View Full Version : Underwood questing?! Anyone?

05-01-10, 11:07 PM
Yeah so fairly new... At least this character, but I would like to build some strong IC relationships with other (low level) characters (who plan to stick around). I want to try out the new and re-vamped Underwood, so if there are any takers you know what to do.

My profile hasn't been approved yet, but this will also act as my formal introduction... Hey everybody!! :)

05-01-10, 11:41 PM
I have a request in to take the Underwood "Flu Season" quest and wouldn't mind having a partner. But if you're looking for a battle then I'm not really your ghost.

05-01-10, 11:44 PM
Haha @ "not really your ghost." Truthfully I don't want a battle though, I've read the Flu season quest and also your profile and think the quest would be quite fun. Have any concrete ideas of how you want to go about it yet?

05-01-10, 11:48 PM
Sure, I'm a veritable wellspring of ideas.

My involvement in the story would come from my daughter, who is one of my anchors, who gets sick with the Underwood Flu. To keep her alive I'm looking into the cause.

Since the cause of the illness isn't defined and your character is a monster hunter, I figure it would be easy to say that it is a supernatural sickness caused by a vampire with a mutated blood disease.

What say you?

05-02-10, 12:02 AM
That actually sounds pretty good. Of course before we can begin I have to wait to be approved, but in the meantime if you'd like to throw up the first post I can start my opening post as well. Thanks for the mission offer!