View Full Version : Jensen Ambrose

Enigmatic Immortal
04-22-10, 07:16 PM
Name: Jensen Ambrose
Age: N/A (He doesn’t care)
Race: Human
Region: Radansath
Height: 5’11
Weight: 167 lbs.

Job: Senior Knight of Apocalypse
Class: Jester
Order: Flies of Famine


Jensen is near six feet tall, where’s black denim pants that are tight but bell bottoms where his boots are located. He has a skin tight black t-shirt made of cotton tucked into his pants. Draped over his shoulders is a fighter’s coat that stretches down to his feet made of low grade leather and heavily modified. The arms are cut to match the length of the middle of his bicep. The front has been cut so it can’t be bound shut and across his neck is a silver chain with a pendent of a lion. He has short hair with two long sets that run down to his shoulders died red from a brownish color.


Jensen is eccentric to the extreme, going to any length to pull a joke or make himself laugh. This isn’t to be confused with making others laugh, as his mentality is very self centered. One moment he could be wining and dining a lady, the next shouting at her to make his sandwich he so rightly deserves after her pitiful failure in the sack. Jensen is normally never sullen or dour, the exact opposite of emo.


Jensen was born into the Ambrose family seventeen years after the demon wars. As his father was a inner circle knight and his mother a Senior Knight of the apocalypse he grew up with battle as his best friend. He learned the ways of the order, rising up in the ranks through valor and deed. For his 26th birthday Jensen was promoted to Senior Knight, the longest anyone took to achieve the rank. Most people look down upon him as a cretin, but in reality he was merely bored.

On a mission as a Senior Knight he was traveling with two of his brethren in the Salvarian mountains towards the orders keep, Death’s Cradle. They eventually were caught in a terrible snow storm that forced them to make camp at night.. Through the night he lost both his teammates but he was the one who survived.

When he reached the forts gates he was welcomed in, fed and he began his training, wondering why he was alive and the others dead. Out on a training mission with five other members he found himself knocked down on the snow, his blood caked everywhere as a group of mountain bears attacked the unwary group. Again he woke up the next day, his body sore and aching for the kiss of death, all his comrades dead. He returned to the fort, was escorted to the magi’s tower where he was tossed into a cell to await experimentation.

Eventually he was poked and prodded by the order’s Avatar of Famine, Master Frenzy Ortega. He and Corvus, the Avatar of Death, brutally beat Jensen, testing all his limits as a human and pushing him further along as he begged for death. They tortured him, pushing him forward and onwards and for the next three days he woke up he cursed his rotten luck.

On the third day he awoke Corvus yanked him out of his cell, and decapitated the boy with his scythe.

Jensen opened his eyes on the fourth day with Frenzy looking down upon him with Corvus on the other side. Jensen now knew something was wrong with him, and he sat upright and looked to the two avatars. Both of them seemed uninterested him anymore and Jensen asked to know what had happened to him.

Both men just left, leaving Jensen completely alone in the dark.

That one memory, that one image in his life had sparked Jensen’s insanity in ways nobody could ever dream of…

He is currently traveling the world as a Senior Knight with leave, no messages left for him to do a mission at this time.

(These will be broken into PC skills, and NPC skills. PC skills will be usable against other foes, and NPC skills are skills other people can use to help RP with Jensen.)

PC Skills
(Unless otherwise stated, all skill strengths are determined on a scale as if the skill was done by a well trained solider.)

Throwing Weapons: Jensen carries upon himself three iron throwing glaives, Triangular in shape with a curve for throwing accuracy and two iron throwing daggers. He is average in this.

Punch Knives: A simple weapon with a handle to grip and a long blade that is the length of a forearm. He has one punch knife, tier steel. He has above average skill in this.

Hand to Hand fighting: If you need an explanation as to what this skill does, retire your character. Depending on the fighting style he employs determines his skills.

Hand to Hand fighting styles known:

Caeiporia: Jensen enters this fighting state of loose movements and dancing rhythms to increase agility to 1.5 but lower defenses to .5 of the average human. Average in this skill. This fighting style takes a lot of energy and he can only use it in battles for Five of his posts.

Boxing: Not hard to learn this one, he has the skill as any normal human would, so in this case BELOW average solider.
-> Punch Drunk: If Jensen is in this fighting style and is beaten to a pulp with blunt damage (No sword strikes and what not) he can laugh the damage off for one post and strike back at 1.2X strength. Then his stats drop to .7 in all fields for the remainder of the battle. (STR, END, DEF)

Mixed Martial Arts: Series of different martial art skills, including Jiu Jitsu, Jensen is Average in this skill.

NPC Skills

Flirt: Jensen loves to flirt, and will do so with anyone who is pretty looking. To determine if you qualify as pretty you must score a 7 or higher on Sheex’s Woman Watching skills. (He is not my account, but it seemed like a good scale to use.)

Immortal: Jensen is immortal. No matter what he will come back the next day alive and well. Chop off his head, his nuts, his arm, whatever, he’ll live and laugh about it the next day. This is not an excuse for him to ignore pain or whatnot, and he still feels all pain and suffers effects of the death even in his new life the next day. IE: You cut off his arm, his arm is going to hurt like a bitch for a few days. Cut off his head and he won’t be able to speak for hours after coming back.

Fearless? No, Just lack of caring: Jensen is not intimidated by Seth Dahlios, Letho Ravenheart, the boogeyman or Jesus. He just doesn’t care because he knows he will die and then come back. This astonishing revelation has left him immune to fear based affects.

You mean if I just did this…: Jensen will do whatever the hell it takes to piss someone off. If it means poking you, he’ll do it. Sleep with your mom? On it. Scare the shit out of your daughter? He’s on the case! Whatever it takes to get a rise out of you, because Jensen loves nothing more.

04-23-10, 04:34 AM
Everything seems to be in order.

You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.