View Full Version : ∼Game for anything...∼

05-16-10, 05:28 PM
Hey gang. I have been hit with a huge burst of inspiration. While I have been really active on the site lately, I want to become even more active. I have several big ideas that involve Corone, Raiaera, and Salvar. Use of Liquid Time all over the place!!! Joy!!! I'm trying to find several partners willing to go through several interconnected quests with me. Basically the idea is that the events of one quest, will affect the events of the other quests that are currently progress. Lorenor is a follower of N'Jal, THE follower of N'Jal.

Anyhow, Lorenor is looking for several Adventurers to help him complete various tasks. I will be around all night tonight and all week to boot. Power posting is a must! If you're game for some power-posting you let me know. I will throw up threads as soon as I have some interest. Respond to this thread if you're interested in questing. Level does not matter. Experience level does not matter. I just want to rp and get things done so I can get to level 9 and then ultimately, level 10 soon. In any event, I am game for whatever. I will link threads here as people respond to this thread with their interest.

Please, only respond if you seriously want to quest for the long term. I wanna get to level 10 this year and I also want to help people on their way to hitting level x. By the by, I am also interested in Battles. If you want to Battle me, I can do that as well. Be prepared, be very prepared. Muahahahah. Anyhow, I'll provide links to thread once I have a few interested people ready to go. My AIM/YIM/MSN information is on my profile, feel free to contact me at will.

Slot 1---Hold Your Tongue! (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=165480#post165480)

Slot 2---William Arcus (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20935)

Slot 3---Tyler Burnett (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20936)

Slot 4---

Slot 5---

Ready!? Go!

05-16-10, 05:48 PM
You, sir, have been served. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=165480#post165480)

05-16-10, 06:00 PM
-Doctors viewing Lorenor's body-

Oh my god! That serving was fierce.

Where was the points of serving most severe?

Around the pelvis, spinal column, and neck areas.

That's the worse serving I have ever seen.

Lorenor: "Holy crap that hurt. He blinded sided me!"

In other words Blank, let's do this!

05-16-10, 07:17 PM
I'm always up for a Battle, though I think another super-quest at this point might be a bit much for me. So if you just want someone to punch in the face for a while, I volunteer my services.

05-16-10, 07:52 PM
Sounds -perfect- William Arcus! Let's do this. Do you care where the arena is located? Do you have an particular combat preferences? Let me know! I'll toss up a thread soon.

05-16-10, 08:10 PM
I'll fight anywhere at anytime.

Though a fight in a public bathhouse might make me uncomfortable. :D

05-16-10, 08:36 PM
I'll remember the bathhouse for next time. Thread is up dude, have fun!!! Post when you can bro.

05-17-10, 10:29 PM
I sent you a PM before I saw this thread, but I'm game for some shit.

05-18-10, 12:27 AM
Welcome back Grim-dude. I am willing to start a thread with you tonight. I just got a lot of posting to get to as well. So this will be a lot of fun. Check out your inbox when you get the chance to b. Glad to have you back man, I missed the live-like vampire! Hahah!