View Full Version : Erik Raithwell

04-29-10, 11:28 AM
Name: Erik Raithwell
Age: Deceased
Race: Spirit
Height: 5’ 7”
Weight: n/a
Occupation: Deceased Fisherman

Jonathan Raithwell, Raith to his friends, lived a dull but happy life in the nation of Corone. Son of a fisherman, Raith was and trained in the mariner’s arts and, apt at an early age, soon took into the family business. A rogue sea-swell and a loose boom crippled Raith’s father several years later leaving Raith the owner of the family’s fishing vessel and sole provider for his family. Raith didn’t mind this and counted it as a blessing that his father was still around to boast of how ‘he almost caught the big one.’ Several more years passed and Raith found his attention increasingly drawn from the sea to Annastia, a neighbor’s comely young daughter. Attention turned to love and Raith and Annastia were soon married. Within two years Raith and Annastia celebrated the birth of their first child, a young girl whom they named Celeste. As stated, it was a dull but happy life.

Until the storm came.

No foul weather had been in sight the fateful morning that Raith set out, intent on business as usual, but things have a way of changing when least expected. By the middle of the day the clouds had rolled in thick and heavy. Early intermittent showers convinced Raith that it was time to retrieve his gear and set sail for homeport but the sea had other ideas. The squall came in quick and fast. It was only a small storm, but one with an intensity to rival a hurricane. By the time that the storm passed free and clear, Raith’s fishing boat floated, quietly, on the storm tossed waters.

Raith was nowhere to be seen.

Raith’s memories of the incident as strangely cloudy, but he does remember the cold, suffocating darkness that gripped him and the thoughts of his wife and child that kept him clawing to get away. He remembers the burning in his lungs, like bellows stoked heat in a forge, and he remembers that his limbs felt as heavy as if they were made of lead. And after that Raith only vaguely remembers walking in a shadowy haze for what seemed like eternity. He knows that he saw faces and shapes in the dim grey fog, but can’t for anything just what is was that he saw. What Raith does remember is coming to in a muted, colorless version of Corone. He was no longer the man that he had once been and was now nothing but emotion and though given form by will, a ghost of the anti-firmament, of the world but apart from it.

To normal people, in normal times, Raith doesn’t exist. His soul wanders in the anti-firmament, the colorless, mirror version of creation. People with psychic talents and those who can see into the anti-firmament can see Raith normally, as can anyone who happens to be around when he manifests. To those that can see him, Raith normally appears as a fit man roughly in his mid-20’s with strong facial definition, long hair, and a hint of facial stubble. He typically appears to be wearing a well-worn working outfit of the same type favored by fishermen. Raith always appears colorless and hazy, and his form trails off at the edges to an indistinct blur, as if he has do definitive outline.

When Raith’s shadow is in possession, Raith’s ghostly body appears thin and wasting, and his eyes are sunken pools of darkness that make the night sky seem bright. Likewise, Raith’s clothing appears rent and tattered to the point that it looks like it shouldn’t stay on his body. Raith’s hair and clothing appear soaked and water constantly pours down his body, a visual reminder that his psyche remembers the seawater that drowned him.

As a spirit, Raith is a being completely made up of emotion held together by thought. While alive, Raith was a hard-working, peaceful, loving individual, and these thing have not changed since his death. In fact, his nature as a creature of emotion means that there are no filters or rationalization on his feelings and that they are enhanced and more apparent than when he was alive. Unfortunately, without filters there are other issues that arise. Everyone has an element of self-defeating, self-loathing tendencies somewhere in the back of their minds. These shadows of Raith’s emotions are also enhanced and, if drawn to the surface, will override Raith’s personality for a time, turning him into a negative shadow of himself.

Raith is a spirit and, as such, exists primarily in the anti-firmament. This has the following effects.

Invisible - Creatures that cannot perceive the anti-firmament cannot see Raith, though his presence can still be felt when he is nearby (most often as a feeling of cold, a shiver up the back of the spine, or a feeling that someone is watching them). Most people dismiss these feelings as nothing more than passing fancy, but someone who knows what to look for can use these signs to pinpoint Raith’s location to within five feet.

Intangible – Raith cannot interact with anything on the firmament without drawing on his emotions to focus his will upon it and even then is limited in what he can do. Equally, normal effects in the firmament cannot interact with Raith. Magical effects can still touch him through the force of the magic driving them, though not necessarily the effect they cause (ie. A blast of magical fire will not burn Raith, but the magical energy of the fire will damage him.)

Anchored – As a being of emotion, Raith is tied to certain areas and certain things by strong emotion. These things are called his anchors and are what keeps Raith tied to the anti-firmament. Raith’s anchors can be destroyed, either physically or by removing his emotional attachment to them, and if all of them are destroyed Raith can permanently be discorporated. Raith can develop new anchors by forging an emotion bond to someone or something, though this takes a lot of time and emotional expenditure on Raith’s part. Raith’s anchors at this time are his daughter Celeste (now a grown woman and adventurer) and his old fishing vessel (currently in the possession of a smuggler using it to run contraband from Scara Brae to Corone).

Will – Raith’s willpower is all that holds his spirit form together. Damage done to him and mentally tasking exercises sap Raith’s will and may lead to discorporation (see Discorporation below). Raith’s willpower is normally restored through rest, but in times of duress Raith may draw upon his emotional reserves (see Abilities below) to bolster his willpower and allow him to push on. As a fresh spirit, Raith has weak willpower and is easy to discorporate.

Discorporation – Though he is already dead, damage done to Raith’s spiritual form saps his will and makes it harder for him to hold himself together. The more ‘damage’ he takes, the more blurry and indistinct he appears. Once his will has been sufficiently sapped, Raith can no longer hold himself together and dissipates, slowly reforming near one of his anchors over a period of days. If all of Raith’s anchors have been destroyed, then discorporation permanently destroys Raith.

Fueled By Emotion - Raith possesses numerous powers which can be activated by drawing from either positive (vigor) or negative (spite) emotions. By drawing on these emotions, Raith can channel his will and can, to some degree, interact with the firmament.

Vigor (5) – Vigor represents Raith’s positive emotions and personality, the happiness and joy that tie him to the firmament. Drawing on his vigor causes it to diminish and when Raith is low on vigor he is listless and unmotivated. Mechanically, Raith currently has a max vigor of five that he can draw upon and each time he does so it reduces his current vigor by one. Once at zero Raith cannot do much of anything until he has rested enough to bring his vigor back up. At this level, Raith’s vigor may only be restored through extended rest, and drawing on vigor to restore his willpower only gives a very minor boost to will, akin to healing scrapes and bruises.

Spite (5) – Spite represents Raith’s negative emotions and self-defeating inclinations, his hatred for himself and all things around him. Drawing on spite represents Raith removing the mental barriers he has erected to hold these facets of himself at bay and thus causes spite to accumulate. When Raith’s spite exceeds his vigor, Raith’s shadow start to manifest in his actions and once his spite has maxed, Raith’s shadow takes over his spirit. Mechanically, Raith has a max cap of five spite and each time he draws on spite he accumulates one point. If his spite is higher than his vigor, Raith’s actions become more cruel and callous. Once Raith hits max spite his shadow possesses him until Raith’s spite level reaches zero, attempting to sabotage Raith’s activities and, if possible, destroy his anchors. Spite depletes as a rate of one point an hour when Raith is a shadow, and the shadow may spend spite points like Raith may spend vigor, decreasing the amount of time it has possession. Shadow Raith cannot use Raith’s vigor for any reason, even healing itself. At this level, Raith’s spite may only be brought down by extended rest or by spending time as his shadow and drawing on spite to restore his willpower gives a small boost to will, akin to healing a flesh wound.


Manifest – Raith may manifest his spirit form in the firmament by drawing upon one point of vigor or spite. By drawing on vigor, Raith appears in the firmament in his normal form, though his physical capabilities are only half those of a normal human. By drawing on spite, Raith manifests in the firmament in his shadow form and retains full human capabilities. While manifesting, Raith may be interacted with and seen by anyone who can see normally and is completely effected by normal affects.

Phase – While in the anti-firmament, Raith is normally unable to interact with anything existing in the firmament and thus cannot move freely through doors and walls. By drawing on one point of vigor or spite Raith can will himself to be able to move through thin objects in the firmament for a post (ie. Doors and walls). He cannot phase through larger objects though, so no walking through mountains or anything of that nature.

Geist – By focusing his will, Raith can manipulate his spirit form to bond with objects in the firmament in order to move them around. Only non-living objects can be affected by Geist. At this level Raith has not learned how to channel his emotions into geist and may only use it to produce a pound or two of force with extremely poor agility. Using geist in this manner does not require Raith to draw on either vigor or spite.

Banshee – By focusing his will, Raith can reverberate his voice off of the anti-firmament to produce sounds that can be heard by those existing in the firmament. At this level Raith has not learned how to channel his emotions into banshee and may only use it to produce whispering sounds that can only be heard by someone Raith is in contact with. Using banshee in this manner does not require Raith to draw on either vigor or spite.

04-29-10, 01:25 PM
An interesting concept, and one I have no qualms with.

You are approved. Welcome to Althanas. Now go find a house or something to haunt.