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Auguste Fletcher
04-27-10, 06:32 PM
Name: Auguste Fletcher

Age: Early 30s?

Race: Human, Demon, or Nightmare (depending on who you talk to)

Appearance: Auguste is a somewhat tall, lean individual at six feet and two inches and weighs roughly one hundred and sixty five pounds. He has black eyes. Short, tapered black hair and an inch long goatee are aspects of an handsome, angular face he zealously takes care of. His skin has a natural tan, bronzed ever so slightly by his short, daily excursions outside. He can sometimes be found wearing a black suede suit and matching pants and dress shoes, with a white buttoned shirt underneath. He will normally top it off with a black tie to please his social acquaintances, though his purple striped one is the preferred attire. Traveling clothes consist of slightly baggy brown pants, a close-fitting auburn tunic, and a pair of lightweight brown boots.

Personality: When out and about, an air of chaotic joy surrounds Auguste, drawing a little more attention than a normal person. Upon meeting him, one will typically label him a peculiar fellow at the least, unless he is trying to hide his nature, though it’s hard to act suave with a giant grin on one’s face and when speaking in rhymes. Journey further into Auguste’s world and one immediately wishes they could go back. Past the good cheer and jester-like antics, his goals seem to always hover around the object of death. He targets someone, seemingly without motive, fixates on their every move, and will eventually attempt to harm or kill that person in what he considers artistic fashion. His chaotic nature is a guise even to himself, as he can become quite cunning and sinister without intending to be.

History, Myths, and Current Life:

There are many children’s stories told to the youth of Corone, Scara Brae, Salvar, and the other vast continents of Althanas. Many are mere fiction, but from time to time a true creature of pure benevolence or of haunting evil can manage to slip out of secrecy and into the tales of legends. One such tale, a lesser known tale, is that of what can only be termed a demonic jester. He has been called Sinister as well as The Jester Menace.

His story is short and vague, as the few to tell the story seem to have embellished much, while having little to no experience with the creature. According to popular belief, Sinister was once a normal man, well known as an entertainer during the early years of Radasanth’s existence. His disappearance was noticed rather quickly and the disturbing remains of his body were found in the basement of his home. Whether his murder was planned or done at random, the gruesome reality of his death is what created The Jester Menace that would plague the city for the countless years to follow.

In a large city such as Radasanth, it is hard to differentiate the disappearances and murders of typical criminal activity from that of the unnatural. Therefore, Sinister’s existence was easily pushed into the fictitious category as far as most citizens were concerned. Every few years or so, a self-proclaimed survivor or witness to the jester’s madness would arise with a new tale of wickedness, but only one or two listeners would believe. In this manner, he became the little known legend, a nightmarish figure resting on the hinge of disbelief. In recent years, stories of The Jester Menace have all but dried up, with no new accounts of his activity.


Auguste has recently arrived to Scara Brae, wanting to make his mark on the city in quick and memorable fashion. Claiming to come from Corone, he originally found it hard to prove his origins without any legal documents or known family of any kind. Money, it seems, makes the world go round however, and Auguste arrived to the island with a large sum of it. Bank notes, copper coins, silver coins, gold pieces, and an assortment of jewels and emeralds helped fund his way toward citizenship and a reputable home in one of the richer districts of the city. Don’t tell him that the five room domicile, with a decent sized dining and living hall, isn’t a mansion. He has quickly fallen in love with his home and plans to throw a party to honor his move to the city. He has no interest in hiding from the social spotlight.


Acrobatics: Auguste is as talented as a typical acrobatic performer, capable of the flips and somersaults one would expect of such an individual. On a good day, he can scale the wall of a home with some effort.

Sneaky: Auguste is a sneaky person, able to keep the noise down as he makes his way past a guard or past someone in their own home.

-Unnatural Sneak Ability: Shadow Melt: If he finds a shadow larger than he, he is able to seemingly melt right into it, disappearing from the present world. He is still able to see everything going on in the area and can exit the shadow at will. If the shadow were to go away unexpectedly, he will be pushed out immediately. People with excellent perception may notice his shape imprinted on the area where he entered the shadow, giving them the opportunity to wait for him if they so choose.

Poison: Auguste has a developed an interest in poisons. At the moment he knows how to concoct two poisons

-Forty winks: This is a toxin he spreads across a cloth or handkerchief. Pressed against one’s nose and mouth, the toxin will typically put a target to sleep in a few seconds and will last for about an hour unless woken up.

-Anesthesia: While a small dose can be used on himself to ignore small amounts of pain, the true intent of this concoction is to numb an individual’s muscles, effectively paralyzing them without knocking them unconscious. This is contained in a small vial, and must be fed orally. One vial will cause this affect for roughly an hour, depending on any resistances or immunities the drinker may have.

Dominating Personality: Auguste is socially dominating individual. He makes his appearances known and thrives on the attention. When in a conversation, he will typically do most of the talking. When angry, he can strike incredible fear into those around him and weaker willed people may cringe or freeze up from it. When happy, others find it hard to fight the urge to smile, unless the enthusiasm happens to come from his lethal activities.

Small blades: Auguste has an average understanding of how to use his small blades as melee and projectile weapons.

Equipment: A human bone shiv, about three inches long with handle made from the same material. 10 calli glass vials. One steel dagger. Twenty feet of rope. A collection of smaller shivs made from standard glass, bones, and iron, all of which are about one inch long not including the handles. A fully furnished home, as described in his history (The home and its furnishings obviously will not be sold).

04-28-10, 01:09 AM
I'd prefer if you added that people with excellent perception can still notice him within the shadows, maybe as a mere outline or something.

Also, I'd like some kind of time frame on the duration of Anesthesia.

I reckon these poisons will be rather hard to use in actual combat, but there are ways that they could be used in one, so I need to limit it somehow.

Auguste Fletcher
04-28-10, 01:49 AM
Done and done. I also threw in that a person could have a resistance or immunity to the poisons that would diminish the effects.

04-28-10, 09:43 AM

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and have fun with your new character.