View Full Version : Boo

Artur Al'Rand
05-18-10, 09:38 AM
Looking for someone to do a spook type adventure. Basically an island is suposedly haunted, and we're sent to investigate. Not very good at the creepy storyline, so i may need some help from a better writer. If anyone wants to help or join, I would greatly apriceate it.

Silence Sei
05-18-10, 01:46 PM
I can do something either with Sei or Trap Master. Hell, if it's good enough, I might pull Play Black out of retirement.

How spooky you want this? Psychological Thriller or Nightmare on Elm Street the original?

Artur Al'Rand
05-18-10, 08:28 PM
I was thinking something along the lines of a haunted island that a group of adventurers is sent to to investigate a moved lighthouse. The entire thing would be brought to their attention because of several recent heavy fogs where ships have run aground, and been stripped bare. I would like it to end up that pirates are the actual cause, with a powerfull spellcaster causing the fog, and the rumors of haunting.

As for level of scary, I was thingking something along the lines of that cheesy movie The Fog, but on steroids. Maybe a nine out of ten, with ten giving you nightmarers for months. That possible?

Silence Sei
05-18-10, 09:46 PM
Sounds good to me. Where you wanna set it up at?

Artur Al'Rand
05-19-10, 07:09 AM
I was thinking Radasanth, but I'm not sure if that is a seaside city or not, and I can't open the maps that are on here. What you say? If nothing else, that's where we can meet up and get the mission.

Silence Sei
05-19-10, 07:12 AM
Here (http://www.althanas.com/world/faq.php?faq=althanasalmanac)

That should cover your troubles with the Althanas map.

Also, Radasanth -technically- is by the ocean, as well as has a river running through the city, but I'm not sure if it has any docks per se.

So I guess meeting there works for me. You gonna start the thread today?

05-19-10, 09:09 AM
I know I'm not even a part of this and no one asked for public opinion, however I see nothing wrong with giving Radasanth some docks. It's size and proximity practically demands that there be docks, especially since the city is the capital of Corone. Where else would the ships assigned to protect the city dock?

Furthermore, while overland trading routes would not be unheard of, the sea is both quicker, and more sensible for large quantities of cargo, so there would have to be some for merchant ships to supply the large city especially for those coming from other lands.

And this is all without magic, just mundane logic. Once again, I apologize for the intrusion, I just felt strongly on the issue and had to share my thoughts on the subject.

Silence Sei
05-19-10, 09:41 AM
Where else would the ships assigned to protect the city dock?

I always thought they would be docked at the river, or where the ferry to Scar Brae was located. That's just me though.

I have no problem with giving Radasanth docks, I was just saying I always assumed it hadn't any. Mostly due to the fact that there's only a small river running through it, the city itself is surrounded by land, and is also surrounded by walls. Just my thoughts.

Artur Al'Rand
05-19-10, 09:56 AM
Bugreport! I still can't see the maps. I'm not sure if that's because of my computer, or if it's the server, or what. Fate hates me, so I've learned to live with this sort of thing.

As for the thread, I'll try, but like I said, Fate hates me and I'm not good at the spooky story type of adventure. I tried it once when I was DMing my home group, and got laughed at. My home computer may not want to work for me, so we'll see.

Artur Al'Rand
05-19-10, 05:00 PM
It be here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20957). Let's have some fun.