View Full Version : Artamos Alcor - We die so slow, we mistake it for living.

Artamos Alcor
04-29-10, 07:57 PM

Artamos Alcor

Name: Artamos Alcor
Nick: Al
Race: Human
Sub-type: Experiment
Age: 34
Age Appearance in human standard: 28
Occupation: Apothecary

Gender: Male
Build: fragile thin, little muscles
Hight: 1.64m
Weight: 45 kg
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Skin: White



That which causes us trials shall yield us triumph,
and that witch makes our hearts ache shall fill us with gladness.
For the only true happiness is to learn, to advance and to improve.
None of this could happen without rejecting error, ignorance and imperfection.
We must pass out of the darkness to reach the light.

I was once a magnificent project; I was part of something big and great. I was part of the all fathers plan to create a new era, one of perfection. My father had already been fighting on the forefront of battles, in an attempt to unite the world. But his immortal soul and strength alone could not sway the tide in favor of uniting the world. So he started the project to create it in a different matter. 10 sons he would make, and 10 were to do what father could not. We would lead the world to the new era. Each of us where given a portion of his soul, each one given their own aspect of their father. Father with the aid of the foremost scientist he could muster where tasked with created us, grown in accelerated gene culturing chambers. The scientist watched over us when father could not, with keen eyes they saw the growing fetuses in our chambers, afraid of what would happen if anything went wrong.

But for all the planning in the world, the unfortunate events that came to pass, for all the planning and effort that went into our creation was almost lost. Whisked away by a portal of unknown origin created directly above the facility, this caused our demise. Whatever power that kidnapped us from our father, they must have been afraid of us, known something that would happen unless they intervened. Sucked into the portal, on the inside, an immaterial world lived, full of predators, that tried to devour us, but the wards putt on us kept them at bay, at least from me. I know not what became of my brothers, but I was within the portal for what felt like a split second. Now I am here, on a world that is a stranger to me. Age has started to wear at me, the once proud body weak and weary. This was not what I was created to be, yet this is what I have become. Alone without my father, but I must endure, for father will find me. But before he can find me, I must purge myself of these weaknesses! I must become what father where to create, how else will he finds me. But most importantly, I must obtain immortality like my father…


Skill \ Magic

• bio magic – The ability to manipulate, create and destroy bio material by touch. At the current skill, he is limited to humanoid beings; capable of using this to a quite high degree of success 3 times a day for manipulate, create or destroy. He can cause moderate wounds with his bio magic and cure minor ones. Also granted that enough material is present to work with.

• bionic magic – The ability to manipulate, create and destroy bionic material by touch. At the current skill, he is limited to medium things; capable of using this to a quite high degree of success 3 times a day for manipulate, create or destroy. Also granted that enough material is present to work with.

• Knowledge – has gained abundance of knowledge, where upon sleep he dreams of things that continues to provide him with new ideas, as well as knowledge of new things that can be done. Where the knowledge from these dreams comes from is unknown at the moment, but as it stands now, he is convinced its knowledge from his father. He believes that in his sleep he establish a contact with his father, and he provides him with new knowledge to become what he ought to know.


Advantages \ Disadvantages
• Disadvantage; fragile: He haven’t had much physical activity and so he is rather fragile compare to regular people
• Disadvantage; endurance: not spending a lot of time moving or doing hard work makes him tire a lot faster than the regular person.
• Disadvantage; Strength: his fragile body is unable to coop with weight at the same way a normal person can and therefore is unable to lift as much as others.
• Advantage; Chirurgeon: He is so adapted at using the spine implanted device, interacting with his movement with ease, to the extend it may be for a swordsman to use a sword.



• The Chirurgeon;
It is a part-magical, part-technological device attached to the spine of Artamos Alcor. It provides him with numerous spider-like arms which extend over his shoulders. The spidery limbs are tipped with vicious saws, blades and other twisted variations of medical devices, which act as both the tools of his experimentation and a primitive means of attack\defense. For all purposes this counts as a bionic instrument and is as strong as steel for the moment.




• Book of thoughts;
A little note book that can seem insignificant but is actually a magical book, which can store thoughts and ideas just by touch, perfectly down to the last detail in mere seconds.


04-30-10, 05:06 AM
I need to know the extents of his bio/bionic magic. If you could give me an example of what he might create/manipulate/destroy at this point, I'd be thankful.

Also, the instruments/limbs/whatever you call it extended from the Chirurgeon can be as hard as steel for now.

Artamos Alcor
04-30-10, 05:23 AM
Say an arrow ruptures 1 of his lungs, he can pull the arrow out and along the way repair the lung... similar he can rupture a lung by touch.... or he could create a third lung... somewhat about that i was thinking at the moment...

the bionoic part was if said someone ruined or ripped off one of the spider like limbs then he can recreate it in its previus state. or he could given he has the material, create another limb or destroy it if he so wished.

Artamos Alcor
05-03-10, 03:00 AM
Sorry for double post but is it good to go or do i need make more change?

05-03-10, 04:13 AM
I must've missed your previous post. My apologies.

I'd like you to make it so that at this point he can cause moderate wounds with his bio magic and cure minor ones. This is just a precaution, so you can't touch somebody and make their heart stop in an instant.

Artamos Alcor
05-03-10, 04:18 PM
Sure, but if i said used all 3 uses a day; can i then heal someone 3x minor thereby 1 major? It was just something that came to my mind from you're way of wording it... And my idea was never to be able to do that to a hearth cause i would consider that godmoding.

05-03-10, 04:33 PM
Sure, I could live with that. Just edit that info into the profile and you'll be good to go.

Artamos Alcor
05-04-10, 02:38 AM

05-04-10, 02:55 AM
And done!

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.