View Full Version : Kyslith the Wormtounged

05-17-10, 02:21 PM
Name: Kyslith Barseen,

Age: was 22 when died

Sex: Female

Race: Human (undead)

Hair: Black, and very dirty

Eye color: Pale blue (only has right eye in socket)

Skin color: Pallid grey, mottled with festering greens and putrid browns of decay

Hieght: 5'4''

Weight: 115 lbs. (most of her innards have been eaten at)

Personality: Kyslith is bitter at the world in general.
She wasn't fond of people before she was a walking corpse, and her current state has not made her much more accepting of the world. She is introverted and doesn't speak much, or very well for that matter. If ever she travels with company, she often lags behind or far alongside the group. Kyslith has a particular distaste for nobility or any person of upper class. She is not a warrior and tends to avoid combat and confrontation if possible.

History: Kyslith was a poor farmer's daughter.
When Kyslith's father died, he left her the family's dispicable and weed choked plot of land. Since all her older brothers had left years ago, the young girl could only barely manage to hold things together on her own. Year after year, food grew more scarce. Eventually Kyslith starved to death in her farmhouse in the dead of a frigid winter storm.

Many weeks passed and a battle between a Necromancer and a Paladin on the late farmgirl's property led to an accidental reanimation of the girls corpse within her home. The Necromancer was killed and the Paladin left victoriously, unaware of the undead wretch that had been revived.

It took Kyslith several days to come to grips with her current state. Finally, she decided to abandon her farm and set out to try her hand at another life.(Or unlife)

Appearance: Kyslith is ghastly to look upon.
Her girlish features have become twisted with the onset of necrosis. Parts of her skin have either fallen away or been eaten by vermin before she was reanimated, revealing her bones beneath. Kyslith has a limping, awkward gait and moves in sudden lunges.
The undead girl wears the only clothing she ownes, a soiled and patched peasants dress; brown, tattered, and stained with overuse.
The long locks of her dirty black hair swing around Kyslith as she shambles around. Sticks, leaves and other debris are commonly stuck in rediculous knots.

Skills: Kyslith soon discovered the up's and downs of the undead life

1) Moderately resistant to Poisons/Diseases

2) Is constantly in a state of very slow regeneration:
-Minor cuts heal in about a day
-Moderate wounds heal in 3 or 4 days
-Major wounds/broken bones heal in 5 to 7 days
-Lost appendages minor (hands/feet) regenerate in about 10 to 15 days
-Lost appendages major (arms/legs) regenerate in 2 1/2 to 3 weeks

3) Does not feel the effects of Fatigue or Sleepiness.

4) Kyslith is a rotten meatbag and her Pestilence tends to put others off from dealing with her both socially and combatively.

5) Kyslith has advanced farming knowledge

6) All Light/Holy magic is particularly damaging to Kyslith.

7) Kyslith has almost no fighting experience

8) CANNOT heal by any means besides Regeneration. ex. food, rest, magic.

Equipment: Kyslith has with her:

1) An old rusty, steel axe (single edge, oak handle) that she used to cut firewood

2) A damaged, iron gauntlet (left hand), that someone had discarded on the roadside.

Zook Murnig
05-17-10, 09:48 PM
Welcome to Althanas!

This looks good so far, but there are a couple of changes I'd like you to make for me. First, your immunity to poisons and diseases can be a moderate resistance as of right now (this can be upgraded as you level up). Second, I need you to stipulate how quickly your regeneration works on different wound types (i.e. cuts, broken bones, major wounds, etc.). Finally, I need you to list the materials your axe and gauntlet are made from. Steel or lesser is allowed for starting profiles.

I'm not going to ask you to change your fatigue and sleepiness immunity, but I will ask that you not claim this as a free ride for wailing on someone as hard as you want for as long as you want.

05-18-10, 12:06 PM
Okay, I've reworded and overhauled my profile once agian. How's that. thanks for being patient with me btw.
Oh, one more thing. I don't know if you guys can do anything about it, but my character shouldn't start with any money. She's literally dirt poor.

Zook Murnig
05-18-10, 01:15 PM
Thank you for your cooperation. You are approved.

As for the gold, all characters start with 200 gold. This is just currency for the Bazaar, not for your character personally. You can write her as if she was dirt poor, and even never use the gold if you want. You will, however, get gold at end of each thread you complete, along with EXP. It is completely up to you whether you use the gold or not, or if you suddenly decide you want to use it.