View Full Version : Vasreibon The Siklian

04-25-10, 03:33 AM
Name: Vasreibon
Age: Appears 18 in Human Terms
Race: Siklian
Hair Color: Crimson
Eye Color: Violet
Height: 6' 0
Weight: 150 lbs
Occupation: Adventurer

Vasreibon is not your typical Siklian, though many do not know of the spiderlike race. While his people tend to hide in the dense forests, isolated from the rest of the world and continue to live quiet, pagan like lives, Vasreibon desires to see the world. He's quiet at times when asborbed in learning something new of the outside world, while angered and quick to act when seeing what his people would interpret as 'morally evil'.

Standing at six feet tall, with well defined muscular features(easily seen since he only wears a fur loincloth) and stunning crimson shoulder length hair, one could say he was handsome. As if this wasn't enough, two vibrant violet eyes would stare about, observing his surroundings with an almost child like curiosity. Indeed, many would say he was quite the handsome fellow; that was until they noticed the six black and yellow spider legs protruding from the center of his back, of course. Or the fact that once he opened his mouth, small mandibles and spider like fangs dripping venom would be seen. Well, at least when he was docile he seemed handsome...
(Picture for easier placement of his spider legs -> Here (http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs48/f/2009/212/b/d/Demon_spider_by_Kaital.jpg) )

(Condensed version, full history being completed)

"You're a fool, Vasreibon."
Suprising how those words barely phased him now, after all, Chief Bronvei really was fond of repeating them for the past few years. Simply sighing and idly twirling a strand of silk between his right index finger and thumb, violet orbs would take on a distant look. However, Vasreibon would look up upon hearing his Father sigh, suddenly ending the ongoing rant. "...Chief?" No answer... "Father?"

His Father, or rather Chief Bronvei as he preferred to be called, looked over at his son and shook his head. "Why, Vasreibon..who are you so fascinated with the outside world. The Siklian people thrive peacefully within this forest enclave, there are no wars, no hate or prejudice. Why in Octa's Name are you so obsessed with leaving?"

"Seems interesting, obviously.." A sly smirk playing across his lips...well, a Slikian equivalent of a smirk anyways. Having mandibles behind human lips was a challenge to display any smiles, frowns, or smirks.

"Argh! Vasreibon you are incorrigible! I'm tired of this, every other week you simply slack off in your studies to take over as Chieftain of the Slikians, even your devotion to Octa is weakening!"

"Well, Father, Octa hasn't puni---"

"Enough! I am tired of this...Years upon years of an heir who doesn't even respect his heritage! Octa curse you boy! You're so damn fascinated with the outside world, then go! Be gone! NOW!"

Despite hearing the words he had been waiting for his entire life, he was still shocked that his father had actually uttered them. However, simply smirking, he rose, and ran out the door. After all, there wasn't a moment to waste. An entire new world awaited him.

Spider's Thread - Well, this should be self explanatory. He's able to spin spider threads from an organ on his back which he can use as an offensive, or defensive weapon. Or just somewhere to lounge around.

Paralysis Venom - Able to bite and inject a venom which paralyzes the vitcim for a certain period of time. (Length of Paralysis depends upon length the fangs remain in victim)

Sleep Venom - Able to bite and inject a venom which causes the vitcim to fall asleep temporarily. (Same rules apply as Paralysis venom)

Sai Mastery - He is above average in the usage of dual wielding his two Sais, though not Expert, he can certainly hold his own when compared to a soldier trained in the same field.

Two Steel Sais attached to each side of his waist via the loincloth rope. (Sai picture for those who don't know the weapon -> Here (http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1397/1411606744_625717aa8d.jpg) )

04-25-10, 04:51 AM
I need to know the material of the two sais (steel is the best you can get right now).

And just be careful with the venoms. Keep in mind that people might have different resistances to it.

04-25-10, 01:41 PM
Alright, edited for the material of the Sais. And yeah, I understand the venom resistance thing, he really doesn't depend on them much anyhow.

04-25-10, 04:16 PM
You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.