View Full Version : cecils apears

04-27-10, 12:48 PM
the sky above darkens then brusts forth multicolored rays of light. a small figure emerges from the center of the light. clad in nothing but various flowers the 3' foot faerie can be seen. his skin glowed brightly constantly changing from color to color, yet always it was many colors at once. cecil hovers twards a nearby inn unsure of his surondings, and even more unsure of his suronding life forces. this unfortunate confusion due to traveling from world to world. he pauses breifly to mutter s few spells. testing his ablities in this new place. alas most of his chants wer met with nothing more then sparks. " hmm i supose the travel has taken more from me then i expected." he says apearntly to him self. no answer came. " well drat! it seems my conections with home have been severed as well." he starts intently at a red rose a few paces from the inn. " what are you looking at!" the flower exclaims, causing cecil to jump(or rise a few inches from the ground) his suprise pass almost instantly. with a giggle he replys." why i stare at you silly." he then bows. a strange notion to the rose. " you are probably wondering who on earth i am? well that the trick ya see. im not of 'earth' or sky even. im of the light" to jesters upwards at the now fading rainbow" from there to be more exact." "what!" the rose exclaims he begens to float away his glossimer wings carrying him effertly just inches above the ground. " come with me i shall explain as we go." he goes not but a few paces and then turns back looking at the flower with puzzlement."well? what are you waiting for do you not wish to know more? get off the ground. "foreigner" a blue rose not to far oof states. cecil is again completly comfused, a fact the shines brightly across his face. " i know not where you are froom but here flowers dont 'go anywhere' we are rooted to the ground" the red rose speaks again. completly taken aback cecil merly starts with his mouth ajar. the relazation dawns on him, the flowers of this world could not move freely like the ones from his home world. " my this is a strange place." " well then i shall not unroot you unless you wish to know more." umm was all that the rose said. before cecil intervens" but of course you dont want to just go along with a stranger. allow me to introduce meself. i am cecil enchanter of the flowers, rainbow faerie. i come here from the rainbow realm. a place of mistic, and who might you be?" he says with a note of wonder in his voice. a hint of sorrow can be detected as the rose speaks again. " i have no name. no one here knows we can speak, let alone takes the time to name us." cecil smirks, " then allow me, from ehnce forth you hall be known as the red one." performing a dubing with a sword he pretend to hold in his hand. the rose is overcome with joy," i am honored to be call such, and i shall gladly acompany you..." a great sob bellows forth from the blue rose that spoke before. it had been listening couriously, as the weird fae spoke. cecil winked. " and you shall be he blue one" performing the same gester as before. " i wish to come along as well, bellowed the blue rose. " but of course" he exclaims. reaching down to pluck the roses, he hold each in oppisite hands. and contues to tell them his story as he flutters along in this new world....and so thus is how the story of cecil begins. a sight that would most likly stun any on-lookers, thinking him a madman. talking to flowers....