View Full Version : Super Secret Hero Application

05-13-10, 06:15 PM
Bri sat in her room, colored pencils scattered around her. Her mom had left out some paper on the table after breakfast, while she took care of Markus. The baby was teething, and his fussiness hadn't subsided over the morning. Billy Smith had started a hero club the other day, and while it might seem childish and silly to her friend Maria, Brigette had grown up fed on the stories of heroes. While her father, tired and dirty from the mines, had worked hard, he always tried to do right and spend as much time with his family as possible. Before washing up, he would sit by the hearth and tell the stories of valiant deeds and daring rescues, sipping coffee, letting his daughter fall asleep cuddled up against her mother while her imagination was bursting with the images of the greatest stories Althanas had to offer. He had planted the seed in her, the need for good and greatness.

So, ignoring Maria's insistence that they should be sneaking to market to buy the exotic powders that the beautiful elven women used to bring color and sparkle to their skin, ignoring the fact that Maria said they should be trying to get boyfriends so that they could get married and have babies, Brigette was carefully filling out an application to Billy Smith's Hero Club.




Enigmatic Immortal
05-14-10, 12:29 AM
I know, I know I shouldn't post in this...but..


Tainted Bushido
05-14-10, 12:30 AM
I just wanted to say, well done on the Profile. Just remember your pet cannot join in a fight without your opponent's permission. Otherwise...


Bonus 100 EXP for clever profile creation.