View Full Version : Thayne Hunting, Anyone?

Silence Sei
05-03-10, 12:04 PM
Figured that would get your attentions.

Between the three quests I'm planning with Sei and his nine (recruitment, zodiac weapon and main quest resulting in the powergroup formation), which I alreayd started on some of, I plan on giving Sei a new title after a series of quests.

In each of these quests Sei will hunt down specific villages, live with said villages for a bit, and then go through some event involving one of the seven Thaynes.

After the quest, Sei will gain an item from the Thayne to prove that he's their 'champion'.

Now, what would get all seven Thaynes (yes, I include N'Jal in that) to unite for calling Sei their champ?

Well, that's my little secret, isn't it?

Lorenor, I know anybody saying they are N'Jal's champion may rile your feathers up a bit, so PM/AIM me any questions and I'll answer you.

Anyways, Sei's not going to be doing these things alone, and he's not specifically going to ask his peeps for help.

I'm taking on total strangers to closest allies. So who's in?

Y'edda Quest - Sei, Jennifer Oakley and Tainted Bushido
N'Jal Quest - Sei The Mutant Lorenor, and TheOrganism
H'romagh Quest - Sei and (2 others)
Khal'Jaren Quest - Sei, Artamos Alcor, and Arsene
Draconis Quest - Sei MetalDrago and Tsubasa
Jomil Quest - Sei, Egnimatic Immortal and Revenant
V'dralla Quest - Sei, Valanth, and 1 more

Can you tell I get bored super easy and seek stuff to do all the time here?

05-03-10, 12:49 PM
Jennifer, as a Priestess of the Concordia Summoners and a servant of Y'edda, will accompany Sei in the Y'edda mission, if you'll have her.

Silence Sei
05-03-10, 12:56 PM
That one of your crazy Tanta characters of does Jennifer actually have an account that comes with her?

05-03-10, 12:58 PM
She's entirely separate from the Tantalum.

Look at Jennifer Oakley, in a current thread in the Dansdel (Niereka of Faustus) caus' I can't be arsed to log-out then in :p

Silence Sei
05-03-10, 01:10 PM
And done. I just needed an account name. I didn't need to study up on her.

I don't care if people are trying to kill Sei, as long as they help him get to these Thaynes.

05-03-10, 01:16 PM
I'd offer Abhorrash to the cause as well, but it'd have to be a reasonable excuse for him to do so.

Cydnar is a servant of Yrene and I think he'd gut Sei on sight, which leaves Duffy and the troupe...I think I'd have to end my involvement with just one the Nine, as they're all avatars of Tantalus, and I can't see what use Sei would have for a dance and singing song type ability - ;)

Silence Sei
05-03-10, 01:36 PM
That's fine pal, and it seems that I've got about a week and a half til I start your initiation into the Nine quest, if you got any decent ideas, PM em or post in the nine thread with em.

05-03-10, 08:19 PM
I am pretty new, but I would like to jump into the N'Jal quest... If that's at all possible pal

Enigmatic Immortal
05-03-10, 10:31 PM
Jomil sounds fun Sei, so we will do Jomil.

I don't know what a Jomil is, but hey it'll make the thread twice as fun.

05-04-10, 12:20 AM
Sei, I can help you out with the N'Jal quest. Hit me up on AIM so we can plan it all out.

Artamos Alcor
05-04-10, 06:14 AM
i wouldnt mind joining in on any quest, though I dont know anything about the diffrent stuff you mentioned yet, maybe you could look over my character and decide for you're self what would be the best place for my char to join you on?

Silence Sei
05-04-10, 08:25 AM
You're all added.

Art, I thought Khal'Jaren would be the best for you, given your character's history and thirst for knowlege.

The Thaynes list can be found here (http://http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=294) by the way.

05-04-10, 09:53 AM
The Draconis Quest? How very interesting... We'll have to talk this over via AIM or PM, then, because there are some things you need to know about MD and Draconis.

05-04-10, 10:11 AM
Sei, I wonder if your going to include Althayne in your quests. I think of Althayne under the princple of white light. When sent through a prisim, it breaks into the seven colors of light, yet where all seven colors of light touch, white light is born once more.

It is in effect, the same for Althayne. True, he broke apart into the seven thayne, this is not in question. Althayne as a seperate entity does normally exist, yet where their seven spirits touch, the Althayne is born once more. In this fashion, it is in effect, potentially possible for Althayne to walk Althanas, influence events, and in general, would be a likely entity to be involved in any event that would cause the seven thayne to unite.

The entity some of my characters worship and follow, known as The Omni, is infact, Althayne, however, Althayne isn't, restored enough, as it were, to realize his true identity.

If you are interested in including Althayne in this event, I would like to quest with you, as Irene, my summoner, for she will become the first entity to preach the word of Althayne, since Althayne broke apart, in effect gaining the status of being Althayne's one and only priestess, a status that will eventually give her her most powerful summons when she reaches a high enough level to gain it.

It would of course, be a quest that involves, in part, Omni realizing his true identity as Althayne, and therefore, father of the thayne.

Well, that's my idea at least. You don't have to of course, but I thought I would make an attempt with the suggestion.

Silence Sei
05-11-10, 09:42 AM
Sounds good to me, Es, though I'm not sure if the mods are going to let you get away with making an NPC the father of our Gods...

Which quest you want in on?

05-11-10, 09:49 AM
Oh, if we're doing customs, where the frack is Tantalus at? :p

Silence Sei
05-11-10, 10:30 AM
Rewording? Clarification? What are you talking about? I don't understand? El Quiro Taco Bell?

05-11-10, 10:35 AM
If we're allowed to utilise our own Thayne, would you be interested in one with Tantalus as opposed to writing with Jennifer?

Silence Sei
05-11-10, 10:40 AM
I didn't plan on using customs (and quite frankly, if we were using customs, Sei's have to heave around a -lot- of equipment.) I guess I misunderstood what Es was saying. From what I had gathered, her guy seemed to actually be the father of my Thaynes which was why I was saying okay, provided mods would let a PC control an NPC with such power...

.....Says the guy who's daughter has a bookbag that can do anything.

05-11-10, 10:42 AM
Rofl, Un Saq Magique?

Please tell me it's a Tiny Tots reference :D

Tantalus isn't as powerful as that, but he is the personification of Scara Brae's orphans, the downtrodden, the bards, thieves and troubadour, it's creative voice if you will. It could be grounds for Sei to gain more prominence in the city in the same vein that he's the hero of Radasanth?

Silence Sei
05-11-10, 10:50 AM
I kinda like that a bit. Perhaps that will be what Sei and Duffy do for Duffy's Nine recruitment?

05-11-10, 10:51 AM
It kills the need for two threads to boot. Sorted!

Silence Sei
05-11-10, 11:05 AM
Mind you, I still want Jennifer in my Yedda quest : P

05-11-10, 05:54 PM
No, from the codex of thayne lore, didn't you read it? Althayne created the world, then broke apart. I thought about it, and realized Althayne could still exist, but it takes the other seven in order for him to do so. Thus the whole explanation about light. He's not custom, he's already here, apart of canon. He's merely been restored, after a fashion.

As for him being the father of the gods, isn't he? If he broke apart into the seven thayne, then he is in effect, their father.

Silence Sei
05-12-10, 01:42 PM
No, from the codex of thayne lore, didn't you read it? Althayne created the world, then broke apart. I thought about it, and realized Althayne could still exist, but it takes the other seven in order for him to do so. Thus the whole explanation about light. He's not custom, he's already here, apart of canon. He's merely been restored, after a fashion.

As for him being the father of the gods, isn't he? If he broke apart into the seven thayne, then he is in effect, their father.

My issue isn't with any of that, custom or not. My issue is the fact that you're essentially carrying around the father of the gods as an NPC.

That'd be like me carrying around the writer of everyones stories (yes, I've consolidated everyone as one person, lol) as an NPC.

He's just too powerful to roleplay, NPC or otherwise, amnesiac or otherwise. I'm not saying you would, but who's to stop you from having 'Omni' wipe away an entire character because they're attackin Esmerelda? I just don't think the mods would say yes to that.

I am still open for having you in a quest though, just choose one already : P

05-12-10, 02:29 PM
Actually, instead of using Esmerelda, I think for V'dralla the fair, who controls and embodies nature, Xos and/or Valanthe would be perfect. Both use powers that stem from nature.
Xos's profile is linked on the side. Valanthe's is here:

I'm perfectly comfortable using both, if you'll let me, if not, then choose one for I cannot.

Tainted Bushido
05-12-10, 02:33 PM
Sei, you have access to my roster.

Let me know if you need someone. If you need me to update you as to who's on my payroll let me know, I'll list my accounts here...

Silence Sei
05-12-10, 03:04 PM
I can always check the mod forums for that, Diss.

If you want to send Taka my way, that would be cool, just a matter of which Thayne you want.

Es, send whoever you like, just choose your thayne for me.

Oh, and hopefully the Jomil quest will soon be closed, pending whether or not Revenant wants a piece of that

05-12-10, 03:07 PM
Count me in, oh Mystic One.

05-12-10, 03:15 PM
Es, send whoever you like, just choose your thayne for me.

I did choose a thayne! You must not've read that part, because it's definitely there.

I was asking if I could use both, or if not, which one you preferred.

Silence Sei
05-12-10, 03:21 PM
I'm going to say no to both characters on the big V, simply to make it fair to everyone else.

However, if you want your other character in another quest, that's fine.

And I must have overlooked the Thayne you had specified earlier, I see it now. Apologies.

05-12-10, 03:47 PM
After temporarily dividing my mind into three seperate but equal portions, and talking it over with them, I have decided on Valanthe, because of the two, she makes the most sense.

I may or may not have regained complete control of my mind...

05-12-10, 09:27 PM
Alright Sei I'll have my post up soon... Just barely got off work after pulling a 15 hour shift, but I won't fail you on this one! Ha

05-12-10, 11:18 PM
Oh, just put me on the roster for Draconis already so we can make this official.

Tainted Bushido
05-12-10, 11:28 PM
Taka would deal with Y'edda. It's closish to his homeland, and he probably would feel the need to protect Anita who is probably following Sei into Concordia.

Silence Sei
05-13-10, 09:47 AM
Edits have been made.

Jen, Diss. Thread's up.

Here. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=165217#post165217)

I'm thinking Jen could get a vision from Yedda asking her to bring Sei to the Rootwalker, and by proxy, her primary temple.

Silence Sei
05-13-10, 10:12 AM
Jensen, Rev, you're up too.

Here. (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=165219#post165219)

05-13-10, 10:40 AM
Hey Sei, I won't post with Jennifer until my battle with Jensen is over as I want to keep the 'finish a thread start a thread' stop check in place. We're 1 post away though, so shouldn't be long. Looks good though!

Jennifer Oakley
05-13-10, 11:06 AM
Scrap that, an idea came to my head and I'm feeling fairly speedy at the minute.

Bring it on!

(Jennifer is nowhere near you to yet, I'll arrive over 1-2 maybe 3 posts as you get your battle under way).

05-13-10, 01:39 PM
Posted in our thread... I was thinking of having Tyler arrested for threatening a civilian, since you guys seemed to have writen the city as a somewhat close community. If I need to change it (Yes I know it's not great, I just wanted to get something up while I had time) just let me know.

I was thinking since Lorenor had some political pull in the city, after Tyler is arrested, he is sent to court where he is given two options. To serve Lorenor till the mutant decides he has served his sentence or go to jail. That would be where I enter the story... Lemme know. And Paval, hit me up on the Facebook and let me know what you and Sei have discussed regarding this quest, I'd like to be in the loop ;)

05-13-10, 01:46 PM
Jensen, Rev, you're up too.

Hurray! I'll give the zany asshole the first post. You crazy kid, you.

Tainted Bushido
05-13-10, 04:35 PM
Posted. You're up next Sei.

05-13-10, 11:14 PM
Alright, I've decided to rewrite the second part of my post after speaking with Lorenor. It would've been far too much to cram into a quest containing three peeps, so I'm fighting right now to rewrite how exactly Tyler encounters Sei, Anita, and Lorenor... Bear with me fella's

Silence Sei
05-14-10, 10:13 AM
Take your time man, no worries.

Rain team, Fever team, I posted.

05-15-10, 04:17 PM
Nice post to tie things together Sei, as always Pav bunnying of my character is approved :)

Silence Sei
05-15-10, 04:39 PM
Thank you, I was worried by how short the post was, but sometimes brevity is necessasary.

05-16-10, 03:24 AM
In all honestly I wasn't sure where to take it with my post, not to mention I don't know how to get ahold of Sei and Lorenor was gone- likely sleeping... Posted regardless, hopefully it'll suffice. If not, I can change it. Let me know

05-23-10, 10:41 PM
I guess that I'll be hitting up Sei and MetalDrago in the Draconis quest!

Silence Sei
05-25-10, 06:39 PM
Tsubasa, you're in. I'll have our thread up...at some point.

Silence Sei
05-26-10, 10:41 AM
Drago, Basa, the quest is going to have to wait at least until later today.

I shot Raithwell a PM asking him if he'd like to be a fourth member of the troupe. His characters existence in the antifirmament would be an interesting wildcard to the stor, provided he says yes.

05-26-10, 10:56 AM
No problem. Do whatever you need to

05-26-10, 01:47 PM
Yea man, you do what you gotta do. We can chill till then.

05-27-10, 10:09 AM
Well, now that my harddrive issue has been resolved. I'd like to throw Zerith's name up for consideration when it comes to the quest involving Draconus. I was planning on doing a quest around the same idea. But given the small history between MD and Z, and the fact that Z already considers himself a servant of Draconus. I'd love to be a part of this if it's possible.

Silence Sei
05-27-10, 04:47 PM
Works for me, regardless of whether or not Raithwell yes.

Me and my big heart.

Silence Sei
06-02-10, 12:46 PM

Dynamite Rave (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=166444#post166444)

Draconus team, go at it.

06-02-10, 09:22 PM
I'm sorry Sei. Go ahead and take me off the roster for the Draconus quest. I am not going to be able to do it. Let Raithwell have my spot. Sorry for the inconvenience.

06-02-10, 09:38 PM
Jennifer...we needs a post!

Silence Sei
06-03-10, 12:26 AM
Everything okay Tsubasa?

06-03-10, 03:07 AM
Kinda yes and kinda no. Something came to my immediate attention and I need to give it my undivided. I don't think I will be able to post on here for a while. I was looking foward to doing this too. If things change, then I will come in and ask what time in the story I can insert my character. If not, then enjoy the quest, and slay a few things for me.

Jennifer Oakley
06-03-10, 03:42 AM
I believe we're waiting for you to post, Pat ;)

06-03-10, 03:45 AM
The Aislinn is not amused, just look at that Avvie!

Silence Sei
06-03-10, 08:40 AM
Take your time, Tsubasa.

Zerith, Drago, I'm waiting on yall to post before I reply to Raithwell, just an FYI

Silence Sei
06-25-10, 07:41 AM
So yeah, I think I'm just going to write TheOrganism out of the N'Jal quest. You're welcome to jump back in at any time dude, you just have to stay active.

Unless somebody wants his spot, I guess I'm doing it just me and Lorenor.

07-04-10, 04:27 PM
Out of curiousity, are we still planning on completing Dynamite Rave? I just wasn't sure if Raithwell has been on lately.

Silence Sei
07-05-10, 11:52 AM
I supposed Raith's new post answers your question, Zerith?

07-05-10, 12:16 PM
Yes, it does. I was very surprised to have a answer so soon.

After I finishing some landscaping today, I will try to find the time to reply tonight.

Silence Sei
08-07-10, 11:25 PM
Good to see Dynamite Rave picking up.

Lets see, Sei's finished Jomil, and Y'edda

Which leaves everyone else.

Still need people for those two other Gods, you guys.

08-07-10, 11:44 PM
My character is invisible to most deities, but I'd like to join.

Silence Sei
08-17-10, 08:04 AM
You're in. Aim for the open spots and chose your God.

Bandit Brother said he'd be interested in one if he would reappear and tell me which one, as did another roleplayer.

You still in on this Aiko/Em/Everything else with a weird name?

08-17-10, 08:51 AM
H'romagh, my good man, that is the god we shall encounter. This thread should give us some divine perspective. Looking forward to it, when do we start?

Silence Sei
08-17-10, 08:52 AM
Soon as we get a third.

Enigmatic Immortal
08-17-10, 09:08 AM
if you need another person and have issues finding them, I'll through Jensen in again

08-17-10, 09:44 AM
Yes, Valanthe's still in on the one I had designated for her, simply waiting for you to make the thread/find a second. Meanwhile, I'll just continue sitting here in the corner waiting patiently.

08-17-10, 10:01 AM
Wait, sign me up V'dralla instead. No sense in just sitting around.

Enigmatic Immortal
08-17-10, 10:07 AM
Screw it Sei, let's do good ol H'morrahgphsafhlalhaof on our own! Odd couple style!

Silence Sei
08-17-10, 03:51 PM
While Sei and Jensen would be quite interesting.....

Wait a minute, Cass still needs her Zodiac as well, right?

Sei, Jensen, Cass and A fourth undisclosed party member good for you, EI?

Knave, Ai, I'll see what I can do about making a thread in a couple of minutes.

Enigmatic Immortal
08-17-10, 05:45 PM
Four people is usually a crowd, but I think we can do it.

Slayer of the Rot
08-18-10, 07:09 PM
Wait, is the Hromagh quest full or something? Motherfucker.

08-18-10, 09:52 PM
If you still have spots (only read the first and last page) for any quest, let me know.

Silence Sei
08-18-10, 11:16 PM
Know what? Slayer, Hys, you two are in the H quest with me and Jensen.

figured it's a good time to get Dan back into the swing of things, and I figured Jensen hasn't interacted with Talen yet. This could be super fun.

Lavinian Ambition
08-18-10, 11:32 PM
Wait, you're subjecting Talen to Jensen?

What did poor Hysteria do to you? Kick your puppy? Step on Budda?

08-19-10, 12:32 AM
There may, or may have not been, some budda stepping.

Slayer of the Rot
08-19-10, 02:09 PM
One minor thing for me. I'm leaving today for a wedding this weekend. Where I'm going, I'll have access to a computer, so I can still be gotten a hold of. I guess the only change is I won't be on all day.

However, I'm ready to start whenever the rest of you are.

EDIT: Also the other change is I'll probably be shitfaced a few of those days.

Enigmatic Immortal
08-19-10, 02:10 PM
Wait. what changed, Dan?

Silence Sei
08-20-10, 11:30 AM
Hromagh team, we're up.

Here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=171278#post171278)

I'll leave it up to you guys if we're all actually going to throw down or if it's going to be more of a 'everyone aginst Hromagh' thing.

Enigmatic Immortal
08-20-10, 12:35 PM
The four on one sounds sorta cool, but I am feeling a good vibe of a solid team battle.

How bout Dan and I take out Shade walker and the Faggot Fairy King? Sound good?

And I also assume that the weapons we each have are up to us to design and use?

Silence Sei
08-20-10, 12:40 PM
Yes, weapons are yours to design.

I figured this thread is going to be so awesome that we'll prolly each come out of it with some new gear :P

Enigmatic Immortal
08-20-10, 01:30 PM
But we still need to learn how to proceed. So I talked this idea out with Sei, and I figure if we all want to work together we can instead fight Phantoms of past and present heroes/villians.

IE: We fight like a shadow King of an older time, The first Demon General, Letho, Dirks and go hog wild beating them into the ground.

Slayer of the Rot
08-20-10, 10:57 PM
Popping my head in. The wedding is tomorrow. It feels weird to use a computer in a house where I know no one. Maybe if I drank more.

How bout Dan and I take out Shade walker and the Faggot Fairy King? Sound good?

That sounds wonderful and that is the best nickname ever. But a team battle sounds good too...

I had a plan coming into this. I've referenced a connection to Dan and Hromagh a few times, just because honestly, it always made sense to me. I wasn't certain how Sei was setting this up, and initially I was going to have it, that Dan had been in hiding since the big necromancer war, but he had been drawn to wherever the quest would be through a gut feeling, being Hromagh calling to him.

Or whatever. This works great too, it saves from making a possibly awkward intro.

That aside, I'm comfortable with the thought that you all know Dan, so the initial thought was, being a massive asshole, he'd be most likely to attack all three instead of taking sides. But I know teamwork can be worked out.

08-20-10, 11:08 PM
Oh my god! T_t why did i change teams!? What compelled me to go for nature instead of murder?! :(

Enigmatic Immortal
08-21-10, 12:07 AM
Well if we do teams, I think Jensen and Dan would work well once Jensen establishes that Sei is indeed a fairy king of faggots. :D

However, if we don't do teams in the end a free for all makes just as much sense. I mean. Let's look at wrestling. Every tag team eventually does the sudden (but inevitable) betrayal. So there is always that angle of starting it up as a team, then ending it as giant royal rumble.

So going with the wrestling analogy, Sei and Talen are both Faces, and Jensen and Dan are heels. As heels they would start to work together, until Jensen gets in Dan's way or vice versa. This creates tension and close call fighting but it's quelled when Talen and Sei try to interupt. Argument ensues as Dan orders Jensen to get a weapon, a chair is thrown in, somebody headlocks Sei, and Sei ducks out at the last moment and the other guy wallops the teammate.

Now on the goody too shoo side, It's already declared Talen and Sei both have opposing fields of magic, so the distrust creates a quiet unspoken moment of distrust that eventually gets exploited when Dan or Jensen punches Talen out of the way to rip into each other, having Talen accidentally hit Sei when his back is exposed. With tempers flaring Sei would use Mystic protection, and Talen would be all "Fuck DAT! Shadow magic your ass!"

Sei and Talen almost take a swing, but Jensen runs back in with dan to take advantage. They set up and steam roll the two, look back to each other, and then with a shrug one of them does the INEVITABLE BETRAYAL, and attacks the back of the other one. Sei hopes in, takes advantage of the situation and calls for Talen to help, but Talen has other plans and hits Sei with a chair. We do the awkward four way stare, then proceed to fight in a free for all.

Then, when all of us least expect it, there is a loud sound of glass shattering and Stone Cold Steve Austin comes running in, and just as he's halfway through we hear "DO YA SMELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LELLELELELELELELELLELLLLLLLLLL....WHAT THE ROCK....IS...COOKING?" And out comes the rock, followed by a guitar rift solo that starts out insanely heavy, with a throaty call declaring that it is indeed, "TIME TO PLAY THE GAME!" and we all turn to get our asses whooped by the unholy trinity.

Jensen and Dan both get stunnered, Sei get's rock bottomed, and poor Talen get's the fucking pedigree. They lift hands, drink beer over our fallen corpses, and we all pick up our swords and weapons and kill them. Then when we finish shedding their blood

So yeah...that's how it would work if this was similar to wrestling...


Silence Sei
08-21-10, 12:22 AM
As long as Kurt Angle winds up on the throne, putting Hromagh in the Angle Lock, I'm all for that thing happening.

Because he's the best damn thing to happen to sports entertainment.

It's true, it's damn true.

08-21-10, 02:13 AM
So are we leaning towards a four-way free for all? I don't mind what, though Talen is going to get his butt kicked if he has to fight anyone of your three on his own. I suppose in a normal FFA, doesn't the group target the strongest first? All against Sei! Woooo!

Enigmatic Immortal
08-21-10, 02:54 AM
I say we all fuck this and attack Hergomagha or whatever his name is.

Slayer of the Rot
08-21-10, 03:34 PM
Well if we do teams, I think Jensen and Dan would work well once Jensen establishes that Sei is indeed a fairy king of faggots. :D

However, if we don't do teams in the end a free for all makes just as much sense. I mean. Let's look at wrestling. Every tag team eventually does the sudden (but inevitable) betrayal. So there is always that angle of starting it up as a team, then ending it as giant royal rumble.

So going with the wrestling analogy, Sei and Talen are both Faces, and Jensen and Dan are heels. As heels they would start to work together, until Jensen gets in Dan's way or vice versa. This creates tension and close call fighting but it's quelled when Talen and Sei try to interupt. Argument ensues as Dan orders Jensen to get a weapon, a chair is thrown in, somebody headlocks Sei, and Sei ducks out at the last moment and the other guy wallops the teammate.

Now on the goody too shoo side, It's already declared Talen and Sei both have opposing fields of magic, so the distrust creates a quiet unspoken moment of distrust that eventually gets exploited when Dan or Jensen punches Talen out of the way to rip into each other, having Talen accidentally hit Sei when his back is exposed. With tempers flaring Sei would use Mystic protection, and Talen would be all "Fuck DAT! Shadow magic your ass!"

Sei and Talen almost take a swing, but Jensen runs back in with dan to take advantage. They set up and steam roll the two, look back to each other, and then with a shrug one of them does the INEVITABLE BETRAYAL, and attacks the back of the other one. Sei hopes in, takes advantage of the situation and calls for Talen to help, but Talen has other plans and hits Sei with a chair. We do the awkward four way stare, then proceed to fight in a free for all.

Then, when all of us least expect it, there is a loud sound of glass shattering and Stone Cold Steve Austin comes running in, and just as he's halfway through we hear "DO YA SMELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LELLELELELELELELELLELLLLLLLLLL....WHAT THE ROCK....IS...COOKING?" And out comes the rock, followed by a guitar rift solo that starts out insanely heavy, with a throaty call declaring that it is indeed, "TIME TO PLAY THE GAME!" and we all turn to get our asses whooped by the unholy trinity.

Jensen and Dan both get stunnered, Sei get's rock bottomed, and poor Talen get's the fucking pedigree. They lift hands, drink beer over our fallen corpses, and we all pick up our swords and weapons and kill them. Then when we finish shedding their blood

So yeah...that's how it would work if this was similar to wrestling...


Best plan I've heard in a while.

I do intend on using Dan's Saraelian forms, though. Its been a while since I've gotten to use the Branch form.

Silence Sei
08-21-10, 03:40 PM
Fine by me. It's just whatever you guys. Figured we could use a Thayne who wished for some actual mano eh mano fighting.

Enigmatic Immortal
08-21-10, 04:08 PM
So is that a yes... we do a set up of the teams, then split into a fatal four way after some shenanigans?

Silence Sei
08-21-10, 11:59 PM
Yeah, that's fine, howeer you guys wanna go about it.

Also, V Team, we're up.

And trust me knave, you'll get some blood sport too. (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21565)

Silence Sei
08-22-10, 02:32 PM
I'm sorryt Valanth, I just realized I totally got your account name wrong. My bad, I'll edit.

08-22-10, 06:10 PM
Well, in that case, I GUESS I'll go ahead an post. :P

Slayer of the Rot
08-26-10, 05:08 PM
Eh, forgive the double here.

I've posted. Sorry about the length, I guess I rambled some. My posts will definitely be shorter as we go on.

08-26-10, 10:23 PM
I just got this aweful sinking feeling... All attack Slayer! EI, feel free to charge first.

Enigmatic Immortal
08-27-10, 12:11 AM
Well screw that! He's on my team! I'm fast, I'll be fine. You two on the other hand...well toodles.

Sei i assume your up next, but that doens't mean we can't start collaborating. How many posts ya'all think will be good until we start turning traitor. Hell I may think it'd be bad ass if my and Talen turned ally for a bit, but first things first.

I think one to two posts before the Inevitable betrayal is bout right, that's eight posts of solid team battling. Mr. Dark Elf who's not an elf and wants a cig, I got so many ideas for "team moves" that involve you throwing Jensen around.

09-18-10, 08:01 AM
I edited my last post, I didn't like it. I kept all the actions the same. EI, I hope I described the cage well enough, the part between Jensen and Talen forms for the rest acts like (for the lack of a better description) a hand closing around you. So the back is the last to form.

Enigmatic Immortal
09-19-10, 06:30 AM
Hey Talen!

I get what your doing, and that's fine. My rebuttal will probably be me throwing my glaives at you as I assume I can see through the bars and hit ya.

If that is not possible, that's fine. I don't mind sitting stuck in a cage. Remember gents that I approve all bunnying of Jensen if you need it. I don't mind one bit.

09-19-10, 08:13 AM
Hey Talen!

I get what your doing, and that's fine. My rebuttal will probably be me throwing my glaives at you as I assume I can see through the bars and hit ya.

If that is not possible, that's fine. I don't mind sitting stuck in a cage. Remember gents that I approve all bunnying of Jensen if you need it. I don't mind one bit.

A glaive would certianlly be a thorn in Talen's side...

10-10-10, 09:09 PM
Can we push through to Sei's next post?

Enigmatic Immortal
10-10-10, 10:17 PM
Yes, I agree, we can always come back to Rot if he needs time but I'd rather not let this end on a sour note of way to much waiting.

10-11-10, 08:20 AM
Sei, for green grass, I'm thinking of having Valanthe get a dream in which she's ordered to escort you to V'dralla. Thoughts?

Silence Sei
10-11-10, 04:41 PM
As long as V'Dralla herself isn't giving the order, that's fine.

10-12-10, 09:37 PM
Sei, you don't mind if I enlist the village, do you? Also whatever happens I'd appreciate if you don't automatically assume the NPCs are your enemy.

Silence Sei
10-12-10, 10:18 PM
By all means, go ahead.

11-22-10, 06:30 PM
*bumps EI on the head*

Its your post.

Enigmatic Immortal
11-22-10, 09:28 PM
Ow! fine i'll get to it shortly.

11-29-10, 11:43 AM
And here I thought we'd knock you off.

About my last post, Talen's speed was doubled thanks to the cigarette (so he's twice as fast as a normal person) and it'll last four posts. The tattoo, well not sure about that, maybe increasing his strength by the same amount? Doubled for four posts. Anyway, if anyone things it should be less let me know.

Enigmatic Immortal
12-01-10, 01:54 AM
So, i think we all did a good job blowing our loads all over the computer screens, and it's time to start up the big fight. The Thayne VS everyone. Though he can even sap our powers back if he wants. But the idea is this:

Hrmoagh is having a great time, seeing a man rip his own spine out, watching Sei fan off a flaming tornado, and the boy youth keeping his opponents at bay when suddenly the world explodes in fire and even the Thayne gets burned by the tornado gone wild. Now pissed he comes to join the fight, and starts bashing heads.

We can either all agree to work together, or we can all agree to disagree and free for all the battle against the thayne, but it's time to start wrapping this thread up.

Thoughts, concerns, questions, comments, complaints?

Silence Sei
12-01-10, 08:03 AM
I'm all for it, but now I ask this, because realistically I need opinions.

Since this was Sei's test, would H'romagh take Sei out as well, or should he just beat Sei up as he takes each of you out, leaving Sei for last and revealing whether or not he has won/lost his trust?

12-01-10, 08:39 AM
I reckon he'd just fight us all, we're kinda like sei's back up. Not sure about how he'd judge Sei though....

We could just keep the FFA going.... I was just getting ready to kick Dan's butt.

Slayer of the Rot
12-11-10, 07:05 PM
So, uh, EI, its your turn, buddy.

12-11-10, 08:29 PM
Your turn to be decapitated by Talen! bmwoahahahahaaar

EI's sick at the moment or sumthnk. Not sure how that's effecting his posting ability.

Enigmatic Immortal
12-11-10, 11:50 PM
it's raping it honestly, but hey, I'll get to it tonight and it'll be up and we'll all be happy!

12-14-10, 01:35 AM
Posted guys, let me know if its confusing.

Enigmatic Immortal
01-03-11, 01:19 PM
Now that we went all power ranger up in dis bitch, i'd suggest we end this soon. I think we can end the imposter not imposter in the next two posts.

I was thinking if all parties don't mind, Jensen is having such a great time he'd volunteer and kick sei and taken out of the arena when all shit breaks lose so he can fight Dan and give you both time to escape. Kind of a last hero thing where he gets concerned for his comrades but hides it behind his laughing glee of insanity. Of course I can't think of a single damn way to topple mecha godzilla and godzilla at the same time though, so dan will most likely rape me.


Silence Sei
01-03-11, 03:28 PM
I was actually thinking of having the big guys pretty much toss us around like rag dolls, but continue to do no permenant damage (being a god of power, he could limit his after all) until eventually we either give up or tell him we're going to die making sure he doesn't take his power trip elsewhere.

Silence Sei
01-18-11, 12:30 AM
Okay, to show how the Hromagh fight is progressing now, guys, I'd like for each of you to mention about how well/not well Sei is doing against him while you do your thing with your characters.

Essentially, I'm trying to give Dan a super bad ass moment where he can use his last form to finish Hromagh off, and then we can start concluding posts.

Silence Sei
05-29-11, 07:27 AM
Thread Revival!

I need somebody to reboot the Khal'Jaren quest with me, otherwise I'll just solo it from this point on.

Me and Knave are back underway with V'Dralla.

Draconus will come down to just me and Zerith if need be.

That leaves Hromagh. I shall get on posting in that sometime today. Now, this shall be my next-to-last post, and with what I've thought about, we can probably end the quest on my last post.

Basically, Sei and the crew are going to come close to beating Hromagh, who easily overpowers them once more and tells them that the whole thing was a test for all of them. After seeing how well the four can work as a team when backed into a corner, he deicdes that they each deserve an award, and sends them back to wherever they were when he plucked them from their day to days. This will all be in the next post, so you guys can ask for your reward, have it granted, and go back to what you were doing.

The exception to this rule will be Dan. He'll be teleported to Ixian Castle, with Sei following in my last post and offering him membership in exchange for helping him find his daughter. I imagine the best way to go about that is to have Dan tell Hromagh in his own Dan way that he wants to find his little girl. Hromagh won't directly grant this wish, but will give him the tools he needs in order to do so that way.

Does that sound good? Anybody have issues with that?

05-29-11, 08:54 AM
Sounds good, though Talen was kinda out for the count.

I'd be interested in that thread Sei, would Talen fit?

Silence Sei
05-29-11, 09:30 AM
Referring to the Khal'Jaren one? Sure, do you want to just remake the thread with the same premise, or do something new?

05-30-11, 08:39 AM
Referring to the Khal'Jaren one? Sure, do you want to just remake the thread with the same premise, or do something new?

I found the puffing part interesting, but just scanning the thread, I wasn't sure where it was going. You could have Talen just puff in and turn the thing into a giant 'is Sei dreaming?' as more and more puzzles and riddles befall Sei. Talen could just be an avatar of the Thayne, chosen because of his connection to Sei. A chance for the savior of Radsanath to show he can actually think for once :D

Silence Sei
05-30-11, 08:58 AM
That actually sounds good, you can poof in in the place of Arsene, anytime you wish.

Silence Sei
06-28-11, 11:01 PM
Finally got another post up guys.

Jensen - Have Hromagh explain that he was testing all of us, in your own Jensen way, and finish with Hromagh approaching Talen.

Hys - Have Hromagh revive you, as well as compliment/insult your abilities for being the weakest member of the team. Finish however you want (maybe with Hromagh teleporting you off?)

Dan - Hromagh and you argue for a minute, while doing so teleports me and Jensen away before he finally teleports you away. When you come to however, Dan finds himself shackled in a cell, with Sei standing at the door.

Is that cool with everyone? If not, please let me know.

Enigmatic Immortal
06-29-11, 03:41 AM
sounds good on my end

06-29-11, 07:11 AM
Sounds good to me. I'll post after Jensen.

06-30-11, 05:48 AM
Oh and Sei, let me know what you think of the Khal'Jaren post. The puzzles will get harder (and less 'just give an answer').

Silence Sei
06-30-11, 07:38 AM
Looks good to me Hys, remember to dot your i's and cross your t's, as Khal'Jaren's gift is one I would -really- like Sei to get.

07-05-11, 03:57 AM
No worries, PM me or post here if you see anything in my posts you think needs to be changed as we go.

Silence Sei
09-01-11, 08:44 AM
OK guys in Crow and the Butterfly, this is what I put for spoils, so you all know

Sei recieves:
Arm of Hromagh: A three -sectioned-staff made of Titanium and covered by Yew wood, save for teh titanium knobs on each end. The staff can become completely detatchable, and if one or two of the three sections is thrown, the pieces become unstoppable until Sei wills them back, so long as the mute is still holding the last 1/3rd piece. This does NOT mean they track an opponent, it simply means that once they are thrown on a course, they will not stop. If they come across a material they can not break through, they will simply continue to push its target until they get out of their way.
Evenflow: Sei has learned the spell Evenflow, a technique that allows the mute to match the BASE STATS of his chosen target (so lets say Sei is fighting Hysteria, who we'll say has 3 x base strength, but also a strength boosting technique to make it 5 x strength. Sei can gain the 3x strength boost, but not the additional +2 from the spell.) This includes any base stats the target may posses, but as a drawback, the only one of Sei's techniques allowed to be used during Evenflow is Mystic Protection. Not even the Gemini Blades Doppelganger ability will work if Evenflow is in use.

Note: Material of Arm of Hromagh can be changed as needed, but Evenflow must remain the same.

EI recieves
Cancer's Pincer: A sword that with the press of a button becomes a scythe. This is a Zodiac Weapon with the ability to perform a 'Solstice Slash', an ability that disallows the adrenaline to get through ones system as it normally would, and thus makes the pain last longer.
Jensen also gets +1 AGI (Though this is optional for the judge to grant.)

Material of Cancer's Pincer is up to the judge.

Hysteria Recieves:
Hromagh's Tooth: The tooth of the Beast Thayen, Hromagh's tooth is soaked in the God's blood that acts as a sort of toxin to anybody cut with the thing. The tooth itself is the size of a dagger, and material is up to the judge to decide.
Talen also gets And additional use to ALL of his spells. Number of spells gaining this +1 may be decreased by judge.

Slayer Listed his spoils in the thread. He forgot to mention the spoil of becoming an Offcial Member of the Ixian Knights

Also, Knaveo, list all these spoils if they're granted pending RoG, or whatever, in the thread. If you decrease any of the optional decrease things, also let us know in the thread. Thanks!

If any of that needs to be changed (obviously I took a liberty or two), let Knave know, because I requested him specifically (He liked the idea of God-Punching).

09-01-11, 09:41 AM
It's been a year and I haven't had the opportunity to stab a god in the face >_> its only natural.

09-03-11, 01:20 AM
An additional use for all my spells would be quite amazing. I had set my sights a little lower and was going to only use the Mark as the reason why Talen is (and will be in the future) much stronger than he should be.