View Full Version : A stranger in the strangest of lands.

05-17-10, 03:58 PM
Name: Erwan Gladwin
Age: 25
Race: Human
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Grey
Height: 5'8”
Weight: 150lbs
Occupation: Forerster

Personality: Generally good natured,unless you happen to be poaching, A little leery around those of other races. Those who look non human, and the monsters from his Grandmothers stories most of all

Appearance: .Erawan clad in his usual covering of green and brown is not what you would call a remarkable character, he seems in most every way perfectly average, It is his setting which most often dictates how people seem him, In rural areas he is more relaxed holding himself with a steady poise, he is a man in his own element, moving with the grace of a wolf through trees or a hawk through the air. In urban settings he is more alert and nervous, more akin to a fox or a sparrow,

History: Erwan knew it was a bad idea to follow the stag, his mother's mother had told him stories of white stags when he was younger, stories that were not to be repeated when the vicar was around. But it was his job to keep a close track on all the animals in his lords estate, and he had not seen this stag before and considered it his job to map the stags grazing grounds. If Lord Caomin knew that poachers had snagged a white stag from his lands Erwan would probably be sent to the stockade.

So he followed the stag as it lead him from the lands that his father, and his father's father knew, and into uncharted territory. This is pointless Erwan thought to him self it probably just wandered on the the estate by happenstance, it probably lived far afield and the forester should just turn back and stay within his lord's lands. But something drove him on, so he continued tracking the stag. First for a day and then for two, it was after 9 days of following the stag that Erwan lost the track, noticed the surrounding woods were very different from the lands of England that he knew so well, Perhaps I have made it to Scotland Erwan mused, he scouted around untill he found a well worn track and followed it.

“The Peaceful Promenade” Erwan mused aloud, before giving a quick jolt and noticing that those were the first words he had said in 9 days. “I think its time for a drink and a plan on how to get back to England ... no that won't do, If I go back Lord Caomin will have me hanged for deserting him. Hmm, in any case it is time for a drink.

Skills: Archery - Well certainly not living up to the standard of his Childhood Hero Robin Hood, Erwan is average in his archery skill
Tracking - So long as it leaves a visible track Erwan is confidant he can track it. He is average when it comes to tracking.
Woodland Stealth – It is necessary sometimes to poach the poachers, and Erwan above average when it comes to being stealthy in the woods.
Arrowmaking- So long as he has plenty of arrowheads Erwan will never be wanting for arrows.

Equipment: Yew Longbow
Quiver of iron broadhead arrows
Quiver of iron barbed arrows
Iron hunting knife
Cured leather armour.

Zook Murnig
05-17-10, 09:59 PM
Welcome to Althanas, Sanctor!

Let's get down to business, shall we? Your profile looks good, but I just need you to make a couple of things clear on it. I'm guessing that your description of Archery is intended to make Erwan more skilled than most with a bow, so I'd like you to state that he is above average in archery, compared to the average hunter. Similarly, I need you to state that he is average at stealth, again compared to the average professional in this field. Alternatively, your archery could be average, and stealth above average.

Finally, I see that you didn't list any specific equipment. If you intend to start with any weapons or armor, then you need to list them and their materials (metals can be anything up to steel, other materials can be of mundane varieties only).

05-17-10, 10:42 PM
Changes have been made and are awaiting your approval my liege!

Zook Murnig
05-18-10, 10:35 AM
Yew are approved! *Badum-tish*