View Full Version : Unbreakable

Tainted Bushido
05-07-10, 03:42 AM
Closed. Use of the Anita NPC is granted by Silence Sei. All dialogue encased in < > is in the Akashiman tongue.

"How are you going to beat him Taka?"

Life had slowly gotten back to normal as far as the Ronin was concerned. He no longer covered the legions of blackened skin on his arms. And while his face was still twisted with the blackness he didn't bother covering that up either. There was no point when one of his eyes was now a milky white that still functioned perfectly despite the obvious discoloration. However, Taka now had one small problem;

Anita was now hounding his every move.

However, her question was a valid concern. Taka had only a few days prior recovered from his death at the hands of Shiryko Benimaru, the Hopeless Samurai. He had learned that the Oni's blood in his very veins was sustaining him, keeping him alive for some sinister purpose. Further, that purpose would only be revealed after he fulfilled the prophecy that saw Taka one of the nine fabled warriors to save Radasanth. Even he couldn't deny the prophecy that so succinctly talked of the Ronin;

"The Second is a man of the blade. His heart is tainted, but shall be cleansed by the virtues he performs. He shall be the most ruthless of the nine. He is a masterless wanderer whose eyes bear the mark of a thousand restless nights."

Cleansed? He scoffed at that part of the prophecy. He hardly felt cleansed, especially when the darkness of his heart was only feeding the Taint. His bitterness his anger, his hatred at his situation only seemed amplified with the growth of the Taint upon his very soul. He had heard that those tainted often became feral beasts with only a shadow of their former personalities. With each day he understood just what that entailed, and further, felt his humanity slowly slip away from him.

They were currently in the park, and Taka was slowly swinging about the No-dachi he had received after his loss to the Hopeless Samurai. It felt surprisingly light in his hands, and even as he brought it around he could feel something thrumming within its steel. He froze in one of the forms, before he lowered the blade and ventured a look at Anita Orlouge, her employer in the coming battle.

<"I gave it some thought. His form is good, but relies on closer quarters than a normal Katana can function. Because he needs all three blades to make the most out of his forms, he needs to close the gap so to speak quickly. I hope this No-dachi can give me the reach to counter that,"> He said as he studied the girl.

Anita was dressed in her normal dress, the hem of the skirt reaching down to her knees. Her hair was left loose today, completing a look of utter innocence. Taka knew the girl was dissecting what he was saying, figuring through the logic of it. It was a sound plan, except the No-dachi had a problem. The blade had atrocious recoil, because of the length he couldn't bring it to the same positions he could with the Katana. He knew she was coming to the same conclusions, and would voice them.

Neither needed to, when he heard a voice speak up, "That's all well and good, and when you continue to fight that slow, I'm sure he'll be sure to play fair and slow down his style to accommodate."

Anita tensed up, looking behind Taka, who didn't even flinch as he carefully sheathed the No-Dachi, hearing it click in the saya strapped to his back. He let a soft smile cross his lips before he replied, <"I somehow knew you'd show up soon. You're never far from me are you?">

A boisterous laughter left the lips of the man who was already stepping into view. His head now held a close cropped amount of white hair, losing the bald head that Taka knew he had favored from his time as a Monk. He still forwent a shirt, instead wearing a fighter's coat that parted, allowing the sayas of his blades to appear through a part in the fabric. The man wore Hakama pants and Sandals, perhaps the only indication of his heritage from Akashima.

<"Taka-san, is that anyway to greet your sensei?">

Tainted Bushido
05-08-10, 05:31 AM
Anita looked between the two samurai, a little relaxed by the fact Taka was smiling. She had not seen him smile often, and it was reassuring, especially since Taka had essentially told her he had nothing to smile about anymore. They seemed to look at each other for a bit longer, Taka taking in his sensei's appearance. Anita could also see, the teacher was reading his student, almost grading him.

Taka bowed formally to his sensei, almost bending in half at the waist as his hair moved to create a curtain in front of his face. He then spoke submissively, <"I'm sorry Sensei; it is good to see you again.">

Anita was feeling somewhat left out by the talk in Akashiman. While she certainly knew the language and had picked it up quickly from Taka, it still felt odd to hear them talking it. Further, Taka seemed to not acknowledge her at all while talking with the stranger. That was disheartening, but she understood it was probably because of this newcomer. Still, she liked it when Taka gave her attention! Despite feeling sidelined on the conversation that had begun between teacher and student, Anita spoke up, "Taka, who is this?"

The question was innocent, but it jerked the Ronin out of his revelry with the fellow warrior and self avowed Kensai. He immediately bowed to Anita and spoke hurriedly, "Many Apologies Anita-sama, my manners escape me."

I'm sure they did.

The bare-chested swordsman laughed at the display before he spoke plainly in Trade Speak, clearly meaning to include the girl in the conversation now, "I take it you're the proud heir of the Orlouge legacy?"

Taka watched as Anita nodded firmly speaking, "I am. I don't mean to be rude, but who are you? A friend of Taka? His Mentor?"

It was times like this that Taka regretting never learning the gaijin tongues. While he could understand the conversation due to the proximity to Sei Orlouge's tomb, he knew that were they merely a few feet down the street, he would be left in the dark. Realizing how awkward that would have made him, he felt a bit of shame in talking only in Akashiman to his mentor. Taka gestured to the fellow Ronin before he spoke, <"This is my Mentor Anita-sama. You'll forgive me if I do not give you his name; in Akashima it is rude to introduce other people by name.">

"Still the same straight laced warrior as always Taka," The ronin chided before he made a more western bow and spoke, "My name is Hoturi, I had a former name, but I retired. This young man came upon my doorstep, nearly frozen to death. I decided to come out of retirement because of him, and now I teach him how to use that hunk of metal on his waist. Though from what I understand, he isn't using it right."

Anita sighed before she looked at Hoturi and spoke, "So you're going to teach him how to fight again?"

Hoturi looked Taka over before he gestured to Taka's face, "You got worse Taka, when you left us it only covered your arms and along your spine. You aren't getting stronger, you're merely making do. Though I can tell at least you're still trying to grasp my lessons. Perhaps I can teach you something yet, but you'll need a sparring partner, and I can't be your only one. You need to expose yourself to more gaijin ideals as well; you won't just be fighting the Hopeless Samurai."

Taka looked down ashamed, and Anita felt a pang of guilt in exposing Taka like that. Still she saw something burn in his eyes before he looked at Hoturi. Immediately he took a position on his knees, in the park. People looked at the two giving them odd glances now and then before Taka spoke, <"Sensei, your student is ready.">

"No you aren't, but you'll wish you were when I'm through with you…" Hoturi countered.

Enigmatic Immortal
05-08-10, 05:03 PM
Cave life was something Jensen had taken a long time to get used to. Not having windows and sunlight was a constant downer, and everywhere he went was another winding maze leading him to parts of his new home he didn’t knew existed. For some this was considered adventurous; always looking down a corner at something new. For Jensen, he was slowly being driven insane as he glared down upon the third wrong turn hallway he encountered.

“I just want to find the damn bathroom!” he cursed loudly scaring off a few members of the growing Ixian Knights.

The Knight of Apocalypse was in the Citadel of Radansath challenging anybody to a fight within an active volcano just the week prior. To heed his call to arms was none other than the famous Sei Orlouge. To say they had a titanic duel would have been exaggerating to the extreme. To say they had a fight to talk about for years would have also stretched the truth a bit much. To even say they had a decent fight wasn’t quite reaching how poorly Jensen did. The mystic just countered everything the knight did including saving the life of the immortal when he tried to plummet himself off a lava flow into the depths below.

Sei had spoken to the immortal words of wisdom and understanding. This only further infuriated Jensen, for he had been through hell in back in ways some can never understand. Torture by the hands of his own order, decapitation by men he trusted, and the lingering emptiness of wondering what the hell he was. All Jensen knew was he was immortal, cursed never to die. So when he heard those words of wisdom he responded with a curt ‘fuck you’ and left without even bothering to think about Sei’s offer to join him.

Those words bit him in the ass.

His own order had assigned him and two of his colleagues from his military branch to aid the mystic Hero of Corone in whatever the man needed. Angrily and with much whining, Jensen agreed to see to whatever Sei asked of him.

Now the immortal wandered the hallways awaiting the time he would be needed with a frown on his face. He had walked down another hallway and yet again he found himself lost within the labyrinth of Sei’s home. He sighed deeply closing his eyes as he slumped against the wall to his right crossing his arms over his chest trying to mentally remember the map of the cave crudely drawn up by Sei’s child, Anita.

All Jensen could do was mentally think about Sei’s daughter.

Growling in agitation the knight moved himself off the wall and stormed back the way he had came. As he turned a corner he bumped into another person and the two of them nearly fell to the floor. Already upset he had been lost he turned upon the person he crashed into raising his fist to strike them.

“You stupid git!” he heard a feminine voice shout as her own fist was risen ready to strike.

Enigmatic Immortal
05-08-10, 05:05 PM
“Stephanie?” Jensen asked holding his hand from striking. Before him was a woman he had known for nearly four plus years. Both had trained in the Knights of Apocalypse to be Jester’s, unique assassin warriors that reported to the current Champion of Famine, Raphael Orton. If there was one person on the earth Jensen could stand spending more than two minutes with, it was her.

“Jensen!” she cried out in joy as her fist slammed into his jaw knocking him down on the floor. “Great to see you! Now I don’t have to worry about hitting the wrong person!” she put on a pout as she knelt down to Jensen’s level while the immortal rubbed his jaw. “Did you know they have a no hitting stupid people policy?” she whined.

“I’m more than positive they just made that up for you,” Jensen stood using Stephanie’s shoulder for aid as they walked back towards their bedrooms. “So what the hell you been up to? Haven’t seen you for hours.” Jensen looked up and down the halls, trying to find some identifying features to know this wasn’t the correct way to the bathroom. So far all he had to go off was nothing.

“There’s an Akashiman in the main council of nine.” Stephanie’s tone was like fire as she spoke angrily.

Jensen knew this was because while on a mission in Akashima a mere ronin had bested her in combat while he was drunk and then proceeded to call her a worthless whore. When she killed the man a few days later after her mission the local authorities said she was an honor-less witch and tried to kill her. As she explained what the man had done they merely looked to her like they would an insect, and then said he was well within his rights.

She hated Akashiman just as much as Jensen hated Elves. But he hated them because they had pointy ears, not because of some dramatic life event.

“That didn’t exactly answer my question,” Jensen said lightly. “So stop dancing around the issue and spill it.” Stephanie gave him a curt look before she danced forward, spinning in step as she began to roll her shoulders in a seductive manner to him. Jensen felt his own blood begin to tingle but he kept his desires in check. She really was a master of her craft.

“I thought I would break the warrior,” she said like a small child talking about their day. “I would insult him, tease him, taunt him.” her eyes and shoulders sagged as one as she stopped her dancing. Jensen aught up to her and placed a warming hand on her shoulders as he shook her lightly.

“And you sucked like the bitch you are and failed.” Stephanie elbowed his stomach and he laughed before he felt his kidneys spasm and he remembered the whole point of his journey out.

“In a way, yeah. He just ignored me, wouldn’t let me get the better of him.” She tensed up before moving in front of Jensen to prevent his walk. Angrily he tried to move past her as his situation had turned into an emergency. “Say, you have a knack for pissing people off!”

“Move, I have to perform my civic duty to my body!” Jensen said angrily. She continued to block his path.

“Why don’t you piss off the slant eyed warrior?” she asked laughing as she continued to block his path. Jensen tried to forcibly remove her but she pushed him away.

“I don’t piss people off for others entertainment, I do it for my own!” Jensen tried to make a break for it as he ducked under her waiving arms, but her slender wrists locked around his waist and she wrenched him back. Both of them tumbled to the floor below. Jensen began to whimper as the urge to go became overwhelming.

“So how about we make it interesting,” Stephanie said as she nuzzled under his chin pushing on his bladder with her free hand. Jensen’s eyes began to water as he used all his will power he had to not to give into his body. He also silently cursed that he had a terribly weak will.

“Fifty gold coins says you can’t do it,” she lifted up so their eyes were matching. “I’ll even get Adolph in on the bet. Fifty gold coins from each of us that you can’t break the Akashima boy, Taka.” Jensen gave her a glare before he felt something move in his bowels.

“OH FOR THE THAYNE OF MERCY!” Jensen screamed as she laughed digging her knee into his inner thigh. “Fine, I’ll do it!” he said angrily as she lifted up from his lap and pulled him up. “One condition though,” he said lightly as they moved back and reached their bedrooms.


“Show me where the hell the bathroom is!”

Tainted Bushido
05-09-10, 05:15 AM
Anita sat on a nearby rock, her arms crossed even as Taka pressed the attack. The No-dachi came down, before it clanged off of the steel blade of his mentor's katana. Hoturi merely continued to block as Taka brought blow after blow down upon it, before he looked boredly at the young girl and spoke, "Not very inventive, I'll have to say."

The No-dachi swung in a wide arc meant to clave his master in two before with a casual tap, the Ronin was sent on his butt to the ground. The sword clattered to the ground next to him as he grumbled softly, <"What do you expect when you have me fight you without telling me what to do?">

Anita sighed as she rested her chin on her hand and shook her head slowly, "I think that's the point Taka. You fight very specifically, you don't adapt, and you certainly have no clue to your surroundings. Even after watching you go after your master for a few swings, I began to see how you fight. Papa would have tossed you to the ground after the third swing because you're very formulaic."

Hoturi smiled as he sheathed his blade and jerked a thumb at the girl, "She has the gist of it. What she doesn't say and probably can't tell, is you're wielding that blade like a Katana. A No-dachi is a real weapon Taka. Don't think it's just a normal sword with a few extra inches, because if you keep that up, I guarantee you Shiryko will have you dead in fewer strikes."

<"How do you fight with a no-dachi then?"> Taka asked feeling a bit of frustration build up in his voice.

Hoturi grinned as he carefully picked up the blade. He then gestured for his pupil to rise. Taka obliged him, before Hoturi gestured to Rengoku, "Draw steel, cut me to end the lesson. I will try not to hurt you too badly."

Taka did as he was ordered before he immediately swung at his mentor. Hoturi easily brought the no-dachi up in a parry that saw the younger Samurai's blade pushed out, Taka was already bringing his sword across in a wide slash, and had Hoturi tried to slash, he would have been caught. However, his mentor brought the hilt of the blade forward deep into his pupil's gut before the sword clattered to the ground. Hoturi then lightly rapped his student on the back of the head before he spoke, "The hilt is the other half of the weapon. You need to learn that a no-dachi uses both hilt and blade to accomplish the task. When one has been used, the other must be brought in to compensate. It is a bit more than that, but I think that’s a good enough place to start teaching you."

<"Thank-"> The no-dachi was brought down in a cleaving blow that Taka narrowly avoided, his thanks cut off by the monk's attack. Anita shrieked in surprise at the attack before the Katana was brought up in a light slash that Hoturi barely danced back from. The No-dachi was then brought up in a flicking hit that would have cut skin, had Taka not anticipated the attack. Katana swung in a tight arc that saw the No-dachi put off guard before hilt once more struck out. Taka jumped back breathing heavily as he looked upon his mentor. <"I should have remembered the lesson wasn't through yet.">

Hoturi smiled as he carefully brought the no-dachi no higher than his waist. The hilt was pointing towards the ronin, who waited patiently. The blade was held backwards, waiting to come about with enough force to cleave a man in twain. Taka frowned seeing the hand was choked up against the hilt of the blade, and mentally catalogued it. He carefully moved in and did an exploratory slash, only to realize the mistake. Hoturi brought the blade in an upward cleave, before coming down in a blow that rattled Rengoku. Taka brought a foot about in a kick to send the monk back, only to find that the blunt end of the no-dachi was now pressing on the back of his planted leg and sent him sprawling to the ground.

Hoturi smirked as he brought the blade back towards a ready position, until he saw Rengoku move in the wake of his blade and slice his forearm.

"Either you got quicker, or Shiryko taught you about baiting attacks. Knowing you however, it's probably the former," Hoturi said looking at the blood slowly leaking from his skin.

"He's pretty fast Hoturi, but how does speed help with that big sword. I've seen broadswords fight and the recoil on a swing is terrible. They're usually used against cavalry and large groups of lightly armored targets because of that," Anita chimed in.

"It'll help enough; he just needs the strength to wield it properly. Still, good eye there Anita-chan, he is fast. Perhaps that's what kept him alive so long?" Hoturi asked to his pupil.

<"I could not tell you, speed usually only matters in an iaijutsu contest,"> Taka countered.

Hoturi sighed looking up at the sky before he gave Anita a disappointed look. She seemed to mirror the mentor as they both spoke, "We got a lot of work ahead of us."

Enigmatic Immortal
05-12-10, 09:52 PM
Jensen waltzed down the hall with a bored expression as he maneuvered past the members of the Ixian Knights. He felt a rush of energy within him and he rubbed the back of his head to try to release this building up feeling. As had always happened when he did this the feeling only intensified. It was like an itch he couldn’t scratch with his fingernails. He felt like making mischief, picking a fight, going into Sei’s room and reorganizing the books so the first letters of each volume spelled the words ’Fuck off’ in their different scripts. He didn’t know, but he had to do something constructive soon or he would go insane.

His ears picked up the sound of weapons parrying and clashing against each other. A unique melody of metal hitting against metal off to the left of him. He followed the noises like a curious cat, poking his head around corners as he located the source out to one of the cave mouths that opened up to the world outside.

He shielded his eyes from the sunlight, the artificial cave light no suitable replacement for the rays of the great orb in the sky. He looked to see he was in one of the rather larger parks of the Radansathian area. Surveying the area with a trained eye he located the source of his curiosity and moved slowly forwards watching in curious interest.

Two men were sword dueling, or at least, one was sword dueling and the other was making an ass of himself. Anita Orlouge, daughter of Sei, was watching with sincere interest, her eyes never parting from the younger warrior who looked like a mockery of a human body coursing with dark energy. His mind began to itch and he lifted his hand to scratch said itch, realizing he knew the younger warrior. The older man, clearly a kensai of the Akashima tongue, or master of the art in tradespeak, was just humoring the younger boy as he lazily parried the boy‘s blows with a No Dachi using only a small Katana.

He approached behind her silently and only by the shadow he cast forwards did the girl snap out of her thoughts long enough to pass the immortal a dirty look. She scooted to the far side of the rock she was sitting upon, dropping her feet to the grass. Jensen shrugged not entirely sure why she had so much animosity towards him, but content to know it probably had something to do with his reputation.

“How long has he been at this?” Jensen asked leaning against the rough surface of the rock. Anita at first ignored his question before she sagged her shoulders.

“Only an hour.”

“Looks like he’ll be here all night.” Jensen observed loudly so Taka could hear him. This in turn resulted in his sensei slapping him upside the wrist with the katana’s flat end forcing the larger weapon to the ground as Taka rubbed his sore wrist.

“Seems that way,” Anita mumbled before she stood up and bowed to the older man and gave a soft smile to Taka. “I must be on my way, I have things to do!” She said politely to her friend. She gave no notice to Jensen as she left. There was a silent moment as the two Akashimamen began talking heatedly. Jensen knew very, very basic dialect of that region and the only words he could understand was girl and heart. Something about Taka having a crush for her, he couldn’t really tell.

Either way mattered little as he registered who the boy was. Though boy was a crude term for the man he at least knew he was the member of the nine council. He chuckled to himself as he stood up and walked over to the two men. He bowed to the sensei lightly and then turned to Taka sticking his hand out.

“Jensen Ambrose.” The knight put no sincere interest in Taka as he introduced himself. Taka shook the hand lightly before he muttered his name in raspy breaths. It was clear he was tired. This made Jensen smile more. “I am curious, but just hat the hell are you doing here?”

Taka blinked for a moment before he stood upright. “I am training with my sensei in the use of a No Dachi. It’s unique design is new to me and I have much to learn in a short span of time, Jensen-San.”

“Huh,” Jensen let his lips curl into a dark grin. “Why?” he asked, his tone akin to a child’s natural curiosity. Taka, who was probably not used to the more sarcastic ways of tradespeak, answered rapidly.

“For I need to learn this blade’s style if I am to defeat Shiryko.” Taka said plain as day. Jensen wet his lips as he thought how easily Taka had fallen for the stupidest trick in the book.

“Why?” he asked again.

“For Shiryko is a strong opponent, and uses short ranged weapons and speed. The No Dachi is a logical counter attack against him.”


“Because,” Taka said, his eyes narrowing as annoyance began to fill his tone. “If I am to defeat him, I need an edge that can defeat his way of fighting.”


“Why are you asking so many simpleminded questions?” Taka said back heatedly.

“Why you avoiding the tough ones?” Jensen shot back just as fast, his eyes alight with excitement. Taka growled as he bent low and picked up the No Dachi preparing to hold it against his master. “What the hell are you doing anyway? So far it looks like your getting your ass kicked. Last I heard that wasn’t an effective fighting style, but I can never tell with your kind of people. Supplication and weakness being the path to strength and what not.”

Taka let out a huff of anger before he turned, looking Jensen right in the eyes. His nostrils flared and it made the immortal cringe as he tried not to laugh in the foreigners face. “Do you think it so funny to belittle me in front of my sensei? You are not the first from your order to try this. The woman you travel with has tried to rile me as well and failed. I do not see what sport you find in making me upset, but I assure you that you will not succeed.”

“Kinda like how you can’t succeed in striking your master with a bigger, heavier, weapon,” Jensen pointed out. “Right?”

Taka gritted his teeth as he shot a glance to the Knight of Apocalypse. “If you think it so easy, why do you not try it, Jensen-San?” Taka feigned a smile. “All you have to do is strike the Sensei and make him bleed.” His tone was snobbish like, as if the immortal couldn’t possibly achieve this goal.

Jensen grinned shrugging his shoulders as he reached over and picked up the heavy weapon from its wielder. Not used to it he almost dropped the thing to the dirt. He held it in a ready position, the blade pointed upwards instead of the normal position Taka had been using. The Kensai looked to Jensen with amusement, before he lowered himself in a fighting stance.

“HAI!” the older man shouted signaling the start of the fight. Jensen let his tongue hang out as he began to laugh wildly at the get go, his face mixed with pleaure as he began to swing the weapon side to side in large arcs like it were a toy bat. Hotori smiled at this as he kept the weapon away, inching in on the immortal slowly. The fight was going to be short and Jensen knew it, so he pulled out his ace in the hole early.

Instead of swinging back to the other side at the apex of his swing he instead twirled in momentum with it, adding speed to the strike as Hotori’s eyes widened and the katana flashed upwards to block the mighty blow. The blades impacted and the katana’s weight was easily out muscled as Jensen’s swing pushed deep upon the skin of Hotori, making a small red line on his upper arm. The man flowed into a defensive stance before he glanced a the wound. With a smile of respect the Kensai bowed low to Jensen, admitting his defeat.

The look on Taka’s jaw was priceless.

“You…You didn’t do anything! You just swung it like a club!” His tone was cracking as he looked ot his master who merely shrugged.

“What was the lesson again, Taka?” Jensen asked in a mocking tone. “Draw blood, right? Well I did. Try not to get your panties up in a twist. You just have to stop squinting so much to see the big picture.” Jensen unceremoniously tossed the weapon to Taka, who grabbed the weapon twirling it to a neutral stance with ease.

“He’s right,” Hotori said in a deep tone. “You could learn a lesson from this young punk.”

Tainted Bushido
05-14-10, 12:22 AM
"Taka, the problem is you come at a fight with a very Akashiman point of view. You view the fight as a work of art, and really it's not your fault. It's been ingrained into you from an early age that fighting is glorious, poetic, and an art. It doesn't help that the styles you use are called arts. Look at Kenjutsu, it literally means art of the sword. Iaijutsu is art of the draw. It's been ingrained into who you are to observe fighting as an art," Hoturi chided before he gestured to Jensen. "This barbarian-"

"Hey, fuck you too buddy!" Jensen shot back.

Hoturi smirked before he looked back at Taka, "….has been taught fighting is brutal. It's not art, its destruction barely contained in the steel that houses it. His view is very prevalent outside of Nihon and Akashima. Literally, you are looking at a night and day difference. This man is going to teach you the western art of fighting, because you are sorely lacking in experience against it."

"Yeah, you're a…wait, what?" Jensen balked as he turned to the fighting instructor.

Hoturi clapped the westerner on the shoulder before he spoke, "You are perhaps the best teacher I could hope for. I need you to beat up my student for awhile while he's wielding the No-dachi. It'll help him learn how to move that damn thing around, and give him insight into a westerner's fighting style. He won't be perfect, but with the upcoming battle in Radasanth he told me about we have to prepare him to fight people who don't live in Akashima."

"Look buddy, I don't fight students. Its right in my contract, I'm not supposed to fight these guys. I mean what if I kill the kid? He'll be sitting up there with his ancestors asking himself why he was killed by the devilishly sexy Jensen," Jensen backed up before Hoturi tossed the no-dachi to Taka, who caught it and carefully kept the blade aloft. The Katana Jensen had tossed to him was neatly sheathed as Hoturi moved along, reaching towards a small table, capable of folding town and littered with weapons. Grabbing a sword he tossed it to Jensen who caught it, by the blade.

"I trust you to control your instincts better than a squire. I did hear you were a knight, correct?" Hoturi said slapping the man on the back, and causing him to stumble forward a few paces.

Jensen shrugged as Taka took up the stance his mentor had been using. He would have to imitate the style, and figure out its nuances later. Right now he had to teach this Gaijin what it mean to pick a fight with a Yanbo Port guard. Jense took up position, still gripping the blade. Hoturi sighed before he barked, "Don't make a farce of this boy, if you're going to fight grip the hilt at least."

Jensen quickly gripped the hilt before he let a sly grin cross his face, "Right, hold it by the handle. Got it…then to be a real samurai I go like this right?" Before Taka could react he shoved the sword deep in his gut. He crumpled to his knees a coarse laughter leaving his lips as he looked mockingly up at Taka.

Laughter filtered from nearby, causing those who weren't undergoing the process of dying to look up to see two more people dressed in a similar manner to Jensen. The young woman who had tried to infuriate Taka and another man watched the scene, the girl slapping her knee as she fought to keep breath. The man was even chuckling, a small grin spreading across his face. Taka then rose an eyebrow before he spoke, "Are either of you his second?"

"His what? No boy, don't be so daft. We just came to watch the show, best fifty gold I ever paid!" The man cried out as his chuckling grew to true laughter. Taka frowned, uncertain of exactly what was going on.

Hoturi sighed before he looked at Taka, "Go underground you're done for today. I have a few words for the gaijin."

Anita was returning from the caves only to see Taka moving towards the exit. He was carefully sheathing the No-dachi in its proper place on his back, even as he moved towards her. The girl moved forward and asked, "Everything go alright?"

"Oddly enough, not really. But Jensen managed to keep his honor while making a fool of himself in a rather odd turn of events," Taka replied.

Anita shook her head as they walked in taka starting to speak with the girl.

Enigmatic Immortal
05-15-10, 08:20 PM
Stephanie and Adolph still laughed as they sat upon the rock together that originally housed Anita and Jensen before. The Sensei to Taka had remained quiet as he looked down upon the immortal who still was laying in a pool of his own blood.

“I can’t get over his expression at the end,” Stephanie cooed with mirth as she thumbed the entrance the bushido warrior had left in. “He couldn’t tell if he should be super pissed or super honored at your display of blatant aversion.”

Adolph let his laughter die down to small chuckles as he watched the life fluids flow from the knight in a tiny river like affect before it formed into the ever increasing lake a few inches from the wound. He looked over to the sensei who had still yet to make a move.

“What say you, Kensai?” the warrior asked to Hotori with a bit of respect in his tone. Having trained in many styles of the blade he understood the subtle context of words and the differences between Sensei and Kensai. Unlike Stephanie he had a grudging respect for the Akashiman in the foreign land. They had taken something so ugly as war and made it beautiful. While he preferred his zweilender and claymore in a true fight he had studied and was enthralled with Kenjutsu and Iaijutsu and the other arts of that land.

It was a moment before the old man made a move, but with subtle movements he turned to face the two knights. “He did it wrong.”

Adolph laughed making the Kensai smile as Stephanie looked to her companion like he were a diseased rat. In turn he shrugged his shoulders and pointed down to Jensen.

“He’s making light of the fact that Jensen is still alive. Had he done it properly he would have bled out by now.” This in turn elicited the smallest of pained grunts from Jensen, the first words he muttered after his chuckling stopped when pain registered into his nervous system.

“What was that, Jensen?” Adolph said leaning downwards as he held a hand to his ear. “Can’t hear you.” he joked, enjoying the small respite from the immortals usually barrage of insults. Jensen attempted a weak motion with his middle finger, saying nothing as his legs gradually drew into his chest that he clutched in his death throws.

“I will say this for you,” Hotori said evenly. “For a fool, you sure know how to get under people’s skin.” Stephanie gave the older man a dirty look and with a haughty snort of annoyance she jumped off the rock and leaned against it. Hotori had paid her no mind as he bent over to Jensen’s face. “This is a skill I have need of.” he continued, his tone serious as Jensen gave him a sideways glance of painful confusion. A few tears dripped down his face as he looked to the Akashiman.

“I can translate for you,” Stephanie offered as if this was the nicest thing she could have possibly ever done. The man turned a sideways glance to her and narrowed his eyes.

“I think he can hear me just fine,” he said with a polite shut-up-and do-not-ever-interrupt-me-again smile. Stephanie returned the smile with a rude flash of her teeth as she patted her weapons in a show of force and a statement she wasn’t afraid of the older man. Adolph looked over to her with an annoyed look as he muttered words only she could hear. Her eyes went wide with embarrassment before she glared to the man but kept her mouth shut.

“As I was saying,” Hotori mentioned in a more strict teachers tone. “Your ability to cloud young Taka’s mind was most helpful. I can only get his aggression out so far before he submits to the role as the student. In our culture Taka wouldn’t be able to speak so loosely with me as he did to you. I need this in his training.”

Jensen kept his eyes on the man, lifting a solitary hand upwards just a half way up his side. With all the strength he could muster he flipped off Hotori.

“Yes, your insane desire to do noting in the world unless it benefits you speaks volumes to me. I could sense that when you struck me. So I ask this of you not for my benefit, but solely for Taka’s.”

“Speak a language that isn’t filled with riddles, slant eyes.” Stephanie muttered as she cleaned dirt from her fingernails using one of her throwing knives. Hotori ignored her as he placed his hand on the hilt of the Katana.

“I am only asking you to have your fun at the expense of Taka. I wish for you to taunt him, annoy him, distract him. Whatever you need to do so that he is enraged. Fan his embers so that his fires my turn into an inferno.”

Jensen’s eyes looked up to him, and with a feeble attempt at words the immortal attempted to speak. “I’m in a lot of pain…” he breathed out in a raspy tone. Hotori sighed as he yanked the blade out of his stomach. The grunt from Jensen’s lips was rather pathetic as the man coughed up blood.

“Correction,” he said weakly. “Now I’m in a lot of pain.” Adolph and Stephanie both laughed at Jensen as Hotori favored him with a smile. He cleaned the blade on Jensen’s jacket and stood walking away towards the cave. Before he entered Stephanie called to him.

“He wants to break Taka, not annoy him.” Hotori turned slowly to gaze at her, the devilish smile on her face spoke volumes as she leaned next to her comrade in arms. He had heard many stories of Jensen already, and none of them spoke of his politeness in battle. His ethics were crude and skewed and the Kensai thought about Jensen’s request. If he consented, the Knight would hold nothing back in his fight with him and taunt Taka to the point where he may break.

While that didn’t seem bad at first the repercussions could be disastrous. A broken Samurai was a loose cannon, filled with rage and hatred as the ideals they upheld are stripped away. Some would rage war against the very things they protected, or worse, they wouldn’t always pick up the sword again as depression and numb feelings took over. This wouldn’t just be a test of Taka’s ability to focus in battle while testing his physical endurances, but also a mental test that would define his character. Such a small trivial thing could be the difference in Taka’s whole life.

Hotori looked behind him and when he was sure nobody important was listening he turned to Stephanie and Jensen and spoke loudly so both could hear.

“Once, a very, very long time ago Taka was a Samurai, a true Samurai of the bushido code. Now he is a ronin. If you understand out culture, you will understand the implications of this news.”

With his words spoken he turned and walked back into the cave, hoping his faith in his student wasn’t misplaced.

Tainted Bushido
05-19-10, 12:53 AM
"That man is a nuisance," Taka finally managed as they got out of ear shot of the immortal. Anita looked at Taka worriedly never hearing Taka speak ill of anyone quite yet. It was another first for the girl, who was Taka's own shadow. He leaned against the wall of the cave before he looked at her shaking his head, "My apologies, I speak out of turn. I'm sure there is a reason for him being here, even if it is beyond my grasp."

Anita looked conspiratorially at Taka before she spoke up, "Some days I feel the same way Taka. Jensen can be such a jerk at times!" She remained close to the samurai who sighed, shaking his head once more. This was an awkward moment for the girl, and further for him. Touch was one of those taboo things, and while she had been all over him upon returning to life, he had finally managed to notify the poor girl of that. He had been polite in doing so, but it had set up a barrier between the two.

Then there was the Taint. Taka really couldn't afford a relationship so long as he had it. The taint served to be a reminder of his past failures, and while it wasn't that aspect that really made him reluctant to give into Anita's desires, it was the fact that it was contagious. Even something as innocent as a kiss could transfer the taint. It was part of the reason he rarely drank, he rarely accepted company, why he was always so alone. If for once he gave into his desires, he could ruin someone else's life.

That was a truth, he hadn't told her. He had merely said he was dealing with it, and needed to before he could move on. While not lying, nor was he telling the truth, and Rengoku had only recently returned to normal weight on that matter. Even now he could feel bits of its silent disapproval at his actions. The weight of his soul reflecting the weight of his sins, and he was falling fast to fear.

But deep inside, in his heart, he wanted nothing more than to give into that desire. He wanted to tell Anita it was okay, to pull her into a warm embrace. To perhaps explore the feelings between them, and discover just how deep they ran. It tore at his heart, thinking that perhaps a foreigner could give him the acceptance his own people never could. It littered the pieces on the floor, trampling upon them as the regret at not being able to embrace the girl ate at his heart. So many emotions, all tied to the three great sins, all surrounding the girl. He chained them; he kept them at bay, even as he looked into her eyes. Those innocent perfect orbs, that threatened to remove all his control.

Or perhaps, that was the oni's blood in his veins talking. The desire to fulfill his most basic and carnal desires was certainly enflamed more after his death. At one time, he could have reined in those feelings, and now they were left to run rampant through his heart and head. Not only that passionate emotion, but others, such as rage and despair threatened to overcome him. He felt a cold shiver run down his back at the thought of losing control that much to his passions.

"Taka, are you alright? Is it too cold in the caves?" Anita asked, noticing the imperceptible shiver, the change in Taka's demeanor, and further wanted to try desperately to break the stalemate.

"I am trying to settle my nerves is all. Nothing to worry about," Taka managed. It was another half truth, another dirty dirty half truth, not bold faced enough of a lie to be considered such. It was merely a means of feigning off her interest, before he could get his emotions in check. A samurai was calm and serene; he did not give freely into his emotions.

It was at that time Hoturi came in and nodded to Anita and Taka, "Rest well tonight Taka-san. Tomorrow we start your new training regiment."

Taka frowned looking at Hoturi before he asked, "What do you mean?"

"I found you a sparring partner to teach you western fighting."

Taka straightened himself up as he nodded before he spoke, "The large man with the sword correct?"

"No, Jensen."

Taka blinked only once before he spoke plainly, "Forgive me Hoturi-sensei, but I thought you said I would be fighting Jensen tomorrow…"

"That's exactly what I said Taka-san. Now get some rest." Hoturi said before he walked by the Samurai, leaving him to stand in the cave entrance and wondering just what had happened.

Anita seemed to break the silence, "Taka, You need to be careful. Jensen was just toying with you today, but I've seen firsthand what he does to his opponents. William Arcus fought him several times, and each one he only got even bitterer at the immortal. The man has a gift for pissing everyone he can off. He's going to use that against you Taka, and he'll keep trying till he gets it right. Even if you win he'll try to break you down in the process. Its all he has to keep himself going…"

Taka let a snort leave him before he pushed off the wall and headed into the caverns of the Tomb, "He is welcome to try. I doubt he has anything that could even faze me…"

Enigmatic Immortal
05-19-10, 06:18 PM
A few days had passed since the immortal committed the rite of Hari-Kari, his stomach pains at long last fading. He couldn’t fathom why anyone in their right mind would want to gut themselves on their sword because they made a boo-boo. Then again he mused that the Akashiman race was never really in their right mind to begin with.

Stephanie had been in high spirits as of late, her smile warming up to everyone as she did her tasks appointed from their lord, Sei Orlouge. Adolph had taken time in his spare moments to speak with Taka and Hoturi, learning much of their culture and finding it fascinating, creating a peaceful bridge that Jensen had every intent of burning after his little squabble with the boy was over.

The knight tapped his foot against the wall, resting upon his back in his room with his arms crossed behind his head as he gazed at the ceiling. He relished this one peaceful moment in time as his thoughts began to drift from what was happening in the current moment to what would eventually happen. Soon those thoughts had turned into the far future of what he would be doing and soon he was in a state of absolute tranquility, meditating upon himself in an introspective manner.

The Knights of Apocalypse had adopted one foreign policy that it required everyone to do in order to become a senior knight. The art of meditating was a way to elevate stress and tension, letting upset feelings and deep grumblings pass harmlessly away as their body returned to their neutral state of grey. To much hatred in one’s soul tipped the balance in the darkness, and too much happiness and they tipped towards the light. They believed in their order that only a mixture of the two could be acceptable.

Jensen however didn’t really meditate for long. His thoughts in his dreams usually always brought him to a place where he remembered his past and the events that shaped his mind into what it was today. Each time he felt himself drifting into those ethereal roadways he awoke himself, refusing to ever veer down those dark paths again.

Before he could reach that point however his eyes fluttered open, a body stood over him breathing down his neck as he felt a weight that was once not their. Something wet hit his cheek and he furiously swiped the body of Stephanie off as she attempted to drop a rather large wad of spit upon his face.

“What in the name of the horsemen,” Jensen shouted to her as she giggled childishly looking up at him from the floor. She lifted her hands up to him, asking him to pick her up and he instead turned kicking her back on the floor with his foot as he looked for his boots.

“Oh come on, it’s no different than the time you stuck your ass in my face while I was meditating.” she pushed herself of her feet as the immortal dragged a boot over to him and began to prepare for his fight with Taka.

“I would have preferred that,” Jensen mumbled.

“I would never let your perverted mind see my bare ass. Your head would explode.” Jensen tilted his head to the side, cocking an eye as he shrugged agreeing with her. “So you going to give that slant eyed foreigner a thrashing?” Jensen stretched his body out as he stood up, his fingers inching towards his daggers and punch knife. He felt their cool metal upon his tips and smiled as he placed them upon his belt.

“That’s the going theme,” he mused as he walked out of his room, the woman in tow. Jensen smiled as he began to think about how he would work up Taka, and he could feel Stephanie’s excitement as well. It was like the female jester was fueling him with her energies. He turned down the wrong hallway, Stephanie grabbing his shirt and pushing him in the right direction. He hated these damned caves.

When he was outside he noticed that Adolph was with Hoturi with his weapon drawn. Adolph breathed heavily and the man’s shirt was resting on a rock, sweat pouring out his body as it dripped down the back of his head. He moved inwards with his claymore, aiming for the knee and Hoturi smiled letting his katana move in a neat sweep stabbing it in the ground. The claymore bounced off the entrenched weapon and the recoil was enough room for Hoturi to step in and palm the knight in the chest knocking him over.

“You have done well for the few lessons I have taught you, Adolph,” Hoturi spoke in a bemused expression as if he didn’t expect so much progress. Adolph wiped the back of his mouth with his hand as he stood up, giving a soft bow to the man. “You must remember to not only be aware of your surroundings, but use them. You know not to swing for my head at the start. You instead know to aim low where my weapon’s reach would be too short to make an effective block. The solution wouldn’t have been easy for me had I not known the ground was soft. By impaling the earth I created an anvil that repelled your weapons brute strength and opened you up for a death blow.” Adolph nodded to the man’s lesson walking towards the shirt.

“By the Horsemen of War,” Adolph breathed heavily. “Three lessons and I already learned more than I would ever in three years at the castle. Lord Kisada would be impressed with that man’s knowledge.”

Lord Kisada, the Champion of War, was well known for his love of a good fight and the desire to find one that was worth his time. He wasn’t a barbarian by any stretch of the word. A practical leader and a nice enough fellow, Kisada had always allowed anyone to challenge him if they could at least pass a few trials. It was Adolph’s dream to one day be worthy enough to spar with the man.

Stephanie scoffed him as she sat on the rock and Jensen did what he usually did when Adolph spoke; flat out ignore him.

“Yo, where’s that bum?” Jensen called to Hoturi. “I want to get this over with so I can eat my dinner. I hear Anita cooked pasta…”

Tainted Bushido
05-20-10, 02:47 PM
The park was a quieter place than the caves of the tomb. This allowed for Taka to find a place of quiet reflection, something that had he not been tainted he truly wouldn't need, but with each passing day he found his thoughts clouded, each on marred by the passionate emotions he had spent his life restraining. He listened to the clash of steel upon steel as Adolph and Hoturi went at it, the master taking on another pupil with the ease of a teacher who knew much. Taka of course knew this to be truth, Adolph however, seemed to marvel at the depth of Hoturi's lessons.

He closed his eyes, trying to achieve an inner peace with which to fight. He tried to grip the oceans tranquility, belying the overwhelming power it held. He could smell a faint tinge of salt on the air, reminding him of home. He could feel the wind whip through his snow white locks. He felt the rock he sat upon and the weight of Rengoku upon his lap. He could feel everything about him, and his sense stretched out, even picking up the quip of the Gaijin Jensen. He refused to move, instead relaxing as he fought to find that inner tranquility.

He would never reach it…

"Taka-san. Don't be rude, your opponent is waiting," Hoturi's voice cut through the silence. Taka looked down upon his blade before he sighed, his shoulders dropping from their normal posture only a moment.

The sound of steel upon steel could be heard as Rengoku was placed back in it's sheath. Even now the renewed sound of Steel upon Steel could be heard as the nodachi left the saya that held it. He leapt down from the rock he had perched upon before he moved toward the Gaijin, stopping in view of his opponent as he did so. He took in every nuance of the man, studying him with a piercing seriousness, even as he took up the pose of the style Hoturi had taught him. The first hand gripped up against the tsuba of his blade, the other hand counterbalancing at the end of the hilt.

"Come on hobo-samurai, you going to fight me or ask me out on a date?" Jensen mocked as he grinned, just getting warmed up. Taka remained silent, which only seemed to push the Gaijin to press his mental assault, "What? Not talking to me? That breaks my heart; after all we've been through together!"

The girl who seemed deadest on his temper being lost cackled with laughter. Taka could feel his anger rising at the taunts, but bit down on it as he watched. He could outlast the fiend, he just had to not listen to his jabs. Instead he carefully inched towards the immortal, looking for his in. He saw the immortal had casually drawn a glaive from its place on his belt and played with it while taunting, "I'm waaaaaaaitinggggggg…"

Taka lashed out with an attack at the man's chest, one that was meant more as a poke, even as he brought the no-dachi about in a slice to the legs, the true blow. He had learned how to feint his blows accordingly, and with no real blade to block, any attempt at blocking the no-dachi was suicidal. He was more than certain Jensen knew this, and was planning accordingly.

Taka only had to anticipate the actions…

Enigmatic Immortal
05-20-10, 03:28 PM
Jensen watched the poke and could read the follow up. Years had taught the man what a feint looked like and the inexperienced Taka wasn’t really gauging his opponent correctly. Jensen would correct this. Easily he jumped back, avoiding both attacks in one move, sprinting forwards with punch knife in hand and glaive in the other.

Taka hadn’t the time to react with a block, but still the warrior attempted, using his sword like it were a smaller katana than it truly was. Jensen’s blade was homing in on his chest and the air grew deathly silent. Jensen felt blood drag along his fingers as he pushed through Taka, knocking him over and onto the ground where he mounted him. The punch knife was dug a few inches into the dirt and the immortal yanked it out showering the Akashiman with debris and little grass roots.

“I would sorely suggest you wake up and pay attention, little boy,” Jensen breathed as he tapped a finger upon the shallow cut along Taka’s cheek. “You ain’t in Akashima, you aren’t in some controlled environment, and nobody but Anita will mourn your loss if you lose your head.”

The jibe was a probe, a small token to gauge Taka’s mind and see what else he could use to distract the warrior. He knew nothing about Taka and Anita, knew nothing about the growing bonds of love they were feeling for each other, and nothing of his tainted, painful past and why the two couldn’t be together.

Taka’s eyes however told him everything in one gesture as they widened when he mentioned her name.

Jensen pushed back upwards, getting off the ground as he bowed to Taka in a show of disrespect, leaving his neck out for the man to take it should he desire it. The samurai returned to his feet and watched him carefully, calculating the attack he would make. He returned the weapon to it’s natural stance and Jensen sighed as he looked at the grass with a bored glance. He watched Taka’s shadow, seeing his position clearly as he inched his way around.

The immortal exploded forwards, face snarling as he brought his weapon down in a vertical swing. Taka shifted and blocked the blow with his No Dachi, but Jensen let out a howl of mirth as he swiped his throwing glaive into the Akashiman’s chest drawing another smooth cut along his skin. The knight lifted a boot and pushed the samurai over onto his butt as he let out a laughing cry of pleasure.

“Oh dear god, this is to easy, how will Anita ever love a man as stupid as you!”

Tainted Bushido
05-20-10, 03:53 PM
He was in over his head. This much was clear from the opening moves. He was losing control of the situation, and it was spiraling into the chaos of oblivion with each moment. He was just too slow with the no-dachi to make effective use of it, and that was the problem. He was relying on the blade to do the work for him. He couldn't hope to hit the fast immortal with an attack if he couldn't find some way to box the man in.

He continued his jabs as he spoke, "So, was a freak like you hoping that by beating me up he could get some sex on the side with the Boss' daughter?" I can tell you, she's a real looker, but she isn't going to whore it up with a side show attraction like you numb nuts!"

Anita seemed on the verge of stepping into the fight, only to feel a hand placed on her shoulder restraining her. She looked up to see Hoturi's stern gaze watching the fight. The tension in his arm told her he was waiting to act, almost anticipating something. He spoke softly, the words seeming to hover about her ears as he did so, "Don't, Jensen would only use it to torment him further. He has enough fuel as it is, and Taka is getting angry. This is what we needed."

Anita frowned looking at the fight that seemed dramatically before she looked back at Hoturi gesturing at the two men fighting, "How is this helping him. I know you're his teacher but isn't this just cruel?"

"All in good time Little One, you need to first learn to crawl to walk. So too must Taka learn to lose control, in order to gain it," The kensai replied cryptically.

The immortal laughed as he brought a boot across the Akashiman's face in a bold maneuver that saw him spin in position. The maneuver clearly exposed him, but the shock of being hit by the move gave the man more than enough time to recover, even as he brought a knife that slashed the ronin's shoulder. He laughed wildly even as Taka feebly brought the sword up in front of him to block.

"Am I going too fast, should I slow down? I pity Sei, thinking he was getting a real fighter when all he got was a boy playing with swords. Perhaps I should get you a nice wooden one, so you can go play fight without risking hurting anyone!" Jensen laughed the sound maddening to Taka.

Still the Ronin gripped his sanity tightly as he brought the blade out in a cleaving arc that forced some room between them. The sword returned to a neutral position, even as he panted heavily recovering from the ordeal of Jensen literally beating him up without any resistance. The anger and rage seemed to reach a boiling point, barely restrained by the Samurai who was defending his entire life now from the immortal. In Akashima such taunts were the source of many a duel, with the victor being proven right. Taka, was proving his opponent's taunts were founded in truth with every weak strike, every poor choice.

Everything in him screamed for him to pull Rengoku and turn this fight real, but he persevered. Against Shiryko he had to use the no-dachi, the reach he would gain was pivotal to avoiding the three blade technique. He was forced to endure more of Jensen's insults, all culminating into one final one as they stared at each other, Jensen a look of mirth, Taka a look of loathing.

"Oh Hobo-Samurai don't look at me that way. At least I didn't get thrown out of my family for fucking up royally…" Jensen taunted.

Something in Taka's heart snapped at that statement.

As Jensen came in to take advantage of the look of stunned fury on Taka's face he laughed wildly, knowing something had struck home in the samurai. What he wasn't expecting was the hand that reached out, and grabbed Jensen by the front of his shirt. The no-dachi was forgotten as he brought a knee up into the immortal's gut, cutting off the laughter as a wheezing choking gasp filled the park. The sun poured down as Taka repeated the blow before he let out a feral growl that saw him spin in position to toss the Immortal away.

The inky black patches of skin seemed to grow as he did so, feeding off his rage as one handed he brought the no-dachi out in a slash meant to end the immortal's life.

Enigmatic Immortal
05-20-10, 04:48 PM
Jensen saw the blade dive down and he couldn’t help but smile despite having the wind knocked out of him. He rolled weakly to avoid the strike and when he felt the dirt spray him he rolled back and gripped the blade in his hands clutching it tightly. Taka didn’t seem to care he couldn’t rip his blade free, instead dropping it as he brought his fist down. Jensen again rolled away, pushing himself up.

“What did you do?” Jensen taunted. The No Dachi swung for his head and ducked under it. “I bet you killed your brother,” The sword cleaved back and Jensen ducked under it.

“Stop it!” Anita shouted, despite Hoturi’s attempts to silence her. Stephanie laughed, enjoying the plight of the Ronin as Adolph gripped the hilt of his sword and remained quiet. Though he didn’t appreciate Jensen’s brand of humor he could see the lesson being taught.

“Did you bow the wrong way to the imperial throne?” The attack’s became faster as rage lined every feature of his face. The immortal blocked a few blows with his punch knife, letting the steel weapons create sparks as they passed.

“Enough you sick freak!” Anita continued to shout, afraid for Taka as she knew how deep this wound would go.

“Forget to second a buddies death?”

“Knock it off!”

The blade clipped his shoulder, the immortal’s laughs faltering a fraction as he kept it up.

“Did you drink from the left side of the cup while walking down the right side of the street?”

“Please!” she begged.

“OR DID YOU FUCK UP ON A MISSION?” Jensen’s words echoed like thunder, knowing full well what would work. Two different mindsets, one eastern, one western, but always did one thing bring utter shame to a warrior’s name. Failure was never tolerated in a military setting, period.

Taka’s swing faltered, subtly and without much more than a fraction of his eyes widening. That moment was all Jensen needed as he howled out in mirth, his body jumping over the body swing as he closed the gap between the two. His knee hit the ronin in the chest and the two tumbled over. Jensen was the first to his feet, kicking the No Dachi out of the warrior’s hands.

“You failed a mission, Taka. Just like you’ll fail to learn this blade, just like you’ll fail to stop Shiryko, just like you’ll fail to protect Anita…” he breathed, his face leaning into the Ronin’s ear so only he and he alone could hear his venomous words.

He pulled back, laughing to himself lightly in a maddening cackle that was strained and rotten to the core as he looked into Taka’s eyes.

Tainted Bushido
05-20-10, 05:48 PM
Taka felt the emotions taking control. He could see the rage and how it consumed him, see how the taint fed off it, and fueled it to new heights. He could feel the passions that marked who and what he was slowly yet surely drive personal information into a fight that had no business being about such matters. With a cruel efficiency, Jensen had laid the Ronin bare for all to see, and was reaping the rewards. Taka wasn't even in control anymore as he saw his body attack and swing, attempting to destroy the immortal. He saw how the blade swung with a casual interest, even as he saw the immortal dodge it handily and return with another kick and a taunt that he couldn't even hear anymore.

And it occurred to him, he had found the center.

Like a hurricane he was in a whirlwind of emotions, yet he felt none of them. He was in the calm center of the storm, watching lazily as it passed through, attempting to engulf him in the maelstrom of chaos the immortal's words had created. Taka had forced himself for so long to maintain that calm, and that is why it shattered. Not because he was weak of mind and will, but because he had only created a mockery of calm. He was never truly the detached samurai he was supposed to be, he only imitated those that had achieved it. A true samurai understood emotion, and let it pass through him. Fear and hate was embraced as equally as love and joy. A true samurai merely didn't let the emotions dictate the actions.

It wasn't about not feeling emotion, it was about not letting them tell him what to do.

Jensen seemed to sense the shift in Taka as he paused, his head cocked and looking at the samurai with a keen sneer, "What's going on in there ronin? You going to kill yourself 'cause you can't beat up a stupid barbarian now?"

Taka merely let the no-dachi rest in front of him, back in control of his actions and shook his head slowly, "Why don't you stop holding back and fight me?"

Jensen was taking the first steps towards the Ronin even as Taka regained the stance he had been using all match. Jensen had already begun his attack when Taka acted, the disturbing calm on his face seeming to catch the immortal off guard. The kick was blocked on the pommel of the no-dachi before a kick sent the immortal back, as Jensen slid back on the gravel and dirt the blade of the no-dachi swung out and ripped through the shirt of the gaijin.

Jensen looked down as a vile grin lit up his face, "Think acting calm is going to matter? We both know you-"

"Enough games Jensen-san, are you going to fight me or talk me to death?" Taka cut off the immortal who grinned.

"Hey now, insulting is my shtick, didn't think you were so stupid to stoop that low on your honor," Jensen countered as he came in. Taka rose his knee up and as Jensen slid to go under the attack he realized his mistake when Taka brought his foot down in the immortal's gut, causing another wheezing cough to filter through the park. Jensen went wide eyed as another stomp to his gut caused bits of blood to fleck out of his mouth. A third kick rolled the immortal away, who then stood up wiping the blood on the back of his hand, "That was fighting dirty and you know it!"

"If a man has used fraud against me, I consider him a wretch and a scoundrel, and I will not adhere to rules that he ignores. I will not put myself at the disadvantage of free action," Taka returned, before he once again let the no-dachi touch the ground and shook his head. Jensen seeing the taunt growled lowly as he came in for an attack, right into the path of the impossibly fast no-dachi swing. He crumpled to the ground, in a stance not unlike kneeling as Taka walked about the immortal, who even now was struggling to hold his intestines within the confines of his body.

"Bastard, you could have ended it there," Jensen returned, even as Stephanie's laughter came to a halt. Everyone was quiet as Taka looked down upon the immortal.

"Allow me to second your attempt at seppuku," Taka replied before the no-dachi came down and beheaded the immortal. Reaching behind him he pulled out a small cloth from his obi and wiped the blade of his no-dachi clean before it was sheathed on his back. He then looked down at the corpse and bowed before he spoke, "It was, an honorable duel."

"Figured it out did you?" Hoturi's voice came out first, breaking the silence.

"It was never about the blade I realized. It's far too slow to be useful in a fight. Instead the trick is in keeping my opponent away, and punishing him with the blade when he acts. The blade can keep people away, but it cannot fight. It was never about hurting my opponent with the blade. That is why a no-dachi cannot be wielded like a Katana."

"And your anger?"

Taka smirked as he looked down upon Jensen's head, "Gone. I let it pass through me, and saw the path of destruction it sowed in its wake."

"You may beat the taint yet," Hoturi said with a grin as he clapped the Ronin on the shoulder appreciatively.

Anita ran up and looked at Taka, part of her relieved the other part on edge as she spoke, "Are you alright Taka?"

The samurai laughed, perhaps for the first time since meeting Anita and nodded, "I am well Anita-sama. There is no need to worry about me."

"Alright student, you figured it out, so now its time to reward your hard work…" Hoturi said reaching into his pack. Producing a cloth he offered it towards the samurai who shook his head.

"Sensei, you needn't bother. You know I'm not worthy of such praise," Taka replied.

Anita seemed dumbstruck by the act as she gently slapped his arm, "Taka, he's trying to give you something, don't be rude."

Hoturi laughed at the girl before he offered the gift again to Taka, "No, you truly earned it this time Taka. I think you're becoming a better swordsman. I may not be able to teach you much more without causing others to seek you out. Think of this as a gift from an equal."

"Sensei, you know I am nothing like an equal to you. I couldn't accept such a gift if it truly was meant for an equal," Taka replied bowing lowly.

Anita raised an eyebrow before she hissed, "Taka, what are you doing?"

"He's being a good Akashiman. Taka, just take the damn thing, I can't figure out a third way to offer it…" Hoturi said laughing. Taka nodded finally accepting the gift as he carefully opened the cloth. The smile on his face faded as he saw what laid within the cloth.

Sitting in his hands was a porcelain mask of purest white. It covered the face completely which was a boon to someone like Taka who had much to hide. What made it remarkable was the symbols painted upon it equidistant and at several points. He knew these symbols well, for they were the code of Bushido, in written form.

Yu, the symbol of courage, that he would remember a samurai never falls to fear.

Rei, the symbol of courtesy, that he would remember his opponents are people too, and not disrespect them.

Meyo, the symbol of honor, that he would remember that all his actions define him and those that came before him.

Gi, the symbol of honesty, that he would remember that lies are for the weak, and that he need not rely on such weakness.

Jin, the symbol of compassion, that he would remember that cruelty only begets more cruelty in a world that has far too much.

Makoto, the symbol of sincerity, that he would remember his words and actions should be one in the same.

Chugo, the symbol of duty, that he would remember that everything has a purpose and the fulfillment of that purpose was a samurai's duty.

"I know you might have to take missions in Akashima for Sei, and so I got this mask made for you so you can move about Akashima without anyone being wiser to the taint on your face," Hoturi said explaining the gift. Taka nodded seeing the wisdom of it.

"Thank you Sensei, it is wonderful, I shall honor your gift," The ronin said softly before he looked back at the cave. The two knights began to clean up their friend before Taka spoke towards them, "Stephanie-sama, if I may?"

"What do you want creep?" The girl replied giving him a look of anger.

"I do not know why you hate me, but if I did anything to offend you I apologize," Taka said softly.

"Fuck off you slant eyed bastard…" She replied giving him a rude gesture before walking off with one of Jensen's arms slung over her shoulder.


Taka gains a white porcelain mask with the symbols of bushido painted upon it. It is an ordinary mundane mask and has no magical properties.

Hoturi joins the Ixian Knights as an NPC character to help with training the group. An NPC write up will occur, pending approval.

Unbroken Blade Style - Kata - The Unbroken Blade Kata is one that allows its wielder to strike out with improved speed an efficiency. By choking up on the grip of the blade, the strikes come out stronger, but slower. While in this Kata, Taka's natural speed is reduced to below that of the average human, but his sword strikes are nearly twice as hard. He can maintain this Kata indefinitely, but the second he releases it, he cannot re-enter the ritualized movements. It would take a period of time allowing him to re-prepare the kata (a nights rest and a period of half an hour), before he could once again enter it.

Enigmatic Immortal
05-20-10, 06:07 PM
If pain could be something that was describable in a detail that made perfect sense, then the pain Jensen felt in his neck would be indescribable still. Beheading was never fun, and the pain that lasted for but a moment always agonized him for an eternity. He had been beheaded many times, but the first time was still the time that took the longest. It was the old saying of always remembering your first.

Days had passed, many, many days and Jensen spent his time ignoring the Ronin. Stephanie hadn’t been so calm about Jensen’s defeat. She had attempted to rile up the immortal, make him pissed off at the slant eyed monster, but the knight just fanned her off. She even attempted bold faced accusations, bringing the warrior’s past out to the surface.

All this was silenced however when Anita ordered the female Jester to cease her racial angst towards the Akashiman. Daughter to her employer, Stephanie had to grudgingly obey. She still tried to get Jensen to fight for her, but her hatred wasn’t his concern. Even if Taka and Jensen were to fight again what would be the point? Jensen had strict orders to not kill the man, just harass him.

Mission accomplished.

Hoturi came by the day after their fight, bowing low to the immortal and offering his sincerest thanks for allowing Taka to fight with him. Unused to such a display of gratitude the knight merely fanned him off and said nothing. Hoturi however didn’t leave right away, instead peering at him as if unlocking his soul.

“You and Taka have much in common,” the Kensai had said before turning off, smiling as he did so. Jensen merely shrugged after he put thought into it. Maybe they were more alike than the surface would dictate, but it mattered little to the immortal. All he wanted was to rest and lounge about as he waited for his next mission.

It didn’t take long for the immortal to grow bored.

Silence Sei
06-02-10, 06:46 AM
Time for that quick judgement!

Story (20/30)

Character (25/30) I enjoyed seeing that Stephanie had her own racisim about her, as well as Taka's loyalty to his master, Jensen's typical 'I don't really care' attitude, and Hoturi's new mentor role for the ronin.

Mechanics (15/30) A few spelling and grammatical errors here and there by both parties, but nothing too glaringly bad.

Wildcard (8/10)

Total 68/100

All non ability spoils approved

TB gets 1225 exp, 165 GP

EI gets 1800 exp, 165 GP

Silence Sei
06-02-10, 07:15 AM
EXP-GP added.

EI leveled up, good job mate.