View Full Version : Between Worlds

05-13-10, 06:51 PM
Name- Aeryn 'Gemma' Willow
Age- 19
Race-Half Vampire, Half Human

Physical Description- Gemma has long medium brown hair that reaches her lower back.
Her hair grows darker as she ages. As a small child she was bleach blonde. Her eye color does the exact opposite, starting off black and slowly becoming a crystal blue. Currently they are a hazel green, with hints of red specks. He nose it a bit crooked, but other than that her features are pristine. Her lips are a rose pink naturally, and her skin is a very pale white. Her cheeks have a natural pink flush that brightens to a deep red when she is upset or embarrassed. She is 5’4” tall, and her weight fluctuates between 125 to 130 lbs depending on her diet at the moment. Her face is an oval shape, with a very distinct chin. She usually wears her hair strait and stringy, but occasionally she will let it curl naturally.

Clothing- Gemma wears a black circle neck t-shirt with blue jeans. She usually wears black boots with 2 inch heels. Her jeans fit tightly, but the calves hoop out slightly to go over her boots, not under. She wears a small silver ring on a chain around her neck, and usually has on dangly silver earrings. She detests anything gold, as it clashes with her pale skin tone.

Profession- Gemma has held a few odd jobs throughout her teenage years. Her first job was at a hospital, bottling blood from dead patients. She would use a special vacuum powered needle to pull all the blood from a human, to be placed in bags. People from her village would purchase the supply for family vacations or business trips, anytime they would be unable to hunt. This job gave her a basic knowledge of the human body; even if most of the time they were dead bodies. The hospital taught her basic first aid. Her second job was working for a newspaper, or rather at the newspaper. She was responsible for writing the obituaries, or rather editing them. She would sneak into the newspaper office during the dead of night to change any headlines that might give away that a vampire had struck nearby. This taught her stealth. Gemma’s last job before she left home was at a mental hospital. She spent most of her days trying to cheer up sad patients, and developed a pretty fair understanding of psychology.

Personality- Gemma is an incredibly kind person. She would give the shirt off her back for anyone. She does however have a temper, and loves to argue. Gemma is very likely to argue with you, before giving you a grin and saying “let’s be friends!’ Gemma takes her responsibilities very seriously, but tends to lack much focus. She typically goes from task to task without completing anything until someone forces her to get back to it. She makes friends easily, though she probably annoys most of them due to her outspoken personality. She comes across as shallow at first meeting, but it couldn’t be farther from the truth. Gemma understands that beneath the surface of every creature is a secret, and she wishes to avoid knowing anymore secrets.


“I’ve been waiting forever to meet a woman like you.” Luke wept. “Now your telling me that the life we’ve created isn’t enough for you? You’re lying! You love me, I know you do, please don’t do this.”

“You know what I am and you know it won’t work!” Genelle tried to keep her tears from falling.

“I love you, that’s all I know. Let’s take him and run away. I promise I will take care of you, just give me the chance.”

“Goodbye Luke. I cannot promise you anything, but if it comes out…normal. I will contact you. I will only keep it away if it is to protect you.” With that she closed the door, never to look upon his face again.

Gemma was born into a world of vampires. She grew up with their customs, but she was not one of them. When she turned 5, she met her father. She spent days in his home, learning the ways of humans, but she was not one of them either. Gemma could find no comfort in her differences. She felt like an outcast. She was able to eat regular meals, but still loved the taste of blood. She could go weeks without food, but would suffer intense headaches and very low energy. She could walk in the sunlight, but her exposed skin would blister in minutes without sunscreen. She spent most of her teenage years as the butt of everyone’s jokes. She was sent from one world to another, learning the seriousness and darkness from her mom and the joys of the world and the light from her father. Gemma left her home at age 19, in an effort to find a place where even she, a bird born underwater could survive.

Increased speed- Gemma can run 1.2 times the speed of an average human. While this isn’t enough to say, kill a bunch of people without them knowing who did it; It does come in quite handy in a game of tag.

First aid- Gemma spent two years underground in a hospital, where she learned basic first aid and healing. She is able to mend basic wounds, and heal minor injuries. This will only be used in quests, or once per battle.

Half-breed bite- Gemma’s bite is not able to transform others into vampires, it does however pack a bit of a punch. Her teeth are not sharper than normal, so she is only as likely to get through the skin as an average human. If she does though, the target will slowly begin to feel drained of all energy. Her teeth contain a venom that has no effect on the body, but sends messages to the victim’s bran. These messages make the person feel a sense of euphoria, and a groggy feeling. This is currently very weak, but is believed to get stronger as she does. At this point, Gemma can basically make an opponent forget they are injured and yawn a bit more than usual.

Basic melee fighting skills- Gemma has spent years being picked on. Throughout her teenage years she learned to fight back. She is average at hand-to-hand combat as well as in use of her dagger.

Equipment- Gemma carries a shoulder bag containing the following items; 10 empty vials, a quilt, paper and pens, a picture of her mom and dad, and bandages/medicine. She also carries a steel dagger on her left hip.

Familiars- Gemma is occasionally visited by a bat, which is actually her half-brother Jameson. He is telepathic, and can help her out by seeing things from an aerial viewpoint.

05-13-10, 08:30 PM
I don't see anything wrong with this. Just remember not to powergame the bite; the bite breaking skin and the effects are up to your opponent.

Welcome to Althanas!