View Full Version : More Dead Bodies Soon To Come

04-28-10, 11:08 PM

I'm not really interested in a battle to the death. Simply a battle to the pain. I'm looking for someone who can accompany me to Dansdel Arena.


Silence Sei
04-29-10, 07:54 AM
A battle to the pain? I'd rather have a battle to the death.

Seriously, who would want their arms, legs, tongue, eyes and nose cut off?

Did I miss something or add something? Been forever since I've seen Princess Bride.

04-29-10, 08:11 AM
I haven't watched it in about a year, but it was late and my mind did deceive me that it was a good line.

In any case, I always figured the medics/mages just magiced those things back on...

Silence Sei
04-29-10, 09:28 AM
True, but you would have to let the loser leave the room just so someone could say "What is that -thing-?!"

04-29-10, 09:47 AM
Well I figured in such an arrangement that the victor would leave while the audience watched. With that final victory strut the audience will see that the measure of a man is the sum of his parts, and having witnessed the loss/removal of those parts (hands, feet, eyes, and those parts) there should not be any questions. "Thing" will be a very apt description. Of course this assumes that one side does not forfeit in an attempt to save face.

I don't know why I said all that. In any case, are you suggesting something?

Under any loose idea of the word, does any of that count as wit?

Silence Sei
04-29-10, 09:52 AM
No, just bored and browsing the boards really. 'To The Pain' just caught my attention.

However, if you want to arrange something, I don't see why I couldn't see what I could do. shoot me a link about Dansdel Arena and I'll see if I can come up with something for Sei.

04-29-10, 10:13 AM
Well, I've got to be going. I'll most likely post a thread later today as my Thursday class is finished.

05-01-10, 07:38 PM
Okie dokie, I took my sweet time, but its done. If Sei isn't interested then anyone else can join.


The Trap Master
05-01-10, 08:48 PM
No wonder I couldn't find your arena, it's in Underwood!

Very well, you want a fight with me at level 0, that's exactly what you'll get.

Prepare to....kill me XD

05-02-10, 01:54 PM
Its on! :D

Prepare to leap from high hieghts into boiling waters!