View Full Version : An Architect of His Own Design

04-30-10, 03:34 PM
Name: Louis "Lou" Harris
Age: 28
Race: Human
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5’10’’
Weight: 162 lbs.
Occupation: Engineer

Personality: Rather even-tempered and reserved in conversation, Louis exudes the mindset of somebody who is conservative. However, that cannot be further from the truth. The engineer has experienced enough of his projects being constructed to put more faith in the team he works with rather then on the individual. Also of higher intellect, Louis does a good job in masking his gift to avoid alienating his friends and co-workers, but can never truly cover up the appearance of somebody of a genius, even if he gives off the appearance of somebody who just knows what they're doing. Louis is loyal and outgoing to those he befriends and loves, but can be shrewd and two-faced to those he doesn't know, especially those he is striking a deal with.

With the personality of a born laborer, Louis has little trouble earning the loyalty and respect of those he works with. Trustworthy and fair, he believes in getting the job done and doing it well, often compounding his personality with quirks of perfectionism. Able to plan and carry out solutions to complex problems, Louis also has the potential to carry out incredible feats of engineering, even sometimes in more of a social aspect rather than one that builds. In the end, however, he is fairly black-and-white and while respected by his men, he is often revered by his superiors for telling it like it is, because after all when it comes to Louis what you see is what you get.

Appearance: Short and of stocky build, Louis makes up for what he loses in height with presence. A man of square jaw, clipped hair and piercing green eyes, he is able to instill confidence in those he works with which shows he is able to hold his own as a leader. Louis' upkeep of himself generally reflects the way he works, and as somebody who designs and builds machines and structures for a living, he recognizes the importance that someone who is squared away in appearance shows he is capable of such an arduous and complex job. In general, Louis wears boot cut jeans and it is rare to see him in anything more complicated then a flannel shirt, but that sort of simplicity in his appearance may have more to do with his southern upbringing than anything else.


(Will be provided later. The History section is going to act as an archive for quests.)


Prodigy – Graduating from a prestigious university with masters’ degrees in mechanical and structural engineering by the age of twenty-six, Louis has always been an academic at heart. He also possesses a strong background in chemistry from his father who ran the Department of Chemistry. Having graduated among the top of his class, the engineer was considered gifted with an incredible intellect and an insatiable desire to learn. With this in mind, Louis possesses all the abilities of a true academic as one who is of quick study, imaginative, innovative, analytical and autonomous.

Sound by Design – Adept in drafting and constructing his creations from imagination to paper, Louis makes few mistakes when calculating and assessing how exactly he might build whatever it is he is planning. However, Louis has had it drilled in his head the catastrophes that can result from a single error or miscalculation, and because of this he still does most of his planning by drafting or drawing it out, even if he doesn’t need to, and does so religiously.

Block by Block – Louis is not only an excellent engineer but a capable leader as well, making him essential to overseeing the construction of his creations. In his presence, all of those who labor or are building a structure, machine, or device will receive a 1.5x bonus to their speed and strength. The builders also receive a greater ability to discover and fix their errors, making it more unlikely that one unturned screw will bring the entire structure crashing down.

Division of Labor – When building a project, efficiency is everything. Finding ways to maximize production without cutting corners, Louis has managed to reduce the amount of time it takes to finish a project by 1 post, as well as only having to use two-thirds of the materials needed to complete the project.

Construction – With experience, Louis has not only learned how to design his creations but also to build them. Able to build his smaller machines and devices himself, he needs a team to build structures and bigger machines. With this ability, Louis can take on one project before starting another in a thread. He can complete these projects roughly in the time frame below;

- (Solo) Simple Machines (Pulleys, levers, etc.) – 1 post
- (Solo) Complex Machines - 2-3 posts
- (Team) Small-Class Structures (Bridges, Dams, Walls, Wells etc) – 3 posts.
- (Team) Medium-Class Structures (Houses, Tunnels, etc.) – 5 posts.
- (Team) Large-Class Structures (Towers, Landmarks, Canals, etc) – An entire thread.

Repair – Knowing how to design and build his projects, Louis has grown accustomed to making repairs to machinery and performing general maintenance. Louis is able to repair simple fixes, spot problems with structures and repair malfunctioning machinery, but has yet to retain enough experience to repair them if they were destroyed short of rebuilding them entirely.

Crackshot – Having a greater grasp on arithmetic then most individuals, a surprising benefit to that fact is his ability to remain accurate with a weapon by being able to better judge distances and the angle and velocity of weaponry. Also possessing experience with this type of weapon, Louis can use them with practiced ease, but it is his accuracy that cannot be understated. Whether it is with the naked eye or iron sights, Louis has incredibly tight grouping and is able to hit a target where he is aiming for with relative ease and speed at a 100 meters.


Crossbow – Built from schematics he designed himself, this weapon is fashioned out of materials Louis managed to scavenge for. Not the prettiest of crossbows, the weapon does little to intimidate the enemy, but is calibrated by the engineer himself and is designed to fire bolts 1.5x faster than an ordinary crossbow. This weapon can puncture steel.

Bowie Knife – Used more for cutting rope and detail work rather then for combat, this tempered weapon lies sheathed on Louis’s right hip. The knife is made from steel and wrapped in black treated leather.


Tool Pack – Rather then lugging a tool box around everywhere he goes, Louis designed a small and compact backpack that he can store all of the tools an engineer would ever need to build his creations. It is a burlap bag that is notched together by one twist, and when places on the ground it can be undone and opened into three separate sections where his tools are assorted. This pack weighs roughly forty pounds when fully loaded.

Drafting Satchel – worn over the shoulder, this leather pack contains all of the materials needed for Louis to design and plan his creations. When on his person, this pack reduces the build time of projects by 1 post and allows Louis to check his work for errors.

Steel-Tipped Boots – Broken in and fashioned from dark, treated leather, these boots are comfortable and designed for long distance travel. These boots also come with steel caps that keep Louis’ toes from being crushed.

04-30-10, 11:50 PM