View Full Version : Case Subject: Kyla Orlouge

The Trap Master
04-27-10, 11:29 PM
((Continuing from Here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20553).))

They didn't question him. They never would. Few people in Althanas realized that the citadel had a 'back door' of sorts. Only those with a keen sense of observation would ever truly find it. Hidden in one of the vast alleyways around it, there was a slight indention upon the brick layout that allowed for a secret passage. There had to be a reason nobody ever saw the monks coming and going from the building.

John had carried the body for over half an hour before arriving in this secret area. He had to make a stop at one of his safe houses to pick up a mask. It seemed suspicious that John Shelby was holding Kyla Orlouge's body. However, nobody questioned a slightly altered Sei Orlouge taking his daughter back home after a rough day. The monks opened their passageway to him, and he quickly made his way into the vast halls.

He found the door he had helped work on. The monks often commissioned him to make new and creative settings for their battlegrounds. It was but a tiny favor for him to ask them to tell no one about who he entered with, how he entered with them, or what he intended to do with them. He opened the door to where the trials would soon begin. Kyla Orlouge was quite good at passing trials.

It was time to see if she could pass a trial her life depended on.

Walking through several of the darkened rooms, The Trap Master finally made it to the start of his tests. Setting the body down gently, he felt around the ground for something. Once he had found what he needed, he connected the pieces. He then stood up and began to walk out of the door. As he passed the doorframe, he closed the massive steel door. The door would not open until the first trial was completed.

He passed through the next two rooms, closing the doors behind them when he finished setting up what needed to be done. The effects of his chloroform would soon wear off. Kyla would wake up soon and have to test her limits like her life depended on it. Because as far as she knew, it did. He made his way out of the citadel and through the back alley. He would watch the events from a safe house, like normal. It was almost time...

Kyla Orlouge was about to find out that there was a lesson to be learned.

Amber Eyes
04-28-10, 12:11 AM
Kyla reached her arms up to touch her father's face, but it was not there. Kyla had become the little girl in the statue in the room she was staying in. She smiled as she looked around the room, in awe of the size of it now that she was so small. She looked up at the lamp covered in butterflies she had so admired the day before. Much to her excitement the butterflies began to take flight, filling the air with their beautiful gold and red wings. The firefly that adorned the switch also began to move. It slowly descended until it was at her side. The wind from it's wings created a wonderful cooling sensation and put Kyla at ease. As it moved closer the wings tickled Kyla's cheek, she giggled as she climbed onto it's back and flew off into the air. As they passed the bed, Kyla saw a giant version of herself sleeping soundly, she noticed how the happiness Jaxx had brought her had already made a difference in her face. As she approached the door to the room she noticed a strange man standing in the doorway. Kyla was unable to control the firefly and it was steadily moving towards the fan in the corner of the room. She became more and more frightened with each moment. Within inches of the fans blades, Kyla began to feel a metallic taste in her mouth.

She woke up covered in a cold sweat.

Just a dream...it was just a dream.

Darkness surrounded Kyla and she tried to stretch, but her body would not move. Moment by moment the metallic taste became more real, as well as the smell of a sweet antiseptic scent. Kyla was unable to see anything and half-believing she was still asleep, Kyla made the only logical choice. She would simply wait until she woke up.

The Trap Master
04-28-10, 12:40 AM

Each link was tested for its sturdiness. He had to make sure there was no weakness in the chain. The slightest mistake could make the whole test worthless. He moved a ring from the pocket and placed it around the chain. A bottle of antiseptic lay at the side of the device. Looking up towards the vents, he had to make sure he would give her at least one gift. This was least he could have done for the woman Jaxx Stone loved.

He carefully took out the letter and placed it down in front of the chain. She would have to read the letter if she had any hope of survival. He coated the last ring with the antiseptic before placing the bottle in his pocket. He looked around the room and made sure there was no kind of leaks in the chamber. Otherwise there was no point to the vents.

He stood up and wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead. This was the first test for the girl. He reached into his coat once more and looked at the picture of the girl. It was taken during the girl's trip to her home town. Anybody other than Anita Orlouge hanging around the Hero of Radasanth would arouse anyone's attention. After some thorough investigations, it was discovered that she once collaborated with bandits. Her sins had to be atoned for. She would truly learn from her past mistakes.


He stood in his safe house. It was just a plain, nothing special house just on the outskirts of Radasanth. As he walked through the living room, he smelled his pot roast cooking on the fire. As he took a plate out and prepared the meat on the plate, he walked over to a mirror. His monk friends had been able to cast spells on his mirrors. They allowed Trap Master to view his victims from a safe distance. As the swirls began to form in the glass, John began to take a bite of his roast.

He took no joy out of making these people suffer. It was just what he had to do to make them see the light. After being responsible for so many people learning lessons, one starts becoming callous to death. When the citadel can revive anyone, it was important that his targets did not know that they were in the magical establishment. John started to watch as Kyla woke up. The lights would turn on in mere moments and the timer would start.

"Class is in session."

Amber Eyes
04-28-10, 12:59 AM
As she began to rouse fully, Kyla noticed that she had was not in fact dreaming. The taste of metal in her mouth began to take shape in the form of a ring piercing her tongue.

As she brought her hands up to her mouth, she was filled with pin-like pain in her arms. It felt as though her entire body had been deprived of oxygen and therefore fallen asleep. Her head also hurt terribly, making it hard for her to concentrate. Nausea took up most of her thoughts and combined with the metallic taste to make her heave from deep down in her stomach.

Four times she gagged, but with nothing to vomit she only caused her stomach to cramp and her head to hurt even worse than before. In the darkness she was able to figure out that the ring was attached to a chain, but was unable to follow the chain more that about a foot. She repeatedly followed the small length of chain, feeling for any weakness in the cold links. Unable to find any spot that might be breakable, Kyla racked her already frazzled brain for another idea.

Her legs were still unsteady and the nausea was accompanied by dizziness. All in all, Kyla was in really bad shape. The effects of the drug had nearly crippled her, and she was slowly becoming aware that this was probably just the beginning.

Why would someone do this to me? Where is Jaxx?

The thought that she may have just yesterday kissed the man who today became her captor terrified Kyla.

It can't be him! But who? And why?

Just when Kyla thought that things couldn't get much worse, blinding lights came on throughout the room. The light caused her head to throb to the point where she believed it would explode. The sudden pain caused her to again gag. When her body retched to the side, she pulled on the chain, causing the ring in her mouth to cut into her tongue slightly. The tearing pain in her tounge was excruciating, and blood filled her mouth. Kyla looked around for anything to stop the pain. That's when she saw the note.

With trembling fingers, Kyla opened the envelope. Tears filled her eyes as she forced herself to read.

The Trap Master
04-28-10, 07:57 AM
"There is a lesson to be learned...

Kyla Orlouge. You have recently been associating yourself with one of the local heroes of Corone. He had forgiven you for your sins, but I have not. When you were in league with Zander's bandits, you let an innocent woman die. You could have spoken out but you did not. I will now take the tongue that refused to speak from you. Attached to your tongue is a ring connected to a chain. Your test is simple: rip the ring out of your tongue and continue towards the next test. If you fail to accomplish this task in five minutes, the deadly gas that's been filling the room will cause you to fall into a sleep from which you will never wake up from. Good luck."

Across from Kyla was the steel door with the words "Steal thy tongue" spray painted over the handiwork. The hissing of gas through the vents began to fill the room. The chain that was attached to Kyla's tongue was simply connected to a small black colored tile on the otherwise steel floor. The chain was pulling Kyla's appendage just enough for the girl to know it was there, but not enough to actually do the test for her. Once Kyla removed the chain, it would pull into the floor and open the door to the next room.


As the blue blood dripped from Kyla's mouth, Trap Master watched with anticipation. Truth was, John wanted Kyla to finish the trial. Yes it would prove that she had learned something, but that wasn’t all to the story. Kyla seemed to be infatuated with Trap Master's cousin, Jaxx Stone. Jaxx was young and had just been informed that his father passed away a few days ago.

Jaxx needed someone to be strong for him. There was a good chance that John Shelby would not be around forever to console the boy during hard times. Therefore, the only logical thing to do would be to put his love interest to a test. How fortunate it was that said love interest happened to be Trap Master's next target anyways! Taking another bite of his meat, John watched as Kyla began to make her decision.

Amber Eyes
04-28-10, 07:17 PM
"How do you know what I am?" Kyla said to her unknown captor. "How do you know about Sophia?"

Kyla was angered by the judgment in the letter. She had spent the last year attempting to forgive herself for allowing horrible things to happen around her. Everyone had told her that she couldn't have done anything to stop it, but it had never really given her a reprieve from her guilt. Now here was someone who as far as she knew didn't know her, making judgment.

Within moments her initial anger passed, and Kyla began to understand what she was involved in. It was endure horrible self-inflicted pain or die. Kyla could taste the blood in her mouth, feel it dripping down her chin. The warm azure liquid pooled onto her chest, staining her shirt. Her head ached, and the nausea still gripped her stomach.

Rip my tongue in half or fall asleep and die? Well you sick asshole, I don't believe your going to let me walk out of here anyway. I'm going for the painless route.

Kyla laid back down, and waited for the end to come.

The first minute had passed during Kyla's initial anger, a large clock on the wall kept track for her.

The second minute filled Kyla with doubt. Was she really going to be able to let herself die?

The third minute brought with it relief from the headache, and a calm that Kyla could not explain.

The fourth minute Kyla came to her senses.
A vision of her father, who had already mourned her death once, gave her the strength to create her shadow sword. The sword she summoned was about 6 inches in length, with a very narrow blade, similar to a box-cutter.

A vision of Anita, her one true friend, gave her the strength to put the tip of the blade against the hole the ring had created in her tongue. The cold metal caused a rush of pain to the already sensitive area.

A vision of Sei, who had risked his life for her repeatedly even though she had committed many "unforgivable" acts, gave her the strength to push the blade. Each millimeter of progress brought with it blinding pain. Each blood vessel that resisted the blade made Kyla doubt her ability to complete the task. Kyla stopped halfway through, sure she would not be able to finish the gruesome task. When she believed all hope was lost, she looked to the clock.

46 Seconds Remained.

Just as she accepted her death, one final vision gave her the strength to finish her task. Xavior, the one who saw the beauty in the world. The one who gave her a reason to live, because he needed her. As she abruptly pulled the blade through the final millimeters of flesh, she lost her vision momentarily.

The Trap Master
04-28-10, 07:44 PM
The Trap Master sat in wait as the girl debated what she was to do. Shock began to fill him as he watched the girl lie on the floor. Surely she did not value her life so little? Where was the struggle, the profanities, the outright brutality of attempting to pass the test? John placed his dinner upon his bed, clutching his fists in anger. He had went through so much hard work in crafting three rooms suiting Kyla's past, only for her to not even try?

The man stood up in frustration. He grabbed the plate from the bed and threw it across the room, shattering it upon a wall. This girl was lucky that John's cousin had fallen for her so quickly. Otherwise, the man would have stormed into that room and beat her to death himself.

John stopped his tantrum as he reflected on his thoughts. He wasn't some maniac, he was a teacher. He was giving Kyla a gift that he allowed no other victim to have. The gift of peacefully going to sleep and never waking. It had been the Trap Master's decision to make the gas seep through the vents, that way Kyla had an easy out. If she wanted to take it the second she realized what was going on, that was her call.

The Trap Master turned his head back to the mirror. The corner of his eye had caught something in the magical device that warranted his attention. Turning his whole body back towards the mirror, he sat upon his bed once more and watched. The girl had formed her trademark weapon, the shadow-sword. Using the weapon, she quickly dispatched the chain from her mouth with a couple of minutes to spare.

"Using the sword. I was actually thinking you'd outright pull it out, but that works too." John bit the bottom of his lip as he thought. Kyla had initially given up on the task before deciding to complete it. Perhaps she found the motivation she required to do the task? It was not uncommon for a mother to find incredible power in order to save her child. Was it possible that the same thing was true if the child was trying to save themselves for their loved ones?

Kyla Orlouge just made this a lot more interesting. John sat back with a small smile as he proceeded to watch what the girl would do next.

Amber Eyes
04-28-10, 07:54 PM
The blood flowing out of her mouth made a puddle on the floor below her. The chain fell to the floor, causing her to regain some of her awareness. The door opened and the hissing from the vents stopped.

Now freed from her trap Kyla knew she was in trouble again, the amount of blood she was losing would kill her if she didn't stop it. She removed her shirt, and ripped of the right sleeve. She used the cloth to wrap around her tongue, creating a sort of tourniquet/bandage for the wound. The bleeding did not stop, but it did seem to slow.

She picked up what remained of her shirt and pulled herself to her feet. Her jaw ached from being open so long, and she was slightly dizzy from her ordeal.

Through this door lies freedom Kyla told herself, forcing each step. You WILL make it through that door!

Each step gave Kyla back a bit of her pride, she had completed the test. Kyla had been able to protect herself, to save herself. For the first time in her life, Kyla Orlouge hadn't needed anyone.

But I did need them. Maybe not physically, but I would not have had that strength without them.

As she approached the door, she grabbed the doorframe. She leaned slowly to see around the edge.

There before her stood another small room. In the center was a podium, and directly behind that another closed door. Kyla forced herself to walk into the room, knowing something horrific was coming.

Stay with me guys! I need you a little bit longer.

Kyla walked towards the second door and was unsurprised to find it tightly locked.

I don't have the energy to create another sword, there has to be another way to get out of here!

The large iron door she had entered through shut with a loud boom, causing Kyla to turn abruptly and lose her footing. The fall did not hurt the girl, but it did resign her to the fact that she wasn't getting anywhere the easy way. Trying to ignore the intense pain that still filled her mouth, Kyla accepted her fate, and walked to the podium. She picked up the piece of paper that lay atop the podium and began to read

The Trap Master
04-29-10, 04:10 PM
"There is a lesson to be learned.

You watched her Kyla. You watched and in your heart you knew what was going to happen. Yet you still did nothing to stop it from happening. You have seen a world covered in bloodshed that you allowed. I will now make you see the world in a different light. By the time you finish this letter you will have enough time to pick up the two needles that were hidden underneath. The lights will soon go out, and you must stick the needles through your eyes in order to find your way out. Otherwise you will be stuck in this room to die of starvation and dehydration. You have five minutes before the door locks. Good Luck."

The letter did not lie. There were two sewing needles that were hidden underneath the parchment. One for each eye. Kyla would not have the time to notice anything else, as the room would turn into a brightening purple color. If the girl could accomplish the task set before her, it would allow her to see through this color. A door would be on the opposite side of Kyla with more writing on it.


"A tourniquet made from her top. Clever," John said as he watched Kyla's struggle. The man felt kind of bad watching the topless girl continue on without a shirt. He had not meant for her to do without clothing during the tests. It seemed that Kyla Orlouge was doing nothing but impressing John through her actions. Her sheer determination proved she was more than just a regular test subject. He could see the potential in her for actually getting out.

"I guess I'll just have to wait and see...".

Amber Eyes
04-29-10, 09:32 PM
Kyla read the letter. The thought of poking out her owns eyes seemed completely ludicrous. Who would make such a choice? As she continued reading however, she realized that it was that or starve to death. Poisonous gas was one thing, but the drawn-out days that she would have to endure before death finally took her were much scarier than anything this sick freak could think of.

She grabbed the sewing needles, and held them tightly in her right hand. Moments later the lights went out. There were bulbs high on the wall that sprang to life, creating a humming sound. The bulbs were an odd purple color, but they did not produce enough light for Kyla to see her own hand inches from her face. The cold metal of the needles served as a reminder of her task. Kyla held a needle between her right thumb and forefinger and used it to poke the skin on her right index finger. The prick hurt, and only cemented the fact that this was going to be the most painful experience she had ever endured.

Shivers ran up Kyla's spine. The room was cold now that she wasn't wearing a shirt. She was also a bit concerned that when she found her way out whoever she approached would see her in only a bra. These thoughts made Kyla feel childish.

In what world does it make sense to be worried about appearance when I'm about to have to poke myself in the eye with a sewing needle? I am such a girl! You have to focus, this isn't a game. Stop wasting time and just do what you have to do!

Still grasping the needle, Kyla held her right eye open with her left hand. She placed the needle against what she believed was the center of her eye. The moment the needle made contact, Kyla's eye slipped closed. Tears ran down her face, and the salt water that entered her mouth made her tongue throb.

How am I going to finish this? I can't do it, I can’t

"I can't do it! Is that what you want to hear?" Kyla screamed through her tears. "I get it, I've done horrible things and I'm not strong enough to make up for it! What do you want from me? What...do...you...want?"

The Trap Master
04-29-10, 09:58 PM
She was doing it, or at the very least trying. John knew that the task was not going to be easy for the girl. Without a doubt this challenge was the hardest to accomplish of the three. As Kyla brought the needle to her eye, she began to scream that she could not do it. John clutched his fists as the girl shouted her resignation to the task. How could she give up after just her first try of the objective?

John shifted his form to face the night stand beside his bed. Opening the dresser, the Trap Master withdrew a pencil and some paper. He began to jot down several notes on the subject, just so he could figure out what a standard girls body could and could not take. It was starting to become obvious that while ripping out one's tongue was fine; poking one’s eyes out would be a no sale.

John watched with strained eyes through the mirror. Though the magic casted on the glass reflection was powerful, it barely allowed the man to see everything in the room. John looked down at his notes for a few minutes to review what he had written about Kyla. John laughed a bit maniacally when he realized what one of his footnotes had said.

"While it was embarrassing to watch subject in her bra, I can definitely see what Jaxx saw in her initial appearance. Must find some way to make it up to her if she survives." John thought about this last statement for moment before inspiration hit him. He quickly turned the page on his notes and wrote something down before returning to his original writings about Kyla. Satisfied with the reward Kyla would receive if she made it out of the citadel alive, John looked back to the mirror with even more want for the girl to get through.

Amber Eyes
04-29-10, 10:32 PM
You cannot die here. You cannot let him win!

Kyla had a hard time finding the strength to re-attempt the task. Her eye was still watering terribly from the last attempt, and it stung.

Kyla lifted the needle once more and pressed it onto her left eye this time. Without giving herself time to think twice, she pressed hard on the back of the needle. With firm but careful pressure she pushed it into the center of her pupil. The sting was nearly unbearable, but she knew that she would not be able to try again if she failed this time. Her nerves could not take any more failures.

Once the needle was in about an inch, the room became light again. The purple lights on the wall were creating light, but without the needles she had been unable to see it before. The blue light lit up images on the wall, but it was still too dark to see them well.

Kyla took the other needle and began the task again. The first eye had gone without incident, while painful, this was nothing compared to the cutting of her tongue. One the second eye however, things did not go as well. After pushing the needle in about 1/4 inch, she hit a hard spot and the needle would not go any farther. All the tears falling down her face burned now, and she could not wipe them away.

She pulled the needle out slowly, each tiny pull causing more pain than anything she had ever felt before. When she finally succeeded in pulling the needle out, her eye began to burn. The burning sensation caused Kyla to weep, unsure how she would be able to re-insert the needle into the already injured eye. Moments later, she realized that her time must be running short, and with one swift motion, she forced the needle back into her eye. The pain was excruciating, but the task was finished. The entire room turned blue, except for the white door across the space.

No longer caring what came next, after what she had endured nothing could scare her now, Kyla slowly removed each needle. The right eye was especially painful, and she could not see out of it once the needle was out. Kyla walked towards her unknown future, and turned the doorknob.

The Trap Master
04-30-10, 12:01 AM
"Thatta girl."

John had been excited by the fact that Kyla was doing her objective. She jammed the first needle through her eye with a quick jab. John winced at the callous motion Kyla had made. He was unsure if he would be able to jam sewing needles into his eyes, let alone watch someone do it so quickly. Kyla hesitated on the second needle, and it cost her.

The girl had gone in through the wrong part of her right eye. As a result, she had to remove the needle and try again. Upon her second attempt, the girl succeeded and was able to walk through the room unhindered. She grabbed the knob and turned, prepared to make the next and final step.

The sensation of relief welled up inside John. He was confident that the Orlouge girl would make it through the final trial. While she would be suffering from severe pain and emotional distress, she would come out of his trials for the better. The monks could heal the physical injuries, and her 'father' could suppress the mental ones. She would be okay and live with herself again. All of his victims typically did.

He stood up as he took his plate and brought it across the studio straight into the kitchen. Setting the dish in the sink, John looked upwards to the clock located hanging on the wall over the area. I give her about ten minutes. I can make it to the citadel and back in five if I hurry. I'll miss viewing whether or not she passes, but it will be well worth it.

John turned towards the door of the studio home and began to rush out. He had a message he needed to deliver to the monks concerning his gift to Kyla. There was a lesson to be learned, and Kyla would get a special treat if she learned it. But John had to hurry. Without seeing whether Kyla had the power to make it through the door, he exited his room hurriedly to the citadel.

Amber Eyes
04-30-10, 12:26 AM
As she passed through the doorway Kyla entered a room much smaller than the last two. The same podium-type table lay in the middle, but on each of the four walls stood another structure. As Kyla walked towards the podium for the note she now knew would be waiting, she could see into the containers. Each one was about waist high, and each held burning coals. The door closed behind her, but Kyla was much too distracted to notice the loud bang.

How many more can I live though. Someone help me. I can't do it anymore. I have no more to give.

Kyla vomited again, her stomach had filled with blood. The ground where she stood was covered in a layer of blue. She took a few breaths and then took an inventory of all the damage. Kyla could no longer cry, and she could barely see. Her right eye was completely useless and her left had swollen so that she only had a very small slit to see out of. Her tongue had almost completely stopped bleeding, but was still very painful and she could not talk anymore because of the swelling. Her head pounded with each pump of her heart, and she had only enough energy left to conjure up one bit of shadow magic.

I will do this one test, but if I cannot finish. I will take my own life. I have tried my best, but I will not let him have the satisfaction of being responsible for my death. I alone have that power, and if necessary I will use it to free myself from this horrid place.

Kyla approached the podium and bravely picked up the note, she began to read.

The Trap Master
04-30-10, 11:09 AM
"There is a lesson to be learned.

The four podiums on each wall contain burning coals. The coals are on top of four switches that will release the lock on the door and grant you your freedom. You are free to choose any of the four containers, as only one is needed to relieve you of your sins. The coals can not be picked up, however. They must be pushed down with both of your hands in order to activate the switch. The blood on your hands will be cleansed with the fire of the righteous, and you shall no longer have a guilty conscious. You have ten minutes before the smoke from the coals engulfs this room, and you run out of oxygen. Good luck."

The vents in the room would seal off as soon as the letter was finished. It seemed as though Trap Master predicted Kyla right down to her very reading speed. The blood on her hands would have to be boiled off in order for Kyla to live. It was much easier than poking one's eyes with sewing needles, but given how weak the girl would probably be at this point, giving her something easy only seemed fair.


"Do you remember the girl I came in here with earlier?" John asked the citadel monk. The man nodded as he looked down the same hallway the older man had traversed only half an hour ago. "Well, I know what you guys are capable of. As you're healing your clients, you also repair their clothes. Only makes sense considering that people don't want to buy new wares every time they visit the citadel. I would like you to slip something into her shirt when your men are fixing it."

John leaned in to the monk and began to whisper something into his ear. The man smiled and nodded his acceptance of The Trap Master's request. It would be a simple enough thing to do for the man. "I thank you from the bottom of my heart."

John started to leave the citadel confident that he would not make it back to see Kyla's final result. As such, he began to walk back to his studio safe house at a steady, but carefree stroll. The gift he was to bestow upon the girl made perfect sense, given her affinity for certain elements. John knew that the girl would make it through the trial okay, so he didn't have to see how she did it. Something in his heart lifted when he figured out that she would do it.

Making people see the error of their ways always made him feel good about himself. He may have been seen as heartless for it. Many would consider him a monster for it. But he was The Trap Master. It was what he did, and he was damn good at it.

Amber Eyes
04-30-10, 05:55 PM
Fear was behind her now. This task would not kill her and Kyla knew that full well. The question was, when she looked at herself after this ordeal, would she wish it had? The fear of her obviously horrific appearance now terrified her more than burning her hands ever could. Not that she was particularly looking forward to pressing her hand upon hot coals. She just knew that even after she was free, the scars of this place would be forever. Her tongue was throbbing worse than ever and Kyla feared that if she did not escape soon, she would die from infection.

She walked towards the container on the left hand wall with as much energy as she could muster, and looked into the fiery pit. The coals were really something of beauty, red and orange streaks below the black. Occasionally throughout the pit, there were points of blue. Kyla had been around fire enough to know that these spots were where the most intense heat was. She positioned her hands directly above the bluest points, and pressed her hands down with all her might.


For the longest 5 seconds of her life, Kyla felt her hands burning. Then the pain receptors reacted to the intense heat and she could feel only the slight burning of her forearms. She had picked the hottest point of the flame to lessen the amount of time she could feel. She continued to add weight to the podium and it slowly descended into the ground. After what seemed like eternity, the door swung open. As Kyla looked at her hands, now blackened with bubbles of her blood vessels covering the back, she realized that she would not be able lift her hands from the coals without tearing the rest of her skin off of her hands.

Give me the strength to do this and I will never ask for anything again Kyla silently prayed to a God she had never thought about before now. She lifted her right hand slowly, watching the melted skin create a line between herself and the coals. The string finally snapped, taking away that part of her forever. She then repeated the same action with her left hand, and collapsed on the floor.

Kyla looked at the place where her hands had been. Hands that had rested on the back of the man she loved only a day ago. She remembered looking into his eyes with her eyes that may never have sight again. Her lips, which were swollen to the point that she knew no one would recognize them, had kissed him. Yesterday she was a different person, inside and out. She awkwardly stood, using her left knee to support her weight before shifting it onto her right foot. Once standing, the girl took one last look at the horror that was now behind her. The new Kyla Orlouge walked through the door.

The Trap Master
04-30-10, 07:55 PM
John returned back to the studio apartment with a new air filling his lungs. He walked over to the mirror to confirm what he had already known. Indeed, Kyla had disappeared from the citadel rooms. John went over to the night stand by his bed and pulled the drawer out once more. This time, he took out a vial and a pair of black gloves. He would wait a little bit after Kyla got stitched up and returned home. It would roughly take investigators two hours to get to the citadel. It should not have taken Kyla less than an hour to be healed. John had plenty of time to collect what he needed.


"Sarge, come look at this" Eric Oak asked of his commanding officer. The two detectives had been on the trail of The Trap Master for months now. So far, their leads had gotten them nowhere. However, when they received reports of a girl being mutilated in three rooms of torture, they were the first to answer.

Like all the times before it, the room had been picked clean apart. All traces of fingerprints were wiped, the penmanship on the letters varied from room to room, even the pieces of coal with charred flesh upon them had been taken out. The Trap Master seemed to have eluded the authorities once more. That was when Sasori Abner noticed something about the room they were in.

Kneeling down and looking at the chain that started this whole thing, Abner ran his hand up the length. When he had reached the final link of the chain, something caught his eye. "Eric, you better get over here. I think I found something."

Abner's partner walked to the scene and smiled widely at the clue left behind. A small splatter of blue blood still lay dried upon the link. "Any mystics you know that live in Radasanth?" Abner said with a great big smile upon his face.

Eric blinked, his own face growing a smile as he spoke. "Sei Orlouge. He's the only mystic who lives in Radasanth." Abner nodded to confirm the assumption of his friend. "I think it's time we gave the Hero of Radasanth a little visit, Eric. Maybe Trap Master's latest victim can shed some light on this situation for us."

"Shed some light, cuz he's a light mystic, right? Haha. Sarge, you're so clever sometimes." Though Eric took the phrase as a joke, Abner maintained a straight face through his partner's reply. Taking in a hard swallow at the superior’s sternness, Eric spoke. "We should go see Sei..."

((Spoils: A vial of blue mystic blood in addition to any exp and gold obtained. In addition, I would like Amber Eyes to receive the Lorenor Cross, initially started to be made in this thread (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20695). The cross in question allows for damage to both holy based and darkness based characters upon physical contact. ))

Amber Eyes
05-01-10, 09:37 AM
Kyla woke to find herself on some sort of hospital table. Men in funny brown robes surrounded her. She opened her mouth to scream, and realized that she felt no pain. After rubbing her tongue against the top of her mouth she realize it was once again in one piece. Her vision was also returned to her, and she delighted in the fact that she may just be okay. Upon looking down at her chest, she noticed that she was again wearing her shirt, cleared of any bloodstains and in once piece once again.

"How you did...Where is...oh forget it!"

Kyla lay back, content to let these men make her new once again. As she drifted off she wondered how she had gotten out of the room, and how these men had found her. She eventually realized that these were the monks of the citadel, which Anita had pointed out when speaking of Sei entering the "Cell" competition. Anita had told her that you could not actually "die" within these walls, although at the time Kyla had assumed that was just so she wouldn't protest her uncle's reckless behavior. Now Kyla understood that she was never in any real danger, all the pain had been for nothing. The gas would have just made her sleep until these wonderful men were able to resurrect her.

"We are finished ma'am" One of the monks said, "You are free to go."

Kyla hopped off the table. "Thank you for everything! You have no idea how happy I was to see you when I woke."

"We get that all the time."

Kyla left the citadel and headed home. She was too confused to notice the heavy item in her left pocket. Her mind was a mess. Gratitude, anger, faith in her own strength, and a feeling of helplessness all mixed together within her head. Kyla brushed the thoughts aside.

I'm going home.

That was all that mattered now.

05-24-10, 04:59 AM
Amber Eyes

Story (15/30)

Character (19/30)

Writing (15/30)

Wild Card (6/10)

Total: 55/100


The Trap Master

Story (16/30)

Character (15/30)

Writing (18/30)

Wild Card (8/10)

Total: 57/100

The Trap Master wins, receiving 787 experience and 200 gold.

Amber Eyes receives 250 xp and 25 gold.

Revenant receives 50 xp and 150 gold!

Spoils awarded, although the properties of both will have to be discussed and considered with the ROG staff at next level up as ever.

05-24-10, 03:38 PM
Exp and GP added for everyone.