View Full Version : A Hero Returns (Celia Burton, NPC)

05-05-10, 05:26 AM
Name: Celia
Surname: Burton
Alias: Concerto
Age: 529yrs
Race: Human (Scara Brae)
Gender: Female
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 132llbs
Alignment: True Chaotic
Religion: Tantalus


History: Celia Burton was born five hundred and twenty nine years ago to the day, in the city of Scara Brae, before the worldly woes of the Tantalum Troup ever existed. She was a humble girl born to a noble family with little wealth but plenty of respect and influence amongst the lower and mid echelons of the social elite. She lived the life of a humble daughter until the age of sixteen, when she was debuted before the wider houses at the traditional White Gown Ball, awash with praise and fortitude, she become a fully fledged gosling of the court.

It was here that young Celia met a writer and bard that went by the name Wainwright Jones. Both possessed the admiration for the arts and the power of song, and they quickly became friends, acquaintances, lovers and partners, a relationship as fleeting and turbulent as the changing of the seasons. At the age of twenty, after several years of a violent and explosive and somewhat possessive exchange of fists and words, Celia, now dispossessed with Wainwright’s involvement with the newly formed theatre troupe, wrote him a letter, and left it on the mantle by the fireplace. She disappeared in the night to run away, her violin on her back and her memories burning in the flames of desire.

She wandered the island for many months, in tears and song. Soon she found herself on the island of Corone, and it was here that she was reborn as the Spellsinger Celia, a paragon of the resistance against the Empire. She joined arms with the hero of the Western Weald, Lysander Brandy Buck, and took to the stage of battle with gusto and bravado, slaying and quelling tyranny with her voice. She thought that her letter and her well wishes had reached Wainwright, but little could she have known what ills had transpired in the city. The envelope had fallen from the sill and landed too close to the heat. As it burnt to nothing, it carried with it all her hopes and dreams. Wainright returned late from the rehearsal in the Prima Vista’s stage, distraught that the love of his life had gone with the wind.

Lost, alone, and without guidance Wainwright turned to Tantalus for aid. When the Thayne gave him no answer, Celia, a whole world away, felt her heart flutter and saw her skin turn pale. Years went by, until she turned twenty nine and a half, and the Great Battle of the Peninsula raged. Lysander and Celia, now lovers in their own right stood back to back on the very tip of the Corone field, overlooking the salty sway beneath and the sun set over the horizon on the distant view. The rebellion and the Rangers were all but quelled here, and this, they both knew, would be their final duet. Departing amidst a swathe of lines that would cycle in the Aria and one day return to the mind of a young Duffy Bracken, Lysander spoke of his flock, and Celia of her sacrifices and selfish whims, and they turned on their heels and boot to face the oncoming army.

In a flash of fire, Celia’s song and sorrowful playing washed over the last of the rangers, and Lysander’s battle cry caused their blades to spring to life. The Empire Sorcerer Magnate launched the death knell that would end Celia’s life, and from the heavens a Valkyrie descended to claim her for the table. Thus departed the First Spellsinger Celia, mistress of songs and deadly arias, to be praised for her deeds for an eternity…or so it would seem. As the later Tantalum Ruby dreamt of Celia, so too did Duffy of Lysander, and from the skeins of history, the heroes of the old ages and the secret dreams are being dragged from their graves, from the very watery fabric of creation to fight the evil they created long ago.

Celia and Lysander walk Althanas once more, to answer to the gods themselves for their part to play in the long Act of the Dark Bard, Lucian Lahore.

Personality: Dragged kicking and screaming back to the world to face the consequences of her selfish actions, Celia Burton is not amused. She is a fiery temptress but a kind soul, with a constant smile and a sometimes silent persona that is unnerving to those who do not know her. She loathes Lucian, and anyone who shuns the magical arts or the power of performance, and she cannot abide to see innocence harmed. She is eternally over enthusiastic about anything she cares for, and will constantly push others to do the same good as she. In terms of contrast, she is every bit like Ruby but every bit different, where the Crimson Mistress is passionate, Celia is cold and calculated, where Ruby is showing of her emotions, Celia will try to hide it, and where Ruby is dedicated to her causes, Celia runs, even against the chains of the Thayne’s command. She is still an enigmatic and charismatic person, as infectious and curious and fun as any member of the Tantalum troupe.

Equipment: Celia is technically a dream, a stretch of fabric over an old ideal. She has no worldly need for food, drink or the trappings of her former life. Once her part to play in the death of Lucian Lahore is played, she will return to the fold of the Valkyrie, to sit beneath the world tree a heroine for her deeds. Until that day, she carries nothing but the clothes on her back, and the trinkets and weapons of her art form. These are facsimiles of the true artefacts, which rest buried beneath the Mausoleum of the Bard in Scara Brae’s long abandoned theatre district. They can be conjured from anywhere, and sent away with a thought, swirling into existence in a flurry of black mist and light.

The Violin De Manado (The Siren’s Call): This ancient violin is enchanted and bound with the sound of the angel’s voices. It is wrought with delicate artwork of ivy and rose petals and battle scenes witnessed by Celia during her life, it is master crafted, and almost without peer anywhere in the world. The bow is ornate, and has a thin metal wire interlaced with the string that connects with similar threads on the violin strings and the guard. Through delicate resonance it can maintain its note and thus its sound for much longer than a normal instrument. The enchantments do the following, once per thread each:

• Sustain: Celia can play a note or a small arrangement and release the enchantment. This will sustain the last note of the arrangement as if it were an electrical instrument, to allow the workings of a spell song extra length or for it to carry on momentarily whilst she prepares a new arrangement or flees etc.

• Repetition: Celia can play a loop of eight bars length into the violin and it will repeat it for four plays even if she does not play the violin, it will continue to play and maintain the spell song or music even if she exiles the violin into the ether.

• Vibrato Staccato: Celia can overplay one song, increasing its effect but this will play with such violence and speed that one of the strings will break with an almighty twang, and she must exile the violin for at least two posts or one hour, whichever is more reasonable in the context of the thread, before she can re-conjure it.

The Trappings of Madrigals (The Siren’s Silk): The clothing Celia wears is by no means as powerful as its true form, which was buried with her in the Mausoleum, but it does carry some of the potential in her re-imagining. The dress offers the same amount of protection as leather armour, and the gloves are heat and cold resistant to the degree of dragon scales, but they offer none of the protection from magic or physical damage. Her hair is held up with various articles of jewellery, and these can be removed and used as tuning forks should her violin ever become damaged or over used. There is a chain of skulls around her waist which can be attached to the violin to sling it over her shoulder, and the rings on her hands glow in colour whenever they are near someone who possesses the Aria’s spark, allowing her to identity both herself and others as disciples of Tantalus.

Skills & Abilities: Celia is a Spellsinger, a bard, and a potent creative tour de force. Of course, as she has been conjured from her dead memories, dragged kicking and screaming from the glory of Valhalla and cast into the shadows she has created, some of her artistic form has been lost. As such, she retains he normal memory, demeanour and the like, but none of the writing talent or the domestic skills she would have learned as a debutant. Her skills are thus divided into two categories, those that are ‘songs,’ and those that are relevant to her homunculus, Lucretius .

Songs of the Eventide: (Celia also knows all the songs that Ruby La Roux (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=160632#post160632)knows).

Pall of the summer: Whilst playing a melody or happy arrangement, Celia can sing lights and sounds of bright reds, gold and oranges into being. These can take the shape of orbs, clouds or lines in the air, and can extend up to fifteen feet from her body in varying densities. It is best used to entertain, or to distract.

The Battle Buck: Whilst playing a vibrant country arrangement, with foot stomping and cheers, Celia can conjure NPCs of a ghostly form, which appear to be rangers or old rebel fighters. She can maintain one without difficulty, two with strain, and three for two posts but this will always result in a string of her violin breaking. The NPCs are Level 0, are enamoured, and carry weapons equivalent to iron strength.

The Conductor, Lucretius: Lucretius is a creature of myth, quelled into service long ago by Celia’s voice. It is a powerful spirit that is bound to Celia’s soul and shadow, and can be summoned at will. It is an NPC, and can only interact with other characters or Celia in the following ways.

• The Divine Comedy: Lucretius is an excellent entertain and narrator to all of Celia’s actions. He lightens the mood and urges Celia to carry on through thick and thin, and this can extend to Celia’s allies. He can thus inspire or fortify will twice per thread on another friendly character.

• The Band Stand: Lucretius carries Celia’s song book, which contains all over her spell songs and the various techniques to play them. When conjured, he floats around her with the right page open, and turns the pages when required.

• The Cut & the Sway: Whilst Celia is defenceless, and possesses no combat skills, Lucretius can apply his scythe as an average fighter only when Celia is not playing her violin. The scythe does not caus physical damage, but will drain the target of stamina, will and energy equal to the damage a physical weapon would’ve caused.

This is an NPC that will be used after the events of Seeking Fate. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20635)She is, for all intent and purpose, the same PC level as Ruby, but will not be used in battles and will require PC permission to use in further quests that are not solos amongst the Tantalum Troupe. She is a character that has been referenced several times, and I am using her as an NPC as a story device and method of bringing Lucian Lahore's tale to life.

After the events of the war with Lucian, I intend to fuse Celia's personality with Ruby to create a dual character profile (with a drop in level to accommodate two characters) and the same will occur Duffy and the forthcoming Lysander biography. The relevant spoils and Realm of Greeting procedures will be met.

05-05-10, 02:31 PM
Bards can only be awesome if they're chicks. Preferably redheads.

This is approved. See you when Celia and Ruby... fuse. :)