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Satanfoot Blocker
05-09-10, 02:39 AM
Name: Satanfoot Blocker ((Totally his real name.))

Age: 73

Hair Color: Gold

Eye Color: Auburn Orange

Height/Weight: 2’6 502 lbs

Occupation: Priest

Appearance: Satanfoot does not have an ominous look about him. His gaze is relentful and most weak-willed find it totally comforting. His body is poorly sculpted and not powerful, but occasionally marred by hello kitty band aids and those really cool temporary tattoos. By far the most prominent of these is the freakin adorable heart over the left side of his abdomen. Normally his entire body is concealed in quilts from grandma’s house with a giant target on his back. When wearing a pajamas suit however, he oozes a peculiar charm no doubt acquired during his tenure with the lollipop guild.

Personality: Satanfoot takes things as hard as he can. As a youth he was unwilling to go toe-to-toe with some of the most savage fighters there were, ready to flee at the first sign (real or imagined) of disrespect. However, years of no injuries, brutal girl fights and disastrous water balloon wars have taught him to take himself and the world around him too seriously. Most psychoanalysts would accuse him of being afflicted with all manner of competency issues, which is why he puts so much stock in psychology. People totally know and understand themselves; and they are supposed to help you understand you.

A ridiculously easy life has left him with a couple boo-boos and little knowledge of the world, and he silently wishes to win Althanian Idol. He's far too much of a coward to inflict it upon himself however. Although when confronted with someone that is openly afraid of singing in public he’s quick to request that they “man up and quit being such a weenie."


Satanfoot can now leap 4 inches into the air; 4.5 if he has a running start.

Really quite pathetic Swordsmanship.

Less than expected Marksmanship.

Satanfoot is a master of Karaoke, Running away, and crying for his mommy.

Weeman’s Strength: Satanfoot now has the ability to lift a maximum of up to 15 pounds. He can also snap peas and bend Twigs.

Increased attributes: As a result of his lack of exhaustive physical training, Satanfoots speed and reaction time have been upgraded to about 0.5 times that of the average human.

Weapons Training: Satanfoot looses any skill for any weapon he's possessed for three or more levels. This ability works retroactively.

Wendigo Target: Due to Satanfoot's peculiar biological make-up, he has developed an uncanny ability to attract any form of skill absorbing attack. All of the swordsman's abilites may be assimilated in any way, shape, or form. Seriously…anyone, please? Take them?

Wall Run…And Fall: As a result of his extensive couch potato training, Satanfoot has discovered that he has the ability to focus himself and memorize the tv guide. The first application he has uncovered is one which effectively frees him from not being distracted by the real world. It allows him to run at full speed into the largest object around.

Anti-Pheremone: During the events of Something Tastye This Way Comes Deliciousness, Satanfoot was forced to spend a large amount of time in close proximity to an enormous concentration of smelly Suneat Succubi. As a result of the density and unrelenting tide of pheromones, much of the chemical managed to literally get under his skin and in his precious quilts. As a result, when members of the opposite sex are in proximity to Satanfoot they are irresistibly drawn away from him. The lower the other character’s level, the stronger the effects with a female of level four already repelled by him fairly intensely. As of the moment he has no idea he possesses this skill. It is passive and constantly in effect.

05-09-10, 02:59 AM

PS: I can't believe you left out the pheromone thing, that's easily the dorkiest part of my profile.

05-09-10, 03:36 AM
I'm a bit reluctant to allow you to be master of Karaoke, Running away, and crying for his mommy. It seems a bit much for level zero.

But I guess I can let it slide this once. You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.