur at the hilt.) It is as strong as steel.
Steel Shoulder plate: No special abilities just a piece of steel shoulder armor he always has on his right shoulder so he can rest his blade against his shoulder without cutting his own arm off.
Steel Arm armor: Custom made full arm gauntlet for his left arm to give it some resistance to light attacks. It is made of small Steel scales weaved into a Steel mesh so it don’t take away the left aren’t movement.
Travel Clothing: Has the ability to keep people from seeing his naked body.
Steel Chain suit: Consists of a steel mesh that goes under his clothing.
Familiars: A small imp demon that usually sits on his left arm while out of battle. He found it when it was a just born and the imp hasn’t left his side since.

04-17-10, 02:15 PM
OK, I'm going to need you to make a few edits before I can approve this.

Empowered Darkness - please change it so he gets 1.5 time speed and strength.

Demon Arm - also 1.5 strong as normal human and strong as steel.

Dragon Fang - I'll allow it to be made of "Dragon King Bahamut's fang" as long as you specify that it's as hard as steel. The ability to slash through elements should be very minor right now. Keep in mind that if it's ever sold, it will be worth as much as it would if it was made of steel.

Steel Shoulder Plate, Steel Arm armor, Steel Chain suit - all of these are supposedly steel, yet all of them are described as items made of mitrhril. This is somewhat confusing because we have mithril (or rather mythril) here on Althanas which is a high-tier metal and as such not allowed at level zero. So please make it clear that these are in fact made of steel.

That's about it. Post here when you've made the edits.

04-17-10, 09:03 PM
Yea sorry I forgot to change the armor discriptions after MetalDrago helped me

04-18-10, 02:44 AM
No problem. This looks good now.

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.

EDIT: Thread reopened for some edits to the history.

04-22-10, 03:30 PM

04-23-10, 04:35 AM
Cool beans. You are approved again. One more time and you get a prize. :P